Thematic Divisions in Book 12
1. Exhumations of Bucer and Phagius along with Peter Martyr's Wife2. Pole's Visitation Articles for Kent3. Ten Martyrs Burnt at Canterbury4. The 'Bloody Commission'5. Twenty-two Prisoners from Colchester6. Five Burnt at Smithfield7. Stephen Gratwick and others8. Edmund Allen and other martyrs9. Edmund Allen10. Alice Benden and other martyrs11. Examinations of Matthew Plaise12. Richard Woodman and nine other martyrs13. Ambrose14. Richard Lush15. The Martyrdom of Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper16. Rose Allin and nine other Colchester Martyrs17. John Thurston18. George Eagles19. Richard Crashfield20. Fryer and George Eagles' sister21. Joyce Lewes22. Rafe Allerton and others23. Agnes Bongeor and Margaret Thurston24. John Kurde25. John Noyes26. Cicelye Ormes27. Persecution at Lichfield28. Persecution at Chichester29. Thomas Spurdance30. Hallingdale, Sparrow and Gibson31. John Rough and Margaret Mearing32. Cuthbert Simson33. William Nicholl34. Seaman, Carman and Hudson35. Three at Colchester36. A Royal Proclamation37. Roger Holland and other Islington martyrs38. Stephen Cotton and other martyrs39. Scourging of Thomas Hinshaw40. Scourging of John Milles41. Richard Yeoman42. John Alcocke43. Thomas Benbridge44. Four at St Edmondsbury45. Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver46. Three at Bury47. A Poor Woman of Exeter48. The Final Five Martyrs49. John Hunt and Richard White50. John Fetty51. Nicholas Burton52. John Fronton53. Another Martyrdom in Spain54. Baker and Burgate55. Burges and Hoker56. The Scourged: Introduction57. Richard Wilmot and Thomas Fairfax58. Thomas Greene59. Bartlett Greene and Cotton60. Steven Cotton's Letter61. James Harris62. Robert Williams63. Bonner's Beating of Boys64. A Beggar of Salisbury65. Providences: Introduction66. The Miraculously Preserved67. William Living68. Edward Grew69. William Browne70. Elizabeth Young71. Elizabeth Lawson72. Christenmas and Wattes73. John Glover74. Dabney75. Alexander Wimshurst76. Bosom's wife77. Lady Knevet78. John Davis79. Mistress Roberts80. Anne Lacy81. Crosman's wife82. Congregation at Stoke in Suffolk83. Congregation of London84. Englishmen at Calais85. Edward Benet86. Jeffrey Hurst87. William Wood88. Simon Grinaeus89. The Duchess of Suffolk90. Thomas Horton 91. Thomas Sprat92. John Cornet93. Thomas Bryce94. Gertrude Crockhey95. William Mauldon96. Robert Horneby97. Mistress Sandes98. Thomas Rose99. Troubles of Sandes100. Complaint against the Ipswich Gospellers101. Tome 6 Life and Preservation of the Lady Elizabeth102. The Unprosperous Queen Mary103. Punishments of Persecutors104. Foreign Examples105. A Letter to Henry II of France106. The Death of Henry II and others107. Justice Nine-Holes108. John Whiteman109. Admonition to the Reader110. Hales' Oration111. The Westminster Conference112. Appendix notes113. Ridley's Treatise114. Back to the Appendix notes115. Thomas Hitton116. John Melvyn's Letter117. Alcocke's Epistles118. Cautions to the Reader119. Those Burnt at Bristol: extra material120. Priest's Wife of Exeter121. Snel122. Laremouth123. William Hunter's Letter124. Doctor Story125. The French Massacre
Names and Places on this Page
Henry FitzalanHobbySir John Brydges
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Henry Fitzalan

(1512 - 1580)

Earl of Arundel (DNB)

Henry Fitzalan was a signatory to a letter from the privy council to Princess Mary, dated 9 July 1553, stating that she was illegitimate and that Jane Grey was Edward VI's true heir (1570, p. 1568; 1576, p. 1337; 1583, pp. 1406-7).

