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and soules as slaues and seruants to be subiett to the feare or bondage of any terrene thing in this world, forasmuch as we are in that part made Lordes and Princes ouer all things whatsoeuer can harme or binde, or terrifie vs. Ga. 4. Colloss. 2.MarginaliaGal. 4. Colos. 2.

MarginaliaDayes and tymes indifferent.11. Item, the right vayne of S. Paules doctrine putteth no difference nor obseruation in dayes and tymes. Gal. 4. Col. 2.

MarginaliaMeates indifferent with th?ksgeuing.12. Item, it leaueth all meates to be indifferent, wyth thankes giuing, to serue the necessitie of the body, and not the body to serue them. Col. 2. 1. Tim. 4.

MarginaliaMariage lawfull for all men.13. Item, it permitteth marriage without restraint or exception, lawfull and also expedient for all men, hauying neede thereof. 1. Cor. 7.

MarginaliaOne sacrifice for sinne & no more. Heb. 9.14. Item, it admitteth no sacrifice for sinne but the sacrifice of Christ alone, and that done once for all with bloude. For without bloud there is no remission of sinne, whiche onely is applied to vs by fayth, & by nothing els. Heb. 9.

MarginaliaThe vse of the holye communion in auncient tyme of the primitiue church.15. Item, as touching the holy Communion, by the letters of S. Paule to the Cor. 11. we vnderstande, that the vse then amongst them was, to haue the participation of the bread called the Lordes body, and of the cup called the Lordes bloud, administred not at an altar, but at a plaine bord or table, the congregation there meeting together after the time of their supper, where not the minister alone did receaue and the other looked on, but the whole congregation togither did c?municate with reuerence & thankes giuyng, not lifting ouer the Priestes head, nor worshipyng, nor kneeling, nor knocking their brestes, but eyther sittyng at the supper, or standing after the supper. According to which forme the Muscouites yet to this day followyng the old rite of the Country (although being drowned otherwise in much superstition) vse to receaue it after they be risen from their diner standing. Experience wherof was seene here at London the first day of October. 1569.

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MarginaliaNo mo Sacramentes mentioned in S. Paule, but the Lordes supper and baptisme.16. Item, the sayde Apostle, besides the sacramentall supper maketh mention of Baptisme, or washing of regeneration, although he himselfe Baptised but few. 1. Cor. 1. of the other sacraments he maketh no mention.

17. Item, by the same doctrine of S. Paule no tongue is to be vsed in the congregation which is not knowen, and doth not edifie. 1. Cor, 14.

MarginaliaThe authoritie and office of the ciuill Magistrates.18. Item, the rule of S. Paules doctrine subiecteth euery creature vnder the obedience of Kinges and Princes and ordinary Magistrates ordeined of God to haue the sword and authoritie of publike regiment to order and dispose in all thinges not contrary to God, whatsoeuer perteineth to the maintenance of the good, or to the correction of the euil: from whose iurisdiction there is no exemption of vocations of persons, whether they be Ecclesiasticall or politicall. And therfore to this office appertaineth to preserue peace, to set things in lawfull order, to conserue Christian discipline in the Church of Christ, to remooue offences, to bridle the disobedient, to prouide and procure wholesome and faithfull teachers ouer the people, to maintaine learning and set vp schooles, to haue ouersight not onely of the people, but also of all Ecclesiastical ministers to see to euery one to do his dutye, & to remooue or punish such as be negligent: also to call Councels and Synodes, & to prouide the Church-goodes to be faithfullye dispensed by the handes of true dealers, to the sustentation of the Church, of true teachers, & to the publike necessitie of the poore, &c.

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MarginaliaThe office and aucthoritie of Byshops how farre it doth extend.19. Furthermore, by S. Paules doctrine, the Ministers and superintendentes of Christes Church haue their authoritie and armour likewise to them limited, which armour is onely spiritual, and not carnal, wherby they fight not against flesh & bloud, but against the power of darkenes, errour, and sinne against the spirituall seduction and crastines in heauenly things, against the works and proceedings of Sathan the Prince of this worlde, in comforting weak consciences against the terrors of the deuil, and desperation, and finally against euery cogitation lifted vp against Christ, to subdue euery celsitude to the subiection and power of Christ Iesu the sonne of God.

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An other briefe recapitulation of the same.

BRiefly and in a compendious summe to reduce the whole doctrine of S. Paule, in these fiue pointes chieflie it consisteth. MarginaliaAn other briefe recapitulation of S. Paules doctrine reduced to fiue poynts.

1. First, in setting foorth the grace, great loue and good will, and free promises of God the Father in Christ Iesus his sonne to mankinde, which so loued the worlde, that he hath giuen his owne sonne for the redemption thereof. Iohn 3.MarginaliaIohn. 3.which gaue his sonne to die for vs being his enimies. Rom. 5 which hath quickned vs being dead in sinneEphes. 2. which so mercifully hath reconciled the world to himselfe by his sonne,MarginaliaThe great mercy of God in Christ. Rom. 5. 2. Cor. 5. Ephes. 2. Rom. 4. Tit. 3.and also by his ambassadours desireth vs to be reconciled vnto him, 2. Cor. 5. who hath giu? his owne sonne to be sinne for vs. 2. Cor. 5. to be accursed for vs. Gal. 3. which by firme promise hath assured vs of our inheritance. Rom. 4. which not by the works of righteousnes that we haue done, but of his owne mercy hath saued vs by the washing of regeneration. Tit. 3. &c.

