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Person and Place Index   *   Close
Ælla of Deira

(d. in or after 597?) [ODNB]

King of Deira; son of Iffa

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, pp. 150, 161; 1576, pp. 111, 121; 1583, pp. 110, 120.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Ælle of the South Saxons

(fl. late C5) [ODNB]

King of the South Saxons (Sussex)

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Æscwine of Wessex

(d. 676) [ODNB sub kings of the Gewisse]

Subking of the Gewisse (West Saxons) (674 - 76)

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Æthelberht (Edilbert) I of Kent

(d. 616?) [ODNB]

King of Kent. Baptised by Augustine; compiled written law code.

Æthelberht subdued the other Saxon kings, except for the king of Northumbria. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Æthelberht married his wife Bertha on condition, imposed by her parents, that she be allowed to practice her Christian faith. 1570, p. 156; 1576, p. 117; 1583, p. 116.

Augustine met King Æthelbert of Kent and was given permission to live and preach in his kingdom. He and the other missionaries were given a house in Canterbury. The king was converted and built a church and an abbey for Augustine in Canterbury. 1570, 156; 1576, p. 117;1583, p. 116.

Pope Gregory sent a letter to Æthelberht. 1570, 159; 1576, p. 119;1583, p. 118.

Æthelberht was overlord of all the Saxon kings south of the Humber. 1570, p. 161; 1576, p. 121; 1583, p. 120.

Æthelberht, with Sæberht of the East Saxons, built the church of St Paul's in London. They translated the archbishop's see to Canterbury. Æthelberht built other churches in Rochester and Westminster. 1570, pp. 149, 161, 177; 1576, pp. 111, 121, 134; 1583, pp. 110, 120, 133.

He is mentioned in 1563, p. 16.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Æthelheard of Wessex

(d. 740) [ODNB]

King of the West Saxons (726 - 40)

King Ine abdicated and turned over his kingdom to Æthelheard, his nephew. 1570, p. 169; 1576, p. 128; 1583, p. 127.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Æthelric of Bernicia

King of Bernicia C6 [ODNB sub Ida]

Son of Ida

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 150; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Æthelwealh of Sussex

(d. c. 685) [ODNB sub kings of the South Saxons]

King of the South Saxons

First of the South Saxons to become Christian; killed during the incursion of Cædwalla

Wulfhere gave the Isle of Wight to Æthelwealh, king of the South Saxons, on condition he accept Christianity. He was baptised by Birinus, bishop of Dorchester. Wulfhere was his godfather and Aethelwealh married his daughter. 1570, p. 166; 1576, p. 125; 1583, p. 124.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Æthelwulf of Wessex

(d. 858) [ODNB]

King of Kent (825 - 39); king of Wessex (839 - 58)

Elder son of Ecgbehrt of Wessex; conquered Kent for his father in 825. Presented lavish gifts to the pope at Rome. Married Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald, in 856.

He received Kent from his father. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Adda of Bernicia

(d. 565?) [ODNB]

King of Bernicia C6; son of Ida

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 150; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Aethelberht II of Kent

(d. 762) [ODNB]

Son of Wihtred; king of Kent with brother Eadberht I, possibly half-brother Alric; then with his nephew; reigned (725 - 62)

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Alfic of Kent

(fl. C8) [ODNB sub Aethelbert II]

Son of Wihtred. Possibly king of Kent briefly with half-brothers Aethelbert II and Eadberht I from 725

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Alfred (the Great)

(848/9 - 899) [ODNB]

King of the West Saxons and of the Anglo-Saxons (871 - 99)

Youngest son of Aethelwulf of Wessex. Military, legal and educational reformer.

Arthur founded a monastery at Athelney and a convent at Shaftesbury. 1570, p. 177; 1576, p. 134; 1583, p. 133.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Andhun of Sussex

C7 ealdorman of the South Saxons [ODNB sub Caedwalla]

With Berhthun drove out Caedwalla, king of the Gewisse in 685; Caedwalla returned in 686

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Baldred of Kent

(fl. c. 823 - 827) [ODNB]

King of Kent, expelled by Ecgberht, king of Wessex, in 826 or 827

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Beorhtric of Wessex

(d. 802) [ODNB]

King of the West Saxons (786 - 802)

Married Eadburh, daughter of Offa of Mercia; probably died in battle against Ecgberht

Ecgberht of Wessex was initially expelled by Beorhtric. 1570, p. 149, 1576, p. 111, 1583, p. 110.

