Thematic Divisions in Book 12
1. Exhumations of Bucer and Phagius along with Peter Martyr's Wife2. Pole's Visitation Articles for Kent3. Ten Martyrs Burnt at Canterbury4. The 'Bloody Commission'5. Twenty-two Prisoners from Colchester6. Five Burnt at Smithfield7. Stephen Gratwick and others8. Edmund Allen and other martyrs9. Edmund Allen10. Alice Benden and other martyrs11. Examinations of Matthew Plaise12. Richard Woodman and nine other martyrs13. Ambrose14. Richard Lush15. The Martyrdom of Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper16. Rose Allin and nine other Colchester Martyrs17. John Thurston18. George Eagles19. Richard Crashfield20. Fryer and George Eagles' sister21. Joyce Lewes22. Rafe Allerton and others23. Agnes Bongeor and Margaret Thurston24. John Kurde25. John Noyes26. Cicelye Ormes27. Persecution at Lichfield28. Persecution at Chichester29. Thomas Spurdance30. Hallingdale, Sparrow and Gibson31. John Rough and Margaret Mearing32. Cuthbert Simson33. William Nicholl34. Seaman, Carman and Hudson35. Three at Colchester36. A Royal Proclamation37. Roger Holland and other Islington martyrs38. Stephen Cotton and other martyrs39. Scourging of Thomas Hinshaw40. Scourging of John Milles41. Richard Yeoman42. John Alcocke43. Thomas Benbridge44. Four at St Edmondsbury45. Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver46. Three at Bury47. A Poor Woman of Exeter48. The Final Five Martyrs49. John Hunt and Richard White50. John Fetty51. Nicholas Burton52. John Fronton53. Another Martyrdom in Spain54. Baker and Burgate55. Burges and Hoker56. The Scourged: Introduction57. Richard Wilmot and Thomas Fairfax58. Thomas Greene59. Bartlett Greene and Cotton60. Steven Cotton's Letter61. James Harris62. Robert Williams63. Bonner's Beating of Boys64. A Beggar of Salisbury65. Providences: Introduction66. The Miraculously Preserved67. William Living68. Edward Grew69. William Browne70. Elizabeth Young71. Elizabeth Lawson72. Christenmas and Wattes73. John Glover74. Dabney75. Alexander Wimshurst76. Bosom's wife77. Lady Knevet78. John Davis79. Mistress Roberts80. Anne Lacy81. Crosman's wife82. Congregation at Stoke in Suffolk83. Congregation of London84. Englishmen at Calais85. Edward Benet86. Jeffrey Hurst87. William Wood88. Simon Grinaeus89. The Duchess of Suffolk90. Thomas Horton 91. Thomas Sprat92. John Cornet93. Thomas Bryce94. Gertrude Crockhey95. William Mauldon96. Robert Horneby97. Mistress Sandes98. Thomas Rose99. Troubles of Sandes100. Complaint against the Ipswich Gospellers101. Tome 6 Life and Preservation of the Lady Elizabeth102. The Unprosperous Queen Mary103. Punishments of Persecutors104. Foreign Examples105. A Letter to Henry II of France106. The Death of Henry II and others107. Justice Nine-Holes108. John Whiteman109. Admonition to the Reader110. Hales' Oration111. The Westminster Conference112. Appendix notes113. Ridley's Treatise114. Back to the Appendix notes115. Thomas Hitton116. John Melvyn's Letter117. Alcocke's Epistles118. Cautions to the Reader119. Those Burnt at Bristol: extra material120. Priest's Wife of Exeter121. Snel122. Laremouth123. William Hunter's Letter124. Doctor Story125. The French Massacre
Person and Place Index   *   Close
Edmund Gest

(1517? - 1577)

Bishop of Rochester. (DNB)

Foxe refers to Edmund Gest's installation at Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2185.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Edmund Grindal

(1519? - 1583)

Marian exile. DD (1564). Bishop of London (1559 - 1570). Archbishop of York (1570 - 1576). Archbishop of Canterbury (1576 - 1583). [Fasti; DNB; Venn]

Edmund Grindal's exile was mentioned in Bradford's letter to the university town of Cambridge. 1563, pp. 1178-80, 1570, pp. 1808-09, 1576, p. 1545, 1583, p. 1627.

Grindal wrote to Ridley from his exile in Frankfort, to which letter Ridley replied. He mentioned his imprisonment with Cranmer, Latimer and Bradford. He mentioned that he knew that Ferrar, Hooper, Rogers, Taylor of Hadleigh, Saunders and Tomkins, a weaver, had all been martyred, as had Cardmaker the day before he wrote this letter. He had heard that West had relented, and Grimald cast into the Marshalsea. He had also heard that Thomas Ridley, of the Bull-head in Cheapside, had died. In addition, he had heard that his brother-in-law, Shipside, had spent much time in prison but was now released. 1570, pp. 1901-02, 1576, pp. 1628-30, 1583, pp. 1729-30.

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Edmund Grindal was a pall bearer at Bucer's funeral. 1563, p. 1559., 1570, p. 2153, 1576, p. 1859, 1583, p. 1968.

Edmund Grindal, with Matthew Parker, bore Martin Bucer's body on his shoulders. 1563, p. 1554 [recte 1562]

Matthew Parker, Edmund Grindal and Richard Goodrick requested that the body of Peter Martyr's wife be buried honourably. 1563, p. 1559., 1570, p. 2153, 1576, p. 1859, 1583, p. 1968.

Edmund Grindal was a participant in the Westminster disputation of 1559. 1563, p. 1717, 1583, p. 2119.

Foxe refers to his installation as bishop of London after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Edmund Scambler [or Scamler]

(1510? - 1594)

DD (1564). Bishop of Peterbrough (1560 - 1584). Bishop of Norwich (1584) (DNB)

Edmund Scambler was leader of a clandestine London congregation late in Mary's reign. 1570, p. 2277, 1576, p. 1966, 1583, p. 2074.

