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K. Henry. 8. The persecution of M. Thomas Bilney, and Arthur.

Persecuters. Martyrs. The Causes.

Syr Thom.
Fryer Bru-
Fryer Iohn
of the Do-
Fryer Gef-
frey Iulles.
Fryer Iug-
M. William
Iecket, gen

which ab-
At Nor-
Ann. 1531.
sion of both lawes.
But at the last, ha-
uyng gotten a better
scholmaister, euen þe
holy spirit of Christ,
who enduyng his
hart by priuie inspi-
ratiō with þe know-
ledge of better & more
wholesome thynges,
he came at þe last vn-
to this poynt, that
forsakyng the know-
ledge of mans lawes,
he conuerted his stu-
dye to those thinges,
whiche tended more
vnto godlynes then
Finally, as he him self
was gretly inflamed
with the loue of true
religion & godlynes,
euen so againe was
in his hart an incre-
dible desire to allure
many vnto the same,
desiringe nothynge
more, then that he
might stirre
vp and
incourage any to the
loue of Christ & sin-
cere religiō. Neither
was his labors vain
for he cōuerted  
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Foxe is our chief source of information that Bilney `conuerted' Thomas Arthur. The best account of Arthur's life has been written by Andrew Hope for the ODNB. Arthur was a fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, which had been built by the chancellor of the university, Bishop John Fisher of Rochester, using a legacy from Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII. Fisher maintained a strong influence over St. John's in the 1520s. The word was Day's and Foxe's anachronistic term for Bilney's influence on his contemporaries. 'Conversion' was not a term that the early evangelicals often used (see Peter Marshall, 'Evangelical conversion in the reign of Henry VIII', in The Beginnings of English Protestantism, eds. Peter Marshall and Alec Ryrie [Cambridge, 2002], 14-37). 'Conuerted' also appeared as a gloss in 1562, when Day printed Latimer's story of how Bilney had come to his chambers and asked him to hear his confession in 1524 (about the same time that he was proceeding to his bachelor's degree in theology) when he preached his first sermon on the Lord's Prayer in Lincolnshire before the Duchess of Suffolk and her household in 1553. 27 sermons preached by the ryght Reuerende father in God and constant matir [sic] of Iesus Christe, Maister Hugh Latimer, as well such as in tymes past haue bene printed, as certayne other commyng to our handes of late, whych were yet neuer set forth in print, (STC 15276) in the section known as Certayn Godly Sermons, made vppon the Lordes Prayer, at fol. 13B (reprinted in the Parker Society edition of Latimer's Sermons, ed. George Elwes Corrie (Cambridge, 1844), pp. 334-5. In the marginal comments Day wrote in 1562: 'Bilney was gods instrument to conuert Latymer.' Also, 'Latymer is conuerted by hearing Bilneys confession.' In contrast, Latimer said that he 'learned' more from Bilney than he had for many previous years, and that he from thenceforth relinquished his studies in the scholastic doctors, as well as `began to smell the word of god' in increasing his interest in Biblical studies. What actually occurred seems to have been more subtle and less cataclysmic, at least at first, than Day and Foxe would have their readers believe.

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of his felowes vnto
þe knowledge of the
gospel, amōgst whi-
che nūber was Tho
mas Arthur, MarginaliaMaister Latimer Crossekeper in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. & M.
Hugh Latimer  
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Hugh Latimer's famous account of what passed between him and Bilney when Bilney 'conuerted' him in 1524. 27 sermons preached by the ryght Reuerende father in God and constant matir [sic] of Iesus Christe, Maister Hugh Latimer, as well such as in tymes past haue bene printed, as certayne other commyng to our handes of late, whych were yet neuer set forth in print, (STC 15276) in the section known as Certayn Godly Sermons, made vppon the Lordes Prayer, at fol. 13B (reprinted in the Parker Society edition of Latimer's Sermons, ed. George Elwes Corrie (Cambridge, 1844), pp. 334-5. The word 'conuersion' was Day's and Foxe's anachronistic term for Bilney's influence on his contemporaries. 'Conversion' was not a term that the early evangelicals often used (see Peter Marshall, `Evangelical conversion in the reign of Henry VIII', in The Beginnings of English Protestantism, eds. Peter Marshall and Alec Ryrie [Cambridge, 2002], pp. 14-37).

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, whi

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che Latimer at that time was crossekeper at Cambridge  

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Hugh Latimer became University Chaplain in 1522. Although one of his duties was the custody of Cambridge's elaborate silver processional cross, which was brought out at several important occasions during the academic year, Latimer was more correctly known as Chaplain of the University rather than as its `croskeper'. Foxe's source for his information here was from Ralph Morice in British Library, Harley MS 422, fols. 84-8, 90.

