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K. Edward. 3. The historie of Iohn Wickliffe. The articles of I. Wickliffe condemned.

ous, & also repugnant to the determination of the Church which tend to the subuersion of the whole Church, and to our prouince of Canterburie, and also to the subuersion of the whole realme, being preached in diuers & sundry places of our sayd prouince, generally, commonly, & publikely: MarginaliaEx Registro Archb. W. Courtney. We William by Gods permission Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Legate of the sea Apostolicall, beeing minded to execute our office and duetie heerein: haue conuocated or called together, certaine our fellow brethren & others a great many, as well as Doctours and Bachelers of diuinitie, as doctours of the Canon and ciuil law, and those whome we thought to be the most famous men, skilfullest men, and men of soundest iudgemēt in religion, that were in all the realme, whose names here vuder ensue. And the same being (the 17. day of the month of May) in the yere of our Lord 1382. in a certaine chamber within the territories of the priory of the friers preachers of London before vs and our foresayd fellow brethren assembled, then and there personally present: After that the sayd conclusions (the tenour whereof here vnder ensueth) were opēly proponed, and distinctly and plainly read: We burdened our foresayd fellow brethren, doctours, and bachelers, in the faith wherin they stode bound to our Lorde Iesus Christ, and as they would aunswer before the hygh iudge in the day of iudgement, that they shuld speake their opinions touching the sayde conclusions, and what euery of them thinketh therein.

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And at length, after good deliberation had vppon the premisses, the foresaid our brethren the bishops, doctours, & Bachelers, reassembled before vs the 21. day of the same moneth in the foresayd chamber, the foresayde conclusions being againe and againe repeated and plainly read: by vs and by the common consents of vs all it remaineth published and declared, that some of the said conclusions are hereticall, and other some erroneous and contrary to the determination of the Church, as heereafter most manifestly shall appeare. And for as much as by sufficient information we finde & perceiue, that the sayd conclusions in many places of our sayde prouince, haue bene as is sayde, bothe taught & preached: and that diuers other persons do hold and maintaine the same, and be of heresie vehemently and notoriously suspected: haue thought good as wel generally as specially, to send out thys processe vnder wrytten.

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¶ The names of the Iurers were these.  
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The names of the clerics condemning these articles were only added in the 1570 edition; Foxe's source for this was the Fasciculi Zizaniorum (see Bodley Library MS, Musaeo 86, fo. 74r).

IN primis viij. Bishops, Canterbury, Winchester, Durram, Exeter, Herforde, Sarum, Rochester, and Fryer Botlesham. B.

Item 3. friers preachers, Syward, Parris, Langley.

Item 4. minorites, Foluile, Carlel, Frisley, Bernwel.

Item, Augustine Friers. foure. Ashborne, Bowkyn, Woldley, Hornyngton.

Item, Carmelites 4. Glanuile, Dis, Loney, Kynnyngham.

Item, Monkes 4. Wels, Ramsey, Bloxam, Marton.

Item, doctours of the Canon and Ciuill lawe 14. Appelby, Waltrom, Baketon, Chadesden, Tregision, Stow, Blaunchard, Rocombey, Lidford, Welbourne, Flayneburgh, Motrum, Brandon and Prophet.

Item, Bachelers of Diuinitie 6. Humbleton, Pickweche, Lindlow, Wich, Chiselden, Tomson.

The Articles of Iohn Wickleffe heere aboue specified, wherof some were 10. which were by these Friers cōdemned as heretical, þe rest as erroneous: here in order follow, and are these. Although it may be thought, the some of them were made worsse by their sinister collecting, then he ment them in his owne workes and wrytings  

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24 articles attributed to Wiclif were condemned by the Blackfriars Council. Ten were condemned as heretical. Foxe omits the sixth of these which stated the God ought to obey the devil. Needless to say, Wiclif believed no such thing and, in fact, similar charges were often made against notorious heretics. Foxe's source for these articles was the Fasiculi Zizaniorum (see Bodley Library MS, Musaeo 86, fo. 71r-v).

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¶ The articles of Iohn Wickliffe, condemned as hereticall.

1. THe substance of material bread & wine, doth remaine in the Sacrament of the aulter after the consecration.

2. The accidents, doe not remaine wythout the subiect in the same Sacrament, after the consecration.

3. That Christ is not in the Sacrament of the altar truly and really, in hys proper and corporall person.

4. * Marginalia* This article eyether is slanderously reported, or els can hardly be defended. That if a Byshop or a Priest be in deadly sinne, hee doth not order, consecrate, nor baptise.

5. That if a man be duely and truely contrite & penitent: all exteriour and outer confession, is but superfluous and vnprofitable vnto hym.

