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K. Henry. 4. Conclusions of the Archbishop against the word of God.

Moreouer, the Parish Priestes or Vicares temporall, not hauing perpetuities, nor being sent in forme aforesayd shall simply preach in þe Churches where they haue charge onely those thinges which are expressely contayned in the prouinciall constitution set forth by Iohn our predecessour of good memory, to helpe þe ignorance of the priests, which beginneth: Ignorantia Sacerdotum.MarginaliaA ioly mene to bring the world into such darknes. Which book of constitutions, we would should be had in euery parish Church in our prouince of Caunterbury, within three monthes next after the publication of these presentes, and (as therein is required) that it be effectually declared by þe priestes themselues yearely, and at the times appoynted. And least thys wholesome statute might be thought hurtfull of some, by reason of payment of money, or some other difficultie: we therfore will & ordayne, that þe examinations of the persōs aforesayd, and the making of theyr letters by the Ordinary be done gratis and freely without any exaction of money at all, by those to whome it shall appertayne. And if any man shall willingly presume to violate this our statute gtrounded vpon the old lawe, after the publication of the same: he shall incurre the sentence of greater excommunication ipso facto: whose absolution we specially reserue by tenoure of these presentes, to vs and our successours. But if anye such Preacher despising this wholsome Statute, and not weying the sentence of greater excommunication doe the secōd time take vpon hym to preach: saying and alledging, and stoutly affirming that the sentence of greater excommunication aforesaid, cannot be appoynted by the Church in the persons of the Prelates of the same: That then, the Superiours of the place, doe worthely rebuke him, and forbid him from the Communion of all faythfull Christians.

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And that the sayde person hereupon lawfully conuicted (except he recant and abiure after the maner of þe Church) be pronounced an hereticke by the Ordinary of the place. And that from thenceforth he be reputed and taken for an hereticke and schismaticke, and that he incurre (ipso facto) the penalties of heresie and schismacie, expressed in the law: And chiefly that his goodes be adiudged confiscate by the law, and apprehended and kept by them, to whome it shal appertayne. And that hys fautours, receiuers, & defenders being conuicted, in all cases be likewise punished, if they cease not of within one month, being lawfully warned therof by theyr superiours.

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MarginaliaConstit. 2.Furthermore, no clergy man, or parochians of any parish or place within our prouince of Cant. shall admit any man to preach wtin their Churches, churchyardes or other places whatsoeuer, except first there be manifest knoweledge had of his authoritie, priuiledge, or sending thither, according to the order aforesayd: Otherwise the Churche, churchyarde, or what place whatsoeuer, in whiche it was so preached, shal ipso facto, receiue þe Ecclesiasticall interdict & so shall remayne interdicted, vntill they that so admitted and suffered him to preach, haue reformed themselues, and obtayned þe place so interdicted, to be released in due forme of law, either frō the Ordinary of þe place, or his superiour.

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MarginaliaConstit. 3.Moreouer, like as a good housholder casteth wheat into the ground (well ordered for that purpose) therby to get the more encrease: euen so we wil and commaund,Marginaliawhat tyrāny is this to bynde the preachers mouth what to say. that the preacher of Gods word, comming in form aforesayd, preaching eyther vnto the Clergy or Laity, according to hys matter proponed: shalbe of good behauiour, sowing such seed as shalbe cōuenient for his auditory. And chiefly preaching to the Clergie, he shall touche the vices commonly vsed amongst them, and to the Laitie he shall declare the vices commonly vsed among them, and not otherwise: But if he preach contrary to this order, then shall he be sharpely punished by the ordenary of that place, according to the quallitie of that offence.

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MarginaliaConstit. 4.Item, forasmuch as the part is vile, that agreeth not with the whole: we do decree and ordayn, þt no preacher aforesayd, or any other person whatsoeuer, shall otherwise teach or preach concerning the sacramēt of the aulter, matrimony, confession of sinnes, or any other sacrament of the Church, or article of the fayth, then that already is discussed by the holy mother Churche, nor shall bring anye thing in doubt þt is determined by the church:MarginaliaA barre for the preachers. nor shal to his knowledge priuily or apertly pronounce blasphemous wordes concerning the same, nor shall teach, preach, or obserue any sect, or kinde of heresie whatsoeuer, contrary to the wholesome doctrine of the Church. He that shall wittingly & obstinatly attempt the contrary, after the publication of these presentes, shall incurre the sentence of excommunication ipso facto: From the which (except in poynt of death) he shal not be absolued, vntill he hath reformed himselfe by abiuration of his heresie, at the discretion of the Ordinary, in whose territory he so offēded, and hath receiued wholsome penitence for his offences. But if the second tyme he shallso offend, being lawfully conuicted, he shalbe pronounced an hereticke,, & his goods confiscate and apprehended, and kept by them to whome it shall appertayne. The penance before mentioned, shalbe after this manner: If anye man contrary to the determination of the Churche, that is, in þe decrees, decretals, or our constitutions prouinciall, doe openly or priuily teach or preach any kinde of heresie or secte he shall in the parish Church of the same place, where he so preached, vpon one sonday, or other solemne day, or more, at the discretion of the ordinary, and as his offence is more or lesse, expressely reuoke that he so preached, taught or affirmed, euen at the time of the solemnitie of the masse, whē the people are most assembled, and there shall effectually and without fraud preach, and teach the very truth determined by the church: and further shalbe punished after the quallitie of hys offence, as shalbe though expedient to the discretion of the Ordinary.