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bringing it forth vpō procession dayes. At þe last Bilney forsaking the vniuersitie, wēt into many places, teaching & preaching,  
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Bilney and Thomas Arthur went preaching together from the university to Ipswich and Norwich and onward to London during the summer of 1527. Theirs was an aggressive preaching itinerary, and they were followed at every step by Dominican friars. At Ipswich, Bilney was heard to say that Christ was the only mediator between us and the Father. To petition the saints was to injure the blood of Christ. Bilney was accused of preaching in the churches of St Helen's Bishopsgate, St Magnus, and also in the churches of Willesden (in the week of Pentecost), Newington (in the week of Pentecost), Kensington, and Chelsea outside the city, as well as Ipswich on 28 May. At Willesden, Bilney spoke against going on pilgrimages and offerings to saints. He recommended that worshippers stay at home. At the church of St Magnus (which was always an important City church, as it stood on the north end of London Bridge), the parishioners were gilding their new rood, and here Bilney denounced idolatry. Chelsea is particularly noteworthy, as Sir Thomas More's residence was next to what is now known as Chelsea Old Church, where he intended to be buried next to the chantry chapel he built there. Arthur preached at Cambridge on Whitsunday; and also at Walden; and St Mary Woolchurch in London at the feast of the Trinity. Susan Wabuda, Preaching during the English Reformation (Cambridge, 2002), pp. 119-120; Gregory Walker, 'Saint or schemer?: the 1527 heresy trial of Thomas Bilney reconsidered', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 40 (1989), pp. 219-38; Patrick Zutshi and Robert Ombres, `The Dominicans in Cambridge 1238-1538', Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, vol. 60 (1990), pp. 313-73.

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being associate with Arthur, which accōpanied him frō the vniuersitie. The authoritie of Tho. Wolsey Cardinal of Yorke,  
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Robert Barnes had shocked the university and the hierarchy of the English Church when he was the first of the Cambridge evangelicals to openly criticize Thomas Cardinal Wolsey in a sermon he delivered at St. Edward's Church in Cambridge on Christmas Eve in 1525.

of whom ye heard before, at that time was great in England, but his pomp & pride much greater, which did euidently declare vnto all wise men, the manifest vanitie, not only of his life, but also of all þe MarginaliaBilney agaynst the pride of the pope, and of his Cardinalls. bishopps & clergie. Wherupon Bilney, wt other good mē marueiling at the incredible insolencie of þe clergie, which they could now no longer suffer or abide, beganne to shake & reproue thys excessiue pōpe of the clergie, & also to plucke at the authoritie of the bish. of Rome.

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Then it was tyme for the Cardinall to awake, & spedily to loke about his busines. Neither lacked he in this point any craft or subtiltie of a serpent, for he vnderstood wel enough vpon how slender a foundation their ambitious dignitie was groūded, neither was he ignoraunt that their Luciferous and proude kingdome could not long continue against the manifest word of God, especially if the light of the gospel should once open the eyes of men. For otherwise he dyd not greatly feare the power and displeasure of kinges and princes. Onely this he feared, the voyce of Christ in his Gospel, least it should disclose & detect their hypocrisie and deceites, and force them to come into an order of godly discipline: wherefore he thought good, speedily in tyme to withstād these beginnynges. Whereupon he caused the saide Bilney and Arthur to be apprehended and cast in prison, as before ye haue heard.

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MarginaliaCardinall Wolsey with his complices agaynst Bilney and Arthur. After this, the xxvij. day of Nouemb. in the yere of our Lord. 1527.  

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The records of Bilney's and Arthur's examinations are preserved in the Register of Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of London, in Guildhall Library, MS 9531/10 fols. 130B-136A.

the sayd Cardinall accompanyed with a great number of bishops  
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Among the other examiners whom Foxe did not name was the bishop of Carlisle. The octagonal chapter house of Westminster Abbey has remained relatively unchanged in the intervening centuries. It is reached from the Cloister and it retains its original tile floor and wall paintings.