6. That it is not found or stablished by the Gospell, that Christ did make or ordaine masse.

7. If the pope be a reprobate and euil man, & consequent-ly a member of the deuill: he hath no power by any maner of meanes geuen vnto him ouer faithfull Christians, except peraduenture it be geuen him from the Emperour.

8. That since the time of Vrbane the 6. there is none to be receaued for Pope, but to liue after the manner of the Greekes, euery man vnder his owne law.

9. * Marginalia* He meaneth church goods not to be so perculiar to ministers but that they may be taken away if they so deserue. To be against the Scripture, that ecclesiasticall ministers should haue any temporall possessions.  

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Note Foxe's concern in his marginal notes, to qualify this article.

¶ The other Articles of Iohn Wickleffe, condemned as erroneous.

10. THat no Prelate ought to excommunicate any man, except he knew him first to be excōmunicate of God.

11. That hee which doeth so excommunicate any man, is therby himselfe either an hereticke or excommunicated.

12. That a Prelate or Bishop excommunicating any of the clergy, which hath appealed to the king or to the counsel, is thereby himselfe, a traytor to the king and realme.

13. That all such which do leaue of preaching or hearyng the worde of God or preaching of the Gospell, for feare of excōmunication: they are already excommunicated, and in þe day of iudgement, shalbe counted as traytors vnto god.

14. That it is lawful for any man, either deacon or priest, to preach the word of God, without the authority or licēce of the Apostolicke sea or any other of his Catholickes.

15. ¶ Marginalia¶ This article peraduenture was not so straightly ment of him as it was gathered of thē as is aforesayd. That so long as a man is in deadly sinne, he is neyther Byshop nor Prelate in the Church of God.

16. * Marginalia* This article expoundeth the ix. article aboue. Also that the temporal lordes, may according to theyr owne will and discretion, take away the temporall goodes from the Church men, whensoeuer they do offend.

17. That tenthes are pure almose, and that the Parishioners may for the offence of their curates, deteine and keepe them backe, & bestow them vpon others, at their own wil and pleasures.

18. Also, that all speciall praiers applied to any priuate or particular person, by any Prelate or religious man: do no more profite the same parson, then generall or vniuersall prayers doe profite others, whych be iu lyke case or state vnto hym.

19. Moreouer, in that any man doeth enter into any priuate religion, whatsoeuer it be, hee is thereby made, the more vnapt and vnable to obserue and keepe the commādements of God.

20. That holy men which haue instituted priuate Religions, whatsoeuer they be (as well such as are indued and possessed, as also the order of begging Friers, hauing no possessions) in so doyng, haue greeuously offended.

21. That religious men, beyng in their priuate religions, are not of the Christian Religion.

22. That Friers are bounden to get their liuing, by the labour of their handes and not by beggyng.

23. That whosoeuer doth geue any almose vnto Friers, or to any begging obseruaunt, is accursed or in daūger therof.

¶ The letter of the Archbyshop directed to the Byshop of London, agaynst Wickleffe and his adherentes.

MarginaliaA letter of the Archb. of Cant. against Wickliffe. WIlliam by Gods permission Archbyshop of Canterbury, Metropolitane of all England, and of the Apostolicall sea Legate: To our reuerend brother by the grace of God Byshop of London, salutation. The Prelates of the Churche ought to be so much the more vigilant and attentiue about the charge of the Lordes flocke committed vnto them: how much the more they shall vnderstand the Wolues beyng clothed in sheepes apparell, fraudulently to goe about to woory and scatter the sheepe. Truly, by the continuall cry and bruted fame (which it greeueth me to report) it is come to our knowledge: that although by the canonicall sanctions, no man beyng forbidden or not admitted, should either publickely or priuily without the authoritie of the Apostolicall sea or Byshop of that place, vsurpe or take vpon him the office of a Preacher: Some notwithstandyng, such as are the children of damnation, beyng vnder the vale of blynde ignoraunce, are brought into such a dotyng mynde, that they take vppon them to Preache, and are not affrayde to affirme and teach diuers and sundry propositions and conclusions here vnder recited, both hereticall, erroneous, and false, condempned by the Church of God: and repugnaunt to the decree of holy Churche, whiche tend to the subuertyng of the whole state of the same, of our prouince of Canterbury, and destruction and weakenyng of the tranquilitie of the same: and that as well in the Churches, as in the streetes, as also in many other prophane places of our sayd prouince, generally, cōmonly, and publikely, do preach the same, infecting very many good Christians, causing thē lamentably to wāder out of the way, & frō the catholick Church, without which

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