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K. Richard. 2. Iohn Wickliffe. Phillip Repington. I. Aishton. N. Herford.

he shoulde helpe and ayde him in publishing of the same conclusions, as is before declared.

These thinges thus done and finished, Repingdon at the houre appointed proceeded to his sermon. In þe which sermon among many other thinges, he was reported to haue vttered these sayinges, or to this effect.  

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These articles from Repingdon's sermon are taken from the Fasciculi Zizaniorum (see Bodley MS Musaeo e 86, fo. 76r). Foxe omits Repingdon's declaration that Wiclif's belief in the sacrament was in agreement with that of the Catholic Church.

MarginaliaNotes of the Sermon of Repington. That the Popes or Byshops ought not to be recommended aboue temporall Lordes.

Also that in morall matters he woulde defend maister Wickliffe as a true Catholicke doctor.

Moreouer that the Duke of Lancaster was very earnestly affected and minded in this matter, and would that all such should be receaued vnder hys protection: Besides many thinges moe which touched the prayse and defence of Wickliffe.

And finally, in concluding his sermon, he dimissed the people with this sentence: I will (sayd he) in the speculatiue doctrine, as appertayning to the matter of the sacrament of the aulter, keep silence and hold my peace, vntill such time as God otherwise shall intrust and illuminate the hartes of the Clergie.

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When the sermon was done, Repington entred into Saint Frideswides Church, accompanied with many of his friendes: who, as the enemies surmised, were priuilye weaponed vnder their garmentes, if need had bene. Frier Stokes the Carmelite aforesayd, suspecting all this to be against him, and being afrayd of hurt, kept to himself wtin the sanctuary of the church, not daring as then to put out his hed. The Vicechauncellor and Repington, friendly saluting one an other in the church porch, sent away the people, and so departed euery man home to his owne house. MarginaliaThe vniuersitie reioyseth.There was not a little ioy thorough the whole vniuersitie for that sermon, but in the meanetime, the vnquiet & busie Carmelite, slept not his matter. For first by his letters he declared the whole order of the matter vnto the archbishop exaggerating the perils and daungers that he was in, requiring and desiring his helpe and ayd, pretermitting nothing, wherby to moue & stirre vp the archbishops minde, which of his owne nature was was hote as a toste as they say, and ready inough to prosecute the matter of his owne accord, though no man had prickt him forward thereunto. Besides all this (3. dayes after) with a fierce and bold courage, the sayd Fryer breathing out threatninges and heresies agaynst them, tooke the way vnto the schooles: MarginaliaWhether the Lordes temporall were to be prayed for before the P. and Byshops.mynding there to proue, that the Pope and the Bishops ought to be prayed for before the Lordes temporall. MarginaliaThe Fryer derided and mocked in the scholes.Whiles thys Frier was thus occupyed in the schooles, he was mocked and derided of all men, and shortly after he was sent for by the Archbishop to London: whom immediately after, the Vicechauncellor & Brightwell followed vp, to purge and cleare themselues and their adherentes from the accusations of this Frier Peter. At the length they being examined vpon Wickliffes conclusions tt were condemned: they did all consent, that they were worthily condemned. The Vicechauncelor being afterward accused for the contempt of the Archbishops letters, when as he perceaued & sawe, that no excuse would preuayle to auoyd that daunger, hūbling himselfe vpon his knees, he desired pardon. the which when he had now againe (as is aforesaid) albeit very hardly obtayned: By the help of the Bishop of Winchester, he was sent away agayn with certayne commandementes, and suspencions of heretickes. MarginaliaReligious men first causers of this trouble.Then began the hatred on eyther part somewat to appeare and shew, and specially all men were offended, and in the toppes of these Friers and religious men, vpō whom whatsoeuer trouble or mischiefe was raysed vp, they did impute it as to þe authors and causers of the same. Amongest whome there was one Henry Crompe, a monke Cistertion, a well learned deuine, which afterward was accused by the Byshops of heresie, He at that time was openly suspected by the Commissary, because in his lectures he called the heretickes Lolardes, from his actes (as they terme them) in the schoole. Then he comming by and by vp to London, made his complaynt vnto the Archbish. and to the kinges councell.MarginaliaH. Crompe first an accuser of other, after accused himselfe for heresie.

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Whereupon he obtayning the letters of the king, and of his counsaile, by the vertue therof (returning againe to the vniuersity) was released & restored again to his former state: the wordes of whiche letter here followeth vnder written.

The copy of the kinges letter.

MarginaliaThe kynges letter to the Vicechauncelor and proctors of Oxford. THe king to the Vicechauncellour and procuratoure of the Vniuersitie of Oxforde, greeting.  

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Richard II's second letter to Rygge is copied from Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 31v.

