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K. Rich. 2. The story of Walter Brute. The P. Antichrist. Rome Babilon.

mine one thing for truth, and others do condemne the selfe same thing to be heresye or error. Which protestation premised, I wil here place 2. suppositions or cases for a groūd and a foundatiō of all things that I shall say, out of which I would gather two probable conclusions stablished vpō the same, and vpon the sacred Scripture. By which cōclusions, when as they shall be declared after my maner and fashion, it shal playnely appeare what my opiniō & iudgement is concerning all matters that I am accused of. MarginaliaBrute modestly excuseth his learning. But because I am ignoraunt & vnlearned, I wil get me vnder the mighty defences of the Lord. O Lord I will remēber thine onely righteousnes.

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MarginaliaThe first case or sypposition. God the father almighty vncreate, the maker of heauē and earth, hath sent his sonne (that was euerlastingly begotten) into this world: that he should be incarnated, for þe saluation and redemption of mankind, who was cōceiued by the holy ghost, euerlastingly proceeding from the father and the sonne, and was borne of Mary the virgin, to þe end that we might be borne a new. He suffered Passion vnder Pōtius Pilate for our sinnes, laying down his life for vs, that we should lay down our life, for our brethrē. He was crucified, that we should be crucified to the world, and the world to vs. He was dead, that he might redeeme vs from death, by purchasing for vs forgeuenes of sinnes. He was buried, that we being buried together with him into death by Baptisme, and that we dead to sins, should liue to righteousnes. He descēded into hell, therby deliuering man frō thraldom, and from the bondage of the Deuill, & restoring him to his inheritaunce, which he lost by sinne. The thyrd day he rose from the dead, through the glory of his father, that we also should walke in newnes of life. He ascended vp to the heauens, to which no body hath ascended, sauing he that descended from heauē, euē the sonne of man which is in heauē. He sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty, vntill his enemies be made his footstoole. He being in very deed so muche better then the Aungelles, as he hath obteyned by inheritaunce a more excellent name then they. From thence he shall come to iudge the quick and the dead, accordingly to theyr workes, because the father hath geuen all iudgemēt to the sonne. In whose terrible iudgement we shall rise agayne, and shall all of vs stand before his iudgement seat, and receiue ioy as well bodely, as spiritually for euer to endure, if we be of the sheepe placed at the right hand: or els punishment both of bodye and soule if we shall be foūd amongst goates, placed on the left hand. &c.

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MarginaliaThe second case or affettion. Iesus Christ the sonne of God, very God & very man a king for euer, by stablishing an euerlasting kingdome, breaking to pouder all the kingdoms of the world: Dan. 2. a priest for euer after þe order of Melchisedech, wherby also he is able euermore to saue such as by him come vnto god & alwayes liueth to intreat for vs. Hebr. 7. He offring one sacrifice for our sins, hath made perfect for euer by one oblation, those that be sanctified. Heb. 10. Being þe wisedome that cannot be deceiued, & the trueth that cannot be vttred: he hath in this world taught the will of the godhead of his father, which will he hath in worke fulfilled, to the intent that he might faithfully instruct vs, and hath geuē the law of charity to be of his faythfull people obserued, whiche he hath written in the hartes and mindes of the faythful with the finger of God, wher is the spirit of God, searching the inward secrets of þe Godhead. Wherfore his doctrine must be obserued aboue all other doctrines, whether they be of Angels or of men, because that he could not nor would not erre in his teaching. But in mens doctrins there chanceth oftentimes to be error, and therfore we must forsake theyr doctrines, if clokedly or expresly they be repugnaunt to the doctrine of Christ. Mens doctrins being made for the peoples profit must be allowed and obserued, so that they be grounded vpon Christes doctrine, or at least be not repugnant to his words.

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MarginaliaThe first conclusion. If the high bishop of Rome, calling himself the seruant of the seruauntes of God, and the chiefe vicare of Christ in this world, do make & maintaine many lawes contrary to the Gospell of Ieus Christ: then is he of those that haue come in Christes name, saying, I am Christ, & haue seduced many a one, by the testimony of our sauiour in Math. cap. 24. and the idoll of desolation sitting in the Temple of God, MarginaliaThe pope an idole of desolation sitting in the temple of God.and taking away from him the cōtinuall sacrifice for a time, times, and halfe a time. Which idoll must be reueled to the christian people by the testimony of Daniel. Wherof Christ speaketh in the Gospell. When you shall see the abhomination of desolation that was tolde of by Daniell the Prophet, standing in the holy place: let him that readeth, vnderstand, and he is the pestiferous mountayn infecting the whole vniuersall earth, as witnesseth Ieremy. chap. 51. MarginaliaThe pope if his lawes be contrarie to Christ, is the pestiferous mountaine, infecting the whole earth. Ierem. 31.& not the head of Christes body. For the auncient person inyeares, & honorable in reuerence, he is the head, & the prophet teaching lies is the tayle, as Esay alledgeth. chap. 9. And he is that wicked and sinnefull Captayne of Israell, whose foreappointed day of iniquity is come in time of iniquity, who shall take away Cidarim, and take awaye the crowne, Ezech, chap. 21. MarginaliaThe Pope, the sinfull captaine of Israel, spoken of Ezechiel. whom it was sayd: Forasmuch as thy hart was exalted, and didst say, I am a God, & sittest in the seat of god, in the hart of the sea, seing thou art a man and not Godd, and hast geuen thine hart, as if it were the hart of God: therfore behold I will bring vpō thee the most strong and mighty straungers of the nations, & they shall draw theyr swords vpō the beauty of thy wisedom & shall defile the commaundements & kill thee, and pul thee out, & thou shalt dye in the destruction of the slayne, and it foloweth.

