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Alderbury [Alwardbury]


OS grid ref: SU 185 265

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Beaminster [Bemynster]


OS grid ref: ST 475 015

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OS grid ref: SJ 885 085

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Calne [Calue]


OS grid ref: ST 995 715

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Driffield [Driffild]

East Riding of Yorkshire

OS grid ref: TA 025 585

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Edgbaston [Adbaston]


OS grid ref: SP 055 845

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Figheldean [Figheldon]

Salisbury, Wiltshire

OS grid ref: SU 155 475

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Godalming [Godalmonge]


OS grid ref: SU 965 435

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Gussage All Saints (SU 005 105) or Gussage St Michael (ST 985 115) or Gussage St Andrew (ST 975 145) [Gissiche]


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Heytesbury [heightredbury]


OS grid ref: ST 925 425

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Highworth [Heiworth]


OS grid ref: SU 202 924

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Hurst (St Nicholas Hurst)

Reading, Berkshire

OS grid ref: SU 798 738

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Mere [Meere]


OS grid ref: ST 815 325

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Netherbury [Netherbarnby]


OS grid ref: SY 465 995

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Pitton [Putton]


OS grid ref: SY 655 805

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NGR: SU 145 300

A city having separate civil jurisdiction, locally in the hundred of Underditch, county of Wilts. 82 miles south-west by west from London. The city comprises the parishes of St Edmund, St Martin and St Thomas, in the jurisdiction of the Sub-Dean, and in the diocese of Salisbury, of which the city is the seat. The cathedral precinct is extra-parochial, and under the jurisdiction of the Dean and Chapter. The living of St Edmund is a rectory not in charge; St Martin is a discharged rectory; and St Thomas a perpetual curacy.

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English information from Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of England (S. Lewis & Co: London, 1831)

Welsh information taken from Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Wales(Lewis & Co: London, 1840)

The reason for the use of these works of reference is that they present the jurisdictional and ecclesiastical position as it was before the major Victorian changes. The descriptions therefore approximate to those applying in the sixteenth century, after the major changes of 1535-42. Except for the physical locations, which have not changed, the reader should not therefore take these references as being accurate in the twenty-first century.

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Sandhurst [Sanhurst]


OS grid ref: SU 833 614

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Shaftesbury nunnery

nr Gillingham, Dorset

Shaftesbury nunnery church was considered to be a prebend [Registrum Simonis de Gandavo, Canterbury.&York, Series 41 (1934) pp. 684-5]

OS grid ref: ST 855 228

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Strensall (Streoneshall)

[Sternehalt; Stransall]

York, North Riding of Yorkshire

OS grid ref: SE 635 605

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Upper Woodford (SU 125 375 or Middle Woodford (SU 115 365) or Lower Woodford (SU 125 355)


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Wilsford [Wyuelefforde]


OS grid ref: SU 135 395

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Wistow [Wystow]

Selby, North Yorkshire

OS grid ref: SE 595 355

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Woking [Oking] Palace

nr Old Woking, Surrey

OS grid ref: TQ 015 575

453 [429]

K. Edw. 3. The valuation of all Ecclesiasticall dignities in Eng. in the hands of strangers.

But before we close vpp the story of this king: there commeth to hand that which I thought not good to omit; a noble purpose of the king in requiring a viewe to be taken in all his dominions of all benefices and dignities ecclesiasticall remayning in the handes of Italians and Alions with the true valuation of the same directed down by commission in the time of king Richard the second, wherof the like also is to be found: the tenour of which commission of king Edward I thought here vnder to set down for worthy memory.

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The king directed writtes vnto all the Byshops of England in this forme.

