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K. Henry. 8. Notes vpon Patrickes Places. Henry Forrest, Martyr.

& the Gospel, and hauing intellygence not to mistake the one for the other, must take heede agayn, that wee breake not the order betwene these two, takyng and applying the lawe, where the Gospell is to bee applyed, eyther to our selues, or towarde other. For albeit the lawe and the Gospel, many tymes are to be ioyned together in order of doctrine: yet case may fall sometimes, that the law must be vtterly sequestred from the MarginaliaWho they be to whom the Gospell onely belōgeth. Gospel. As when any person or persons doe feele them selues, with the Magestie of the law, and iudgement of God, so terrified and oppressed, and with the burden of their sinnes ouerweyd & throwē down into vtter discomfort, and almost euen to the pitte of hell, as happeneth many tymes, to soft and timorous consciences of Gods good seruauntes: when such mortified hartes doe heare eyther in preachyng, or in readyng, any such example or place of the Scripture, whiche perteineth to the law, let them thinke the same nothyng to belong to them, no MarginaliaA mourning gowne in a place of mariage doth not agree. more then a mournyng weede belongeth to a mariage feast: and therfore, remouing vtterly out of their myndes all cogitatiō of the law, of feare, of iudgement, and condemnation, let them onely set before their eyes the Gospell, the swete cōfortes of Gods promise, free forgeuenes of sinnes in Christ grace, redemption, libertie, reioysing, Psalmes, thankes singyng, and a Paradise of spirituall iocunditie, and nothyng els: thinkyng thus with them selues, that the law hath done his office in the already, & now must nedes geue place to hys better, that is, must nedes giue roume to Christe the sonne of MarginaliaChrist the fulfiller, and also the finisher of the lawe. God who is the Lord, and maister, the fulfiller, and also the finisher of the law: for the end of the law, is Christ. Rom. 10.

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MarginaliaThe thyrd Caution. The third daunger to be auoyded is, that wee doe not vse, or apply, on the contrary side, the Gospell, in stede of the law. For as the other before was euen as much as to put on a mournyng gowne, in the feast of a Mariage: so is thys but euen to cast pearles before swyne. Wherein is a great abuse among many. For cōmōly it is sene that these worldly Epicures and secure Mammonistes, to whō the doctrine of the lawe doth properly apperteine, doe receaue and apply to them selues most principally, the swete promises of the Gospell: and contrarywise, the other contrite and brused hartes, to whom belongeth onely the ioyfull tydynges of the Gospell, and not the lawe, for the most part, receaue and reteine to them selues the terrible voyce and sentences of the law, Whereby it commeth to passe that many do reioyse, where they should mourne: and on the other side, many do feare and mourne, MarginaliaHow to separate the lawe frō the Gospell. where they nede not. Wherfore to conclude, in priuate vse of lyfe, let euery person discretly discerne betwene the law and the Gospel, and aptly apply to him selfe that whiche hee seeth conuenient. And agayne in publike order of doctrine, let euery discret preacher put a difference betwene the broken hart of the mournyng sinner, and the vnrepentante worldling, and so c?ioyne MarginaliaHow to ioyne both the law and the Gospell. both the law, with the Gospell, and the Gospell, with the law, that in throwing down the wicked, euer hee spare the weake harted: and againe so spare the weake, that hee do not encourage the vngodly. And thus much concernyng the coniunction and differēce betwene the law and the Gospel, vpon the occasion of M. Patrikes places.

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Persecuters Martyrs. The causes.

MarginaliaHenry Forrest martyr. Iames Be-
ton Archbi-
shop of S.

Henry Fo-

Within fewe yeares
after the martyrdome
of M. Patrike Ha-
melton, one Hēry Fo-
rest, a yong man borne
in Lithquow, who a
litle before, had recey-
ued the orders of Be-
net & Colet (as they
terme them) affirmed
and sayd, þt M. Pa-
tricke Hamelton died a
martyr, & that his ar-
ticles were true: for
the which he was ap-
prehended, and put
in prison by Iames

Beton Archbishop of
saint Andrewes. Who
shortly after, caused a
certaine Frier named
Walter Laing, to heare
his confessiō. To wh?
when Henry Forest
in secret confessiō had
declared his consciēce
how he thought M. Patricke to bee a good
Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.

Frier Wal-
ter Laing, be-
wrayer of
the confes-
sion of this
Henry Fo-

At S. An-
drewes in
man and wrōgfully to
be put to death, & that
his articles were true
and not hereticall: MarginaliaThe Frier vttereth the cōfession of Henry Forest. the
Frier came and vte-
red to the Bishop the
confession that he had
hearde, which before
was not thoroughly
knowen. Wheerupon it
folowed that his con
fession beyng brought
as sufficient probation
him, he was
therfore conuented be
fore the councell of the
clergy and doctors, &
there concluded to bee
an hereticke, equall in
iniquity with M. Pa
tricke Hamelton,and
there decreed to be ge-
uē to þe secular iudges
to suffer death.
When the day came
of hys death, and that he should first be degra
ded, and was brought
before the cleargy in a
grene place, beyng be-
twene the castle of S.
Andrews, and another
place called Monyma-
ill, as sone as he entred
in at the dore, and saw
the face of the Clergy,
perceiuyng whereunto

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they tended, he cryed wt a loude voyce, saying: Fie, on MarginaliaPhie on false Fryers. falsehoode: Fie on false friers, reuealers of cōfession: after this day let no man euer trust any false Friers, contemners of gods word & deceiuers of mē. And so they proceding to degrade him of hys small orders of Benet & Collet, he sayd wt a loud voyce, take from me not onely your owne orders, but also your owne baptisme, meaning thereby, whatsoeuer is besides that which Christ hymselfe instituted, whereof there is a great rablement in Baptisme. Then after hys degradation, they condemned hym as an heretike equal with M. Patrike aforesaide: and so he suffred death for his faythfull testimony of the truth of Christ, and of hys Gospell, at the Northchurch stile of the Abbey church of S. Andrew, to the entent that all the people of Anguishe might see the fire, and so might be the more feared from falling into the like doctrine whiche they terme by the name of heresie, Ex Scripto testimonio Scotorum.

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MarginaliaIames Hamelton, Katherin Hameltō his sister.
A wife of Lyeth, persecuted.
Dauid Straton, Norman Gurlay, Martyrs.
Iames Hay
bishop of
Rose and
ner of Iames
Beton Arch
bishop of S.

Iames Ha-
melton, bro
ther to M.
A wyife of
Dauid Stra-
M. Norman

Within a yere after
þe martirdom of Hēry
Forest, or there about,
was called Iames Ha
melton of Kyn litgowe
hys sister
Hamelton the spouse
of the captain of Dū-
bar, also an other ho-
nest woman of Leith,
Dauid Straton of þe
house of Lawristonne
and M. Normā Gur
lay. These were called
to the Abbey Church
of Halyrowdhouse in
Edēburgh by Iames
Hay, B. of Rose,
missioner to Iames
Beton Archbishop, in
presence of K. Iames
þe v. of that name: who
vpon the day of theyr
accusation was alto-
gether clad in red ap-
parell. Iames Hamel-
ton accused as one that
mainteined þe opinionsþeof M Patrike, hys brother.

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