[See Brett Usher, 'In a Time of Persecution': New Light on the Secret Protestant Congregation in Marian London', John Foxe and the English Reformation, ed. David Loades (Suffolk, 1997), pp. 23351.]

Foxe refers to his installation as bishop of Peterborough after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Edwin Sandys

(1519? - 1588)

Bishop of Worcester (1559 - 1570); London. Elizabethan archbishop of York (DNB)

Supporter of Northumberland and Lady Jane Grey. Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge rather than Chancellor as Foxe has him.

Edwin Sandys was put in the Tower with Northumberland 25 July 1553 (1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1394; 1583, p. 1465).

Bland was schoolmaster to Sandys, bishop of Worcester. 1563, p. 1218, 1570, p. 1843, 1576, p. 1577, 1583, p. 1665.

A letter from Ridley and his fellow prisoners to Bradford and his fellow prisoners in the King's Bench in 1554 stated that Ridley longed to hear of Father Crome, Doctor Sandys, Masters Saunders, Veron, Beacon and Rogers. 1563, p. 1294, 1570, p. 1896, 1576, p. 1624, 1583, p. 1724.

Northumberland sent for Sandys, Parker, Bill and Leaver to have supper with him. 1583, p. 2086.

Parker and Sandys were made bishops. 1583, p. 2086.

John Gates was made a deacon. Sandys was expected to preach. Foxe records Sandys' actions the night before he preached. 1583, p. 2086.

During Sandys' sermon, he was handed a mass book and grail, which Sir George Haward had taken in Master Hurlestone's house, where Lady Grey had previously attended mass. 1583, p. 2086.

As Sandys was delivering his sermon, Adams, one of the beadles, came weeping to Leaver to tell him that Mary had been proclaimed queen and the duke's plans thwarted. 1583, p. 2086.

Northumberland and others requested Sandys to put his sermon in writing and appointed Leaver to take it to London to have it printed. 1583, p. 2086.

Sandys required a day and a half to write out his sermon. 1583, p. 2086.

Sandys gave the written copy of his sermon to Layfield. 1583, p. 2087.

Leaver went to dinner at the house of More (a beadle and a great friend of his). 1583, p. 2087.

Mistress More toasted Sandys at dinner, saying that it was the last time she would see him. She died before Sandys returned from Germany. 1583, p. 2087.

Northumberland retired to Cambridge and asked Sandys to go to the market place with him to proclaim Mary. 1583, p. 2087.

Northumberland wept at the proclamation. 1583, p. 2087.

Northumberland was arrested. 1583, p. 2087.

John Gates sharply rebuked the guards who looked to take Sandys. 1583, p. 2087.

Gates advised Sandys to walk in the fields. 1583, p. 2087.

University officials organised the taking of the statute book, keys and various things from Sandys' lodgings by Mouse and Hatcher. 1583, p. 2087.

As Sandys took his seat in the university, Mitch conspired to have him seized from his chair but Sandys began his oration to justify his sermon. 1583, p. 2087.

Mitch and twenty followers came to drag Sandys from his seat. 1583, p. 2087.

Dr Bill and Dr Blith persuaded Sandys not to use his dagger against his attackers. 1583, p. 2087.

Sandys was able to finish his oration. 1583, p. 2087.

Master Jerningham and Thomas Mildmay took Sandys to prison. 1583, p. 2087.

Mildmay said that he marvelled at what Sandys had said the day before his arrest. 1583, p. 2087.

Huddlestone took one of Sandys' geldings. 1583, p. 2087.

Sandys was taken in procession to the Tower. 1583, p. 2087.

Sandys, having spent three weeks in a bad prison, was imprisoned in the nun's bower with John Bradford. 1583, p. 2087.

Mitchell spoke with Sandys in prison. 1583, p. 2087.

John Bowler was keeper to Sandys, Bradford and Saunders. 1583, p. 2087.

Bowler was kind to Sandys and received the sacrament from him with Bradford. 1583, p. 2087.

Norfolk sent arms against Wyatt. 1583, p. 2087.

Bradford was imprisoned with Cranmer and Ridley, while Sandys and others were removed to the Marshalsea. 1583, p. 2087.

Thomas Way, the keeper of the Marshalsea, appointed a man to every prisoner he moved. He conversed with Sandys as he was being transferred. 1583, p. 2088.

Way trusted Sandys to meet with Bradford in the fields and later return to prison. 1583, p. 2088.

Thomas Way would not let Sir Thomas Holcroft's servant put fetters on Sandys. 1583, p. 2088.

Way allowed Saunder in to see Sandys, and Sandys' daughter also. 1583, p. 2088.

When Wyatt came to Southwark he sent two men to speak with Sandys in the Marshalsea, and they offered to open the gates of the prison for him. Sandys said he would not be assisted unless it was God's will. 1583, p. 2088.

After nine weeks' imprisonment in the Marshalsea, Holcroft allowed Sandys to be set free. 1583, p. 2088.

Holcroft petitioned Gardiner for Sandys' release. 1583, p. 2088.

Holcroft attended the queen with Sandys' remission. 1583, p. 2088.

Mary, Winchester and Holcroft signed Sandys' release papers. 1583, p. 2088.

Holcroft met with two gentleman friends of Sandys and offered to be bound in surety for him. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys said that he wished to go abroad, which did not please Holcroft. 1583, p. 2088.

Holcroft told Sandys that his cousin, Sir Edward Bray, would receive him and his wife and that he must be patient. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys bade farewell to Saunders and his other fellow prisoners, and later talked with Bradford and Ferrar. 1583, p. 2088.

