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English Bicknor [Englisbyknore]


OS grid ref: SO 585 155

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Leintwardine [Leyntwardyn]


OS grid ref: SO 405 745

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OS grid ref: SO 725 565

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Wolston [Wolsten]


OS grid ref: SP 415 755

501 [477]

K. Rich. 2. The story of Walter Bruite, with his godly declarations.

24 Item that it is not in the Popes power to graunt to any penitent body forgeuenes of the paine or of the trespasse. pag. 466.

25 Item that one geuing his almes to any bodye which as he iudgeth hath no neede thereof, doth sinne in so geeuyng it. pag. 466.

26 Item that it standes not in the power of any prelate, of what priuate religion soeuer he bee, to geue by letters beuefites of their order. Neither do such kind of benefits geuen profit them to whom they be geuen for the saluatiō of soules. Vide supra. pag. 466.MarginaliaA foule falt forsooth.

27 Item that the same William vnmindfull of his owne saluation, hath many times and often resorted to a certain desert wood called Derwalswood of our dioces, and there in a certayne vnhallowed Chappell (nay a prophane cottage) hath presumed of his owne propre rashnesse, to celebrate. &c. pag. 466.

28 Item the same William hath also presumed to do the like thinges in a certayne prophane chappel, situate in the parke of Newton, nigh to the towne of Leyntwardyn, in the same our dioces. pag. 466.

¶ Which thinges being done, the same faithful Christen people, and specially sir Walter Pride MarginaliaWalter Pride promoters, or rather a proud promoter. the penitentiarie of our Cathedrall Church of Hereforde, personally appearing before vs, sittyng in our iudgement seate in the parish Church of Whiteborne of our diocesse: brought forth and exhibited two publique instruments against the same Walter Brute, in þe case of cursed heresie aforsaid, of which instrumentes here followeth the tenours and Articles in this sort.  

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The 'instruments' which follow are affadavits by witnesses to various heretical words or actions of Brut; they are copied from Registrum Johannis Trefnant, Episcopi Herefordensis, ed. W. W. Capes, Canterbury and York Society(London, 1916), pp. 283-5.

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MarginaliaThe first instrumēt exhibited by certain Chanōs of Herford, against Walter Brute. In the name of God Amen. Be it euidently knowē to all persōs by this presēt publike instrumēt: þt in the yeare frō þe incarnatiō, after þe course and cōputation of þe church of England. 1391. the indiction xv. of þe pontifical office of our most holy father and Lord in Christ, Lord Boniface þe ix. by Gods Wisedome Pope, the second yeare the xv. day of þe month of October, in the dwelling house of the worshipful mā maister Iohn Godemoston, Chanon of þe Cathedral Church of Hereford, in the presence of me the publique Notary vnder written, and of witnesses subscribed: Walter Brute lay man learned, of Hereford dioces, personally appearing, sayde, auouched, and stifly maintayned: that the sayde Bishop of Hereforde and his assistaunces, which were with him the third day of the foresayde month of October, the yeare of our Lord aforesayd, in the Church of Hereford: MarginaliaB. of Herford vniustly condemned the articles of sir W. Swinderby.did naughtely, wickedly, peruersly, and vniustly condemne þe aunsweres of sir William Swinderby Chaplaine, geuen by the same sir William to þe same Lord byshop in wryting, and also the articles ministred by the same sir William.

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And furthermore he sayd, held and aduouched, that the same conclusions geuen by þe same sir Williā, euen as they were geuen, are true and Catholike.

MarginaliaMatters obiected against Walter Brute. Item, as touching the matters obiected agaynst hym by them that stoode by, concerning the sacrament of þe aulter: he sayd, that after the sacramentall words: there doth remaine very bread, and the substance therof after the cōsecration of þe body of Christ, and that there do not remain accidencies without substance of subiect after the cōsecration of the body of Christ. And touching this matter, the doctors holde diuers opinions.

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MarginaliaThe P. Antichrist. Furthermore as concerning þe Pope, he said, helde. and auouched: that he is the very Antichrist, because þt in lyfe and maners he is contrary to the lawes, doctrines, and deedes of Christ our Lord.

All and euery of these things were done, euen as they be aboue writtē and rehearsed in þe yeare of our Lord, pōtifiicall office, month, day, & place aforesayd, at supper time of the day aforenamed, MarginaliaWitnesses against Wal- Brute.thē and there being present þe worshipful and discrete men. sir Walter Ramsbury, chiefe chāter of the sayde Cathedrall Church of Hereforde, Roger Hoore Chanon of the same Church, Walter Wall, Chaplain of þe said church of Hereford, being a vicar of þe Choral & certaine other worthy witnesses of credit, that were specially called and desired to þe premisses. Ex Regist. Herford.

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MarginaliaRichard Lee Register & writer hereof. And I Richard Lee whelar, clerke of Worcester, being a publike notarye, by þe authoritie Apostolike: was personally present at all aud singuler the premisses, whilest that (as is before rehersed) they were done and a doing, in the yere of our lord. 1391. pontificall office, month, day, place, & þe houre aforesaid: & I did see, write, and heare all and singuler those things thus to bee done, and haue reduced thē into this publike maner and forme: & being desired truely to testifie the premisses, haue sealed the sayde instrument, made hereupon, with mine accustomed seale and name.