, as the Archbishop of Cāterbury, Cuthbert of Lōdō, Iohn of Rochester, Nicholas of Ely, Ioh. of Exeter, Ioh. of Lincolne, Iohn of Bathe & Welles, Harry of S. Asse, with many other both Diuines and Lawyers, came in to the Chapterhouse of Westminster, where the saide M. Thomas Bilney, and Thomas Arthur were brought before them, and the saide Cardinall there enquired of M. Bilney, whether he had priuately or publiquely preached or taught to the people, þe opinions of Luther or any other, condēned by

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the Church, contrary to the determination of the Churche. Whereunto Bilney answeared, that wittingly he had not preached or taught any of Luthers opinions, or any other, contrary to the Catholique Church. Then the Cardinall asked hym,  

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Wolsey's examination of Latimer, as related by Ralph Morice in British Library Harley MS 422, fols. 84-8, 90, should be compared with his examination of Arthur and Bilney.

whether he had not once made an othe before, that he shoulde not preache, rehearse, or defende any of Luthers opinions, but should impugne the same euerywhere? He answeared that he had made such an othe, but not lawfully. Which interrogatories so ministred, and answeares made, the Cardinal caused him to sweare, to answere plainly to the articles and errors preached and set forth by him, as well in the citie and dioces of London, as in the dioces of Norwiche and other places, & that he should do it without any craft, qualifying or leauyng out any parte of the truth.

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After he was thus sworne and examined, the saidMarginaliaThomas Arthur, examined. Cardinal proceded to the examination of M. Thomas Arthur there present, causing hym to take the like othe, that M. Bilney dyd. Whiche done, he asked of hym whether he had not once told sir Tho. More  

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The date of any previous conversation between Arthur and Sir Thomas More is not known.

knight, þt in the Sacramēt of the altar was not the very body of Christ? Which interrogatory he denyed. Them the Cardinall gaue him tyme to deliberate tyl noone, and to bring in his answeare in writing. After noone the same daye, what tyme the examination of the foresaid Tho. Arthur was ended, the Cardinall & Bishops by their authoritie, Ex officio, dyd cal in for witnesses before M. Bilney, certayne men, namely Iohn Huggen, chiefe Prouincial of the Fryers preachers throughout all Englande, Geffrey Iulles,  
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Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall of London licensed the Dominican Geoffrey Jullys to preach through his diocese with two other Cambridge black friars, Robert Buckman and Henry Agbonby, in February 1526/7. Greater London Record Office, MS DL/C/330, fol. 134A and B. See also Patrick Zutshi and Robert Ombres, `The Dominicans in Cambridge 1238-1538', Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, vol. 60 (1990), pp. 313-73.

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and Richard Iugworth, professours of Diuinitie of the same order. Also William Iecket Gentleman, William Nelson, and Thomas Williams, which were sworne, that all fauour, hate, loue, or rewarde set apart, they should without concealing of any falshood, or omittyng any truth, speake their myndes vppon the articles layd against them, or preached by hym, as wel within the Dioces of London, as the Dioces of Norwiche: and because he was otherwise occupyed about the affayres of the Realme, he committed the hearyng of the matter to the Bishop of London, and the other Bishoppes there present, or to three of them, to proceed against al men, as wel spiritual as temporal, as also against schedules, writynges and bookes, set forth and translated by Martin Luther,  
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It had been illegal to preach or teach any of Martin Luther's doctrine any where in western Europe since mid 1520, when his books and sermons were banned by Pope Leo X in his Bull Exsurge Domine. When Luther continued to defy the pope by burning the Bull with books of canon law publicly in late 1520, Leo excommunicated him at the beginning of 1521. Heresy was illegal in England under the terms of both canon law and statute: the 1408 Constitutions of Archbishop Thomas Arundel, printed in William Lyndwood, Provinciale, (seu Constitvtiones Angliae) (Oxford, 1679; rpt. 1968), p. 286; 5 Ric. II, st. 2, c. 5 (1382); 2 Hen. IV, c. 15 (1401); 2 Hen. V., st. 1, c. 7 (1414). See also J. A. Guy, 'The Legal context of the controversy: the law of heresy', in The Debellation of Salem and Bizance in The Complete Works of St. Thomas More, vol. 10 (1987), pp. xlvii-lxvii.

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lately condemned by Pope Leo the. x. and by al maner of probable meanes, to enquire and roote out their errors and opinions, and al such as were found culpable, to compell them to abiuration, accordyng to the lawe, or if the matter so required, to deliuer them vnto the secular power, and to geue thē ful power and authority to determine vpon them.

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MarginaliaBilney and Arthure brought before Thunstall Bishop of London. The xxvij. of Nouemb.  