Watson and Christopherson told Winchester that he had set a heretic free. Winchester then sent men to apprehend Sandys. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys went to the house of Master Bartley (a stranger who had been imprisoned with Sandys for some time). 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys went to the home of Hurlestone (a skinner) in Cornhill. Hurlestone had his man Quinting provide two geldings for Sandys to ride to his father-in-law's house in Essex, where his wife was. 1583, p. 2088.

Benjamin (a tailor and constable of the town) and Mrs. Hurlstone told Sandys not to be afraid of those who were looking for him. 1583, p. 2088.

Benjamin told Sandys that the constable who arrested Sandys would receive £5. 1583, p. 2088.

Benjamin told Sandys of his plot to help him escape, as his persecutors knew of his plans. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys removed to the house of a farmer, near the sea, and then on to that of James Mower, a shipbuilder, who lived in Milton Shore. He spent two nights there and gave an exhortation to 40-50 mariners there. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys met with Master Isaac of Kent, who sent his eldest son with Sandys. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys and Coxe made their escape on board Cockrel's ship. 1583, p. 2088.

They arrived in Antwerp and went to dine with Master Locke. 1583, p. 2088.

While Sandys was at dinner, his kinsman George Gilpin, secretary to the English House, came in and warned Sandys that he was under instruction from King Philip to find and seize him. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys and his retinue fled to Ausburg and then on to Strasburg. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys was in Strasbourg for one year before his wife joined him. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys' wife was with him for nine months and then was taken ill and died of a consumption. 1583, p. 2088.

After the death of Sandys' wife, Master Sampson, a man skillful in Hebrew, went to Emanuel College, Cambridge. Grindal went into the country to learn Dutch. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys remained in Strasbourg, sustained by Master Isaac, who gave him many gifts and 100 marks, which Sandys was later able to return to him. 1583, p. 2088.

After the death of his wife, Sandys went to stay with Peter Martyr in Zurich for five weeks. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys was at dinner with Martyr when they learned of the news of Mary's death. 1583, p. 2088.

Martyr and Jarret rejoiced at the news of Mary's death. 1583, p. 2088.

Sandys ate with Bullinger and others before returning to Strasburg. 1583, p. 2088.

Grindal and Sandys arrived in London on the day of Elizabeth's coronation. 1583, p. 2088.

Foxe refers to his installation as bishop of Worcester after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

[He is also referred to by Foxe as 'Sanders' and 'D. Sandes'.]

Person and Place Index   *   Close
James Pilkington

(1520? - 1576)

First protestant bishop of Durham (1561 - 1576). [DNB]

James Pilkington's preaching in Lancashire in Edward VI's reign was mentioned by George Marsh. 1570, p. 1744; 1576, p. 1489; 1583, p. 1572.

Pilkington's exile was mentioned in Bradford's letter to the university town of Cambridge. 1563, pp. 1178-80, 1570, pp. 1808-09., 1576, p. 1545, 1583, p. 1627.

James Pilkington gave a sermon denouncing Bucer and Phagius at their exhumation and condemnation. 1563, p. 1555, 1583, p. 1966.

Foxe refers to his installation after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
John Best

(d. 1570)

Bishop of Carlisle (1561). (DNB)

Foxe refers to his installation at Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
John Jewel

(1522 - 1571)

Bishop of Salisbury (1559 - 1571). [DNB]

John Jewel served, together with Gilbert Mounson, as one of two 'protestant' notaries at the 1554 Oxford disputations; he was approved by Ridley for this role (1570, p. 1607; 1576, p. 1371; 1583, p. 1442; cf. 1563, p. 958, where Ridley's approval of Jewel and Mounson is described but they are not named).

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Harding's attack on Jewel is referred to in Foxe's attack on Harding's defence of the persecution of Peritone Massey. 1570, p. 2131, 1576, p. 1852, 1583, p. 1946.

John Jewel was a participant in the Westminster disputation of 1559. 1563, p. 1717, 1583, p. 2119.

Foxe refers to his installation after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
John Parkhurst

(1512? - 1575)

DD (1566). Bishop of Norwich. (DNB)

Parkhurst was the author of Latin verses in response to John White's Latin verses praising the marriage of Philip and Mary (1570, p. 1642; 1576, p. 1401; 1583, p. 1471).

Foxe refers to his installation after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
John Scory

(d. 1585)

Bishop of Rochester (1551 - 1552). Bishop of Chichester (1552 - 1553) and of Hereford (1559 - 1585) [DNB]

John Scory's exile is mentioned in Bradford's letter to the university town of Cambridge. 1563, pp. 1178-80, 1570, pp. 1808-09., 1576, p. 1545, 1583, p. 1627.

Scory, bishop of Rochester, visited Cranmer. He took a copy of Cranmer's writings about the rumour that he had said the mass (when Thornden had in fact said it) and had it published. Cranmer was commanded to appear before the council and bring an inventory of his goods. 1563, p. 1479, 1570, p. 2046, 1576, p. 1764, 1583, p. 1871.

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Elizabeth Young said that Scory had taught her doctrine. 1570, p. 2271, 1576, p. 1960, 1583, p. 2067.

John Scory was a participant in the Westminster disputation of 1559. 1563, p. 1717, 1583, p. 2119.

Foxe refers to his installation as bishop of Hereford after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
John Story

(1510? - 1571)

1st Regius Professor of Civil Law. Roman catholic martyr. (DNB)

John Story was one of the recipients of the proclamation from Philip and Mary authorising the persecution of protestants. 1563, p. 1561, 1570, p. 2155, 1576, p. 1862, 1583, p. 1974[incorrectly numbered 1970].

In the 1563 edition, Foxe claims that Story urged that Elizabeth be executed, maintaining that it was pointless to cut the branches off a tree and not strike at its roots (1563, p. 1004). These passages were never reprinted.