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MarginaliaThe forme of the second instrument. In the name of God, Amen. Be it plainly knowē to all persons, by this present publike instrumēt: that in þe yere from the incarnation of the lord after þe course and computation of þe church of England. 1391. the indiction fifteene, in the 3. yere of the pontifical office of þe most holy father in Christ, and our Lord, Lord Boniface Pope by the prouydēce of God the 9. & in þe 19. day of the month of Ianuary. Walter Brute layman, of Hereford dioces, personally appearing before þe reuerēd father in Christ and Lord. Lord Iohn by gods grace B. of Herford, in þe presence of me being a publike notarie, & one of þe witnesses vnder written: did say, hold, publish, & affirme, þe cōclusiōs hereafter written, þt is to say: þt christen people are not boūd to pay tithes neither by the law of Moses, nor by the law of Christ.  

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Foxe has a marginal note here claiming that this article is false. As Brut's later response will show, it is accurate, but Foxe did not want his godly proto-Protestant subverting the economic foundations of the Church of England and endangering the livelihood of its preachers.

MarginaliaMatters & conclusions ministred against Walter Brute.

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Item, that it is not lawful for Christians for any cause in any case, to sweare by þe creator neither by the creature.  

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Although, in a marginal note, Foxe denounces this article as false, Brut's defence of his beliefs, will show that the chargewas not without foundation. The denial of the legitimacy of oaths characterized the Anabaptists and Foxe did not want his godly Lollards identified with Anabaptists.

MarginaliaThis conclusion seemeth to be falsly collected, as were before the articles of W. Swinderby. Item he confesseth openly and of his owne accord: that within the same month of Ianuary, he did eate, drink, and communicate with William Swinderby, not being ignorant of the sentence of the said reuerend father: whereby þe same William Swinderby was pronounced an heretique, schismatique, aud a false seducer of the common people. MarginaliaThis conclusion also is not rightly gathered.Which conclusions, the same reuerend father caused to bee writtē, and in writing to be deliuered to the same Walter. Which when he had seene and red, he sayd also that he did maintaine and iustifie them according to the lawes aforesayd. These thinges were done in the chamber of the sayd bishop of Herford, at his manor of Whitborne of the sayde dioces of Hereford: then being there present the same Byshop abouesaid. MarginaliaWitnesses against W. Brute.M. Reynold of Wolsten, Canon of Hereford, Sir Phillip Dileske parson of þe parish church of Blamurin, Thomas Guldefeld parson of the Church of Englisbyknore, Iohn Cresset parson of the church of Whytborne, and Thomas Wallewayne housholde seruant, for witnesses specially called and desired to the premisses of þe dioces of Hereford and S. Asse.

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MarginaliaBenedict Come Rigister, witnes and writer of this instrument against William Bruite. And I Benedict Come clerke of the dioces of S. Asse, publike notary by þe Apostolike authoritie of the dioces of S. Asse, was personally present together with the witnes before named, at all and singuler these and other thinges here premised whilest they were so done and a doing, & did see, heare, & write those things so to be done, as is before mencioned: and did write the same and reduce them into this publike forme, & with my wonted & accustomed seale and name haue sealed it, being desired and required truly to testifie the premisses.

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At the last, the aforesaid Walter Brute, did present and cause to be presented to vs (at diuers places and times assigned by vs to the same Walter, to aunswere to þe former conclusions and articles) diuers scroules of paper writtē with his owne proper hand, for his aunswers to the same Articles and conclusions aboue written: he partly appearing by his owne selfe, before vs sitting in our iudgement seat, and partly by his messengers, specially appoynted to that purpose: of which scroules, þe tenors do follow in order worde by worde, and be on this maner.

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MarginaliaCertaine exhibites of Walter Brute in wryting presented to the B. for his defence. In the name of the father, and of the sonne, and þe holy ghost, Amen:  

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Walter Brut's initial response to the charges against him is taken from Trefnant's register; see Registrum Johannis Trefnant, Episcopi Herefordensis, ed. W. W. Capes, Canterbury and York Society (London, 1916), pp. 285-9. What is truly startling in this response - and what ialmost certainly is the reason why Trefnant demanded a further explanation by Brut of his beliefs - is identification of the papacy itself, and not an individual pope, with Antichrist. This was a Protestant common-place, but a much rarer belief in the Middle Ages.

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I Walter Brute, sinner, layman, husbādmā & a Christian (hauing mine offspring of the Brittons, both by my father & mothers side) of the Britons, MarginaliaWalter Brute a Britone borne.haue ben accused to þe B. of Hereford, that I did erre in many matters concerning the catholike Christen fayth: by whō I am required, þt I should write an aunswere in Latin to all those matters. Whose desire I wil satisfie to my power, protesting first of al, before God & before al the world: þt like as it is not my mind through Gods grace, to refuse þe knowē truth, for any reward greater or smaller, yea be it neuer so bigge, nor yet for þe feare of any temporal punishment: MarginaliaProtestation made.euē so it is not my mind to maintain any erroneous doctrine for any cōodities sake. And if any mā, of what state, sect or condition so euer he be, wil shew me that I erre in my writings or sayings by the aucthoritie of the sacred scripture, or by probable reason grounded in þe sacred scripture, I wil humbly and gladly receiue his information. But as for þe bare wordes of any teacher (Christ onely excepted) I wil not simply beleue, except hee shalbe able to stablish thē by the truth of experience, or of the Scripture: MarginaliaNo writer or doctor without his errour, the Scripture onely excepted.for because, that in the holy Apostles elected by Christ, there hath bene foūd errour by the testimony of the holy scripture, MarginaliaErrour in the Apostles.because that Paule himselfe doth cōfesse that he rebuked Peter, for that he was worthy to be rebuked, Galat. the 2. chapiter. There hath ben errors foūd in the holy doctors, MarginaliaErrour in the Doctours.that haue ben before vs, as they themselues confesse of them selues. And oftentimes it falleth out, that there is error founde in the teachers in our age: MarginaliaErrours and cōtrarieties amōg the popish wryters.who are of contrary opinions among themselues, and some of them do sometimes deter-

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