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K. Henry. 4. The examination of M. Will. Thorpe. Against transubstantiation. Images.

Paule witnesseth. Other beliefe Sir I haue none, nor will haue, nor teach: for I beleue, that this suffiseth in this matter. For in this beliefe with Gods grace I purpose to liue and dye, knowledging as I beleue and teach other men to beleue, that the worshipfull Sacrament of the aultar, is the Sacrament of Christes flesh and his bloud, in forme of bread and wine.

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¶ And the Archb. sayd to me. It is sooth that this Sacrament is very Christes body in forme of bread. But thou & thy sect teachest it to be substance of bread. Thinke you this true teaching?

☞ And I sayd: Neither I, nor any other of the sect that ye damne, teach any otherwise then I haue tolde you, nor beleue otherwise to my knowing. Neuertheles sir, I aske of you for charity, that ye will tell me here playnly, how ye shall vnderstand the text of Saint Paule, where he sayth thus: This thing fele you in your self that is in Christ Ieus, while he was in the forme of god. Sir, calleth not Paul here the forme of God, the substance or kinde of God? Also sir, sayth not the church in the houres of þe most blessed virgin accordingly hereto, where it is writtē thus? Thou author of health remember, that sometime thou tooke of þe vndefiled virgine, the forme of our body. Tell me for charitye therefore, whether the forme of our body, be called here the kinde of our body or no?

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¶ And the Archb. sayde to me: Wouldest thou make me to declare this text after thy purpose, since the Church nowe hath determined: that there abideth no substaunce of bread after the consecration, in the sacrament of the aultar? Marginalia The papistes haue none other defence for thē but onely the Church. Beleuest thou not this ordinaunce of the church?

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☞ And I sayd: Sir, whatsoeuer Prelates haue ordeyned in the Church, our beliefe standeth euer whole. Marginalia Euery ordinance of Churchmen byndeth not our fayth. I haue not heard, that the ordinaunce of men vnder beliefe, should bee put into beliefe.

¶ And the Archb. sayd to me: If thou hast not learned this before, learne now to know that thou art out of beliefe. If in this matter and other, thou beleauest not as the holye Church beleueth. What say Doctors treating of this Sacrament?

Marginalia The greatest Doctors of the church be Apostles. And I sayd: Sir, S. Paule that was a great Doctor of holy Church, speaking to the people, and teaching thē in þe right belief of this most holy Sacrament: calleth it bread þt we breake. Marginalia S. Paule calleth it bread. And also in the Canon of the masse Marginalia The Canō of the masse calleth it bread. after the cōsecratiō: this most worthy Sacramēt is called holy bread. And euery priest in this lād, after that he hath receiued this sacrament, sayth in this wise: That thing that we haue taken with our mouth, we pray God that we may take it wt a pure and clean mind. That is as I vnderstand, we pray God that we may receiue throw very beliefe, this holy sacrament worthely. And Sir, Saint Augustine Marginalia S. Austē calleth it bread. sayth: that thing that is seene, is bread: but that mens fayth asketh to be informed of, is very Christes body. And also, Fulgence an ententife Doctour, sayth: As it were an errour to say that Christ was but a substaunce, that is very man, and not very GGD: or to say that Christ was very God, and not very man: so is it (this Doctour sayth) an errour to say, that the Sacrament of the aultar is but a substaunce: And also Sir, accordingly hereto, Marginalia The secreat of the masse on Christmas day, nameth it a terrene substaunce. in the secret of the middle Masse on Christmas day, it is written thus: Idem refulsit Deus, sic terrena substantia nobis conferat quod diuinum est: which sentence sir, with the secret of the fourth fery, quatuor temporum Septembris: I pray you sir declare here openly in English.

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Marginalia My Lord can reuile apace he can declare but a little. And the Archbishop sayd to me, I perceiue well enough where about thou art, and how the deuil blindeth thee, that thou may not vnderstand the ordinaunce of holy Church, nor consent therto. Marginalia Choke him vp my Lord. But I commaund thee now, aunswere me shortly: Beleuest thou that after the consecratiō of this foresayd Sacrament: there abideth substaunce of breade, or not?

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Marginalia To graunt the reall being of the body without bread, is as much as to graūt the accident to be without the subiect. And I sayd: Sir, as I vnderstand it is all one to graūt or beleue, that there dwelleth substance of bread, & to graūt and to beleue that this most worthy sacrament of Christes owne body is accidēt without subiect. But Sir, for as mikle as your asking passeth my vnderstanding, I dare neither deny it nor graūt it, for it is schole matter, about whiche I busied me neuer for to know: & therfore I committe this terme accidens sine subiecto, to those Clerkes which delight them so in curious and subtle sophistry, because they determine oft so difficult and straūge matters, & wade and wander so in them from argument to argument, wt pro & contra, till that they wot not where they are, & vnderstand not thēselues. Marginalia Against proud Sophisters. Templum domini. Templum domini. But the shame that these proude Sophisters haue to yelde them to men, and before men, maketh thē oft fooles and to be concluded shamefully before God.