Where as we of late vnderstanding by the grieuous complaynt of Henry Crompe monke and regent in deuinitie within the sayd vniuersitie, howe that he,being assisted by the reuerend father in God the Archb. of Cant. and by other clerkes and deuines in the Citty of London, to proceede in thee condemnation of certayne conclusions erroneous and hereticall, hath bene therfore molested by you: MarginaliaHenry Crompe complayneth to the kings counsell of the most secular maisters of Oxford.And that you through sinister suggestion of some aduersaryes (pretending the peace of the sayd vniuersitie) to haue bene broken by the sayde Henry in his last lecture: did therefore call him before you to appeare and answere: and for his not appearing, did therefore pronounce him as obstinate, and conuicte of peace breaking: also haue suspended the sayd Henry from his lectures, and all scholasticall actes. And whereas we, by our writte did call you vp for the same, to appeare and aunswere before our counsayle, vnto the premisses: so that all thinges being well tryed and examined by the sayd counsayle, it was found and determined, that all your processe agaynst the sayd Henry, was voyde and of none effecte: and commaundement geuen, that the sayd Henry should be restored and admitted agayne to his former lectures and scholasticall actes, and to his pristine state as you knowe. To the intent therefore that this decree aforesaid should be more duely executed of your part, we heare by these presentes straightly charge and commaund you: That you speedily reuoking agayne all your processe against the sayd Henry in the vniuersitie aforesayd, with all other that followed thereof: doe admitte and cause to be restored agayne the sayd Henry to his scholasticall actes, his accustomed lectures and pristine estate, without all delay according to the forme of the decree and determination aforesayd. Enioyning you moreouer and your commissaries or deputies and your successoures, and all other maisters regent and not regent, and other presidentes, officers, ministers, and scholers of the vniuersitie aforesayd, vpon your faith and legeance you owe vnto vs that you doe not impeach, molest, or greeue, or cause to be greued (any maner of way, priuy or apertly) the sayd Frier Henry for the causes premised, or Frier Peter Stokes Carmelite, for the occasion of his absence from the vniuersitie, or Frier Stephen Packingtō MarginaliaHenry Crompe, Peter Stokes, Carm. Steuen Packington Carm. restored by the King to their scholasticall actes.Carmelite, or any other religious or secular person fauouring them, vpon the occasion of any eyther word or deed whatsoeuer, concerning the doctrine of maister Iohn Wickliffe, Nicholas Herford and Phillip Repindon or the reprofe and condemnation of their heresies and erroures, or the correction of their fauourers But that you doe procure the peace, vnitie and quiet, within the sayd vniuersitie, and chiefly betweene the religious and secular persons: and that you with all diligence nourishe, encrease, and preserue the same to the vttermost of your strength. And that you in no case omitte to doe it accordingly, vppon the forfaytures of all and singular the liberties and priuiledgies of the vniuersitie aforesayd. Witnesse my selfe at Westminster the 14. day of Iuly.

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Mention was made, as you heard a little before, how M. Rigges Vicechancellor of Oxford, comming vp wyth M. Bryghtwell to the archb. of Cant. was there straightly examined of the conclusions of Wickliffe, Where he notwithstanding through the helpe of the B. of Wint. obtayned pardon, and was sent away agayn with commaundementes and charges, to seeke out all the fauorers of Iohn Wickliffe. This commaundement being receaued, Nicholas Herford, and Phillip Repington (being priuily warned by the sayd Vicechauncellor) in the meane season cōueied them out of sight, MarginaliaHerford & Repington fled to the Duke of Lancaster. and fled to the Duke, of Lācaster for succour & help, but the Duke whether for feare, or what cause els, I cannot say, in the end forsooke his poore and miserable clientes.

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MarginaliaLetters of the Archb. to the Vicechancelor. Letters ofo the Archb. to the B. of London. Rob. Braybroke B. of London. In the meane time, while they were fled thus to the Duke, great search and inquisition was made for them to cite and to apprehend them where so euer they might be found. Wherupon, the archb. of W. Courtney directed out his letters first to the Vicechauncellor of Oxford, then to the Bishop of London named Rob. Braybroke: charging them not onely to excommunicate the sayd Nicholas and Phillip, within their iurisdiction, and the sayd excommunication to be denounced likewise throughout all the dioces of his suffraganes: but also moreouer, that dilligent search and watch should be layd for them, both in Ox.orde and in Londō, that they might be apprehended: requiring moreouer by them to be certified agayne, what they had done in the premisses. And thys was written the 14. day of Iuly. an 1382.  

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The date of this letter is actually 30 July 1382. The letter is in Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 32r..

Ex Regist.MarginaliaThe 14. day of Iuly. an. 1382.

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Vnto these letters receaued from the archbishop, dilligent certificat was geuen accordingly, as well of the Byshop of London his part, as also of the Vicechauncellor, the tenour whereof was this.

The letter certificatorie of the Vicechauncellor to the Archbishop.

MarginaliaThe letter of Rob. Rigges Vicechauncelor to the Archb. TO the reuerend father in Christ, Lord William Archbishop of Caunterbury Primate of all England, and Legate of the A-