Offa of Mercia gave one of his daughters to Beorhtric in marriage. 1570, p. 173, 1576, p. 131, 1583, p. 129.

It was said to have rained blood in York in the second year of Beorhtric's reign. The Danes entered England seven years later, and Beorhtric and the other Saxon kings repulsed them. 1570, p. 176, 1576, p. 133, 1583, p. 132.

Eadburh, daughter of Offa and wife of Beorhtric, poisoned her husband. 1570, p. 176, 1576, p. 133, 1583, p. 132.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Beornwulf of Mercia

(d. 826?) [ODNB]

King of the Mercians (823 - 26); killed by East Angles

Ecgberht of Wessex was initially expelled by Beorhtric. When he gained the throne, he was mocked for cowardice by Beornwulf of Mercia. 1570, p. 149, 1576, p. 111, 1583, p. 110.

Beornwulf deposed Ceolwulf in the first year of his reign and took over the throne. Beornwulf in turn in the third year of his reign was deposed by Ecgberht of Wessex and later killed by the East Angles. 1570, p. 176, 1576, p. 133, 1583, p. 132.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Berhthun of Sussex

(d. 686) [ODNB sub Caedwalla]

Ealdorman of the South Saxons; with Andhun drove out Caedwalla, the king of the Gewisse in 685; killed by Caedwalla

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Birinus (St Birinus)

(d. c. 650) [ODNB]

Missionary to the Anglo-Saxons sent by Pope Honorius; bishop of Dorchester 634; first bishop of the see of the Gewisse (West Saxons); baptised King Cynegils

Birinus converted Cynegils and later became a monk. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Birinus was given the city of Dorchester as a see by Cwichelm, whom he had also converted. 1570, p. 163; 1576, p. 123; 1583, p. 122.

Birinus baptised King Aethelwealh of the South Saxons. 1570, p. 166; 1576, p. 125; 1583, p. 124.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cædwalla of Wessex

(c. 659 - 689) [ODNB]

King of the Gewisse (West Saxons) (685 - 88); invaded Sussex, killed king Æthelwalh and took control in 686; invaded Kent, Surrey and the Isle of Wight

Abdicated to travel to Rome to be baptised; buried in St Peter's

Ine succeeded Cædwalla. [Foxe calls Cædwalla the last king of the Britons, but Cadwaladr ap Cadwallon, king of Gwynedd, was the legendary last king of the Britons.] 1570, p. 167; 1576, p. 126; 1583, p. 125.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Ceawlin of Wessex

(d. 593) [ODNB]

Son of Cynric; king of the Gewisse (West Saxons)

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Centwine of Wessex

(d. in or after 685) [ODNB]

Son of Cynegils; king of the Gewisse (West Saxons) (676 - 85)

Centwine died at Rome. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cenwalh of Wessex

(d. 672) [ODNB]

Son of Cynegils; king of the Gewisse (West Saxons) (642 - 45, 648 - 72)

Driven into exile (645 - 48) by Penda of Mercia

Cenwalh went to battle alongside his father and brother, Cwichelm, against Eadwine of Northumbria, and they were defeated. 1570, p. 162; 1576, p. 122; 1583, p. 121.

Wulfhere, king of Mercia, defeated Cenwalh and obtained the Isle of Wight. 1570, p. 164; 1576, p. 123; 1583, p. 122.

Cynegils began construction of the church at Winchester [Foxe mistakenly calls him the king of Mercia]. It was completed by his son Cenwalh, who appointed Wine bishop there. 1570, p. 177; 1576, p. 134; 1583, p. 133.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Ceol (Ceolric, Ceola) of Wessex

(d. 597) [ODNB]

Son of Cuthwulf, grandson of Cynric

King of the Gewisse (West Saxons) (591/2 - 97); overthrew his uncle and predecessor Ceawlin

He is mentioned by Foxe:1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Ceolwulf of Wessex

(d. 611?) [ODNB]

Son of Cuthwulf, grandson of Cynric

King of the Gewisse (West Saxons) in succession to his brother Ceol

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cerdic (Carecius) of Wessex

Legendary founding king of Gewisse (Wessex) C6 [ODNB]

