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Great Ellingham [South Helingham]


OS grid ref: TM 015 975

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King's Lynn (Bishop's Lynn) [Lennam; Linne; Lynne]


OS grid ref: TF 615 205

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Kings Lynn, Lynn Regis
Linne, Lynn, Lynne
NGR: TF 615 200

A borough having exclusive jurisdiction, although locally in the Lynn division of the hundred of Freebridge, county of Norfolk. 44 miles west by north from Norwich. The town comprises the parishes of All Saints, Southgate, St. Edmund, North End, and St. Margaret's; all in the Archdeaconry and Diocese of Norwich. The living of All Saints is a vicarage; St. Edmund, North End is a sinecure rectory; and St. Margaret's is a perpetual curacy

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English information from Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of England (S. Lewis & Co: London, 1831)

Scottish information from Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Scotland (S. Lewis & Co: London, 1846)

Welsh information taken from Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Wales(Lewis & Co: London, 1840)

The reason for the use of these works of reference is that they present the jurisdictional and ecclesiastical position as it was before the major Victorian changes. The descriptions therefore approximate to those applying in the sixteenth century, after the major changes of 1535-42. Except for the physical locations, which have not changed, the reader should not therefore take these references as being accurate in the twenty-first century.

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Tilney All Saints (TF 565 175) or Tilney St Lawrence (TF 545 135)


540 [516]

K. Henry 4. Proces against Will. Sautre. The recantation of W. Sautre.

the aulter, after the wordes of consecration, being rightly pronounced of the Priest, the same bread whiche before in nature was bread, ceaseth any more to be bread. To this interrogation, the sayd sir William sayd: MarginaliaDetermination of the Church so to be folowed as it is ioyned to the will of God.that he woulde stand to the determination of the church, where such determination was not contrary to the will of God.

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This done: he demaunded of him agayne, what hys iudgement was concerning the Sacrament of the aulter: Who sayd and affirmed, that after the wordes of consecration by the priest duely pronounced, remayned very bread and the same bread which was before the wordes spoken. And this examination about the sacrament, lasted from 8. of the clocke of the same day, vntill a 11. of the clock or there aboutes: in so much, that during all this time, the foresaid W. would no otherwise aunswere: neyther yet touching the same sacrament, receaue catholicke information, according to the institution of the popes Church and his Christen fayth. Wherefore, the sayd Cant. by the counsayle and assent of his whole couent then and there present: did promulgate and geue sentence by the mouth of Robert Hall, agaynst the same Syr William Sautre (being personally present, and refusing to reuoke hys heresies, that is to say his true doctrine, but constantly defending the same) vnder the tenour of wordes as followeth.

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MarginaliaThe sentence against W. Sautre.IN the name of God amen. We Thomas by the grace of GOD Archbishop of Caunterbury, primate of England and Legate of the sea Apostolicall, by the authoritie of God almighty and blessed sainct Peter and Paule, and of holy Churche, and by our owne authoritie sitting for tribunal or chiefe iudge, hauing God alone before your eyes: by the counsel and consent of the whole clergy our fellow brethren, and suffraganes assistantes vnto vs in this present counsell prouincial, by this our sentence diffinitiue, do pronounce, decree and declare by these presents, thee William Sautre otherwise called Chawtrey parish Priest pretensed, personally appearing before vs, in and vpon the cryme of heresie iudicially and lawfully conuicte as an hereticke, and as an hereticke to be punished.

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Which sentence diffinitiue being thus read: the foresaid Archb. of Cant. continued in the same prouinciall coūsaile till Wednesday next, and immediately ensuing, to wit the 24. day of the same month of February: whiche being expired, the bishop of Norwich, according to the cōmaundement of the said archb. of Cant. presented vnto the foresaid William Sawtre by a certayne friend of hys, beyng present at the same councell, a certayn processe inclosed and sealed with his seal, geuing þe names of credible witnesses sealed with their seales: The tenour whereof followeth in this wise.

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MarginaliaA certaine processe against W. Sautre presented by the Bish. of Norwiche.Memorandum, that vpon the last day of Aprill, in the yeare of our Lord. 1399. in the 7. indiction and 10. yeare of the papacie of Pope Boniface the 2 In a certayne chamber within the maner house of the sayd Bish. of Norwich, at South Helingham (where the register of the sayd Bishop is kept) before the houre of 9. in a certayne chappell within the sayd manour situate, and the 1. day of May, then next and immediately ensuing in the foresayd chamber, syr Wil. Chawtris, parish priest of the church of S. Margaret in the town of Linne, appeared before the Bishop of Norwich, in the presence of Iohn de Derlington, Archdeacon of Norwich, doctor of the decrees, Frier Walter Disse, and Iohn Rikinghall professors in diuinitie, William Carlton, doctor of both lawes, and W. Friseby, wt huge Bhridham, publike Notaryes: and there publikely affirmed and held, the conclusions, as before is specified.