In a letter to Augustine Bernher, Bradford asked him to discover what Master G. had said to Doctor Story and others. 1570, p. 1837, 1576, p. 1572, 1583, p. 1654.

Dr Story was said by Dr Martin to have been the chief procurer of the deaths of John Warren, his wife and daughter, although he was a relative of theirs. 1563, p. 1251, 1570, p. 1869, 1576, p. 1600, 1583, p. 1689.

When John Denley sang a psalm at his burning, Story rebuked him for it. 1563, p. 1249, 1570, p. 1867, 1576, p. 1598, 1583, p. 1686.

John Story is described by Foxe as one who was occupied with dispatching the godly during Mary's reign. 1563, p. 1383, 1570, p. 1952, 1576, p. 1679, 1583, p. 1786.

The first examination of John Philpot was by Cholmley, Master Roper and John Story and one of the scribes of the Arches at Newgate Hall on 2 October 1555. 1563, pp. 1388-90, 1570, pp. 1961-62, 1576, pp. 1688-89 , 1583, pp. 1795-96.

In Philpot's first examination, Story claimed that Philpot was guilty of heresy for speaking against the mass. 1563, pp. 1388-90, 1570, pp. 1961-62, 1576, pp. 1688-89, 1583, pp. 1795-96.

Philpot's second examination was before Cholmley, Roper, Story and Cook and the scribe on 24 October 1555. 1563, pp. 1390-92, 1570, pp. 1962-64, 1576, pp. 1689-91, 1583, pp. 1797-98.

During Philpot's second examination, Story demanded that Philpot be taken to Lollard's Tower, after which he was imprisoned in Bonner's coal house. 1563, pp. 1390-92, 1570, pp. 1962-64, 1576, pp. 1689-91, 1583, pp. 1797-98.

Philpot's fifth examination was before Bonner, Rochester, Coventry, St Asaph, as well as Story, Curtop, Saverson, Pendleton and others. 1563, pp. 1398-1405, 1570, pp. 1968-72, 1576, pp. 1695-98, 1583, pp. 1803-05.

Story was one of the commissioners who sent John Went, John Tudson, Thomas Brown and Joan Warren to be examined and imprisoned. 1563, p. 1453, 1570, p. 2016, 1576, p. 1737, 1583, p. 1845.

A complaint about John Tudson was sent to Story. 1563, p. 1467, 1570, p. 2029, 1576, p. 1749, 1583, p. 1857.

Cranmer was examined by Brookes, Martin and Story. 1563, pp. 1479-83, 1570, pp. 2046-47, 1576, pp. 1764-65, 1583, p. 1871.

A new commission was sent to Rome for the restoration of the pope's authority to allow the condemnation of Cranmer. Those sent were: James Brookes, Martyn and Story . 1570, p. 2047, 1576, p. 1765, 1583, p. 1871.

Story's oration against Cranmer. 1576, pp. 1769-70, 1583, pp. 1875-76.

Story said that they were true witnesses, as they swore allegience to the pope. Cranmer was was sent to Gloucester by Story. 1570, p. 2056, 1576, p. 1773, 1583, p. 1879.

Henry Adlington received a letter from John Careless, which referred to Story. 1570, pp. 2110-12, 1576, pp. 1833-34, 1583, pp. 1928-29.

Robert Farrer talked with Laurence Sheriff in the Rose tavern and suggested to Sheriff that Elizabeth had been involved in Wyatt's rebellion. Sheriff complained to Bonner about Farrer before Mordaunt, Sir John Baker, Darbyshire, Story, Harpsfield, and others. 1570, p. 2296, 1576, p. 1988, 1583, p. 1980.

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Ralph Allerton was examined on 24 April 1557 before Bonner, Lord North, Dr Story and others. 1563, p. 1621, 1570, p. 2210-11, 1576, p. 1907-08, 1583, p. 2015-16.

A chaplain asked Thomas Green to repeat the articles of his faith before Story. 1563, p. 1688, 1570, p. 2263, 1576, p. 1953, 1583, p. 2061.

Story questioned Green on the mass and the church fathers. 1563, p. 1688, 1570, p. 2263, 1576, p. 1954, 1583, p. 2061.

Green appeared again before Story. 1563, p. 1688, 1570, p. 2263, 1576, p. 1954, 1583, p. 2061.

Story commanded Green be whipped 100 times, although this was objected to, at which point Story said he would have Green's tongue cut out if he could. 1563, p. 1688, 1570, p. 2263, 1576, p. 1954, 1583, p. 2062.

Elizabeth Young's eighth examination was before Bonner, the dean of St Paul's and Story. 1570, pp. 2273-74, 1576, pp. 1962-63, 1583, pp. 2069-70.

Alexander Wimshurst was carried before Story and Cook who asked him where his whore was. Wimshurst defended his wife's honour and her whereabouts. 1570, p. 2276, 1576, p. 1965, 1583, p. 2072.

Edward Benet asked Story to help him out of prison, which he did, only to deliver him to Cluney who put him in stocks in the coalhouse for a week. 1570, p. 2279, 1576, p. 1968 [incorrectly numbered 1632], 1583, p. 2075.

Richard Waterson was examined by Story, when he was told that £40 would release him from punishment. This was reduced to £10 but eventually a warrant was made to Richard Grafton who was forced to watch the beating of Gye upon a cross at Bridewell. 1563, p. 1730 [incorrectly numbered 1703], 1583, p. 2144.

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John Story had accused Angel's wife of murdering a woman and her child who resided with her in her house. He sent her to Newgate. Sir Roger Cholmley dismissed the charges against her. 1563, p. 1707, 1570, p. 2299, 1576, p. 1991, 1583, p. 2010.

