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K. Henry. 8. Persecution of simple men within the Dioces of Lincolne.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.

song, they had no authoritie so to do: For the which he was abiured, and was enioyned penance. Ex Regist. Lincol.

MarginaliaIohn Ryburne, accused. Doctor

Iohn Ry-
At Rosh-
An. 1530.
It was testified  
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There is no corroboration of Foxe's account of John Ryburn.

gaynst Io. Ryburne,
by hys sister Elsabeth
Ryburn, beyng put to
her othe, that she com
myng to hym vpō the
Assumption euē foūd
him at Supper with
butter and egges, and
beyng bid to sit down
and eate with him, she
aunswered, that it was
no conuenient tyme
then to eate. To whō he said agayne,
þt god
neuer made such fa-
sting dayes, but you
(quod he) are so farre
in Limbo patrum, that
you can neuer turne
agayn. And in further
comunication, whē
she sayd that she wold
goe on pilgrimage to
þe holy crosse, at Wen-
douer, he said agayne,
that she did nought:
For there is neuer a
step (said he) that you
set in goyng on pilgri-
mage, but you goe to
the deuill: and you go
to the church to worship

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that the priest doth hold aboue hys hed, which is but bread, and if you cast it to the mouse, he wil eate it: and sayd that he would neuer beleue that þe priest hath power to make hys Lord.

Item, it was testified by an other sister named Alice Ryburne, that she beyng with her brother in a close called MarginaliaA prophesie. Brimmers close, hearde hym say these wordes: That a tyme shall come that no eleuation shalbe made. Wherunto she aunswering agayne, asked: and what seruice shall we haue then? He sayd: that seruice that we haue now. Furthermore the said Iohn Ryburne was accused vpon these woordes, saying: that the seruice of the Church was nought, because it was not in english: For, said he, if we had our Pater noster in english, we would say it ix. times, against once now. &c. Ex Regist. Lincol. fol. 300.

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MarginaliaSister agaynst brother: wyfe against husband. ¶ Note here out of the recordes of the register, that in this examinatiō of I. Ryburne, first hys ij. sisters, then his owne wife, and at last his owne father were called before Iohn Longland B. of Lincolne, & compelled by othe to depose against him.  

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Note Foxe's concern to underscore how Bishop Longland's investigations of heresy subverted family ties and values. He also does this in Book 7.

MarginaliaIohn Eaton and Cicilie hys wife.
Iohn Long-
land bishop
of Lincolne.
Rich. Ry-

Iohn Eton
Cicilie hys
At Roshe-
An. 1530.
Iohn Eaton and
Cicilie his wyfe of þe
parish of Spine, were
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There is no corroboration for Foxe's account of the Eatons; although the identity of Thomas Lound, who is mentioned in it, can be verified.

by Rich. Ry-
burne that they were
marked of certaine in
the parish on the so-
nday then last past, in
the sacryng tyme, to
hold downe their heds
and would not looke
vpon the sacrament.
Item, in the feast
of exaltation of the ho-
ly crosse, whē the bels
did ring solemly, be-
twene Mattens and
high masse, for sayin
in a Butchers house,
what a clamperyng of
bels is here?
Item, the said Io. Ryburne was detec-
ted of Richard his fa-
ther for saying these wordes: The priestes
doe naught, for they
should say their ser-
uice in English, that
euery man may know it.

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Persecuters Martyrs. The Causes.

Item, for these wordes speakyng to one of hys sisters: The Sacrament of the aultar, is not as they take it to bee. MarginaliaA prophesie. But if it be, as I trust, we shall see none of them holden vp, one of these dayes, ouer the priestes head. &c.

Item, for saying, that the bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ hath made satisfaction for all ill dedes, þt were done, or should be done, and therfore it was no nede, to go on pilgrimage. It was also layd to hys charge, and confessed by hym selfe, þt hee had Iesus Gospels in Englishe, and that he was present in the house of Iohn Taylor, when one Iohn Symondes read to them a lecture out of the Gospel, of the Passion of Christ, the space of ij. houres.