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All and singuler the premisses the foresayde William affirmed vpon mature deliberation. And afterwardes to wit the 19. day of May in the yeare, Indiction, and Papacy aforesayd, in the chappell within the mannour house of the said Henry Bishop of Norwich, situate at South Helingham: The foresayd sir William, reuoked and renounced all and singuler the foresayd hys conclusions: abiuring and correcting all such heresies and errours, taking hys oath vpon a booke before the foresayd Henry the Byshop of Norwiche, that from that time forward he would neuer preach, affirme, nor holde, priuily nor apertly the foresayd conclusions. And that he woulde pronounce according to the appointment of the sayd bishop, the foresayd conclusions to be erroneous and heresies, in the parish Churches of Linne and Tilney and in other places & at the assignement of the sayd Byshop, and farther sware, that he would stand to the ordinaunce of the sayd Byshop, touching the premisses, in the presence of the discrete and worshipfull men afore recited with diuers others moe.

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As concerning the first conclusion that he sayd he wold not worship the Crosse &c. he confessed himselfe to haue er-red and that the article was erroneous and submitted him selfe. Also as touching the second article, that he sayde he would rather worship a king &c. he confessed himselfe to haue erred and the article to be erroneous and submitted himselfe, and so forth of all the rest.

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The next after this, vppon the 25. day of May in the yeare of our Lord aforesayd, in the Churchyard of the chapell of S. Iames within the towne of Linne The foresayd William, in presence of the foresayd Byshop and clergy and the people of the sayd Towne of Linne standing round about: publikely declared in English tongue, the foresayd conclusiōs to be erroneous and heresies, as was contayned in a certayne scrole. And after this, the 26. day of May in the yeare abouesayd, in the Churche of the Hospitall of S. Iohns in the towne of Linne: The sayd Syr William, before the sayd Byshop sitting as iudge, sware & tooke his othe vpon the holy Euangelistes that he would neuer after that time preach openly & publiquely the foresayd conclusions, nor would heare the confessions of anye of the subiectes of his Dioces of Norwiche, without the speciall licence of the sayd Bishop. &c. In þe presence of Frier Iohn Smermen, M. Iohn Rikinghale, Doctor of Diuinitie, W. Carlton Doctor of both lawes, and Thomas Bulton officer of the libertie of Linne aforesayd with dyuers others.

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¶ The tenour of the scrole and recantation.

Marginalia1. 2.IN primis, touching the first and second, where I sayd, that I woulde adore rather a temporall Prince, and the liuely bodyes of the sayntes then the wooden crosse, wher upon the Lord did hang, I do reuoke and recant the same as being therin deceaued.

Marginalia3.To this I say, that the article is false and erroneous, and by false information, I held it, the whiche I renounce and aske forgeuenes thereof, and say that it is a precious relique, and that I shall holde it while I liue, and that I sweare here.

Marginalia4.I know wel that I erred wrōgfully, by false information: for I wot well, that a deacon or a priest is more boūd to say his Mattins and Houres, then to preach, for thereto he is bounden by right, wherfore I submit me &c.

Marginalia5.Touching that article, I know right well that I erred by false information. Wherfore I aske forgeuenes.

Marginalia6.As concerning vowes, I say, that opinion is false and erroneous, and by false information I held it, for a man is holden to hold his vowe &c.

Marginalia7.To the 7. article I say,. that I did it, by authoritie of Priesthoode, where through I knowledge well that I haue gilt and trespassed, wherfore I submit me to god and to holy Church, and to you father, swearing that I shall neuer hold it more.

Marginalia8.The 8. I say, that I held it by false and wronge information. But now I know well that it is heresie, and that bread anone as the word of the sacrament is sayde, is no longer bread materiall, but that it is turned into verye Christes body and that I sweare here.

Marginalia9.I say that this is false and erroneous. &c.

Marginalia10.I say as I sayd. &c.

MarginaliaProces against W. Sautre.This being done, the 22. day of February aforesayd in the yeare of our Lord. 1400. in the chapter house of Sainct Paule in London aforesayd: The foresayd Archbishop of Caunterbury, in the conuocation of hys prelates & Clergy and such lyke men there beeing present, caused the fore recited proces of the bishop of Norwich to be read openly & publikely to Syr Wil. Sautre otherwise called Chatris. And afterward, he asked the sayd syr William, whether he playnely vnderstood and knew such proces & the contents within the same, and he sayd yea. And further he demaunded of him, if he would or could say or obiect any thing agaynst the proces, and he sayd no. And after that incontinent, the foresayd archbishop of Canterbury demaunded and obiected against the said syr William as diuers others more did: That after he had before the Bysh. of Norwiche reuoked and abiured Iudicially diuers errors & heresies, that among other erroures, and heresies by him taught, holden, and preached he affirmed: That in the same sacrament of the aulter after the consecration made by þe Priest as he taught, there remayned materiall bread: which heresie amongst others as erroures also he abiured before the foresayd Bishop of Norwich.MarginaliaEx Regist. Cantuar. Hereunto the foresayd William aunswered smiling or in mocking wise, saying, and denying that he knew of the premisses. Notwithstanding he publikely affirmed that he held and taught the foresayd thinges after the date of the sayd processe made by the sayd Bishop of Norwich, and that in the same councell also he

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