At Elizabeth's accession Story was committed to ward but he managed to escape overseas, where he met with the duke of Alva in Antwerp. 1583, p. 2153.

Parker, a merchant, was sent to apprehend Story and return him to England. 1583, p. 2153.

Parker told Story that a ship had come from England and that he might like to peruse the merchandise on board. Story suspected nothing, was caught and returned to England. 1583, p. 2153.

In prison, Story refused to agree to the act of supremacy and was subsequently hung, drawn and quartered as a traitor. 1583, p. 2153.

Foxe refers to his death. 1563, p. 1706.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Matthew Parker

(1504 - 1575)

DD (1538) Archbishop of Canterbury (1559 - 1575). (DNB)

Matthew Parker preached honourably at the death of Bucer. 1563, p. 1559., 1570, p. 2153, 1576, p. 1859, 1583, p. 1968.

Matthew Parker, Edmund Grindall and Richard Goodrick requested that the body of Peter Martyr's wife be buried honourably. 1563, p. 1559., 1570, p. 2153, 1576, p. 1859, 1583, p. 1968.

Elizabeth replaced Cardinal Pole with Parker as archbishop of Canterbury. 1583, p. 2124.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Nicholas Bullingham

(1512? - 1576)

BCL (1541). Bishop of Lincoln (1559 - 1571). Bishop of Worcester (1571 - 1576). (DNB)

Foxe refers to Bullingham's installation at Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

[His brother-in-law, Richard Hawborough, was keeper of Freeman's prison in Worcester. (Nicholls, p. 65)]

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Reginald Pole

(1500 - 1558)

Archbishop of Canterbury (1555 - 1558) and cardinal. [DNB] Papal legate (1554 - 1557) [Hillerbrand, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation; T. F. Mayer, Reginald Pole, Prince and Prophet (2000)]

On 7 November 1554, two ambassadors were sent abroad. The rumour was that they were sent to escort Pole to England (1570, p. 1645; 1576, p. 1403; 1583, p. 1473).

Pole landed at Dover on 21 November 1554 and on the same day an act was passed in parliament repealing the act of attainder passed against him in Henry VIII's reign (1570, p. 1647; 1576, p. 1405; 1583, p. 1475; cf. the account of this in 1563, p. 1008). Another notice of the act of attainder against Pole being repealed (1570, p. 1654; 1576, p. 1411; 1583, p. 1481).

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Pole arrived at Lambeth on 24 November 1554 (1570, p. 1647; 1576, p. 1405; 1583, p. 1475).

He arrived at parliament on 27 November 1554 and made an oration there, praising England's previous catholic fidelity, deploring the reformation and extolling papal power (1563, pp. 1008-10; 1570, pp. 1647-49; 1576, pp. 1405-7; 1583, pp. 1476-78).

He pronounced a papal absolution in parliament on 28 November 1554 (1563, pp. 1010-11; 1570, p. 1649; 1576, p. 1407; 1583, pp. 1477-78).

Reginald Pole sent a letter to Pope Julius III on 30 November 1554 announcing the restoration of catholicism in England. 1563, pp. 1013-14 [in Latin, only in this edition, pp. 1012-13] ; 1570, pp. 1650-51; 1576, p. 1408; 1583, pp. 1478-79; also see 1570, p. 1729; 1576, p. 1476; 1583, p. 1559.

He was present at Stephen Gardiner's Paul's Cross sermon of 2 December 1554 (1563, p. 1018; 1570, p. 1651; 1576, p. 1408; 1583, p. 4179 [recte 1479]).

He absolved convocation on 6 December 1554 for their perjuries, heresies and schisms (1570, p. 1652; 1576, p. 1409; 1583, p. 4179 [recte 1479]).

As legate to Julius III, Pole reconciled England to Rome and absolved the English. 1563, pp. 1083-84; 1570, p. 1707; 1576, p. 1457; 1583, p. 1531.

In an attempt to reinstate catholicism at the University of Cambridge, a commission under the direction of Cardinal Pole ordered the condemning and burning of the bones and books of Phagius and Martin Bucer. Members of the commission were Cuthbert Scott, Nicholas Ormanet, Thomas Watson, John Christopherson and Henry Cole. Ormanet was chosen because he had the trust of Pope Julius III. 1563, pp. 1537 [recte 1549]-1558 [recte 1570]

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Thomas Causton appealed his conviction to Pole. 1563, p. 1107; 1570, p. 1719; 1576, p. 1468; 1583, p. 1541.

Robert Ferrar appealed his conviction to Pole. 1563, p. 1099; 1570, p. 1724; 1576, p. 1472; 1583, p. 1555.

The examination of Ridley and Latimer by White (Lincoln) and Brookes (Gloucester) was held on 30 September 1555. White and Brookes received their commission from 'Cardinall Poole'. 1563, pp. 1297-98, 1570, pp. 1903-09, 1576, pp. 1631-39, 1583, pp. 1757-60.

William Stannard, Thomas Freeman and William Adams were condemned to be burned 13 June 1556 but Cardinal Pole sent dispensation for their lives. 1563, pp. 1525-26, 1570, p. 2097, 1576, p. 1798, 1583, p. 1916.

Pole chose Cuthbert Scot, Nicholas Ormanet, Thomas Watson, John Christopherson and Henry Cole to be a persecutors of the University of Cambridge. 1563, p. 1537, 1570, p. 2142, 1576, p. 1862, 1583, p. 1956.

Peter Martyr's wife was reburied in Richard Marshall's dunghill after Cardinal Pole ordered him to oversee the exhumation of her body. 1563, p1559., 1570, p. 2153, 1576, p. 1859, 1583, p. 1968.

Reginald Pole died the day after Queen Mary. 1563, p. 1707, 1570, p. 2298, 1576, p. 1990, 1583, p. 2136.

