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K. Rich. 2. The story of Walter Brute. Three orders or sortes of priestes.

written: MarginaliaDe consec. dist. 2 cap. Omnia quacunque voluit.Although the figure of the bread & wine seeme to be nothing: yet notwithstanding they must after þe wordes of consecration be beleued, to be none other thing then the very flesh of Christ and his bloud. Whereupon, the veritye himself said vnto his Disciples: This is sayth he, my flesh, which is geuen for the life of the world: and to speake yet more maruellously, this is none other flesh, thē that which was borne of the virgin Mary, & suffered vpon the crosse, and rose out of the sepulchre.MarginaliaContrarietie in the popes Canons.

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See how far this chapter differeth from the first. MarginaliaDe consecrat. dist. 2. cap. Ego Berengarius.And in the chapter which beginneth Ego Berengarius. &c. This is the confession which Berengarius himselfe cōfessed touching this Sacrament, and his confession is of the church allowed. I confesse (sayth Berengarius) that the bread and wine which is layd vpon the aultar after the consecration, is not onely a Sacrament: but also that it is the very body & bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ: And the same not onely sensually to be a Sacrament, but also verely to be handled with the Priestes hands and to be broken, and chewed with the teeth of faythfull men. This confession doubtlesse is hereticall:MarginaliaThe recantation of Berengarius is hereticall. for why if the body of Christ be in the Sacrament, as of the Church it is so determined: it is there then Multiplicatiuè, and so indiuisibiliter, wherefore not sensualiter. And if it be there indiuisibiliter, that is, in such sort as it cannot be deuided or separated, then can it not be touched, felt, broken nor with the teeth of men chewed.

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MarginaliaThe Sacrament left by the priestes negligence to be eatē of a mouse returneth againe from body to bread.The writers of this time and age do affirme: that if by the negligence of the Priest, the Sacrament be so negligētly left, that a Mouse or any other beast or vermine eate the same: then they say, that the Sacrament returneth agayne into the nature and substaūce of bread. Wherby, they must nedes confesse, that a miracle is as wel wrought by þe negligence of the Priest, as first there was made by the consecration of the Priest in making the Sacrament. For either by the eating of the Mouse, the body of Christ is transubstantiated into the nature of bread, which is a transubstantiatiō supernaturall: Or els of nothing by creation is this bread produced. And therfore, either of these operations is miraculous & to be maruelled at. Now cōsidering the disagreing opinions of the Doctors, and for the absurdities which follow, I beleue with Paule, that the bread which we breakm, is the participation of the body of Christ: and as Christ sayth, that the bread is made the body of Christ for a memorial and remembraunce of him. And in such sort as Christ willed the same to be his body, in the same maner & sort do I beleue it to be his body.

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But whether women may make the body of Christ, & minister vnto the people: or whether that Priests be deuided frō the lay people, for their knowledge, preeminence, & sanctity of life, or els by externall signes onely: MarginaliaWhether externall signes in a priest, be the signe of Antichrist or els be grounded vpon Christ.Also whether the signe of tonsure and other externall signes of holines in Priestes, be signes of Antichrist and his charecters, or els introduced & taught by our Lord Iesus Christ: consequently it remayneth next to speake of vnto the faythfull sort (according to the proces of the holy Scripture) first of the three kindes of the Priestes. MarginaliaThree orders or sortes of priestes. 1. Aaronicall. 2. Eternall. 3. Christian.I remember that I haue read, the first of them to be Aaronicall, legall, & temporall: The second to be eternall and regall according to the order of Melchisedech: The third to be a Christian. The first of these ceased at the comming of Christ: for that as S. Paule to the Hebrues sayth. The Priesthood of Aaron was trāslated to the Priesthood of the order of Melchisedech. MarginaliaLeuiticall prietes deuided from the people by kindred, office, and inheritance.The legall sort of Priestes of Aaron were separate from the rest of the people, by kinred, office, and inheritance. By kinred, for that the children of Aaron onely were Priestes. By office, for that it onely pertayned to them to offer sacrifice, for the sinnes of the people, and to instruct the people in þe precepts and ceremonies of the law. By inheritaunce, because the Lord was their portiō of inheritaūce: neither had they any other inheritaunce amongest theyr brethren, but those thinges which were offered vnto the Lord, as the first fruits, parts of the sacrifices, and vowes, except places for their mansion houses for them and theirs, as appeareth by the processe of Moyses law. MarginaliaThe priesthoode of Christ differeth from the Leuiticall priesthoode, how and wherein.The Priesthood of Christ, did much differre from this Priesthood, as Paule doth witnes to the Hebrues chapter. 1. 8. 9. 10.

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Marginalia1. In kindrede.First, in kinred, because that our Lord & Sauiour Iesus Christ, came of the stocke and tribe of Iuda: of whiche tribe none had to do with the aultar and in which tribe nothing at all was spoken of the Priestes of Moses.

Marginalia2. In othe taking.The second, for that other were made Priestes without their othe taken but he by an othe, by him which sayd: The Lord swore, and it shall not repent him: Thou art a Priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedech.

