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K. Richard. 2. The defence of Iohn Wickliffe by Iohn Hus.

but if they can by other Canonicall Authors or probable reasons perswade or proue that they doe not degresse frō the trueth.

Also the sayd Augustine in his booke De vnico Baptismo Lib. 2. sayeth thus: Who doeth not knowe or vnderstande that the holy canonicall scripture to be contayned in hys owne bondes and limittes, and the same to be preferred before all other letters and decrees of Bishops. &c. And a litle after he hath the like saying: as for the letters of other Bishops, which haue bene written or be written (after the Canon. being confirmed) they may lawfully be reprehended and reproued both by the word of them that be more skilfull in that matter, and also by the auncient authority of other Bishops, or by the prudēce and wisedome of such as be better learned, or more expert, or els by generall coūsels if it so chaunce that they in any poynt haue erred and gone a stray from the sincere truth.

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By these sayings of S. Austen and other like. &c. The Vniuersity of Prage hath concluded and determined that they will not receiue the condemnation of the fiue and forty Articles made by the Doctors in their councel house as iust and true, except they which condemned them, will proue theyr condemnation by the holy Scriptures and probable reasons vpō euery of the fiue and forty Articles.

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Wherefore for the dew examination of the foresayd cōdemnation, whether it be effectuall or no, we will at thys present take in hand the fouretenth Article of the number of the fiue and forty, which Article is this.

MarginaliaThe 14. article of I. Wickliffe. They which leaue of preaching and hearing of þe word of God for feare of excommudication of men, are alreadye excommunicate, and in the day of iudgement shalbe counted the betrayers of Christ.

MarginaliaThe defēce of this 14. Article. This Article conteineth first that all priests omitting the preaching of the word of God for feare of the excommunication of men they are already excommunicate.

Secondly, it conteineth that all such as doe omitte the hearing of the word of God, for feare of excommunicatiō, are already excommunicated.

Thirdlye that both these sortes of men in the daye of iudgement shalbe counted traitors of Christ.

MarginaliaThe preaching of the Gospel cōmaunded of God. As concerning the first poynt, it is presupposed that the preaching of the word of God, is commaunded vnto the Apostles and theyr followers, as it appeareth in Mathew the tenth, where it is sayd. Iesus sent his xij. Disciples, commaunding them and saying goe and preach, that the kingdome of heauen is at hand. Also in the last of Mathew, and the tenth of Luke. Whereupon, Peter the Apostle of Christ, acknowledging this precept and commaundement for himselfe and for the other Apostles and successors in the 10. of the Actes,sayth thus, he commaunded vs to preach and to testifye, that it is he which is ordayned of God the iudge both of the quicke and the dead. This commaundement also, the other Apostles did acknowledge, & specially, the chosen vessell pronouncing vnder a great threatning in the first Corinthians 9. chap. Wo be vnto me if I do not preach the Gospell. And Pope Nicholas considering that great threatning in 43. Distinction, sayeth: the dispensation and distribution of the heauenly seade is commaunded and enioyned vnto us. Woe be vnto vs, if we doe not sow it abroode or if we hold our peace. Whiche thing when as the vessell of election did feare and cry out vpon, how much more ought all other inferiours to feare and dread the same. To the same purpose doth S. Gregory write in his pastorall in the distinction. MarginaliaGregorius. Dist. 44. cap. Sit rector.Sit rector. It is also euident by many other doctours and holy men as by S. Augustine, Hierome, Isidore, Bernard, whose words it were here to long to rehearse.

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MarginaliaThe hearing of the word commaunded by God. As touching the second poynt that the hearing of the word and law of God, is commaunded vnto the people it is euident both by the olde and new law, for it is sayd in the 28. of the Prouerbes, he that turneth away his eare & will not here the law of God, his prayer shall be cursed. And our Sauior rebuking the Scribes and Pharesyes concludeth thus in the 8. of S Iohn saying, he that is of God heareth Gods word: But forsomuch as you are not of God therfore you heare not his word.