Marginalia Anno 48. Edward. tertij. EEdward by the grace of God king &c. To the reuerend father in Christ. N. By the same grace Bishop of L. greeting. Beyng willing vpon certayn causes to be certified what and how many benefices aswell Archdeaconries & other dignities as vicaradges personages Prebendes and Chappels within your dioces be at this present in thandes of Italions and other strangers, what they be of what valour, and how euery of the sayd benefices be called by name. And how much euery of the same is worth by the yere, not as by way of Taxe or extent, but according to the true valor of the same: likewise of the names of al & singuler such strangers being now incombentes or occupying the same and euery of thē: moreouer the names of all of them, whether Englishmen or Straungers, of what state or condition soeuer they be whiche haue the occupation or disposicion of any such benefices with the fruites and profites of the same in the behalfe or by the authoritie of any the foresayd Straungers by way of ferme, or title or procuration or by any other wayes or meanes whatsoeuer, and how long they haue occupyed or disposed the same: and withall if anye the sayd straungers bee now residents vppon any benefices: commaunde you as wee heretofore commaunded you that you sende vs a true certificat of all and singuler the premisses into our high Court of chauncerie vnder your seale distinctly and openly on this side the feast of thascention of our Lord next comming without farther delay: returning vnto vs this our writte withall. Witnesse our selfe at Westminster 16 day of April in the 48. yeare of our Reigne of England, and ouer Fraunce the 35. yeare.

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BY vertue hereof certificat was sent vp to the king into his chauncerie out of euery dioces of England of al such spiritual liuings as were then in the occupation eyther of Priors Aliens or of other straungers whereof the number was so great, as being all set downe would fill almost halfe a quyer of paper. Whereby may appeare that it was highe time for the king to seeke remedie herein, either by treatie with the Pope or otherwise: considering so great a porcion of the reuenewes of his realme was by this meanes conueyed awaye and employed either to the reliefe of his enemies, or mayntenaunce of the forreners: Amongst whiche number, the Cardinals of the courte of Rome lacked not their share. As may appeare by this which followeth.

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MarginaliaCouentrie and Lychfield. The Lord Fraunces of the title of S. Sabyne, Priest and Cardinall of the holy Church of Rome doth hold and enioy the Deanry of the Cathedrall Church of Lichfield whiche is worth in the iurisdiction of Lichfield fiue hundreth marks by the yeare. And þe Prebend of Brewood, & the personage of Adbaston to the same Deanry annexed, which prebend is worth by the yeare foure score marks and the personage twenty pound, which deanry with the prebendes & personage aforesayd hee hath holden and occupyed by the space of 3. yeres. And one maister de in gris a strāger as proctor to the saide Cardinall doth hold and occupy the same Deanry with other þe premisses with thappurtenances by name of Proctor during the yeares aforesayd, and hath taken vp the fruites and profites, to the sayd Cardinall, dwelling not in the Realme.

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MarginaliaNorwytch. L. William Cardinall of S. Angelo, a straunger doth holde the Archdeaconrye of Suff. by vertue of prouision Apostolicall, from the feast of S. Nicholas last past, he is not resident vppon his sayd Archdeaconry. And the sayd Archd. together with the procuratiōs due by reason of the visitation is worth by yeare Lxvi. li. xiij. s. iiij. d. And maister Iohn of Helinington. &c. doth occupy the seale of thofficiall of the said Archdeaconry, &c.

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MarginaliaSurren. L Reinnald of S Adriane Deacon Cardinall: hath in the said County the personadge of Godalmonge, worth by yeare xl. pound, and one Edware Teweste doth ferme the sayd personadge for ix. yeares past.

MarginaliaEbor. The L. Anglicus of the holy Church of Rome prieste and Cardinall, a straunger was incumbent & did holde in possession the Deanry of the Cathedrall Churche of Yorke from the 11. day of Nouember Anno. Dom. 1366. and is yearely worth according to the true valor thereof iiij. C .li. and maister Iohn of Stoke Canon of the sayd Churche,doth occupy the said Deanry and the profites of the same in the name or by the authoritie of the sayd L Deane &c. But the said Deane was neuer resident vppon the sayd Deanry since he was admitted thereunto.

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Item. L. Hewgh of our Lady in [illegible text] Deacon and Cardinall a straunger doth possesse the Prebend of Driffild in the sayd Church of Yorke from the 7. day of Iune Ann. Do. 1363. from whiche day. &c. Iohn of Gisbourne, and George of Conpemanthorpe &c. doe occupy the said Prebend worth by yeare. C. li. the sayd L. Hewgh is non Resident vpon the sayd Prebend.