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MarginaliaConst. 5.Item, forasmuch as a new vessell being long vsed, sauoreth after the head, we decree and ordayn,MarginaliaA caueat for schoolemasters. that no scholemaisters and teachers what soeuer, that instruct childrē in grammer, or others whō so euer, in primitiue sciences shall in teaching them, intermingle any thing concerning þe catholicke fayth, the sacrament of the aulter, or other Sacramentes of the Church, contrary to the determinations of þe church. Nor shall suffer theyr schollers to expound the holy Scriptures, (except the text as hath bene vsed of auncient time,) not shal permit them to dispute openly or priuily concerning the catholicke fayth, or Sacramentes of the Churche. Contrariwise, the offender herein shalbe greeuously punished by the Ordinary of the place, as a fauourer of errours and schismes.

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MarginaliaConst. 6.Item, for that a new way doth more frequently leade a stray, then an old way:MarginaliaBooks of Iohn Wickliffe forbidden. we will and commuande that no booke or treatise made by Iohn Wickliffe, or other whom soeuer, about that time of sithence, or hereafter to be made: be from henceforth read in schooles, halles, hospitalles, or other places whatsoeuer, within our prouince of Canterbury aforesayd, except the same be first examined by the vniuersitie of Oxford or Cambridge, or at the last by twelue persons, whom the sayd vniuersities or one of thē shal appoynt to be chosen at our discretion, or the laudable discretion of our predecessoures: and the same being examined as aforesayd, to be expresly approued and allowed by vs or our successours, and in the name and authoritie of the vniuersitie, to be deliuered vnto the Stationers to be copyed out, and the same to be sold at a reasonable price, the originall therof alwaies after, to remayn in some chest of þe vniuersitie. But if any man shall read any such kynd of booke in schooles or otherwise, as aforesayd: he shalbe punished as a sower of schisme, and a fauourer of heresie, as the qualitie of the fault shall require.

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MarginaliaConstit. 7.Item, it is a daungerous thinge (as witnesseth blessed S. Hierome) to translate the text of the holy scripture out of one tongue into an other: for in the translation the same sense is not alwayes easily kept, as the same S, Ierome confesseth, that although he were inspired, yet oftentimes in this he erred.MarginaliaHe confesseth that S. Ierome erred in his translation. We therefore decree and ordayne, that no man hereafter by his owne authoritie, translate any text of the Scripture into English,MarginaliaAnd yet the said Archb. cōmēded Qneene Anne, for hauing the scripture in Englishe. or any other tongue, by way of a booke, libell, or treatise, and if no man read anye suche booke libell or treatise, nowe lately set foorth in the time of Iohn Wickliffe, or sithence, or hereafter to be set forth, in part or in whole, priuily, or apertly: vpon paine of greater excommunication, vntill the said translation be allowed by the Ordinary of the place, or (if the case so require) by the Councell prouinciall: He that shall do contrary to his shal likewise be punished as a fauourer of error & heresie.

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MarginaliaConstit. 8.Item, for that almighty God cannot be expressed with any Philosophicall termes, or otherwise inuented of man: And S. Augustine saith, That he hath oftentimes reuoked such conclusions as hath bene most true, because they haue bene offensiue to the eares of the religious:MarginaliaTermes and propositions in disputing to be obserued. We doe ordeine and specially forbid, that no maner of person, of what state degree, or condition, so euer he be, doe allege or propone any conclusions or propositions in þe catholike fayth, or repugnant to good manners, (except necessary doctrine pertayning to theyr facultie of teaching or disputing in theyr schooles or otherwise) although they defend the same with neuer so curious termes and wordes. For as sayth blessed S. Hugh of the Sacramentes, that whiche oftentimes is well spoken, is not well vnderstood. If any many therefore after the publication of these presents, shalbe conuict wittingly to haue proponed such conclusions or propositions, except (being monished) he reforme himselfe in one month by vertue of this present constitution: He shall incurre the sentence of greater excommunication ipso facto, and shalbe openly pronounced an excommunicate, vntill he hath con-

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