[Not related to David Pole.]

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Richard Cox

(1500 - 1581)

Chaplain to Henry VIII, Archbishop Cranmer and Bishop Goodricke. Bishop of Ely (1559-1581). Exile during Mary's reign.[DNB]

Richard Cox was committed to the Marshalsea. 1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1394; and 1583, p. 1465.

A commission was sent to Kent to find out the truth about Cranmer's beliefs and the charges of heresy against him. The commission members were Dr Belhouse, Chauncellor Cox and Hussey the registrar. 1570, p. 2042, 1576, p. 1761, 1583, p. 1867.

During Careless' first examination, Martin claimed that Cox had refuted some of Careless' arguments. 1563, pp. 1529-35, 1570, pp. 2101-02.

Julins Palmer's first examination was by the mayor, with charges brought by Thomas Thackham (who had been in the teaching post that Palmer had taken). False witnesses against him were Cox, Cately and Downer. Foxe records the articles against him. 1570, pp. 2120-21, 1570, pp. 1842-43, 1583, pp. 1937-38.

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Richard Cox was a participant in the Westminster disputation of 1559. 1563, p. 1717, 1583, p. 2119.

[Also referred to as 'D. Cockes']

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Richard Davies

(d. 1581)

DD (before 1560). Bishop of St David's (DNB).

Foxe refers to Richard Davies' installation at Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Robert Horne

(1519 - 1580)

DD (1549). Dean of Winchester (1561). Dean of Durham (1551 - 1553: deprived. Restored 1559). Bishop of Winchester (1561 - 1580) (DNB; Garrett, Marian Exiles (Cambridge, 1938). Protestant exile under Mary. [Fines])

Robert Horn's exile is mentioned in Bradford's letter to the university town of Cambridge. 1563, pp. 1178-80, 1570, pp. 1808-09., 1576, p. 1545, 1583, p. 1627.

Foxe refers to Horne's installation as bishop of Winchester after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Thomas Bentham

(1513 - 1579)

DD (1565). Perpetual fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford (1546). On the accession of Mary he was removed from the fellowship. He went into exile (see Christina Garrett, The Marian Exiles [Cambridge, 1966], pp. 86-87). Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry (1559). (DNB)

Thomas Bentham was a leader of a clandestine London congregation late in Mary's reign. 1570, p. 2277, 1576, p. 1966, 1583, p. 2074.

He prayed boldly to the congregation at the burning of the last seven martyrs in Smithfield. 1570, p. 2277, 1576, p. 1967, 1583, p. 2074.

He was picked up by two men in St Katherine's on the pretence of sitting on an inquest for a drowned man, but he protested that he was not suitable for the post and that he was a scholar of Oxford. He was asked for evidence of his position. 1563, p. 1701, 1570, p. 2279, 1576, p. 1967, 1583, p. 2074.

When Bentham was asked to swear upon a catholic primer, members of the inquest realised his confessional beliefs. 1563, p. 1701, 1570, p. 2279, 1576, p. 1967, 1583, p. 2074.

A messenger suddenly arrived and dismissed the inquest, giving Bentham the chance to escape. 1563, p. 1701, 1570, p. 2279, 1576, p. 1967, 1583, p. 2074.

Foxe refers to his installation after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Thomas Young

(1507 - 1568)

Precentor of St David's Cathedral (1542 - 1554 and 1559); bishop of St David's (1559 - 1561) and archbishop of York (1561 - 1568). Son-in-law of George Constantine (DNB; Fasti).

Thomas Young was one of six clerics - the others were Walter Phillips, James Haddon, John Philpot, Richard Cheyney and John Aylmer - who refused to subscribe to the articles promulgated in the 1553 convocation. Because Young did not take part in the ensuing debates, Philpot did not learn who he was; only identifying him as 'one other'. Foxe, who would not have known who this was either, also never identified him (1563, p. 906; 1570, p. 1571; 1576, p. 1340; and 1583, p. 1410).

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Thomas Young was one of Robert Ferrar's chief opponents in the diocese of St David's. 1563, p. 1084; 1570, p. 1722; 1576, p. 1470; 1583, p. 1544.

According to Foxe, Young was motivated to act against Ferrar because the bishop proceeded against him for despoiling the church, for simony, and for laxity. 1570, p. 1722; 1576, p. 1470.

Thomas Young accused Ferrar of praemunire. He disputed with Ferrar over the right of patronage to several benefices. 1563, pp. 1084-85; 1570, p. 1722; 1576, p. 1470; 1583, p. 1544.

Young was accused by Ferrar of despoiling church property; Young's opposition to Ferrar is detailed. 1563, pp. 1088-93; 1583, pp. 1546-50.

Young was accused by Ferrar of improper procedure in gathering evidence against him. 1563, pp. 1093 and 1095; 1570, p. 1722; 1576, p. 1470; 1583, pp. 1550 and 1551-52. He was accused by Ferrar of ignorance of the law and of acting illegally. 1563, pp. 1094-95; 1583, pp. 1551-52.

Ferrar denounced Young in letters to Lord Chancellor Thomas Goodrich. 1563, pp. 1096-98; 1570, pp. 1725-26; 1576, pp. 1472-1480 [recte 1474]; 1583, pp. 1552-53 and 1556. [NB: When these letters were printed in the 1563 edition, only Young's initials were given. His name was printed in subsequent editions].

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Elizabeth replaced Nicholas Heath with Thomas Young as archbishop of York. 1583, p. 2124.

[NB: In the diocese of St David's the precentor ranked second only to the bishop].

Person and Place Index   *   Close
William Alley

(1510 - 1570)

DD (1561). Bishop of Exeter (DNB).