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Item. L. Simon of the Title of S. Syxt priest and Cardinall. &c. doth possesse the Prebend of Wystow in the sayd Churche of Yorke worth by yeare C. li. And the foresaid maister Iohn of Stoke doth occupy the foresayd Prebend and the profites thereof &c. But the sayd Lord Symon is not resident vpon the said Prebend.

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Item. L. Frauncisce of the Tytle of S. Sabyne Priest and Cardinall, a straunger doth possesse the Prebend of Stransall in the sayd Church of Yorke worth by yeare C. markes. And mayster William of Merfield. &c. doth accupy the sayd Prebend. &c. but the sayd L. Fraunces is not resident vpon the sayd Prebend.

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L. Peter of the title of S. Praxed priest and Cardinall a straunger doth hold the Archdeaconry of York, worth by yeare C. li. and M. William of Merfeld &c. for fermers.

MarginaliaSarisbu. The Deanry of the cathedral church of Sar with churches and chappels vnderwritten to the same Deanry annexed doth remayne in þe hands of L. Reginald of the title of S. Adrian deacon and Cardinall and so hath remayned these 26. yeares and is neuer resident his protector is Laurence de ingris a straunger & is worth by yeare CCLiiii. li. xiij. s. iiij. d.

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Richard Bishop doth hold vycaradse of Meere to the sayd Deanry annexed and hath holden the same, for xix. yeares, worth by yeare. xl. li.

Robert Codford fermer of the Churche of heightredbury to the same annexed worth by yeare 1. li.

MarginaliaThe Deanry of Sarisbury. The Church of Stoning and the chappell of Rescomp to the same Deanry annexed worth by yeare lxx. markes.

The Chappell of herst to the same Deanry annexed worth by yeare xl. li.

The Chappell of Wokenhame to the same Deanry annexed worth by yeare xxxvi. li.

The Chappell of Sanhurst worth by yeare xl. s.

The Church of Godalminge to þe same Deanry annexed in the dioces of Winchester worth by yeare . xl. li.

MarginaliaTreasorer of the Church of Sar. The dignitie of Treasorer in the Church of Sar. with Church and Chappels vnderwritten to the same annexed is in þe hāds of L. Iohn of þe title S. Mark priest & Cardinall and hath so contained 12. yeares who was neuer resident in the same, worth by yeare Cxxxvi. li. xiij. s. iiij. d.

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The Church of Figheldon to the same annexed worth by yeare. xxvj. li. xiij. s.iiij. d.

The church of Alwardbury with the chappell of Putton, worth by yeare.

The Prebend of Calue to the same Treasorer annexed, worth by yeare.

The Archdeaconry of Berck. in the Cathedrall Church of Sarisbury, with the the church of Mordon to the same annexed, is in the hands of Lord William of the title of S. Stephen, who was neuer resident in the same: worth by yeare. viij. score markes.

The Archdeaconry of Dorset in the Church of Sarisbury with the Church of Gissiche to the same annexed in the handes of L. Robert of the title of þe xij. Apostles priest and Cardinall, and is worth by yeare. Ciij. markes.

The Prebende of Woodforde and Wyuelefforde in the Church of Sarisbury, is in the handes of the Robert Cardinall aforesayd: and is worth xl. markes.

The Prebend of Heiworth in the Church of Sarisbury, is in the handes of the L. Cardinall of Agrifolio, who is neuer resident, and is worth by yeare. lxxx. li.

The Prebend of Netherbarnby and Bemynster in the Church of Sarisbury one Hewgh Pelgrim a stranger did hold xx. yeares and more, and was neuer resident in the same worth by the yeare viij. score markes.

The church Prebendary of Gillinghame in the noonetry of Salisbury lately holden of L. Richard now Byshop of Elye is in the hands of the Lord Peter of the title of S. Praxed priest and Cardinall &c. worth by the yeare lxxx. li.

MarginaliaCanterbury. L. William of the holy Churche of Rome Cardinall a straunger doth hold the archdeaconry of Canterbury and is not Resident the true valor of all the yearely fruites, Rentes and profites is worth seuen hundreth Florens.

MarginaliaBath & Welles. The L. Cardinall of Caunterbury is Archdeacon of Welles & hath annexed to his Archdeaconry the churches
