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K. Henry. 4. Articles of Iohn Puruey. Against transubstantiation, confeßion, pennaunce. &c.

and the very visible and incorruptible bread, & likewise þe very same wine the which before the consecration were set vpon the aultar to be consecrate of the Priest: likewise as when a Pagan or infidell is baptised, he is spiritually conuerted into a member of Christ through grace, and yet remayneth the very same man whiche he before was in his proper nature and substaunce.

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2. Auricular confession or priuate penaunce, is a certeyne whispering, destroying the libertye of the Gospell & newly brought in by the Pope and the Clergye, to intangle the consciences of mē in sinne, & to draw their soules into hel.

Marginalia He speaketh of priestes here, & not of publique ministers appointed in the Church. 3. Euery lay man being holy, and predestinate vnto euer lasting life (albeit he be a lay man) yet is he a true Priest be fore God.

4. That diuers Prelates and other of the Clergy, do liue wickedly contrary to the doctrine and example of Christ & his Apostles. Therefore they whiche so liue, haue not the keyes neyther of þe kingdome of heauen, neither yet of hell: neither ought any christian to esteme his cēsure any more, then as a thing of no force. Yea albeit the pope should peraduenture interdite the realme, yet could he not hurt, but rather profite vs, for so much as thereby we should be dismissed from the obseruation of his lawes, and from saying of seruice according to the custome of the Church.

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Marginalia Vowes. 5. If any man do make an othe or vow, to keepe perpetuall chastity, or do any thing els whereunto God hath not appoynted him, geuing him grace to perform his purpose: the same vow or othe, is vnreasonable and vndiscreet, neither can any Prelate compell him to keep the same, except he will do contrary vnto Gods ordinaunce. But he ought to commit him, vnto the gouernance of the holy ghost & of his owne conscience: for so much as euery man which will not fulfill his vow or othe, can not do it for that cause.

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Marginalia The charge of priests. 6. Whosoeuer taketh vpon him the office of priesthood, although he haue not the charge of soules cōmitted vnto him according to the custome of the Churche: Not onely they may, but ought to preach the Gospel frely vnto the people otherwise he is a thief, excommunicated of God, and of the holy Church.

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MarginaliaAgainst transubstantiation. 7. That Innocentius the third Pope, and 600. bishops, and a thousand other Prelates, with all the rest of the clergy, which together with the same Pope agreed and determined: that in the sacrament of the aultar, after the [illegible text]couersion of the bread and wine into the body & bloud of Christ, that the accidentes of the sayd bread and wine do remayne there, without any proper subiect of the same: the whiche also ordeyned, that all Christians ought to confesse theyr sinnes once a yeare vnto a proper priest, & to receiue the reuerent Sacrament at Easter, & made certaine other lawes at the same time: All they sayth he, in so doing were fooles and Blockeheads, Heretickes, Blasphemers and Seducers of Christian people. Wherfore, we ought not to beleue their determinations, or of their successours, neither ought we to obey theyr lawes or ordinances, except they be plainly grounded vpon the holy Scripture, or vpon some reasō which can not be impugned.

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¶ Other Articles drawne out of Purueyes bookes more at large by Ry Lauingham.

Marginalia Articles out of Purueys bookes collected by R. Lauingham. AS touching the Sacramēt of thanks geuing, he sayth: That the chap. of repentence and remission: Omnis vtriusque sexus, wherin it is ordeined that euery faithfull mā ought once euery yeare at the least, that is to say, at Easter to receiue the Sacrament of Eucharist: is a beastly thing, hereticall and blasphemous.

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Item, that Innocentius the 3. Pope, was the head of Antichrist, who after the letting loose of Sathan, inuented a new article of our fayth, and a certayn fayned verity touching the Sacrament of the aultar: Marginalia The Sacrament of the popish aultar. That is to say, that the Sacramēt of the aultar is an accidēt without a substance, or els an heape of accidences without a substaunce. But Christ and his Apostles doe teach manifestly, that the Sacrament of the aultar is bread, and the body of Christ together after the maner that he spake: And in that he calleth it bread, he woulde haue the people to vnderstande as they ought with reason, that it is very and substaunciall bread, and no false nor fayned bread.