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28 November 1527. Tunstall, West and Fisher came to the house of Richard Nix, near Charing Cross, perhaps out of consideration for Nix's partial blindness. Nix was a member of Bilney's college, Trinity Hall.

in the yeare aforesaid, the Byshop of Lond. with the Bish. of Elye and Rochester, came vnto the Bish. of Norwiches house, whereas likewise Ex officio, they dyd sweare certaine witnesses agaynste M. Tho. Arthur, in like sorte as they had done before agaynst M. Bilney, and so proceded to the examination of M. Arthur: which beyng ended vppon certayne interrogatories, the bish. of LondonMarginaliaWorke they neuer so secretly yet God bringeth their practises to light at length. warned hym by vertue of his othe, that he should not reueale his examinations, nor his answeres, nor any part or parcel thereof.

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The seconde day of December,  

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2 December 1527. Despite `the same place', this part of the proceedings resumed at the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey.

the Bishoppes assembled againe in the same place, and sware more witnesse agaynst Maister Bilney. That done, they called for Maister Arthur, vnto whose charge they layd these articles folowyng.

¶ Articles agaynst Thomas Arthur.  
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The records of Bilney's and Arthur's examinations are preserved in the Register of Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of London, in Guildhall Library, MS 9531/10, fols. 130B-136A. Arthur's and Bilney's examinations have also been discussed by Susan Brigden, London and the Reformation, (Oxford, 1989), pp. 71, 111-113, 116, 119, 122-3, 127, 161, 195, 204, 260.

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MarginaliaArticles agaynst Thomas Arthur.

1 IN primis, that he exhorted the people in his prayers, to pray specially for those that now be in prison, which article he denyed.

2 That he sayd, though men be restrayned to preache nowe adayes  

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All traveling preachers, whether friars, monks, or learned secular clergymen, were required under the terms of English statute (2 Henry IV, c. 15, printed in Statutes of the Realm, vol. 2, pp. 125-8) and canon law (William Lyndwood, Provinciale, (seu Constitvtiones Angliae) (Oxford, 1679; rpt. 1968), Lib. V, tit. 5, pp. 288-9) to hold a license, usually from the bishop in whose diocese they wanted to preach. John Fisher, bishop of Rochester and chancellor of Cambridge obtained new licensing powers for the university under the terms of a Bull issued by Pope Alexander VI in 1503. A Cambridge University preaching license permitted its holder to preach anywhere in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Damian Riehl Leader, A History of the University of Cambridge, vol. 1, The University to 1546 (Cambridge, 1988), pp. 246-7, 278-9; Susan Wabuda, Preaching during the English Reformation (Cambridge, 2002), pp. 117-119. Arthur was licensed to preach by Cambridge University in 1519-20 in the same group that included Nicholas Shaxton and Thomas Cranmer. Grace Book B, Part II: Containing the Accounts of the Proctors of the University of Cambridge, 1511-44, ed. Mary Bateson (Cambridge, 1905), p. 77. Bilney was issued a license to preach in the diocese of Ely in 1525, which Bishop West retracted after he was convicted of heresy. Cambridge University Library, MS EDR, G/1/7, fol. 33A.

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(whiche is agaynst Gods lawes) yet I may preache: First by the authoritie of my Lorde Cardinal, for I haue his licence: Secondly, by the authoritie of the vniuersitie. Thirdly, by the Pope. Fourthly, by the authoritie of God, where he sayth: Euntes in mundum, prædicate MarginaliaAuthoritie to preach. Euangelium omni creaturæ. By whiche authoritie euerye man may preach,  
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For Arthur to preach that `euerye man may preach' was unusual, and against canon law and statute. Here he may have been influenced by some of the writings of Erasmus, or the idea of the priesthood of all believers, found in Martin Luther's [Of the Babylonian Captivity of the Church] - De Captivitate Babylonica Ecclesiae (Basle: Adam Petri, 1520).

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and there is neyther Bishop nor Ordinarye, nor yet the Pope, that maye make any lawe to let any man to preache the Gospell. This Article he confessed that he spake.

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3 When he spake of Lawes, he broughte a similitude of Crosses set vp agaynste the walles of London  

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For the crosses on the walls of London, see also Patrick Collinson, 'Truth and Legend: the Veracity of John Foxe's Book of Martyrs', in Elizabethan Essays (London, 1994), pp. 151-77 at p. 175, n. 88.

, that men shoulde not pysse there. Whan there was but one Crosse or a fewe more, men dyd reuerence them, and pyssed not there: but when there was in euerye corner a Crosse set, then men of necessitie were compelled to pysse vppon the Crosses: So in like manner, when there was but a fewe holy and deuoute lawes in the Church, then men were a-

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