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2. The seconde point consisteth in preaching and expressing the glorious and triumphant Maiestie of Christ Iesus the sonne of God, and the excellency of his glory, who being once dead in the infirmitie of flesh rose againe wyth power, ascending vp with maiestie, hath led away captiuitie captiue, Eph. 4.MarginaliaThe glory and Maiestye of Christ Iesus set forth in Sainct Paule. Ephes. 4.sitteth and reigneth in glory on the right hand of God in heauenly thinges, aboue all principates and potestates, powers and dominations, & aboue euery name that is named, not only in this world, but also in the world to come, Ephe. 1. In whose name euery knee hath to bende both in heauen and in earth, and vnder the earth, and euery tongue to confesse our Lord Christ Iesus to be of the glory of God the Father. Phil. 2.MarginaliaPhil. 2.In whome and by whome all things are made both in heauen and in earth, things visible & inuisible, whether they be thrones or dominations, or principates, or potestats, al are by him and for him created, and he is before all, & all thinges consist in him, who is the head of his body the Churche, the beginning and first borne from the dead, in whome dwelleth all fulnes. Col. 1.MarginaliaColos. 1.To whome the Father hath giuen all iudgement, and iudgeth no man himselfe any more. Ioh. 5MarginaliaIohn. 5.To whom the Father hath giuen all things to his hands Iohn. 13.MarginaliaIohn. 13.To whome the father hath giuen power of all flesh. Iohn. 17.MarginaliaIohn 17.To whome all power is giuen in heauen and in earth. Math. vlt.MarginaliaMath. vlt.In whome be all the promises of God. Est. &. Amen. 2. Cor. i.Marginalia2. Cor. 1.

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3. Thirdly, he declareth the vertue of his Crosse & Passion,MarginaliaThe 3. braunch. The vertue and effect of Christs death, and what exceeding benefites proceede thereof.and that what exceeding benefites proceede to vs by the same. By whose bloud we haue redemption & remission of our sinnes. Ephes. 1.MarginaliaEphes. 1.By whose strypes we are made whole. Eay. 53.MarginaliaEsay. 53.By whose Crosse all thinges are pacified, both in heauen and in earth. Col. 1.MarginaliaCollos. 1.By whose death wee are reconciled. Rom. 5.MarginaliaRom. 5.Who hath destroied death, & brought life to light. 1. Timot. 1.Marginalia2. Timo. 1.Who by death hath destroyed him which had the power of death, that is, the diuell, and hath deliuered them which liued vnder feare of death all theyr life in bondage. Heb. 2.MarginaliaHeb. 2.By whose obedience we are made iust: by whose righteousnes we are iustified to life. Rom. 5.MarginaliaRom. 5.By whose curse wee are blessed, and deliuered from the malediction of the law. Gala. 3.MarginaliaGal. 3.By whose bloud we that once were farre of, are made neere vnto God. Ephes. 5. Who in one body hath reconciled both Iewes & Gentiles vnto God. Eph. 2.MarginaliaEphes. 2.Who by his flesh hath taken away the diuision and separation betweene God and vs, abolishing the law which was set against vs in preceptes & decrees. Ephes. 2. Who is our peace, our aduocate, and propitiati? for the sinnes of the whole world. 1. Iohn. 2.Marginalia1. Iohn. 2.Who was made accursed, & sinne for vs, that we might be the righteousnes of God in him. 2. Cor. 5.Marginalia2. Cor. 5.Who is made of God for vs, our wisedome and righteousnes, & sanctification, and redemption. 1. Cor 1.Marginalia1. Cor. 1.By whom we haue boldnes, and entraunce with all confidence through faith in him. Ephes. 3.MarginaliaEphes. 3.Who forgiueth all our sinnes, and hath torne a peeces the obligation or handwriting, which was against vs in the law of commanudements, and hath crucified it vpon the Crosse, & vtterly hath dispatched and abolished the same, and hath spoled principates and potestates, as in an open shew of conquest, triumphing ouer them openly in himselfe. Col. 2. Who iustifieth the wicked by faith. Ro. 4. In whom we are made full and complete. Col. 2. &c.MarginaliaCollos. 2. Rom. 4. Colos. 2.

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MarginaliaThe fourth braunch.4. The fourth branch is, to teach and informe vs (to wh? these benefites of Christes Passion and victory do apperteine) by what meanes the same is applied & redoundeth vnto vs: which meanes is onely one, that is onely faith, in Christ Iesu, and no other thing.MarginaliaFayth onely the meane cause of saluation and nothing els.Which faith it pleaseth almightie God, to accept for righteousnes. And this righteousnes it is, which onely standeth before God and none other, as we are plainly taught by the Scriptures, and especially by the doctrine of S. Paule. Which righteousnes thus rising of faith in Christ. S. Paule calleth the righteousnes of God, where he speaketh of himselfe, vtterly refuseth the other rigteousnes which is of the lawe, that the might be found in him, not hauing his own righteousnes which is of the law, but the righteousnes of Christ, which is of faith. Phil. 3.MarginaliaPhil. 3. The righteousnes of the law.Againe, the saide Apostle writing of the Iewes, which sought for righteousnes and found it not: and also of the Gentiles which sought not for it, and yet found it, sheweth the reason why: because (saith he) the one sought it as by workes and the lawe, and came not to

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