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Item, for saying, that Images were but Idoles and it was Idolatrie to pray to them.

For saying moreouer, that at sacryng tyme, hee kneled downe, but he had no deuotion, nor beleued in the Sacrament. Item, that the Popes authoritie and pardon can not helpe mans soule, and it was but cast away money, that is giuen for pardon: For if we aske pardon of our Lord Iesus Christ, he wil geue vs pardon euery day.

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Thomas Lound Priest  

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Thomas Lound attended the conventicle held in John Taylor's house and Bishop Longland ordered his arrest on 11 November 1530 (Lincolnshire Archives Office, Register 26, fo. 180v).

, who had bene with Luther ij.yeares, beyng afterward cast in the Flete at Londō, was a great instructor of this I. Ryburne.

MarginaliaIohn Simondes, accused.
Iohn Long-
land B. of

Iohn Sy-

It was layd agaynst  
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Bishop John Longland ordered the arrest of John Simonds for his participation in the conventicle held at John Taylor's house (This is copied into Bishop Longland's register; Lincolnshire Archives Office, Register 26, fo. 180v).

Iohn Symondes, for
saying, that men doe
walke all day in Pur-
gatory in this worlde,
and when they depart
out of this world ther
is but ij. wayes, ey-
ther to hel or to heauē.
Item, hee sayd that Priestes should haue
It was reported by
the confession of þesayd Iohn Symondes: MarginaliaEx eod. regist. fol. 323. þt
he c#333;uerted to hys doc
trine viij. Priestes, &
had holpen ij. or iij. fri-
ers out oftheir orders.

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MarginaliaDiuers accused for hearing the Scripture read in Englishe.
Iohn Long-
land B. of

Hawkes of
Rob. Hawes
of Westwi-
Iohn Taylor.
Tho. Herne
of Cobshill.
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A writ ordering the arrest of 'Richard Field' for leading a conventicle in John Taylor's house in Speen, Hertfordshire on 11 November 1530 is copied into Bishop Longland's register (Lincolnshire Archives Office, Register 26, fo. 180v). Whether Foxe's version of Field's name - Nicholas instead of Richard - and his version of the place where the conventicle was held - Hitchenden instead of Speen - was due to these variants appearing in his source or simple mistranscription will never be known. There is no evidence that this is the same 'Field' as the individual who was Barnes' disciple.

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Rich. Deane.
Tho. Clerke
the younger.
These persons  
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Orders for the arrest of Thomas Hawkes, John Taylor, John Hawkyns (not Hawks as in Foxe), Richard Field, Thomas Clerk and William Hawkes on charges of attending a conventicle at John Taylor's house on 11 November 1530 are copied into Bishop Longland's register (Lincolnshire Archives Office, Register 26, fo. 180v). The names of William Wingrave, Thomas Hearn and Richard Dean do not appear on these orders; they were probably arrested later.

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other, were examined
excommuncated, and
abiured, for beyng to-
gether in Iohn Tay-
lors house at Hichen-
den, and there hearing
Nich. Field of Londõ
to read a parcel of scri
pture in english to thē
who there expounded
to them many things:
MarginaliaEx Regist. Longland. fol. 311.that they which wēt
on pilgrimage, were
accursed: That it boo-
ted not to pray to ima-
ges, for they were but
stockes made of wood
and coulde not helpe a
man: That God al-
mightye byddeth vs
worke as wel one day
as an other, sauyng the
Sonday: for sixe days
he wrought, & the se-
uenth day he rested:
That they needed not
to fast so many fasting
days, except the Im-
bring dais: for he was
beyond the Sea in Al-
many, and there they
vsed not so to fast, nor
to make such holydais.
Item, that offeryngs
doe no good, for they
haue thē, that haue no
nede therof. And whē
it was answered again
by one þt they maintei

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