During the time of Cerdic, the Britons were driven from their lands. 1570, p. 152; 1576, p. 113; 1583, p. 112.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cissa of Sussex

(supp. fl. C6) [ODNB sub Kings of the South Saxons]

Said to be one of the three sons of Aelle, king of the South Saxons, who stormed a Roman fort with their father

Cissa was said to have founded Chichester. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cuthred of Kent

(d. 807) [ODNB under Rulers of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms]

King of Kent (798 - 807)

Cuthred was pleased when his predecessor, Eadberht Præn, was released by Cenwulf of Mercia. 1570, p. 173; 1576, p. 131; 1583, p. 130.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cuthred of Wessex

(d. 756) [ODNB]

King of the West Saxons (740 - 56)

Associations with Æthelbald of Mercia; in 750 Cuthred rebelled against Æthelbald

Æthelbald, King of Mercia, placed heavy exactions upon Cuthred. Eventually Cuthred attacked Æthelbald, and after a protracted war, defeated him. 1570, p. 171; 1576, p. 129; 1583, p. 128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cwichelm of Wessex

(d. 636) [ODNB]

Son and co-ruler of Cynegils; king of the Gewisse (West Saxons) (611 - 36); baptised in 636

He and his father were said to have killed the East Saxon king Sigeberht Parvus. 1570, pp. 149, 151; 1576, pp. 111, 113; 1583, pp. 110, 112.

Cynegils and Cwichelm plotted the assassination of Eadwine of Northumbria, but the attempt failed. Eadwine then attacked the West Saxons and defeated them. 1570, p. 162; 1576, p. 122; 1583, p. 120.

Cwichelm was converted to Christianity by Birinus, to whom Cwichelm gave the city of Dorchester as a see. Later he gave land of seven miles in circumference at Winchester. 1570, p. 163; 1576, p. 123; 1583, p. 122.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cynegils of Wessex

(d. 642) [ODNB]

King of the Gewisse (West Saxons) (611 - 42), with his son Cwichelm to 636

First West Saxon king converted to Christianity

He and his son were said to have killed the East Saxon king Sigeberht Parvus. 1570, pp. 149, 151; 1576, pp. 111, 113; 1583, pp. 110, 112.

Cynegils and Cwichelm plotted the assassination of Eadwine of Northumbria, but the attempt failed. Eadwine then attacked the West Saxons and defeated them. 1570, p. 162; 1576, p. 122; 1583, p. 120.

King Oswald of Northumbria was partly responsible for the conversion of Cynegils. 1570, p. 163; 1576, p. 123; 1583, p. 122.

King Oswald of Northumbria stood godfather to Cynegils and married his daughter. 1570, p. 163; 1576, p. 123; 1583, p. 122.

Cynegils began construction of the church at Winchester [Foxe mistakenly calls him the king of Mercia]. It was completed by his son Cenwalh, who appointed Wine bishop there. 1570, p. 177; 1576, p. 134; 1583, p. 133.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cynewulf of Wessex

(d. 786) [ODNB]

King of the West Saxons (757 - 86); drove out his predecessor Sigeberht

Fought Sigeberht's brother Cyneheard in 686 - both died

Cynewulf had the support of the West Saxons in driving out Sigeberht. He maintained his position against the might of King Offa of the Mercians. While visiting his mistress at Merton, he was attacked and killed by a kinsman of Sigeberht. 1570, p. 173; 1576, p. 130; 1583, p. 129.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Cynric of Wessex

(fl. C6) [ODNB]

King of the Gewisse (West Saxons) after Cerdic

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Eadbald of Kent

(d. 640) [ODNB]

King of Kent (616 - 40)

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Eadberht I of Kent

(d. 762) [ODNB sub Eadberht III Praen]

Son of Wihtred; king of Kent with brother Æthelbert II and possibly half-brother Alric (725 - 62)

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Eadberht Præn

(fl. 796 - 98) [ODNB]

King of Kent (796 - 98)

Priest; captured by Cenwulf of Mercia in 798. He was blinded and had his hands cut off

Ecgberht was said to have been taken prisoner to Mercia by Offa or Cenwulf. 1570, p. 173; 1576, pp. 129, 130; 1583, pp. 129, 30.

