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K. Henry. 4. The articles of Will. Sautre. The examination of Will. Sautre.

When Saterday was come, that is to say, the 12. day of February, Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Caunterbury, in the presence of his Counsayle prouinciall being assembled in the sayd Chapter house, agaynst one syr William Sautre, otherwise called Chatris, Chaplayne personally then and there appearing by the commaundement of the foresayd archbishop of Caunterbury, obiected: that the sayd sir William before the Byshop of Norwiche, had once renounced and abiured diuers and sondry conclusions heretical and erroneous: and that after such abiuration made, he publiquely and priuily, helde taught & preached, the same conclusions or els such like, disagreeing to þe catholique fayth, and to the great perill and pernitious example of others. And after this, he caused such like conclusions holden and preached as is sayd, by the sayd Syr William without renunciation, then and there to be read vnto the sayd Archbishop, by maister Robert Haull, Chācellor vnto the sayd byshop in a certayne scrole writte, in tenour of wordes as followeth.

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Syr William Chatris otherwise called Sautre, parish Priest of the Churche S. Scithe the Virgine in London, publiquely and priuily doth holde these conclusions vnder written.

MarginaliaThe articles of W. Sautre.In Primis, he sayth, that he will not worship the crosse on which Christ suffered, but onely Christ that suffred vppon the Crosse.

2. Item, that he would sooner worship a temporal king, then the foresayd wodden crosse.

3. Item, that he would rather worship the bodyes of the Saintes, then the very crosse of Christ, on which he hong, if it were before him.

4. Item, that he woulde rather worship a man truely contrite, then the crosse of Christ.

5. Item, that he is bound rather to worship a man that is predestinate, then an aungell of God.

6. Item, that if any man would visite the monumentes of Peter and Paule, or go on Pilgrimage to the Toumbe of S. Thomas, or els any whether els, for the obtayning of any temporall benefite: he is not bounde to keepe hys vowe, but that he may distribute the expences of his vowe vpon the almes of the poore.

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7. Item, that euery priest and Deacon is more bound to preach the word of God, then to say the canonical houres.

8. Item, that after the pronouncing of the Sacramental wordes of the body of Christ, the bread remayneth of the same nature that it was before, neyther doth it cease to be bread.

To which conclusions or articles being thus read, the Archbish. of Caunterb. required the same Syr William to aunswere. And then the sayd William asked a copy of such articles or conclusions, and a competent space to answere vnto the same. Whereupon the sayd Archb. commaunded a copy of such articles or conclusions to be deliuered then and thereunto the sayd syr William, assigning the Thursday then next ensuing to him to deliberate and make aunswere in. When Thursday the sayd day of apparance was come, Maister Nicholas Rishton, auditour of the causes and busines belonging to the sayd archbishop (then beyng in the Parliament house at Westminster otherwise let) cōtinued the sayd conuocation with all matters rising, depending and appartinent thereunto, by commaundement of the sayd Byshop, vntill the next morrow at eight of the clocke. When the morow came, being Friday. The foresaid sir William Sautre, in the chapter house before the sayd bishop and hys counsayle prouinciall then and there assembled, making his personall appearaunce, MarginaliaThe answer of W. Sautre giuen vp in writing.exhibited a certayne scrole contayning the aunsweres vnto certayne articles or conclusions geuen vnto him as is aforesaid by the said Bishop: and sayd, that vnto the foresayd Archbyshop, he deliuered the same as his answere in that behalfe, vnder the tenour of such wordes as follow.

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I William Sautre priest vnworthy, say and aunswere that I will not, nor intend not to worship the crosse wheron Christ was crucified, but onely Christ that suffered vpon the crosse:MarginaliaThe crosse materially not to bee worshipped so vnderstanding me that I will not worship the materiall crosse, for the grosse corporall matter: yet notwithstanding I will worship the same as a signe, token, and memoriall of the passion of Christ Adoratione vicaria. And that I will rather worship a temporall Kyng, then the foresayd wooden crosse, as the materiall substance of the same. And that I will rather worship the bodyes of Saintes, then the very crosse of Christ whereon he hong: with this addition, that if the very same Crosse were afore me, as touching the materiall substaunce. And also that I will rather worship a man truely confessed and penitent,then the crosse on which Christ hong, as touching the materiall substaunce.