Foxe refers to Alley's installation after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
William Barlow

(d. 1568)

Bishop of St Asaph (1536). Bishop of St David's (1536 - 1548). Bishop of Bath and Wells (1548 -1553). Bishop of Chichester (1559 - 1568) [DNB]

Robert Ferrar maintained that Barlow had leased Ramsey Island to William Brown. 1563, p. 1091; 1583, p. 1548.

On 9 November 1554 he was brought before Star Chamber, then put in the Fleet (1570, p. 1645; 1576, p. 1403; 1583, p. 1474).

Barlow was apprehended with Cardmaker and imprisoned at the beginning of Mary's reign. Examined by Stephen Gardiner in January 1555, he appeared to be ready to recant. Barlow was 'delivered' from the Fleet and went into exile. 1563, p. 1141; 1570, p. 1750; 1576, p. 1494; 1583, p. 1578.

[NB: Although Foxe cleverly words his account to avoid acknowledging this, Barlow was released from prison after recanting. He then fled into exile (DNB)].

Stephen Gardiner told John Bradford that he would be handed over to the secular authorities if he did not follow the example of Barlow and Cardmaker. 1563, p. 1188, 1570, p. 1784, 1576, p. 1524, 1583, p. 1607.

Henry VIII appointed Richard Stokesley (Bishop of London), Stephen Gardiner (Bishop of Winchester), Richard Sampson (Bishop of Chichester), William Repps (Bishop of Norwich), Thomas Goodrich (Bishop of Ely), Hugh Latimer (Bishop of Worcester), Nicholas Shaxton (Bishop of Salisbury) and William Barlow (Bishop of St David's) to compose a book of ecclesiastical institutions called the Bishops' Book. 1563, p. 1472.

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Katherine Brandon and her husband devised with Barlow, former bishop of Chichester, to travel with him to the Continent to avoid persecution under Mary. 1570, p. 2286, 1576, p. 1972, 1583, p. 2078.

Foxe refers to his installation as bishop of Chichester after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2128.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
William Downham

(1505 - 1577)

DD (1562). Bishop of Chester. (DNB)

Foxe refers to William Downham's installation after Elizabeth's accession. 1583, p. 2185.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
NGR: TQ 053 836

A chapelry in the parish of Hillingdon, hundred of Elthorne, county of Middlesex. 15 miles west by north from London. The living is a perpetual curacy in the Archdeaconry of Middlesex and Diocese of London.

English information from Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of England (S. Lewis & Co: London, 1831)

Welsh information taken from Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Wales(Lewis & Co: London, 1840)

The reason for the use of these works of reference is that they present the jurisdictional and ecclesiastical position as it was before the major Victorian changes. The descriptions therefore approximate to those applying in the sixteenth century, after the major changes of 1535-42. Except for the physical locations, which have not changed, the reader should not therefore take these references as being accurate in the twenty-first century.

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2148 [2125]

Quene Mary. Popishe Bishops deposed and committed to prison.

the trueth.

L. Keper. But how say you, my Lord Abbot, are you of the mynde it shalbe read?

Abbot. Yea forsooth, my lord, I am very wel pleased with all. Harpesfield being inquired his mind, thought as the other did.

L. Keper. My Lordes, sith that ye are not willing but refuse to read your writing after the order taken, wee wyll breake vp and departe: and for that ye will not that wee should heare you, you may perhaps shortly heare of vs.

THus haue we declared the order and maner of this cōmunication or conference, at Westminster, betweene these two good parties, wherin if any law or order were brokē, iudge (good reader) wher the fault was, and consider with al what these Papistes be, from whō if ye take away their sword and authority from them, you see all their cunning how soone it lyeth in the dust, or els why would they not abide the triall of writing? Why would they or durst they not stande to the order agreed vpon? Whether shoulde we say ignoraunce or stubbernes to be in them more, or both together? Who first being gently (as is sayd) and fauorably required to keep the order appointed, they would not. Then being secondly (as appeared by the Lord Keepers words) pressed more earnestly, they neither regarding the authority. &c. of that place, nor their owne reputation, nor the credite of the cause, vtterly refused that to doe. And finally being agayne particularly euery of them aparte distinctly by name required to vnderstande theyr opinions therin, they al, sauing one (which was the Abbot of Westminster, hauing some more consideratiō of order and hys duety of obedience then the other) vtterly and playnly denyed to haue theyr booke read, some of them as more earnestly then other, some so also, some other more vndiscretly, and vnreuerently then others. Wherupon geuing such example of disorder, stubbernes, and selfe will, as hath not bene seene and suffered in such an honorable assembly, being of the two estates of this Realme, the nobility and the commons, beside the presence and the Queenes Maiestyes most honorable priuy counsell, the same assembly was dis.missed, and the Godly and most Christian purpose of the Queenes Maiesty made frustrate. MarginaliaBishopspes cōmitted to the Tower.And afterward for the contempt so notoriously made, the Byshop of Winchester & Lincolne, hauing most obstinatly both disobeyed commō authority, and varyed manifestly from theyr owne order, and specially Lincoln, who shewed more folly then the other: were condignely committed to the Tower of London, and the rest (sauing the Abbot of Westminster) stoode  

Cattley Pratt   *   Close
Cattley/Pratt, VIII, Appendix: ref page 693, line 5

The Lambeth copy reads "stand;" and two lines lower "order to be taken."

bound to make dayly theyr personall appearaunce before the counsell, and not to depart the Cittye of London and Westminster, vntill further order were taken with thē for their disobedience and contempt.

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Besides the former protestation or libell written and exhibited by the Protestantes, concerning the first question, there was also an other like writing of the sayde Protestantes made of the second question, but not published, which if it come to our hand, we wil likewise impart vnto thee.