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In the multitude of thine iniquities, & of the iniquities of thy marchandise, thou hast defiled thy sanctification. MarginaliaAntichrist described. Ezech. 28. I will therfore bring forth a fire, from the midst of the whole earth, & will make thee as ashes vpon earth. Thou art become nothing, & neuer shalt thou be any more. Eze. cha. 28 Furthermore he his þe idle shepheard forsaking his flock hauing a sworde on his arme, & an other sworde in his right eye. Zach. 11. MarginaliaThe Pope an idle shep heard. Zach. 11.& sitting in the temple of God, doth aduaunce himselfe aboue all thing that is called God, or whatsoeuer is worshipped, by the testimony of Paule to Thes, 2. epist. 2. chap. And in the defection or falling away shall the man of sinne be reueled, whom the Lord Iesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth. For euery kindome deuided in it selfe, shall be brought to desolation. He is also besides, the beast ascēding vp out of the earth, hauing two hornes like vnto a lambe, MarginaliaThe beast horned lyke the lambe.but he speaketh like a dragon, & as the cruell beast ascending vp out of the sea, whose power shall continue 42. monethes. He worketh the things that he hath geuen to the image of the beast. And he compelled small and great, rich and poore, freemen and bondslaues, to worshyp the beast, and to take his marke in theyr forehead or theyr hands. Apo. 13 chap. MarginaliaThe Pope signifieth the beast ascending out of the earth. Terrible scriptures against the Pope. Apoc. 13.And thus by the testimony of all these places is he the chiefe Antechrist vpon the earth, and must be slayne with the sword of Gods word, and cast with the dragon, the cruell beast and the false Prophet that hath seduced the earth, into the lake of fire and brimstone to be tormented world without end.

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If the city of Rome do allow his traditiōs, and do disalow Christes holy commaundements, and Christes doctrine, that it may confirme his traditions: MarginaliaRome Babylon. then is she Babilon the great, or the daughter of Babilon, and the great whore sitting vpō many waters with whom the kings of the earth haue committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth are become dronken with the wine of her harlotry lying opē to baudry. With whose spiritual whordom enchauntments, witchcraftes, and Symon Magus marchaundises, the whole roūd world is infected and seduced: saying in her hart, I sit as a Queen, and widow I am not neither shall I see sorrowe and mourning. Yet is she ignoraūt þt within a litle while shall come the day of her destruction & ruine by the testimony of the Apoc. cha. 17. MarginaliaApoc. 17.Because that from the time that the continuall sacrifice was taken away, & the abhomination of desolatiō placed, there be passed 1299. dayes by the testimonye of Daniell, Marginalia1290. dayes figured in Dan. 12.and the Chronicles added do agree to the same. And the holy City also hath bene troden vnder foot of the heathen, for 42. monethes, and the woman was nourished vp in the wildernes (vnto which she fled for feare of the space of the serpēt) during 1260. dayes, or els for a time, times, & halfe a tyme which is all one. All these thinges be manifest by the testimony of the Apocalips, & the Chronicles therto agreeing. And as concerning the fall of Babilon aforesayd, it is manifest inthe Apoc. MarginaliaThe fall of Babylon. Apoc. 14.where it is sayd: In one day shall her plagues come, death, lamentation, and famine, and she shal be burned with fire. For strong is the Lord whych will iudge her. And agayn Babilon that great Citty is fallen, which hath made all nations to drinke of the wine of her Whoredome. And thirdly, one mightye Aungell tooke vp a myll stone that was a very great one, and did cast it into the Sea, saying: with suche a violence as this is, shall that great Cittye Babylon be ouerthrowne, and shall no more bee founde. For her Marchauntes were the Princes of the earth, and with her Witchcraft all Nations haue gone astray, and in her is there founde, the bloude of the Sayntes and Prophetes. And of her destruction speaketh Esay in the 13. MarginaliaEsay 13. chapiter. And Babilon that glorious Cittye, being so noble amongest kingdomes in the pride of the Caldeans, it shall be that like as the Lorde did ouerturne Sodome and Gomorre vpside downe, it shall neuer more be inhabited, nor haue the foundation layde in no age, from generation to generation. MarginaliaIerem. 15.Ieremy sayeth: Your mother that hath borne you, is brought to very great confusion and is made euē with the ground. And agayne: The lord hath deuised and done as he hath spokē agaynst the inhabiters of Babilō, which dwel richly

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