Marginalia3. In durabilitie.Thirdly, by durability, for that many of thē were made Priests but during the terme of their liues: but he for that he remaineth for euer, hath an eternall Priesthood. Wher-fore he is able to saue vs for euer hauing by himself accesse vnto God, which euer liueth to make intercession for vs.

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The law made also such men Priestes as had infirmities, but Sermo (that is, the word which according to the law is the eternall sonne and perfect) by an othe.

Marginalia4. In matter of sacrifice.The Priesthood of Christ also did differ frō the Priesthood of Aaron and the law, in the matter of the sacrifice: & in the place of sacrificing. In the matter of the sacrifice: because they did vse in theyr sacrifices straunge bodyes of the matter of their sacrifices, and did shed straūge bloud for the expiation of sinnes: But he, offering himselfe vnto God his father for vs, shed his owne bloud, for the remission of our sinnes. Marginalia5. In place of sacrificing.In the place of sacrificing: because that they did offer theyr sacrifice in the tabernacle or temple: But Christ suffering death without the gates of the City, offered himselfe vpon the aultar the crosse to God his father, & there shed his precious bloud. In his supping chamber also hee blessed the bread and cōsecrated the same for his body, & the wine which was in þe cup, he also cōsecrated for his bloud: deliuering the same to his Apostles to be done, for a commemoration and remembraunce of his incarnation & passion. Neither did Iesus enter into the sāctuary made with mans hands, which be examples & figures of true things: but entred into heauē it selfe, that he might appeare before the maiesty of God for vs. Neither doth he offer himself oftētimes, as the chief priest in the sanctuary did euery yeare with straunge bloud (for then should he often times haue suffered from the beginning) but now once for all, in þe latter end of the world, to destroy sinne by his peace offering, hath he entred. And euen as it is decreed, that mā once shal dye and then commeth the iudgement: so Christ hath bene once offered to take away the sinnes of many. The second time he shall appeare without sinne to them that looke for him, to their saluation. For the lawe hauing a shadowe of good thinges to come, can neuer by the Image it selfe of thinges (which euery yeare without ceasing they offer by such sacrifices) make those perfect that come therunto, for otherwise that offering should haue ceased:MarginaliaThe law bringeth none to perfection. Because that such worshippers being once cleansed from theyr sinnes, should haue no more conscience of sinne. But in these, commemoratiō is made euery yere of sinne: for it is impossible that by the bloud of Goates and Calues, sinnes should be purged and taken away. Therfore comming into þe world he sayd: Sacrifice and oblation thou wouldst not haue, but a body hast thou geuen me, peace offeringes for sinne haue not pleased thee: Then sayd I, behold I come. In the volume of the booke it is written of me, that I should doe thy will O God: Saying as aboue, because thou wouldest haue no sacrifices, nor burnt offeringes for sinne, neyther doest thou take pleasure in those things that are offered according to þe law. Then sayd I, behold I come, that I may doe thy will O God. He taketh away the first, to stablishe that which followeth. In which will, we are sanctified by the oblation of the body of Iesus Christ, once for all. And euery priest is ready dayly ministring, and oftentimes affering like sacrifices, which can neuer take away sinnes. But this Iesus offering one sacrifice for sinne, sitteth for euermore on the right hand of God, expecting the time tyll his enemies be made his footstoole. For by his owne onely oblation, hath he consummated for euermore those that are sanctified.

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All these places haue I recited which Paule writeth, for the better vnderstanding and declaration of those thinges I meane to speak. MarginaliaThe priesthoode of Christ differeth from all other priesthoods.By all which it appeareth manifestly, how the Priesthood of Christ, differeth from the legall priesthood of Aaron: and by the same also appeareth, how the same differeth from all other priesthood Christian, that immitateth Christ. For the properties of the priesthood of Christ aboue recited, are founde in no other Priest, but in Christ alone. MarginaliaThe third priesthoode.Of the third priesthood, that is, the Christian priesthood: Christ by expresse wordes speaketh but litle, to make any difference betwene the priests and the rest of the people, MarginaliaThe name of Sacerdos or priest not vsed in the new Testament of Christ.neither yet doth vse this name of Sacerdos or præsbiter in þe Gospell. But some he calleth disciples, some apostels, whom he sent to baptise & to preach, & in his name to do miracles. He calleth them þe salt of the earth, in which þe name of wisedome is ment: and he calleth them the light of the world, by which, good liuing is signified. For he sayth, So let your light so shine before mē, that they may see your good workes, and glorify your father which is in heauen. And Paule speaking of the Priestes to Timothe, and Titus, seemeth not to mee to make any diuersity betwixt the Priestes and the other people, but in that he woulde haue them to surmount other in knowledge and perfection of life. MarginaliaThe fourthe priesthoode, which is the Romane priesthoode.But the fourth priesthood, is the Romaine priesthood, brought in by the Church of Rome: which Churche maketh a distinction betwene the clergy and the lay people: &

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