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K. Henry. 4. The ridiculous maner of the Popish degradation of William Sautre.

held the same. Then finally, it was demaunded of the said sir William, why he ought not to be pronounced as a man fallen into heresie, and further to proceede vnto his degradation, according to the canonicall sanctions: whereunto he answered nothing, neither could he alledge any cause to the contrary.

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Wheruepon, the foresayd Archb. of Cant. by the counsaile and consent of the reuerēd fathers and Bishops, as also, Priours, Deanes, Archdeacons, and other worshipfull Doctours and Clerkes then and there present in the councel: Fully determined to proceede to the degradation, and actuall deposing of the sayde William Sautre, as refallen into heresy, and as incorrigible, according to the sentence definitiue put in wryting, the tenoure whereof is in wordes as foloweth.

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MarginaliaSentence of relapse.In the name of God Amen: Wee Thomas by the grace of God Archb. of Cant. Legate of the sea Apostolicall and Metropolitane of all England: doe finde and declare, that thou William Sawtrie, otherwise called Chatris Priest, by vs with the counsaile & assent of all and singular our felowe brethren and whole Clergy, by this our sentence diffinitiue declared in wryting, hast bene for heresie conuict and condemned, and art (being againe fallen into heresy) to be deposed and degraded, by these presents.

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And from that day being Wedensday, there was in the sayde councell prouinciall nothing further prosecuted, but was continued with all dependentes, till the Friday next insuing. Whych Friday approching, M. Nicholas Rishton, by the commandement of the sayd Archb. of Canterb. being then busied as he said in the Parliament house: continued this councel and conuocation with al incidents, dependents, and occasions, growing and annexed therunto, to the next day, to wit saterday next and immediatly after insuing. Vpon Saterday being the 26. of the sayd moneth of February, the foresayde Archbishop of Canterbury sate in the Byshops seate of the foresayde Church of S. Paule in London, and solemnly apparelled in his Pontifical attire, sitting wt hym as his assistents these reuerend fathers and Bishops, of London, Lyncolne, Harford, Exeter, Meneuensis & Roffensis Episcopi, aboue mentioned: commaunded and caused the sayd sir W. Sautry apparelled in priestly vestiments, to be brought & appeare before hym. That done, he declared and expounded in English to al the clergy and people there, in a great multitude assembled: that al processe was finished and ended against the sayd sir William Sautry. Whych thing finished, before the pronouncing of the sayd sentence of the Relapse against the sayd sir William as is premised, he often then and there recited & read. And for that he sawe the sayde William in that behalfe, nothyng abashed: He proceded to his degradation and actuall deposition in forme as foloweth.

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MarginaliaSentence of degradation.IN nomine patris & filij & spiritus sancti. Amen. We Thomas by Gods permission Archb. of Cant. Primate of al England, and Legate of the Apostolique sea: doe denounce thee William Sawtre otherwise called Chautris, Chapleine fained, in the habite and apparell of a Priest, as an heretick and one refallen into heresy by thus our sentēce definitiue, by counsaile, assent, and authoritye, to be condemned: And by conclusion of all our fellowe brethren, fellow byshops, Prelates, councell prouinciall, and of the whole clergy: do degrade and depriue thee of thy priestly order. And in signe of degradation and actuall depositiō from thy priestly dignity, for thine incorrigibility and want of amendment: we take from thee the patent and chalice, MarginaliaThe pattēt and chalice takē frō him.and doe depriue thee of all power & authority of celebrating masse: and also wee pull from thy backe, the Casule, and take from thee the vestiment, and depriue thee of all maner of Priestly honour.

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Also, wee Thomas the aforesayde Archb. by authority, counsell, and assent, which vpon the foresayd William wee haue, being Deacon pretensed, in the habite and apparel of a Deacon, hauing the new Testament in thy hands, being an heretique and twise fallen, condemned by sentence as is aforesayde: doe degrade and put thee from the order of a Deacon. And in token of this thy degradation and actuall deposition we take frō thee the boke of the new testament, MarginaliaThe booke of a new Testamēt taken frō him.& the stole, and doe depriue thee of all authority in reading the gospel, and of all and all maner of dignity of a Deacon.

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Item, we Thomas Archbish. aforesayd, by authoritie, counsell, and assent, which ouer thee the foresayde William wee haue, being a subdeacon pretensed: in the habite & vestiment of a subdeacon, an hereticke, and twise fallen, condemned by sentence as is aforesayd: do degrade & put thee from the order of a subdeacon. And in token of this thy degradation & actuall deposition, we take from thee the albeMarginaliaThe Albe taken from him.and maniple, and doe depriue thee of all and all manner of subdiaconall dignitie.