Fitzalan escorted Henry Dudley, the duke of Northumberland, to the Tower (1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1394; 1583, p. 1465).

He accompanied Queen Mary to Westminster Abbey for her coronation on 1 October 1553 (1570, p. 1635; 1576, p. 1395; 1583, p. 1466).

Fitzalan was one of the leaders of the troops sent against Sir Thomas Wyatt (1570, p. 1637; 1576, p. 1398; 1583, p. 1467).

He was chief judge at the condemnation of Henry Grey, duke of Suffolk (1570, p. 1637; 1576, p. 1397; 1583, p. 1467).

He greeted Philip on his arrival at Southampton on 20 July 1554 (1570, p. 1642; 1576, p. 1401; 1583, p. 1471).

He was present at Stephen Gardiner's Paul's Cross sermon of 30 September 1554 (1570, p. 1644; 1576, p. 1402; 1583, p. 1473).

Fitzalan bore a cap of maintenance before Queen Mary at the opening of parliament on 12 November 1554 (1570, p. 1647; 1576, p. 1405; 1583, p. 1475).

He was signatory to a letter, dated 27 November 1554, from the privy council to Bonner, informing him that Mary was pregnant and ordering him to have prayers and Te Deums said throughout his diocese (1563, pp. 1014-15; 1570, p. 1647; 1576, p. 1405; 1583, pp. 1475-76).

Henry Fitzalan was patron of Lexden parish. 1563, p. 1564, 1570, p. 2156, 1576, p. 1864, 1583, p. 1975 [incorrectly numbered 1971].

He was involved in the questioning of Elizabeth after her removal from Ashridge. He apologized to her for the questioning she had been subjected to. 1563, p. 1712.

He was humble before Elizabeth at Hampton Court. 1563, p. 1715, 1570, p. 2294, 1576, p. 1986, 1583, p. 2291.

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Of unknown position and origin.

When questioned during her incarceration in the Tower, Elizabeth said that she remembered Sir James Croft's talk with Master Hobby. 1563, p. 1713, 1570, p. 2289, 1576, p. 1982, 1583, p. 2092.

[Possibly Sir Philip Hoby. Diplomatist. (See DNB).]

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Sir John Brydges

1st Baron Chandos (1490? - 1556)

Lieutenant of the Tower (1553 - 1554) [DNB]

Brydges asked Lady Jane Grey to write some verses in a book when he attended her on the scaffold. Rerum, p. 238. [This story was never reprinted by Foxe in any edition of the A & M, although there is some evidence that it is accurate - see J. G. Nichols, (ed.), The Chronicle of Queen Jane and of two years of Queen Mary (London, 1850) Camden Society, original series 48, pp. 57-58.]

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Lady Jane Grey handed him her book at her execution (1563, p. 919; 1570, p. 1584; 1576, p 1352; 1583, p. 1422). In this passage Brydges is referred to as 'Bruges' in each edition.

At the Star Chamber trial of one Cut, who was tried for saying that at his execution Sir Thomas Wyatt had, at his execution, cleared Elizabeth and Edward Courtenay of complicity in his rebellion, Brydges swore that Wyatt had begged Courtenay to confess his guilt when they met - with Brydges present - on the day of Wyatt's execution (1570, p. 1588; 1576, p 1355; 1583, p. 1425).

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Sir John Brydges was one of the examiners of John Rogers on 22 January 1555. 1563, pp. 1023-26; 1570, pp. 1657-59; 1576, pp. 1414-15; 1583, pp. 1484-86.

He was one of the commissioners charged with carrying out John Hooper's execution. 1563, pp. 1058 and 1060; 1570, pp. 1681 and 1682; 1576, pp. 1435 and 1436; 1583, pp. 1508 and 1509.