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MarginaliaA man predestinate rather to be worshipped than an Angell: that is to say, neither can be worshipped without idolatrie.And that also I am bound, and will rather worship him whom I know to be predestinate, truly confessed and contrite, then an angell of God: for that the one is a man of the same nature with the humanitie of Christ, and so is not a blessed aungell. Notwithstanding I will worship both of them, according as the will of God is I should.

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Also, that if any man hath made a vow to visite the shrines of the Apostles Peter and Paule, or to goe on pilgrimage vnto S. Thomas tombe, or anye whither els to obtayne any temporall benefite or commoditie: he is not bound simply to keepe his vow, vpon the necessitye of saluation. But that he may geue the expences of his vowe in almes amongst the poore, by the prudent counsayle of his superiour as I suppose.

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And also I say, that euery Deacon and Priest is more bound to preach the word of God, then to say the canonicall houres, according to the primitiue order of the church.

MarginaliaHow bread remaineth in the Sacrament.Also touching the interrogation of the sacrament of the aulter:I say that after the pronouncing of the sacramentall wordes of the body of Christ, there ceaseth to be very bread simply, but remaineth bread, holy true, and the bread of life: ynd I beleue the sayd sacrament to be the very body of Christ, after the pronouncing of the sacramentall wordes.

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When all these aunsweres were throughly by Maister Robert Hall, directly and publikely there read: the foresaid Archb. of Cant. inquired of the sayd sir William, whither he had abiured the foresayd heresies and errors obiected agaynst him, as before is sayd, before the Byshop of Norwich or not, or els had reuoked and renounced the sayd or such like conclusions or articles, or not? To which he aunswered and affirmed, that he had not. And then consequētly (all other articles, conclusions and aunsweres aboue writen, immediately omitted) the sayd Archbishop examined the same sir W. Sautre, especially vpon the sacrament of the aulter.

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First, whether in the sacrament of the aulter after the pronouncing of the sacramentall wordes, remayneth very materiall bread or not. Vnto which interrogation þe same sir W. somewhat waueringly, sayd, and answered, that he knew not that. Notwithstanding he sayd, that there was very bread, because it was the bread of life whiche came downe from heauen.

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After that the sayd Archbishop demaunded of hym, whither in the sacrament after the sacramentall woordes, rightly pronounced of the Priest, the same bread remayneth, which did before the wordes pronounced or not? And to this question the foresayd William aunswered in like maner as before, saying that there was bread holy, true, and the bread of life. &c.

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After that, the foresayd Archb. asked him, whether the same naturall bread before consecration, by the sacramentall woordes of the priest rightly pronounced, be transubstantiated from the nature of bread, into the very bodye of Christ, or not? Whereunto sir William sayd, that he knewe not what that matter ment.

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MarginaliaThe conuocation continued.And then the sayde Archbish. assigned vnto the said sir William, tyme to deliberate, and more fully to make hys aunswere till the next day: and continued this conuocation then and there till the morow. MarginaliaW. Sautre agayn examined.Which morrow to wit, the 19. day of February being come: the foresayd Archbish. of Cant. in the sayd chapter house of S. Paule in London, before hys counsayle prouincial, then and there assembled, specially asked and examined the same sir William Sautre there personally present, vpon the sacramēt of the aulter, as before. And thesame Sir William agayne in like maner as before, aunswered.

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After this, amongst other thinges the sayd Byshop demaunded of the same William if the same materiall bread beyng vpon the aulter after the sacramentall words being of the priest rightly pronounced, is transubstantiated into the very body of Christ, or not? And the sayd sir William sayd he vnderstoode not what he ment.

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Then the sayd archbishop demaunded, whether that materiall bread being round and white, prepared and disposed for the sacrament of the body of Christ vpon the aulter, wanting nothing that is meete and requisite thereunto, by the vertue of the sacramentall wordes being of the priest rightly pronounced, be altered and chaunged into the very body of Christ, and ceaseth any more to be materiall and very bread or not? Then the sayd syr William deredingly aunswering, sayd he could not tell.

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Then consequently the sayd Archbishop demaunded, whether he would stand to the determination of the holye Church or not, which affirmeth: that in the Sacrament of