Cenwulf had Eadberht III Præn bound and taken prisoner into Mercia. Cenwulf later built a church at Winchcombe, invited Eadberht into it, and restored him to his throne. When he was released, Cuthred, king of Kent, and all the Kentish people celebrated. 1570, p. 173; 1576, p. 131; 1583, p. 130.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Eadric of Kent

(d. 686) [ODNB]

King of Kent (685 - 86)

Son of Ecgberht I; ousted his uncle Hlothhere

He had the first non-Italian bishop of Canterbury. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Ecgbehrt (Egbert) of Wessex

(d. 839) [ODNB]

King of Wessex (802 - 39); extended his territory to include Kent, Surrey, Essex and Sussex

Ecgberht was initially expelled by Beorhtric. When he gained the throne, he was mocked for cowardice by Beornwulf of Mercia. 1570, p. 149, 1576, p. 111, 1583, p. 110.

Ecgberht defeated Beornwulf of Mercia and deposed him. The kingdom of Mercia ceased and was taken over by the West Saxons. 1570, p. 176, 1576, p. 133, 1583, p. 132.

After years of expulsion and murder of kings in Northumbria, no one was prepared to rule there, and it remained in anarchy. It eventually came into the hands of Ecgbehrt of Wessex. 1570, p. 176, 1576, p. 133, 1583, p. 132.

Ecgberht took over Kent and gave it to his son. 1570, p. 149, 1576, p. 111, 1583, p. 110.

Ecgberht conquered the kingdom of the East Saxons. 1570, p. 151, 1576, p. 113, 1583, p. 112.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Ecgberht (Egbert) I of Kent

(d. 673) [ODNB]

King of Kent (664 - 73); son of Eorcenberht

Ecgberht killed two of his cousins. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Eorcenberht of Kent

(d. 664) [ODNB]

King of Kent (640 - 64); son of Eadbald

Eorcenberht was the first king of Kent to order fasting during Lent. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Frithuwald of Bernicia

(fl. C6) [ODNB sub Ida]

One of the kings of Bernicia after Ida

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 150; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Glappa of Bernicia

(fl.C6) [ODNB sub Ida]

One of the kings of Bernicia after Ida

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 150; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Hlothhere of Kent

(d. 685) [ODNB]

King of Kent (673 - 85); son of Eorcenberht; brother of Ecgberht I

Hlothhere was killed. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Hussa of Bernicia

(fl. C6) [ODNB sub Ida]

One of the kings of Bernicia after Ida

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 150; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Ida of Bernicia

(d. 559/60) [ODNB]

King of Bernicia (Northumbria) C6

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 150; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Ine of Wessex

(d. in or after 726) [ODNB]

Son of Coenred; king of the West Saxons (c. 694 - c. 726); codified law; abdicated in 726, died as a pilgrim in Rome

Ine succeeded Cædwalla, king of the West Saxons. [Foxe calls Cædwalla the last king of the Britons, but Cadwaladr ap Cadwallon, king of Gwynedd, was the legendary last king of the Britons.] 1570, p. 167; 1576, p. 126; 1583, p. 125.

Ine brought the Peter Pence into his realm. He introduced written laws. 1570, p. 169; 1576, p. 128; 1583, p. 127.

Queen Æthelburh, who wished to retire from the world into a convent, defiled and ruined the palace to illustrate to Ine the transience of worldly things. He was persuaded to abdicate. 1570, p. 169; 1576, p. 128; 1583, pp. 126-27.

Ine founded the abbey at Glastonbury. 1570, p. 177; 1576, p. 134; 1583, p. 133.

Ine went to Rome and became a monk. 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close

King of Kent (688/9 - 690?) [ODNB sub Wihtred]

Reigned jointly with Swæfberht and Swæfheard between 687 and 690

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Robert Fabyan

(d. 1513) [ODNB]

Chronicler; freeman in Drapers' Company 1476-7; auditor of the city of London's accounts 1486-7

Sheriff (1493); master of the Drapers' Company (1495 - 56, 1501 - 02); alderman (1494 - 1503); wrote Newe Cronycles

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, pp. 146, 149, 160, 169, 1304; 1576, pp. 108, 111, 120, 128, 1116; 1583, pp. 107, 110, 118, 126, 1141.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Seaxburh (Sexburga) of Wessex

(d. 674?) [ODNB]

Queen of the Gewisse (West Saxons); wife of Cenwalh

Reigned (672 - 73/4)

She is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Sigeberht of Wessex

(d. 757) [ODNB]

King of the West Saxons (756 - 57)

Murdered by a swineherd in revenge for killing Ealdorman Cumbra

When Cumbra, an ealdorman and supporter of Sigeberht, urged the king to treat his subjects with more consideration, Sigeberht had him killed. The king continued to mistreat his subjects, who deposed him, and he was killed by Cumbra's swineherd. 1570, p. 172; 1576, p. 130; 1583, p. 129.