Brydges ordered that Hooper be executed quickly and also ordered his son Edmund to see that Hooperwas only allowed to say a prayer at the stake. 1563, p. 1061; 1570, p. 1683; 1576, p. 1436; 1583, p. 1510.

Philpot's sixth examination was before the Lord Chamberlain to Queen Mary, Viscount Hereford, Lord Rich, Lord St John, Lord Windsor, Lord Shandoys, Sir John Bridges, Chadsey and Bonner. 1563, pp. 1405-12, 1570, pp. 1972-78, 1576, pp. 1698-1702, 1583, pp. 1805-10.

Lord Williams, Lord Chandos, Sir Thomas Bridges and Sir John Browne arrived in Oxford, prior to Cranmer's martyrdom. 1563, p. 1498, 1570, p. 2063, 1576, p. 1780, 1583, p. 1885.

Sir John is probably the 'Bridges' whose cattle John Maundrel tended during Mary's reign. 1570, p. 2073, 1576, p. 1788, 1583, p. 1894.

Chandos interrogated a young boy who was believed to be carrying messages between Elizabeth and Edward Courtenay during their imprisonment in the Tower. He ordered the boy not to see Elizabeth. 1563, p. 1713.

William Hastlen was charged with heresy by Sir John Brydges and sent to Sir Leonard Beckwith to be examined. 1583, p. 2137.

Hastlen was sent to Sir John Brydges' house to write answers to the articles against him and then sent to the Marshalsea, under the watch of Master Waghan, the jailor. 1583, p. 2137.

[At times Foxe refers to him variously as 'Lord Shandois', 'Chandos' or 'Shandoys']

2117 [2093]

Queene Mary. Gods prouidence in preseruing Lady Elizabeth in Queene Maries tyme.

MarginaliaAnno 1558.what she ment thereby.MarginaliaLady Elizabeth examined by the b. of Winchester.

At the first, she being so sodainly asked, did not wel remember any such house: but within a while, well aduising her selfe, she sayde: In deede (quoth she) I doe now remember that I haue such a place, but I neuer laye in it in all my lyfe. And as for any that hath mooued me thereunto, I do not remember.

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Then to enforce the matter, they broght forth sir Iames Acroft. The B. of Winchester demaunded of her what she said to that man. She answered, that shee had little to say to hym, or to the rest that were then prisoners in þe tower. But my Lordes (quoth she) you do examine euery mean prisoner of me, wherein me thinkes you doe me great iniury. If they haue done euill and offended the Queenes Maiesty, let them answer to it acccordingly. I beseech you my Lords, ioyne not me in this sort with any of these offenders. And as concerning my goyng vnto Dunnington Castle, I do remember that M. Hobby and mine officers and you sir Iames Acroft, had such talk: but what is that to the purpose, my Lordes, but that I may goe to myne owne houses at all tymes?

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MarginaliaThe friendly speach of the Farle of Arundell to the Lady Elizabeth.The L. of Arundell kneeling downe, said: your grace sayth true, and certainly we are very sory that we haue so troubled you about so vayne matters. She then sayd: my Lordes, you do sift me very narowly. But well I am assured, you shall not do more to me then God hath appointed, and so God forgeue you all.

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MarginaliaSyr Iames Acroft examined touching the Lady Elizabeth.At their departure, sir Iames Acroft kneeled downe, declaring that he was sory to see the day in which he shuld be brought as a witnesse against her grace. But I assure your grace (sayd he) I haue bene maruelously tossed and examined, touching your highnesse, which the Lord knoweth is very strange to me.  

Cattley Pratt   *   Close
Cattley/Pratt, VIII, Appendix: ref page 611, line 2

The first Edition omits "very" before "strange."

For I take God to record before all your honours, I do not know any thing of that crime that you haue layd to my charge, and will thereupon take my death, if I should be driuen to so strait a triall.