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Also, wee Thomas, Archb. aforesayd, by counsaile, assent and authority whych wee haue ouer thee the foresayde William, an Accolite pretensed, wearing the habite of an Accolite, and heretike, twise fallen, by our sentence as is aforesaid condemned: do degrade and put from thee al order of an Accolite: And in signe and tokē of thys thy degradation, and actuall deposition, we take from thee the candlesticke and taper,MarginaliaThe candlesticke & taper taken from hym. and also Vrceolum, and doe depriue thee of all and all maner dignity of an Accolite.

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Also, we Thomas, Archb. aforesayd by assent, counsel, and authority whych vppon thee the foresayd William we haue, an Exorcist pretensed, in the habite of an Exorcist or holy water clarke, being an hereticke, twise fallen, and by our sentence as is aforesayd condemned, we doe degrade & depose thee from the order of an Exorcist: and in token of thys thy degradation and actuall deposition, we take from the booke of coniurations,MarginaliaThe holy water bucke coniured from him. and doe depriue thee of all and singular dignity of an Exorcist.

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Also, we Thomas Archbish. aforesayd, by assent, counsaile, and authority, as is aboue sayd, doe degrade & depose thee the foresayde William, reader pretensed, clothed in the habit of a reader, an hereticke, twise fallen, and by our sentence as is aforesayd, condēned: from the order of a reader. And in token of this thy degradation and actuall deposition, we take from thee the booke of the deuine lections (that is the booke of the Church legende)MarginaliaHe meaneth the legend booke, as saith the Register.and doe depriue thee of all and singular maner of dignity of such a reader.

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Item, we Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury aforesayd, by authority, counsaile, and assent, the which we haue as is aforesaid, do degrade and put thee the foresayd William Sawtre, sexten pretensed, in the habite of a sexten, and wearing a surplice, being an hereticke, twise fallen, by our sentence definitiue condemned, as aforesayd: from the order of a Sexten.MarginaliaThe Surplice taken from him. And in token of thys thy degradation and actuall deposition, for the causes aforesayd, we take from thee the keyes of the Church doore, and thy surplice, and doe depriue thee of all and singular maner of commodityes of a doore keeper.MarginaliaThe church dore keyes taken from him.

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And also, by the authority of omnipotent God the father, the sonne, and holy ghost, and by our authority, counsaile, & assent of our whole councel prouinciall aboue written, we do degrade thee and depose thee being here personally present before vs,MarginaliaPriuilege of the clergie taken from him. from orders, benefices, priuilegies and habite in the church, and for thy pertinacie incorrigible we doe disgrade thee, before the secular Court of the hygh Constable and marshal of England, here being personally present, and do depose thee from all and singular clerkely honours and dignities whatsoeuer, by these wrytings.MarginaliaThe prjestes cap taken from his head, maketh vp all in all. Also in token of thy degradation and deposition, here actually wee haue caused thy crowne and ecclesiasticall tonsure in our presence to be rased away, & utterly to be abolished, lyke vnto the forme of a seculare lay man: and here doe put vpon the head, of thee the foresayd William, the cap of a lay secular person: beseeching the court aforesayd, that they wil receaue fauourably the sayde William vnto them thus recommitted.

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Thus William Sawtre the seruaunt of Christ, being vtterly thrust out of the Popes kingdome, and metamorphosed from a clerke to a secular lay man, was committed (as ye haue heard) vnto the secular power. Which so done, the byshops yet not heerewith contented, cease not to call vpō the king, to cause him to be brought forth to spedy execution. Whereupon the king, ready inough and to much to gratify the cleargy, and to retaine their fauours, directeth out a terrible decree against the said William Sawtre, and sent it to the Maior and Sheriffes of London to be put in execution, the tenour wherof here vnder ensueth.

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¶ The decree of the king against William Sawtre.

MarginaliaThe cruell decree of the king agaynst Sawtre.THe decree of our soueraigne Lord the king & his counsel in the Parliament, against a certaine new sprong vp hereticke. To the Maior & Sheriffs of London. &c. Where as the reuerend father Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and Legate of the Apostolicke sea, by the assent, consent, & counsell of other byshops, and his brethren Suffraganes, and also of all the whole Clergy within his prouince or dioces, gathered together in his prouincial counsel, the due order of the law being obserued in al poynts in this behalfe: hath pronounced and declared by his definitiue sentence, W. Sautre somtime chaplain, to be fallen again into his most dānable heresy, the which before time the sayde W. had abiured, thereupon to be a most manifest heretike, and therfore hath decreed, that he should

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