MarginaliaBoner cast in the Marshalsey.As these Byshops aboue named were committed to the Tower, so Boner Bishop of London, about the same time, was commaunded to the Marshalsea, whereas hee both in his blinde bloudy heresy, and also in his deserued captiuity long remayned, abiding the Queenes pleasure, gods pleasure, I beseech him, so be wrought on that person, that the Church of Christes flocke, if they can take or looke for no goodnesse of that man to come, yet they maye take of him and of other no more harme herafter, thē they haue done alredy. We al beseech thee this O Lord eternal per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.  

Latin/Greek Translations   *   Close
Foxe text narrative.
Foxe text Latin

per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Aboute this time, at the beginning of the flourishing reigne of Queene Elizabeth, was a Parliament summoned, and holden at Westminster, wherin was much debating about matters touching religion, and great study on both parties employed, the one to reteine still, the other to impugne the doctrine and faction which before in queene Maries time had bene established. But especially here is to be noted that though ther lacked no industry on the papistes side, to holde fast that, which they most cruelly from time to time had studied, & by al meanes practised to come by: Yet notwithstanding, such was the prouidence of God at that time, that for lacke of the other bishops, whome the Lorde had taken away be death a little before, the residue

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that there were left, could doe the lesse: and in very deede, God be praysed therefore, did nothing at all in effect. Although yet notwithstanding there lacked in them neyther will nor labour to do what they could, if their cruell abilitie there might haue serued. MarginaliaD. Storyes impudent wordes in the Parliament.But namely amongest all other, not onely the industrious courage of Doctor Story but also his wordes in this Parliament are worthy to be knowne of posteritie, who like a stout and furious champion of the popes side, to declare himselfe howe lustie hee was, & what he had and would do in his maisters quarrell, shamed not openly in the saide Parliament house to brast out into such impudent sort of words, as was wonder to all good eares to heare, and no lesse worthy of history.

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MarginaliaThe wordes of D. Story in the Parliament house.The summe of which his shameles talke was vttered to this effect: First beginning with himselfe, hee declared, that where as he was noted commonly abroad, and much complayned of, to haue bene a great doer, and a setter forth of such religion, orders, and proceedinges, as of hys late soueraigne that dead is, Queene Mary, were set forth in this Realme, hee denied nothing the same, protestyng moreouer that he therein had done nothing, but that both his conscience did lead him thereunto, and also his commission did as wel then commaund him, as now also doth discharge hym for the same, being no lesse ready now also to doe the like, and more, in case hee by this Queene were authorised likewise, and commaunded thereunto. Wherefore as I see (sayth he) nothing to be ashamed of, so lesse I see to be sory for, but rather sayd that he was sory for thys, because he had done no more thē he did, and that in executing those lawes, they had not bene more vehement and seuere. Wherein he sayd, there was no default in him, but in them, whom he both ofte and earnestly had exhorted to the same, being therefore not a little greeued with them, for that they laboured onely about the young and little sprigges and twigges, whyle they should haue stroken at the roote, and cleane haue rooted it out. &c. And concerning his persecuting and burning them, hee denyed not, but that he was once at the burning of an herewygge (for so he termed it) at MarginaliaThis Martyr burnt at Vxbridge was M. Denley.Vxbridge, where he tost a faggot at his face as hee was singing Psalmes, and set a wynbushe of thornes vnder his feete, a little to pricke him, wyth many other words of like effect. In the whiche words he named moreouer syr Phillip Hobby, & an other knight of Kent, with such other of the richer and higher degree, whom his Counsell was to plucke at: & to bring them vnder coram, wherein sayd he if they had followed my aduise, then had they done well and wisely. This or much like was the effect of the shameles and tyrannicall excuse of hym selfe, more meete to speake with the voyce of a beast, then of a man.

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Although in this Parliament some diuersitie there was of iudgement & opinion betweene parties, yet notwithstanding through the mercifull goodnes of the Lord, the true cause of the Gospell had the vpper hand, the Papistes hope was frustrate, and theyr rage abated, the order and proceedinges of king Edwardes time concerning religion was reuiued agayne, the supremacie of the Pope abolished, the articles and bloudy statutes of Queene Mary repealed, briefly the furious firebrandes of cruell persecution, which had consumed so many poore mens bodyes, were now extinct and quenched.

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Finally, the olde Byshops deposed, for that they refused the othe in renouncing the pope and not subscribing to the Queenes iust and lawfull title. In whose rowmes and places, first for Cardinall Poole, succeeded D. Mathew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury. In the place of Heth,  

Cattley Pratt   *   Close
Cattley/Pratt, VIII, 694, fn 2

Dr. Heath, formerly archbishop of York. - ED.

succeeded D. Young. In steede of Boner, Edmund Grindall was Bishop of London. For Hopton, Thurlby Tonstall, Pates, Christoferson, Peto, Coates, Morgan, Feasy, White, Oglethorpe. &c.  
Cattley Pratt   *   Close
Cattley/Pratt, VIII, 694, fn 3

To this list might be added, Turberville, Watson, Bourne, and Poole. - ED.

were placed Doctor Iohn Parkust in Norwich, D. Coxe in Ely, Iuell in Salisbury Pilkenton in Duresme, Doctor Sandes in Worcester Mayster Downam in Westchester, Bentam in Couentry and Lichfield, Dauid in S. Dauies, Ally in Exceter, Horn in Winchester, Scory in Hereford, Best in Carlile, Bullingham in Lincoln Scamler in Peterbury, Bartlet in Bath, Gest in Rochester, Barlo in Chi. &c.  
Commentary   *   Close

The main text of the 1583 edition ends here. It is followed by an appendix of unprinted documents.

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¶ And here to make an end of this Story. Now it remayneth to proceed fur-
ther to the Appendix in supplying such thinges as haue either
bene omitted, or newly inserted, as foloweth.

¶ The