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MarginaliaExcommunication. Thirdly it is to be noted that excommunication is a seperation from the Communion, the 11. Question 3. Nihil & cap Canonica. And 27. question, first, Viduas. 34. Question 3. Cum sacerdos. And this excommunication is double that is to say, either secret or manifest. The secret excommunication is, whereby a man is seperated from the misticall body of Christ, and so from God through sinne according vnto the 59. Psalme. Your iniquities haue made seperation betwene your God and you. And with this excommunicatiō doth the Apostle excommunicate euery man which doth not loue the Lorde Iesu Christ. Saying in the firstCorinth. and the last Chapter. If any man do not loue the Lord Iesu Christ, let him be accursed. MarginaliaExcomunication double.The manifest and apert excommunication may be deuided into a manifest excommunication by God: Whereof it is spoken. Math. 25. go ye cursed. &c. And often times els in the law of God: Also into a manifest excommunication by men, whereby the Prelate doth either iustly or vniustly cast out any man from the participation of the Communion of the Church. Whereof this shall suffise at this present.

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MarginaliaThe probation of the first part. Then as touching the first part of the article, it is thus argued. &c.

Whosoeuer forsaketh or leaueth the commaundemēts of God vndone, they are excommunicate of God. But the Priestes which leaue of the preaching of the word of God for feare of þe vniust excommunication of men do leaue the cōmaundement of God vndone. Ergo those Priests which do leaue of preaching of the word of God are excommunicated of God.

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The first part of this Article is true: The maior appereth by the Psalme. Cursed be they which doe decline and swarue from they preceptes. The Minor is euident by the first proposition which proueth that the preaching of the wor dof God, is the commaundemeut of God enioyned vnto those Priestes and ministers: Whereupon the saying of our Sauior, Mathew 15. is spoken vnto them. Wherefore do you transgresse the commaundements of God for your owne traditiōs, preaching the word of God for feare of vniust excommunication and so dishonouring the Father Christ and the mother the holy Church.

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It is thus confirmed all they which do omit or let slip any maner of worke, principally and straightly enioyned them of the Lord Iesu Christ, vnder the cloake and coulor of grace for feare of any excommunication of men, they are already excommunicate. But Priestes and specially Curates admonished by the spirit of God, leauing of the preaching of the word of God for feare of the excommunication of men, they omit and leaue of for feare of the same excommunication a work principally and straitly enioyned vnto them of the Lord Iesus Christ, vnder the cloake and coulor of grace: Ergo, Priestes and specially Curates and such as be admonished and warned by the spirite of God, omitting the preaching of the word of God for feare of excommunication, are excommunicate. The consequence is well known. The Maior appeareth by the Psalme, Cursed be they which do decline and goe away from the commaundements. The Minor is also euident, agayne by the first suposition.

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MarginaliaThe Apostles did not obey no wicked inhibition. Item, if the apostles of Christ had left of the preaching of the word of God for feare of the excōmunication of men which the Lord did foreshewe vnto them in the 16. of S.Iohn, saying. They shall excommunicate you out of their Sinagoges. They had bene excommunicated of God. Ergo, by like euidence the Priestes and Ministers of Christ, being inspired with the same spirite to preach and declare the word of God, if they leaue it vndone for feare of the excommunication of men: They are alreadye excommunicate. The consequent dependeth vpon a similitude. And the Antecedent is euident, for if the Apostles had left of preaching for feare of excommunication, they had broken the commaundements of God. And consequētly had bene accursed. Wherefore they willing to obserue and keepe the commaundementes of God, and to put of the excommunication of men, sayde vnto the hye Priestes, Elders and Scribes at Ierusalem, to Annas, Cayphas, to Iohn and Alexander, and al other of the kindred of the Priests which were gathered together and commaunded them that they should not preache nor teach in the name of Iesu: If it be iust in the sight of God, that we shoulde rather obey you then God, that iudge you? Acts 4. and in the 5. of the Acts, they sayde vnto them: we ought rather to obey God then man. By this saying of the Holy Ghost, it is concluded that the Priestes and ministers of[illegible text] Christ, inspired by the holy Ghost to preach the word of God, ought rather obey the holy Ghost then those which shall prohibite and commaunde them to the contrary, and to suffer the excommunication of men patiently. MarginaliaAnacletus. Dist. xliiij.Whereupon P. Anacletus spake very well in this, as it is writtē distinction 43. We know (sayth he) that many doe goe about to molest and trouble the Doctors and Teachers to this end that they might vtterly destroy them, and fulfull theyr owne proper lustes & desires: yet notwithstanding the said Doctors as much as in them lyeth ought not to depart or goe backe from theyr good doinges and intent, knowing assuredly that blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake. Thus much writeth he: And the reuerēd Bede (vpon these words: Ye shall finde an Asse tyed vp, and an he fole with her, lose her and bring her vnto mee, & if any man say any

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Qq. iiij.