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That day, or thereabouts, diuers of her owne officers who had made prouision for her diet, brought the same to the vtter gate of the Tower, MarginaliaThese were not the officers of the Tower, but such as went in white & greene.the common rascall souldiors receiuing it: which was no small griefe vnto the Gentlemen, the bringers therof. Wherfore they required to speak with the Lord Chamberlaine, being then Constable of the Tower. Who, commyng before his presence, declared vnto his Lordship, that they were much afrayd to bryng her graces diete, and to deliuer it vnto such common and desperate persons as they were which did receiue it, beseeching his honor to consider her grace, and to geue such order, that her viands might at all tymes bee brought in by them which were appointed thereunto. Yea Sirs said he? who appointed you this office? They answered, her graces counsaile. Counsaile quoth he? There is none of them which hath to do, either in that case, or any thing els within this place: and I assure you, for that she is a prisoner, MarginaliaLady Elizabethes seruantes restrayned for bringing her dyet to the Tower.she shall be serued with the Lieuetenaunts men, as other the prisoners are. Whereat the Gentlemen sayd, that they trusted for more fauour at his hands, considering her personage, saying, that they mistrusted not, but that þe Queene and her Counsaile would be better to her grace then so, & therewith shewed themselues to be offended at þe vngratefull words of the L. Chamberlaine towards their Ladye and maistresse.MarginaliaDispleasure betweene the Lord Chamberlayne and Lady Elizabethes men.

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At this he sware by God, strikyng hymselfe vpon the brest, that if they did either froune or shrug at him, he wold set them where they should see neither sunne nor Moone. Thus takyng their leaue, they desired God to bryng hym into a better mynde toward her grace, and departed from hym.

Vpon the occasion wherof, her graces Officers made great sute vnto the Queenes Counsaile, that some might be appointed to bring her dyet vnto her, and that it might no more be deliuered into the common Souldiours of the Tower, which beyng reasonably considered, was by thē granted. And thereupon were appointed one of her Gentlemen, her clarke of her kitchin, & her two Purueiers to bring in her prouision once a day. All which was done, the Warders euer waiting vpon the bringers thereof.

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The Lord Chamberlaine himselfe being always with them, circumspectly and narowly watched, and searched what they brought,  

Commentary   *   Close

The entire account of Elizabeth's imprisonment which follows, down to her release from the Tower on 5 May 1554, is based on a narrative surviving in Foxe's papers (BL, Harley MS 419, fos. 135r-136r).

and gaue heede that they should haue no talke with any of her graces waiting seruauntes, and so warded them both in and out. MarginaliaLady Elizabethes waytingmen in the Tower.At the said sute of her officers were sent by the commandement of the Counsaile, to waite vppon her grace, two Yeomen of her chamber, one of her Robes, two of her Pantry & Ewry, one of her Buttry, another of her Seller, two of her Kitchin, & one of her Larder, all which continued with her the tyme of her trouble.

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Here the Constable, beyng at the first not very well

pleased with the commyng in of such a company agaynst his will, would haue had his men still to haue serued with her Graces men. MarginaliaVariance betweene the Lord Chamberlayne and Lady Elizabethes seruauntes.Which her seruaunts at no hand would suffer, desiring his Lordship to be contented, for that order was taken, that no stranger should come within their Offices. At which answer beyng sore displeased, he brake out into these threatnyng wordes: well (sayd he) I will handle you well enough. Then went hee into the kitchin, and there would needs haue his meat rosted with her Graces meate, and sayd, that his Cooke should come thether and dresse it. To that her Graces Cooke answered: my Lord, I will neuer suffer any stranger to come about her diete, but her owne sworne men, so long as I lyue. He said they shuld. But the Cooke sayd, his Lordship should pardon hym for that matter. Thus did hee trouble her poore seruants very stoutly: though afterward he were otherwise aduised, and they more curteously vsed at his handes. And good cause why. For he had good chere, & fared of the best, & her grace payed well for it. Wherefore he vsed himselfe afterward more reuerently toward her grace.

