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K. Richard. 2. The testimony of a true priest. Disputation in the Vniuersitie of Prage.

touching þe second part, Chrisostom saith: If you see a mā confessing & preaching þe trueth, & working righteousnes, although he do not cast out deuils he is a man of God.

MarginaliaThe testimony of a true priest. Hereby it appeareth that euery deacō, priest or minister confessing the truth, and working iustice, hath a perfect & sure testimony that he is sent of God, & that it is not necessary for him to approue this his sending by þe working of any miracle, in stead of working righteousnes, neyther by any testimonial, the which should plainely declare him by name, that he was sent of the Lord to preach.

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The first part appeareth manifest, by that which is alreadye spoken, that all miracles in the time of Antichrist shal cease in the elect.

The second part is also euident, for so much as none of the present preachers, can shew by the scripture of þe lawe of God, that he is specially named therevnto.

And likewise do I also affirme & say, as touching all preachers which shal come hereafter, that they are not named by name: But let no man here obiect Enoc & Elias, which were auncient preachers, & prophecied by the holy spirit of God. And it is apparent, that like as it is not a cause sufficient to proue, that this priest or deacon is sent of God to preache, because he woorketh miracles, so is it not a cause sufficient to proue, that he is not sent of God to preach, because he doth no miracles, but to confesse the truth, to worke righteousnes, to contemne þe world with the glory therof, paciently to suffer rebukes is a sufficient testimony for any priest or deacon hauing knowledge of þe lawe of God, freely to preach the gospell of Iesus Christ. For so much as in such case he is sent of God, & this is the sending which the Apostles speaketh of in þe x. Romains. How should they preach without they be sent? Wherevpō þe glose of S. Augustine writeth thus. These things serue to set forth gods grace, declaring that all our goodnesse, is preuented of grace.

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For he sayth, beleefe cōmeth of hearing, hearinge commeth of preaching, & preaching by the sending of God, so that altogether holly cōmeth out of the fountain of grace, & preaching truly, cōmeth of sending. This hath the glose how shal they then preach, without they be sent of God? And this is euidēt, that the first & principall sending is frō God alone, as it is proued by Moises.

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The second sending is both from God & mā, as by the example of Iosue & others, which were sent both by God and the rulers to preach.

The third sending is from man alone, the which is not founded in þe lawe of God, but in mens traditions, which they rather esteeme.

The fourth sending which hath but the name onely, is proper to them, which of themselues vnworthely vsurpe the office of preaching,, as those false prophets, of whō god speaketh in þe xxiij. of Ieremy, I did not send them, & they ran. I spake not vnto them, and they prophecied. If they had continue din my counsels, & had declared my wordes vnto my people, I would haue conuerted thē from their euill waies, & wicked imaginatiōs, & our sauior speaketh of these Prophettes in Mathew, saying, There shall arise false Prophets. And peter his true vicar in his second Epistle, and second chapter propecying vnto þe faithful beleuers in Christ, speaketh thus of thē: There were amōgst the people false Prophets, as there shalbe amongst you also maisters of lies, thorow whom the truth shalbe blasphemed and slaundered. And that he might the better instruct the people to knowe them, he addeth that they shall go about wt fained wordes, for couetousnes sake, to make merchaundice of you.

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MarginaliaThe difference betweene the ministers of Christ and Antichrist.Wherefore euery faithful man, diligently waying these things in his minde, may now easely perceiue how great a nomber of false Prophets there be, thorowe whom the Christian truth is blasphemed. And all couetous dealying is exercised, & these are they which freely preach lies. But the hūble & true ministers of Christ, wheresoeuer they do appeare, by & by they are persecuted, whereby þe prophecie of þe Apostle is verified, which is written in the second Epistle to Timothe the iij. All men sayth he which desire to liue godly, shall suffer persecution, but þe euil men & seducers shal prosper in their wickednes running dayly more & more into al kinde of errours. The wicked haue now so much preuailed þt they do preache lies, making heretikes of the faithfull christians, neyther is there any man þt dare prohibet them their lying, so that they doe not preache agaynst the vyces of the prelates. MarginaliaThe ministers of Antichrist do cloke the vices of their prelates.Howe then can you say that Antichryst is not exalted aboue all that which is called God, suppressing downe the members of Christ in his office, fortefying and fostring his members in lying? Therefore the trew and faithfull disciples of Christ ought to stand ready girt about their loynes, and shewes vpontheir feete in defence of the Gospell, takinge the sworde in hand, which is the word of God. Ephes. 6. And to fight agaynst the craftes of Antichrist, who goeth about vtterly to extinguish þe true preaching of the Gospell of our Lord Iesu Christ.