Person and Place Index   *   Close

Son of the East Saxon king Saebbi [ODNB sub Wihtred]

King of Kent (687/8 - c.692), reigning jointly with Oswine, then with Wihtred

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 149; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Theodric of Bernicia

King of Bernicia C6 [ODNB sub Ida]

Son of Ida

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 150; 1576, p. 111; 1583, p. 110.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Wihtred of Kent

(d. 725) [ODNB]

Son of Ecgberht I; brother of Eadric; foreign kings contended for the throne until Wihtred could establish his rule

King of Kent (690 - 725); ruled with Swæfheard (690 - c. 692)

Wihtred built the monastery of St Martin in Dover. 1570, p. 177; 1576, p. 134; 1583, p. 133.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
William I (the Conqueror)

(1028 - 1087) [ODNB]

King of England (1066 - 87)

Duke of Normandy (1035 - 87); bastard son of Robert

William sent to Pope Alexander II for support for his invasion of England, and was sent his blessing and a consecrated banner 1563, p. 14.

133 [110]

A Table describing the seuen kingdoms of the Saxons, raigning here in England.

IN the tyme of Vortiger aboue mentioned, began the raigne of the Saxons in this land, the which comming out of 3. sortes of the Germaine people (to witte) the Saxons, the Intes and Angles, replenished the land, of them called now Anglia. Of whom first Hengistus raigned in Kent, which countrey of Kent he had obtayned by Rowen his daughter, of king Vortiger, which was about the yeare of our Lord as some doe count, 476. or as I finde in the computation of our English Tables, 456. in some, 463. After Hengist, came in Octha, with Eosa, or Ysse his kinsman: who afterward succeeded the sayd Hengist in Kent. Not long after came in an other company of the Saxons, with Elle their Captaine, which planted themselues in Southsexe. And after them agayn[illegible text] an other garrison of the Saxons with Cerdice their Captain, which did occupy the West part of the land, called by them Westsaxon. And so likewise the other multitude of the Saxōs after them, which as yet beyng vnchristened and Infidels, deuided the whole land among themselues into vij. kingdoms, as in this Table followeth.

[Back to Top]
Marginalia456. Kent.¶ The Kings of Kent, with the yeares how long they raigned.
MarginaliaThe kings of Kent.Hengistus, slaine.31
Eosa, or Ysse.24
Ocha, or Octha.
Emenricus, or Emericus,26
Ethelbertus, the first of þe Saxon kings that receyued the fayth by Aug. an. reg. 35.56This Ethelbert first of all the Saxons receiued the fayth, and subdued all the other vj. kings, except onely the king of Northumberland.
Ercombertus24Ercombert commaunded Lent first to be fasted in his dominion.
Egebertus, or Edbrieth slayne.9Egebert killed two Sonnes of his Vncle.
Lotharias slayne.12
Eadrichus.6Vnto the time of Eadrick all the bishops of Canterbury were Italians.
7Some Chronicles doe place these two, Nidredus and Wilhardus, after Edricke, and geue to them seuen yeares, some agayne do omit them.
Egfertus, or Edbert.23
Alricus.34Betweene the raygne of Alricke, and Cuthred, some Stories do insert the raigne of Eadbert, which raigned two yeares.
Eadbertus, surnamed Pren.2
Baldredus, expulsed.81

In the raigne of this Baldred the kingdom of Kent was translated to Egbertus, otherwise called Egbrict, king of the Westsaxōs, who subduing the foresaid Baldred, an. 832. gaue the said kingdome to Athelstan his younger sonne. After whose decease it came to Ethelwolfe the elder sonne of Egbrict, and so was vnited to the Westsaxons, who then began to be the Monarch of the whole land. This kingdom began nere about the yeare of our Lord, 456. and continued 342. yeares, and had xv. kings.

