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K. Edw. 3. Notes out of the parliament rolles. I. Wickliffe sent with the K. Ambassadours.

20. That the popes collector hath this yeare taken to hys vse the first fruits of all benefices, by collatiō or prouision.

MarginaliaThe law of premunire to be renued. 21. To renue all the statutes against prouisors frō Rome, sith that the Pope reserueth all the benefices of the worlde for hys owne proper gift, & hath thys yere created 12. new Cardinals, so as nowe there are thirty, where was wont to be but 12. and all those Cardinals, except 2. or 3. are the kings enemies.

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MarginaliaAgainst the popes vsurpation, tit. 112. 22. That the Pope in tyme, wil geue the temporall mannors of those dignities to þe kings enemies, sith he so daily vsurpeth vpon the Realme, and the kings regalities.

23. That all houses and corporatiōs of religion, who vnto the kings raigne nowe had free election of heades, the Pope hath encroched the same to hymselfe.

MarginaliaEnglishe money payeth the Popes legacies, tit. 113. 24. That in all legacies from the Pope, whatsoeuer: the English clergie beareth the charge of the legates, and all for the goodnesse of our money.

MarginaliaNo good money in the realme for the pope and Card. tit. 114. 25. And so it appeareth, that if the money of the Realme were as plentiful as euer it was: the Collectors aforesaid, wyth the Proctors of Cardinals, would soone conuey the same.

MarginaliaThe Popes collector or proctor driuen out of the realme, tit. 115. 26. For remedy heereof it may be prouided, that no suche Collector or Proctor doe remayne in Englande, on payne of lyfe and member. And that no Englysh man on the like payne, become any such Collector or Proctor, or remayne at Rome.

MarginaliaThe Popes collector to be examined. 27. For better information hereof, and namely touchyng the Popes Collector, for that the whole clergy beyng obedient to him, dare not displease hym: It were good, that syr Iohn Strensale, parsone of S. Botulphes in Holborne, may be sent to come before the Lordes and commons of this Parliament. Who beyng straightly charged, can declare much more, for that hee serued the same Collector in house 5. yeares.

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MarginaliaEnglish mē good asses. ¶ And thus much of this bil touching the popes matters: wherby it may appere, not to be for nought that hath bene vpon vs reported by the Italians and other straungers, which vsed to call English men good Asses: for they beare all burdens that be layd vpon them.

MarginaliaOrder takē in London against vsury, tit. 158. Item, in the said parliament it was prouided also, that such order as is made in London against the horrible vice of vsury, may be obserued throughout the whole realme.

MarginaliaComplaynt against the B. of Yorke and his officers for their excessiue taking for their admissions. tit. 171 The commons of the dioces of Yorke complaine of the outragious taking of the Bishop and his clarkes, for admission of priestes to their benefices.

MarginaliaEx Archiuis Reg. Edou. 3. an. regni. 51. tit. 36. To these recordes of the parliament aboue prefixed of the 50. yere of thys king Edward: we will adioyne also other notes, collected out the the parliament, in the yere next following, which was 51. and last yeare of this kings life and raigne, An. 1377. the 27. of January: Although in the printed boke, these statutes are said to be made at the parliament holden, as aboue in the 50. yeare whych is muche mistaken, and ought to be referred to the 51. yere, as by the recordes of the sayd yere, manifestly doth appeare.MarginaliaAgainst the popes prouisions from Rome. ann. reg. 51. tit. 36

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In which Parliament, the Byshop of S. Dauids being Lord Chauncelour, making a long oration, taking his theame out of S. Paul: Libenter suffertis insipientes. &c. MarginaliaThe effect of the Chācellors Oration. Declaring in the sayde Oration many thyngs, as first, in shewing the ioyfull newes of the olde kings recouerye: then declaring the loue of God toward the king and realme, in chastising hym wyth sicknesse: Afterwarde shewyng the blessing of God vpon the king, in seeing hys childrēs children: Then by a similitude of the head & members, exhorting the people as members to cōforme themselues to the goodnesse of the head. Lastly, hee turned his matter to the Lordes and the rest, declaring the cause of that assembly: that for somuch as the Frenche kyng had allyed hymselfe wyth the Spanyardes and Scottes the kyngs enemyes, whych had prepared great powers, conspiring to blot out the English tonge and name: the king therefore was willyng to haue therein their faithfull counsaile.

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This being declared by the Bishop: Sir Robert Ashton the kings chamberlaine, declaring þt he was to mooue them from the king, for the profit of the realme (the whych wordes percase lay not in the Byshops mouth, for that it touched the Pope) vz. By protesting first, that the Kyng was ready to do al that ought to be done for the pope. MarginaliaThe cause of this parliament chiefly for the Popes vsurpation against the king.But for that diuers vsurpations were done by the Pope to the Kyng hys crowne, and Realme, as by particular billes in thys parliament should be shewed, he required of them to seeke redresse.

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MarginaliaAgainst the pope his prouisions from Rome an. reg. 51. tit. 35. In thys present parliament petition was made by the commons, that al prouisors of things from Rome, & their ministers, should be out of the kyngs protection.

MarginaliaThe kynges answere. Whereunto the kyng aunswered, that the Pope hadpromysed redresse, whych if hee did not, the lawes then should stand.