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¶ The Second disputation in the Vniuersity of Prage, vpon the 17. Article of Iohn Wickliffe, most fruitful to be read, prouing by 24. reasonss out of the Scriptures, how that Princes and Lordes temporall, haue lawfull authority and iurisdiction, ouer the spiritualty and Church men, both in taking from them, and correcting their abuses, according to their doinges and desertes.

TO the honour of almighty God, and of our Lord Iesu Christ, both for the trying out of truth, and the profit of holy mother the church, according to the congregation of our Vniuersitye of Prage, which auoyding alwayes to doe that shall be preiudiciall to the trueth, hath differred to geue theyr consent vnto the condemnation of the 45. Articles, wishing euen vnto this present, sufficient probation to be geuē of the condemnation of the said Articles, and perticulerly of euery one of them. Whereupon the sayd Vniuersity, doth alwayes require due proofe of the same, for so much as Pope Damasus in his Canon distinction 68. chapter. Chorepiscopi, sayth thus. That it is necessarye that what so euer thing standeth not by due reason, should be rooted out; whereby it appeareth that the condemnation of the 45. Articles, if it stand not with proofe and sufficient demonstration for euery Article, it is necessary to be rooted out.MarginaliaThe condēnation of the xlv. articles lacketh reason, and therefore is not to be allowed.

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But if any man will obiect and say, that to require a reason of euery thing is to derogate From Gods deuine power. Vnto this obiection Maister William doth answere himselfe in his Philosophy, the first booke almost at the end, where he entreating of the place, in Genes. 2. God made man of the slime of the earth &c. hath these wordes: For in what poynt (sayth he) are we contrary to the holy scriptures, if we seeke by reason to declare, Wherfore any thing is done, which is [illegible text]sayd in the scriptures to be done, for if that a wise man should say that a thing is done, and do not declare how it is done: And another manne speaketh the very selfesame thing, & declareth how it is done, what cōtrariety is there? But forsomuch as they themselues know not the force of nature, to the intent that they might haue all men partakers with them of their ignoraunce, they would haue no man to enquire it out. But they would haue vs beleue as ignoraunt people, neither to seeke any reasō of our belief, that the Prophecy might be fulfilled, such as the people is, such shall be the priest. But we truely do say, that in all thinges a reason is to be sought, if it may by any meanes be found. But if that any man doe stay at any thing, which the scripture doth affirme, let him commit the same vnto fayth, & vnto the holy ghost. For Moises sayth, if the Lambe cannot be eaten, let it not be by and by consumed in the fire: But let him first call hys neighbor, which dwelleth next house vnto him; and if they also be not sufficient to eat the Lamb, then let it be burned in the fire: So likewise when as we go about to seeke any thing as touching the Godhead, and that we be not able of our selues to comprehēd the same, let vs call our neighbor which dwelleth next house vnto vs: That is ro say, let vs seeke out such a one as dwelleth in the same catholicke fayth with vs; and if then, neither we, neither yet he be able to comprehend the same, let it then be burned with the fire of fayth.MarginaliaAn Allegory vpon the Paschall Lambe.

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But these men, albeit they haue many neighbours dwelling neare vnto them; yet for very pride, they will not call any mā vnto them; chusing rather to continue still ignorant, thē to aske any question. And if they do know any man to enquire for his neighbor in such case, by & by they cry out vpon him, as an hereticke. Presuming more vpon their own heads, then hauing confidence in their wisedom. But I exhort you geue no credit vnto their outward appearance for already it is verified in thē which the satyricall Poet sayth, no credit is to be geuen vnto the outward shew for which of them all is it that doth not abound with most shamefull and detestable vices? And in another place he sayth. They are very daynty of their speach, and haue great desire to keep silence. And thus much hath maister Wilhelmus. Let all such here whom this parable doth touche. For I with the rest of the maisters, bachelers and studentes of our vniuersity considering how heard a matter the condemnation of the 45. articles of Wickliffe without reason is, and how greuous a thing it were, if we should thereunto consent, do call together my neighbors, the doctors of this Vniuersity, & all others which would obiect any thing agaynst the same, that we might presently finde out the reason of the comdēnation of this Article, concerning the taking away the temporalityes from the Clergy.

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MarginaliaA protestation whereby he giueth lite vnto the Notwithstanding I do professe that it is not my intent, like as it is not the meaning of the vniuersity, to perswade that Prin-