[Back to Top]
Marginalia478. Southsaxe. Now called Sussex.¶ The Kings of Southsaxe, with the yeares of their raigne.
MarginaliaThe kings of Sussex.Elle, or Alle.31
Cissa.Of this Cissa came Cicester, which he builded, and where he raigned.
Nancanleus, or Nancanleodus.This Nathanleod seemeth by some old stories to be a Britaine, & the chief Marshall of king Vter, whome Porth the Saxon slew.
Porth.This Porth a Saxon, came in at the hauen, which now is called of him Porthmouth.
Because I find but little mention of these two I thinke it rather like to bee the same Ethelwold or Ethelwaldus, which after followeth.
Ethelredus, or Ethereus.
Of Condebertus and Ethelred I find no mention but in one table only, supposing therfore that the true names of these were Ercombertus and Egebertus, which were kings of Kent the same tyme, and peraduenture might then rule in Sussex.
Adelwood, or Ethelwaldus, slayne.This Adelwold was the first kyng of Sussex Christened, and as Fabian saith, the iij. king of the Southsaxōs: as other say the vij. so vncertain be the histories of this kingdom.
Adelbrich, or Berethunus, slayne.5

¶ This kingdome endured þe shortest season of all other, and soonest [illegible text] into other kingdoms, in the dayes as some write of Iue king of Westsaxe, and so endured not aboue an hundred & twelue yeres vnderseuen or at most xj. kings, beginning first in the yeare of the Lord, 478. and about the 30. yeare of the first comming of the Saxons.

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Marginalia522. Westsaxe.¶ The principall kingdome of the Westsaxons, and of their raignes.
MarginaliaThe kings of Westsaxe.Cerdicus, or Credicus.17This kingdome contained Sommersetshire, Barkshire, Dorsetshire, Deuonshire, Cornewall, &c.
Chelingus 30. 33. lib. cycl.
Celricus, or Ceolfricus.5.
Celwulfus, or Ceolulfus.14
Kynigilsus & Quicelinus.32This Kynigilsus was first Kyng Christened in that prouince, conuerted by Birinus after made Monke.
Escwynus, Ascwynus, or Elkwinus.2
Centwinus, dyed at Rome.7
Cedwalla.3Cedwalla went to Rome, and there was Christened and dyed.
Ina, or Iue.35Ina also went to Rome, and was made Monke.
Edelardus, or Athelardus.14
Cuthredus, or Cuthbert.16
Sigebertus, or Sigherus, slayne.1Sigebert for his pride and crueltie was deposed of his people. And as he had killed before one of hys faythfull counsel geuing him wholesome counsaile: so after was he slayne of þe same counsellers Swynard, as he hid him selfe in a wood.
Kynulfus, or Kynewlfus, slayne.31
Egbertus, or Egbrichtus, otherwise Athelbert9, or Athelbrich, &c.37This Egbert was first expelled by Brithricus, who after returning againe and raigning, was much deryded and scorned with mocking rimes for a coward of Bernulfus king of Mercia.
At lēgth the sayd Egbert subdued hym first, then all the rest, to his kingdome: causing the whole land to be called no more Britayne, but Anglia. Concerning the other kings after him in that Lordship hereafter followeth.

¶ This Egebert subdued all the other seuen kingdomes, and first began the Monarchie of all the Saxones, which after by Alured was perfected, as hereafter followeth (the lord willing) to be declared. This kingdom of the Westsaxons began the yere of grace, 522. & as it subdued all the other, so it did the longest continue, til about the comming of William Conqueror, which is about the tyme of 554. yeares.

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Marginalia547. Northumberlād.¶ The Kings of Northumberland, with the yeares of their raigne.
Ida.12This Ida of his wife had vj. children, Adda, Elricus, Osmerus, Theodledus, of concubines other 5.
After Ida the kingdome of Northumberland was deuided into two prouinces, Deyra and Bernicia.
Alle, or Elle, Deirorum.30This Alle was the sonne of Iffe, & raigned in Deyra, 30.
Adda, Bernicorum.7Some Chronicles set vnder Adda, to raigne in Bernicia these kings, Glappa or Claspa, Theonulfus, or Hussa, or Theowalnus, Frihulfus, Theodoricus.
Alricus, or Alfricus Deirorum.5This Alfricus was the sonne of Ida and raigned fiue yeares.This Ethelfridus was he that slew the mokes of Bangor, to the number

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