MarginaliaAgainst the P. his dispēsations tit. 62. It was also in that Parliament required, that euery person of what sexe soeuer, being professed of any religion, continuing the habite of 15. yeares, may vpon the triall of the same in any of the kings courts, be in law vtterly forbarred of al inheritaunce, albeit he haue dispensation from the pope. Against which dispensation, is the chief grudge. Wherunto the king and the lordes answered, saying, that they would prouide.

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Item, in the sayde Parliament was propounded, that the statute of prouisors made at any time may be executed, and that remedy may be had agaynst such Cardinalles, as haue wythin the prouinces of Caunterbury and Yorke, purchased reseruations, wyth the clause of Anteferri  

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That is a clause guaranteeing that one reservation to a benefice tookprecedence over all others.

, to the value of xx. or xxx. thousande Scutes of golde agaynst the Popes Collector: MarginaliaBy this Anteferri, that is, premunire is ment, the preeminence aboue the kyng.who was wont to be an Englishman, and now is a mere French, residing at London, & conueieth yearely to the Pope xx. M. markes, or xx. M. pounde, who thys yeare gathereth the first fruites whatsoeuer. Alledging the meanes to meete wyth these reseruations and nouelries, as: to commaund all straungers to depart the Realme during the warres, that no English man to become their farmour, or to send to them any mony without speciall licence, on payne to be out of the kings protection: Wherunto was aunswered by the kyng, that the statutes and ordinaunces therfore made, should be obserued.MarginaliaThe popes lawe of preminere, which now we corruptly call premunire, debarred by the K. tit. 78.

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In these rolles and recordes of such Parliamentes as was in thys kings time continued, diuers other thynges are to be noted muche worthy to be marked, and not to be suppressed in silence. Wherein the Reader may learne and vnderstand the state of the kings iurisdiction here wythin this realme, not to be straightned in those daies (although the Pope then seemed to be in his chief ruffe) as afterward since in other kings dayes was seene. MarginaliaEx Actis parliamenti in an. reg. Ed. tertij 15 tit. 24. As may appeare in the parliament of the 15. yeare of thys king Edward the 3. and in the 24. article of the sayde Parliament: where it is to be read, that the kings officers and temporall Iustices did then both punish vsurers, and impeached the officers of the Church for bribery, and for taking mony for temporall paine, probate of willes, solemnitie of Mariage. &c. al the the pretensed liberties of the popish church to the contrary notwythstanding.MarginaliaPunishment of the clergie in the temporall mens handes.

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MarginaliaClarkes subiect to temporall lawe. Furthermore, in the Parliament of the 25. yeare, appeareth: that the liberties of the clergie and their exemptions in claiming the deliuerance of men by their booke vnder the name of Clerks, stode then in litle force, as appeared by one Hauketyne Honby knight: who for imprisonning one of the kings subiectes, till hee made fine of 20. li. was therefore executed, notwithstanding the liberty of the Clergie, whych by his booke would haue saued hym, but could not.

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The like also appeared by iudgement geuen agaynst a priest at Notingham, for killing of hys maister.

And likewise by hanging certaine monks of Combe. Ex Parliam An. 23. Ed. 3.

MarginaliaThe raynment of the Archb. of Cant. an. 15. Ed. 3. tit. 49. Item, in the Parliament of the 15. yeare, by apprehending of I. Stratford, Archbishop of Canterbury, and hys arrainment: concerning which his arrainment, all things were committed to sir William of Kildisby.

Besides these truthes and notes of the kings Parliaments, wherin may appeare þe toward procedings of this king & of all his commons against the pretensed church of Rome: Thys is moreouer to be added to the commendation of the king, how in the volumes of the actes & rolles of the king appeareth. MarginaliaIohn Wickliffe sent with the kings Ambassadours by the K.That the sayd king Edward the 3. sent also Iohn Wickleffe, reader then of the Diuinitie lector in Oxford, wyth certaine other Lords & ambassadors ouer into the parts of Italy, to treat wyth the Popes Legates concerning affaires betwixt the King and the Pope wt ful cōmission: the tenor wherof here foloweth expressed  

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Foxe took this letter from College of Arms MS Arundel 7, which is a version of Thomas of Walsingham's Chronica majora. (See Thomae Walsingham,quondam monachi S. Alban, historia Anglicana, ed. H. T. Riley, 2 vols. [London,1863-4], I, p. 317.


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REx vniuersis, ad quorum notitiam presentes literæ peruenerint. &c. In English thus.

The King to all and singuler to whome these presentes shall come greeting. Know ye, that we reposing assured confidence in the fidelitie and wisdome of the reuerend father Iohn Bishoppe of Bangor, and other our louing and faithful subiects, M. Iohn Wickliffe, reader of the diuinitie lecture, M. Iohn Gunter Deane of Segobyen. and M. Symon Moulton doctor of the lawe, Syr William Burton Knight, M Iohn Belknappe, & M. Iohn Honnington, haue directed them as our Ambassadors and special Commissioners to the partes beyond the seas. Geuing to the sayde our Ambassadors and Commissioners, to sixe or fiue of them, of whome I will that the sayde Bishop shalbe one, full power and aucthoritie, wyth commaundement speciall, to treat and consult mildely and charitably with the Legates and Ambassadors of the L. Pope touching certaine affaires. Whereupon of late we sent heretofore the

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