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After this sort, hauyng lyen a whole moneth there in close prison, and beyng very euill at ease therewithall, she sent for the L. Chamberlaine, and the Lord Shandoys to come and speake with her. MarginaliaLady Elizabeth denyed the libertye of the Tower.Who commyng, she requested them that she might haue liberty to walk in some place, for that she felt her selfe not well. To the which they aunswered, that they were right sorye that they coulde not satisife her graces request, for that they had commaundement to the contrary, which they durst not in any wise break. Furthermore, she desired of them, if that could not be granted, that she might walke but into the Queenes lodgyng. No nor yet that (they answered) could by any meanes be obtained without a further sute to the Queene & her Counsaile. Well sayd she, my Lordes, if the matter be so harde þt they must be sued vnto for so small a thyng, & that friendship be so strait, God comfort me, and so they departed, she remaining in her old dungeon still, without any kynde of comfort by onely God.

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The next day after, the L. Shandoyes came again vnto her grace, declaryng vnto her that he had sued vnto the counsail for further liberty. Some of them consented therunto, diuers other dissented, for that there was so manye prisoners in þe tower. But in conclusion, they did al agree, that her grace might walke into those lodgings, so that he and the L. Chamberlaine, and three of the Queens Gentlewomen did accompany her, the windowes beyng shut, and she not suffred to looke out at any of them: wherwith she contented her selfe, and gaue him thankes for hys good will in that behalfe.

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MarginaliaLiberty graunted to Lady Elizabeth to walke in a little garden.Afterwards there was libertie graunted to her grace to walke in a little garden, the dores and gates being shut vp, which notwithstanding was as much discomfort vnto her, as the walke in the garden was pleasaunt & acceptable. At which times of her walking there, the prisoners on that side straightly were commaunded not to speake or looke out at the windowes into the garden, till her grace were gone out agayne, hauing in consideration thereof, their kepers waiting vpon them for that time. Thus her grace with this small libertie, contented her selfe in God, to whom be prayse therfore.

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During this tyme, there vsed a little boy, a mans child in the Tower, to resort to their chābers, and many times to bring her grace floures, which likewise he did to the other prisoners that were there. MarginaliaSuspicious heades.Wherupon naughty & suspicious heades thinking to make and wring out some matter therof, called on a time the childe vnto thē, promising him figges and apples, and asked of him whē he had bene with the Earle of Deuonshyre, not ignoraunt of the childes wounted frequenting vnto him. The boy answered, that he would go by and by thether. MarginaliaA young childe examined for bringing flowers to the Lady Elizabeth.Further they demanded of him, when he was with the Lady Elizabethes grace. He answered: euery day: Furthermore they examyned him, what the Lord of Deuonshyre sent by him to her grace. The childe sayd, I will go know what he will geue to cary to her. Such was the discretion of the childe, being yet but foure  

Cattley Pratt   *   Close
Cattley/Pratt, VIII, 613, fn 1

{Cattley/Pratt alters 'four' to 'iii' in the text.} The Editions after the first say "four." - ED.

yeares of age. This same is a craftye boye, quoth the Lord Chamberlayne. Howe say you my Lorde Shandoyes? I pray you my L. (quoth the boy) geue me the figges you promised me. No Mary (quoth he) þu shalt by whipped if thou come any more to the Lady Elizabeth, or the Lorde Courtny. The boy aunswered: I will bryng my Lady my mistres, more floures. Wherupon the childs father was commaunded to permit the boye no more to come vp to theyr chambers.

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The next day, as her grace was walking in the gardē, the childe peeping in at a hole in the dore, cryed vnto her, saying: mistres, I can bring you no more floures. Wherat she smiled, but sayd nothing, vnderstanding thereby what