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Marginalia Pope Innocentius head of Antichrist. And although Innocētius that Antichrist doth allege, that in the councell at Lions where this matter was decided were 600. Bishops with him, and 1000. Prelates, which were in one opiniō of this determination: Al those notwithstanding he talleth fooles according to that saying of Eccl. 1. Of fooles there are an infinite number. And so in like maner he calleth them false Christes & false prophets, of whom Christ speaketh the 24. of Mathew. Many false Christes and false Prophets shall arise and deceiue many:And therfore, euery Christian man ought to beleue firmly that the sacrament of the aultar is very bread in deed, and no false nor fayned breade, And although it be very bread in deed, yet notwithstāding, it is the very body of Christ in þe sort he spake and called it his body: and so it is very bread, and the very body of Christ. Marginalia The sacrament in substāce bread: in signification the body of Christ. And as Christ concerning hys humanity, was both visible and passible, and by his Diuinity was inuisible and impassible: So likewise, this sacrament in that it is very bread, may be sene with the corporal eie, and may also abide corruption. But although a man may see that Sacrament, yet notwithstanding, cannot the body of Christ in that Sacrameut be seene with the corporall eye, although it be the body of Christ in that maner he spake it: For that notwithstanding, the body of Christ is now incorruptible in heauē. So the Sacrament of the cup is very wine, & the very bloud of Christ, according as hys maner of speaking was. Also Innocentius 3, with a great multitude of his secular Clerkes, made a certayne new determination: that the Sacrament of the aultar is an accidence without a substance, whereas, neither Iesus Christ nor any of his Apostles, taught this fayth (but openly and manifestly to the contrary) neither yet the holy Doctours, for the space of a thousand yeares & more, taught this faith openly. MarginaliaTransubstātiation not openlye taught 1000 yeares after Christ.

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Therefore, when Antichrist or any of his shauelinges doth aske of thee that art a simple Christian, whether that this Sacrament be the very body of Christ or not: affirme thou it manifestly so to be. And if he aske of thee whether it be materiall bread, or what other bread els: say thou, that it is such bread as Christ vnderstood and ment by his proper word: and such bread, as the holy ghost ment in S. Paule when he called that to be very breade whiche he brake, and wade thou no further herin. If he aske thee, how this bread is the body of Christ: Say thou, as Christ vnderstoode the same to be his body which is both omnipotent and true, & in whom is no vntrueth. Marginalia The Sacrament both bread, and the body in diuers respectes. Say thou also, as the holy Doctors do say, that the terrestriall matter of substaunce, may be conuerted into Christ, as the Pagan or infidell may bee Baptised: and herby spiritually to be conuerted and to be a member of Christ, and so after a certayne maner to become Christ, and yet the same man to remayne still in his proper nature. For so doth S. Augustine graunt, that a sinner forsaking his sinne and being made one spirite with God by fayth, grace, and charity: may be cōuerted into God, and to be after a maner, God: as both Dauid, and S. Iohn do testifye, and yet to be the same person in substaunce and nature, and in soule and vertue to be altered & chaūged. But yet, men of more knowledge and reasō, may more plainely conuince the falsity of Antichrist both in this matter and in others, by the gift of the holy Ghost working in thē. Notwithstanding, if those that be simple men will hūbly holde and keepe the manifest and apparaunt wordes of the holy scripture, & the playn sense and meaning of the holy ghost, and proceed no farther, but humbly to commit that vnto þe spirite of God which passeth theyr vnderstanding: Then may they sasely offer themselues to death, as true Martyrs of Iesus Christ.

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Marginalia Auricular confession and penance. As touching the Sacrament of penaunce: That chapter Omnis vtriusque sexus, by which a certayne newe founde auricular confession was ordeined: is full of hipocrisye, heresy: couetousnes, pride, & blasphemy he sayth, and reproueth the same chapter verbatim, and that by the sentences of the same proces. Also, that the penaunce and paynes limited by the Canons, be vnreasonable and vniust, for the austerity and rigorousnes which they conteine, more then are taxed by Gods law. He also doth exemplify,of the solemne and publicke deniall of penitentes to be receiued into orders, according to the decree of the generall Councell Distinctione 50. cap Ex pœnitentibus. Also of the seuenfold penitence of a priest committing fornication, according to the chapter. Præsbiter Distinct. 82. And father sheweth, an other example of the penitence of Priestes according to that chater. Qui præsbiterum &c. Whereas the decretall of the generall Counsell sayth, that such a one ought to remayne continuing his life, in the warres, and not to mary. And how Innocentius 3. brought in a new founde confession: whereby, the Priestes do oppresse the simple lay men. And that many other things they do, compelling them to confesse themselues to blind and ignoraunt Priests, in whom is nothing els then pride and couetousnes, hauing suche in contempt as are learned and wise. Also, that the Decretall of Innocentius 3. touching the foresayd auricular or vocal confession: was brought in and inuented, to intricate & intangle mens consciences with sinne, & to draw thē downe to hell. And furthermore, that such maner of confession, destroyeth the Euangelicall libertye, and doth let men to inquire after, & to retayne, the wise counsell & doctrine of such

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