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FulhamPaul's Cross
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west London

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Paul's Cross

Open-air pulpit by the south wall of St Paul's Cathedral, London

1328 [1304]

King Edward 6. Boners letter to the chapter of Paules. Articles appoynted for Boner to intreate of.

(with the sayd letters) directed this his precept vnto the Deane and Chapter of his cathedrall Church of Paules, commanding them to looke to the due accomplishing therof accordingly.

¶ A letter of Boner to the Deane and Chapiter of Paules  
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Cattley/Pratt, V, 843: 'This letter of Bonner to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's is in the Bonner Register, folio 219 verso'.


MarginaliaA letter of Boner to the Deane of Paules.EDmund by the grace of God, &c. To my welbeloued brethren the Deane and Chapiter of the Cathedrall church of S. Paule in London, and to the other Ministers there and euery of them do send greeting. And where it is so, that of late I haue receyued the sayd soueraigne Lord the kings maiesties letter, of such tenure as is hereunto annexed, and according to my most bounden dutie, am right well willing and desiring, that the said letters should be in all points duely executed and obserued according to the tenure and purport of the same, as apperteineth: these therfore are to require, and also straightly to charge you and euery of you on his maiesties behalfe, &c. that you do admonish and commaund or cause to be admonished or commaunded, all and singuler Persons, Vicars, and Curates of your iurisdiction, to obserue and accomplish the same from time to tyme accordingly: Furthermore requiring and likewise charging you, and euery of you to make certificate herein to me, my Chauncellour or other my officers in this behalfe, with such conuenient celeritie as appertaineth both of your procedings in the execution hereof, and also the persons and names of all such, as from hencefoorth shall be found negligent in doyng their dueties in the premisses or any of them. Geuen at my house at Fulham, the 26. of Iuly, in the yere of our lord. 1549. and in the third yere of our sayd soueraigne Lord the kings Maiesties raigne.

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MarginaliaSlacknes of Boner in furthering good proceedinges.Moreouer, for so much as the king at that instant hearing the muttering of certain rebellion thē stirring (wherof more shall be said the Lord willing hereafter) & also beyng credibly informed by diuers, that through the euil example, slacknes of preaching and administring the sacraments, and carelesse contempt of Boner B. of London, not onely many of the people within the city of London, & other places of his Diocesse, were very negligent and forgetfull of their dueties to God in frequenting the diuine seruice then stablished and set forth by the authority of parliament: MarginaliaPopishe Masse priuely frequented in places against the law.but also that diuers other vtterly despising the same, did in secret places of his Dioces, often frequent the popish masse and other forraine rites not allowed by the lawes of this realme, he thought it therefore good (hauyng thereby iust cause to suspect his former dissemblyng doublenes)  

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Foxe's attack on Bonner for dissimulation is typical.

to appoint the L. Protector and the rest of his priuy counsaile to call the sayd B. before them, and accordyng to their wyse and discrete iudgements, to deale with hym for the same.

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Anno 1549.

Boner called before the Counsaile.

Wherupon the xj. day of August (an. 1549)  
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The outcome of Kett's Rebellion was uncertain until 27 August 1549, when it was suppressed by John Dudley, Earl of Warwick.

they sent a messenger for him, and vpon his appearaunce, made first declaration of such informations and complaints, as had bene theretofore made against him. And then after sharpe admonitions and reproofes for his euil demeanors in the premisses, they deliuered vnto him from the kyng (for hys better reformation and amendment) certaine priuate Iniunctions to be necessarily followed and obserued of hymselfe. MarginaliaCertayne priuate Iniunctions geuen to Boner by the Counsaile.And where as in the first branch of the said Iniunctions, he was personally assigned to preach at Pauls crosse,MarginaliaBoner assigned by the Counsaile to preach at Paules Crosse. the sonday three weekes then next ensuyng (because both the dangerous and fickle estate of the tyme, and also partly his owne suspicious behauior so required) they farther deliuered vnto him in writing such articles to intreat vpō in his Sermon, as they thought then most meete and necessary for the tyme and causes aforesayd. All which Iniunctions and Articles, for the farther manifestation therof, I haue here inserted, as followeth  
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Bonner ignored Edward VI's order that he preach against rebellion and in favor of the king's authority to proceed with ecclesiastical reform and failed to call for obedience to the king. In his sermon on 24 August, the bishop instead reaffirmed the doctrine of transubstantiation. For this offense he was remanded to Marshalsea Prison and deprived of episcopal office. ODNB.

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Certaine priuate Iniunctions and Articles geuen to Boner by the Counsaile  
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Cattley/Pratt, V, 844: 'These Private Injunctions will be found in the Bonner Register, folio 220 verso'.