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¶ And the archb. said to me: I purpose not to oblige thee to the subtle arguments of clerks, since thou art vnable ther-to: but I purpose to make thee obey to the determination of holy Church.

☞ And I sayd: sir, by open euidence and great witnesse, a M. yeare after the incarnation of Christ, the determination which I haue here before you rehearsed, was accept of holy Church as sufficient to the saluation of all them that would beleue it faythfully, and work thereafter charitably. But Sir, Marginalia The church stood sound till the fiend broke lose. the determination of this matter whiche was brought in since the fiend was loosed by Marginalia Transubstantiation brought in by Fryer Tho. Aquin. Frier Thomas agayne, specially calling the most worshipfull Sacramēt of Christes owne body an accident without subiect: whiche terme, since I know not that Gods lawe approueth it in this matter, I dare not graūt, but vtterly I deny to make this Friers sentence, or any such other, my beliefe, do with me God what thou wilt.

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¶ And the Acchb. sayd to me: Marginalia It is happy he did not flye in his face as Bonner did. Wel, wel, thou shalt say other wise or that I leaue thee. Marginalia The 2. point touching Images. Thorpe charged with an vntrueth. But what sayest thou to this second point that is recorded agaynst thee by worthy men of Shrewsbury, saying that thou preachedst there, that Images ought not to be worshipped in any wise.

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☞ And I sayd, Syr, I preached neuer thus, nor through gods grace I wil not any time consent to think nor to say thus, neyther priuily nor apertly. For lo, the Lord witnesseth by Moses, that the thinges which he made were right good, and so then they were, and yet they are & shalbe good and worshipfull in theyr kind. And therfore, to the end that God made them to, they are al praisable and worshipful, & specially man that was made after the image & likenesse of God, is full worshipfull in hys kinde, yea this holy image that is man, God worshippeth. Marginalia Man a worshipfull image of God. And herefore euery man should worship other, in kinde, and also for heauenly vertues that mē vse charitably. And also I say, wood, tin, gold siluer, or any other matter that images are made of: al these creatures are worshipful in their kinde, and to the end that God made them for. Marginalia Though mā accept the painting of or caruing of images, yet is it not the right way to learn to serue God. But the caruing, casting, & payntyng of an imagery, made within mans hād, albeit that this doyng be accept of man of highest state and dignitie, & ordayned of them to be a Calender to leud men, that neyther can nor will be learned to know God in hys word, neyther by his creatures, nor by his wonderfull & diuers workings: Yet this imagery ought not to be worshipped in fourme, nor in the likenes of mans craft. Neuerthelesse, that euery matter the paynters paynt with since it is Gods creature, ought to be worshipped in the kinde, and to the ende that God made and ordayned it to serue man.

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¶ Then the Archbishop sayd to me. I graunt well that no body ought to doe worship to any suche images for themselues. But a crucifixe ought to be worshipped for the passion of Christ that is paynted therein, and so brought there through to mans mind: and thus the images of the blessed Trinitie, Marginalia The image of the Trinitie. and of the Virgine Mary Christes mother, and other images of sayntes, ought to be worshipped. MarginaliaA similitude of the kings seale or letters, to proue the worship of images. For loe, earthly kinges and Lordes which vse to send theyr letters ensealed with their armes, or with theyr priuy signet to them that are with them, are worshipped of these men. For when these men receiue theyr Lordes letters, in whiche they see and know the willes and biddinges of the Lords in worship of theyr Lordes they doe off theyr caps to these letters. Why not then, since in Images made wyth mans hande, we may read and knowe many diuers thinges of GOD, and of hys Sayntes, shall we not worship their images?

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☞ And I sayd, within my foresaid protestation I say, that these worldly vsages of temporal lawes that ye speak now of, may be done in case without sinne. Marginalia No similitude to be made betwene erthly thinges & spirituall, namely, when Gods word doth expresse to the contrary. But this is no similitude to worshippe Images made by mans hande, since that Moyses, Dauid, Solomon, Baruch, and other saints in the Bible, forbid so playnely the worshipping of suche Images.

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¶ Then the archbishop sayd to me: Leud losell: in the olde law before that Christ tooke mankinde, was no likenes of any person of þe trinitie, neither shewed to man nor known of man: But nowe since Christ became man, it is lefull to haue Images to shew hys manhoode. Marginalia So you say my Lorde, but God saith cōtrary in his commandemēts. Yea though many men which are right great Clerkes & other also, held it an errour to paynt the Trinitie: I say it is well done to make and to paynt the Trinitie in images. For it is great moouing of deuotion to men, to haue and to behold the Trinitie and other images of saints, carued, cast, & paynted. For beyond the sea, are the best paynters that euer I saw. Marginalia Painters deuotion & the Popes diuinitie do well agree. And sirs I tell you, this is their maner, and it is a good maner. Marginalia Preparation of the painters to make a faire and a deuout Image. Whē þt an Image maker shall carue, cast in molde, or paint any Images, he shall go to a Priest, & shriue him as clean, as if he should then dye: and take penance, and make some certayne vowe of fasting or of praying or pilgrimages doing, praying þe Priest specially to pray for him, that he may haue grace to make a fayre and a deuout Image.

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☞ And