MarginaliaAdmonitiō geuen to Boner by the Counsaile.FOrasmuch as we are aduertised, that amongst other disorders of our subiects, at this present there be diuers of our citie of London, and other places within your Dioces which beyng very negligent and forgetfull of their duetie to almighty God, of whom all good things are to be looked for, doe assemble themselues very seldome & fewer tymes then they were heretofore accustomed, vnto commō praier and to the holy Communion, beyng now a tyme when it were more needefull with hart and mynde to pray to our heauenly father for his ayd and succour: wherof as we be right sory, so we do vnderstand, that through your euil example and the slacknes of your preaching, and instructing our sayd people to doe their duties, this offence to God is most generally committed: for where heretofore vpon all principall feasts, and such as were called Maius duplex  

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Double great (i.e., a feast day of the highest order).

, youyour selfe were woont to execute in person,MarginaliaBoner restrained to execute all principal feastes, contrary to his wonted maner. now since the tyme that we by the aduise of our whole Parliament haue set a most godly and deuout order in our Church of England and Ireland, ye haue very seldome or neuer executed vpon such or other dais, to the cōtempt of our procedings & euil example of others: & forasmuch as it is also brought to our knowledge, that diuers as well in London as in other places of your Dioces, do frequent and haunt foraine rites of masses, and suche as be not allowed by the orders of our realme, & contemneth and forbeareth to praise and laud God, and pray vnto his maiestie after such rites and ceremonics, as in this realme are approued & set out by our authoritie: MarginaliaBoner noted of slacknes in his duty, & of contempt of publicke lawes.and further that adultery and fornication is maintained and kept openly and commonly in the sayd citie of London & other places of your Dioces, wherby the wrath of god is prouoked against our people: of the which things, you beyng heretofore admonished, yet hetherto haue made no redresse, as to the pastorall office, authoritie, & cure of a bishop doth appertaine: We therefore, to whom the supreme cure and charge of this Church doth appertaine, to auoid frō vs the high indignatiō of almightie God, by the aduise of our most entirely beloued Vncle the L. Protector and the rest of our priuy Counsaile, haue thought it no lesse then our most boūden dutie, now at this present, and eftsoones peremptorily to admonish, charge, & warne you, that you do most straightly looke vpon the premisses and see them so reformed, that there may appeare no negligence on your behalfe, vpon such payne as by our lawes Ecclesiasticall and temporall, we may inflict vppon you, vnto depriuation or otherwise, as shall seme to vs for qualitie of þe offence reasonable. And to the intent you shold the better see to þe reformation of the sayd abuses, we haue thought good to geue you these Iniunctions following.

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MarginaliaCertayne priuat Articles inioyned to Boner by the Counsaile.1 First, ye shall preach at Paules Crosse in London, in proper person, the Sonday after the date hereof iij. weeks, and in the same Sermon declare and set forth the Articles hereunto annexed: MarginaliaBoner admonished to preach euery quarter at Paules Crosse.and ye shall preach hereafter once euery quarter of the yere there, exhorting in your Sermon the people to obedience, prayer, and godly liuyng: and ye shall be present at euery sermon hereafter made at Paules Crosse, if sickenesse or some other reasonable cause doe not let you.

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2 Secondly, you your selfe in person shall from hencefoorth euery day which heeetofore was accounted in this Church of England, principall feast, or Maius duplex, and at all such tymes as the Bishops of London your predecessours were woont to celebrate and sing high masse, now celebrate and execute the Communion at the hygh aultare in Paules, for the better example of all other, except sickenes do let.

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3 Thirdly, ye shall your selfe according to your duetie & the office of a bishop, cal before you all such as do not come vnto and frequent the Common prayer and seruice in the Church, or do not come vnto gods boord, and receyue the Communion at the lest once a yeare, or whosoeuer do frequent or go vnto any other rite or seruice, then is appointed by our booke, either of Mattins, Euensong, or masse in any church, Chappell, or other priuate places within your Dioces, and ye shall see all such offenders conuented before you and punished accordyng vnto the Ecclesiasticall lawes, with seuere and strait punishment therfore. Lykewise ye shall see one onely order vsed in your Diocesse according to our sayd booke and none other.

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4 Fourthly, ye shall both by your selfe and all your officers vnder you, search out & conuent before you more diligently then heretofore ye haue done (as appertaineth to your office) all adulterers, and see the same punished according to the ecclesiastical lawes, and to the authority geuen you in that behalfe.

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5 We haue heard also complaintes, that the Churche of Paules and other Churches of London are of late more neglected, as wel in reparation of the glasse, as other buildings and ordinaunces of the same, then they were heretofore woont, and that diuers and many persons in the citie, of malice denyeth the payment of their due tith to their Curates, wherby the Curates are both iniured and made not so well able and in maner discouraged to do theyr dueties. The which thyng also our will and commaundement is, ye shall diligently looke vnto, and see redressed as appertaineth.

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MarginaliaBoner Bishop of Londō commaunded to keepe his owne house.6 And forasmuch as al these complaints be made as most done & committed in London, to the intent you may looke more earnestly, better and more diligently to the reformation of them, our pleasure is that you shal abide and keepe residence in your house there, as in the citie, sea, and principall place of your Dioces, and none other where for a certaine tyme, vntill you shalbe otherwise licensed by vs.

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