Person and Place Index   *   Close
Abdias (Obadiah)

Reputed apocryphal writer; 1st bishop of Babylon

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, pp. 19, 42; 1576, pp. 15, 34; 1583, pp. 15, 34.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Augustine of Hippo (St Augustine)

(354 - 430) [Catholic Encyclopedia]

Bishop of Hippo (396 - 430); theologian, doctor of the church

Augustine was called 'papas' or 'father' by the African bishops. 1570, p. 11; 1576, p. 8; 1583, p. 8.

He was present at the Synod of Milevum in 416. 1570, p. 14; 1576, p. 1035; 1583, p. 1062.

He attended the Council of Carthage in 419. 1570, p. 1209; 1576, p. 11; 1583, p. 11.

Augustine praised Cyprian of Carthage. 1570, p. 99; 1576, p. 69; 1583, p. 69.

In their examination for heresy, Thomas Arthur and Thomas Bilney said that Augustine criticised the large number of laws in the church in his time. 1563, p. 464; 1570, p. 1137; 1576, p. 974; 1583, p. 1000.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Chromatius (St Chromatius)

(d. c. 406/07) [Catholic Encyclopedia; Gams]

Theologian; bishop of Aquileia (c. 388 - 407); correspondent of St Ambrose, St Jerome, Rufinus

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, pp. 11, 42; 1576, pp. 8, 34; 1583, pp. 8, 34.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Claudius (Claudius Nero Germanicus)

(10 BCE - 54 CE) [G. G. Fagan]

Roman emperor (41 - 54 CE)

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, pp. 38, 42, 114; 1576, pp. 30, 34, 82; 1583, pp. 30, 34, 81.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Constantine I

(271x273 - 337) [H. A. Pohlsander]

Roman emperor in the West (306 - 37); defeated Maxentius, rival emperor, in 312

Sole Roman emperor (324 - 37)

Constantine took three legions with him out of Britain, thereby weakening its defence. 1570, p. 148; 1576, p. 109; 1583, p. 108.

Maximian plotted to have Constantine killed; the plot was detected by Fausta, Constantine's wife and daughter of Maximian. 1570, p. 118; 1576, p. 85; 1583, p. 84.

The citizens and senators of Rome appealed to Constantine to rid them of Maxentius. 1570, p. 118; 1576, p. 85; 1583, p. 84.

Constantine, preparing for battle against Maxentius and fearing his magical powers, saw the sign of a cross in the sky. He then had a dream with a vision of the cross and of Christ. He took a cross into battle with him as a standard and defeated Maxentius at Milvian Bridge. 1570, p. 119; 1576, p. 86; 1583, p. 85.

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After the defeat of Maxentius, Constantine no longer sacrificed to the Roman gods, but he deferred baptism to his old age. He issued edicts restoring church goods and bringing Christians back from exile. 1570, pp. 139-41; 1576, pp. 103-04; 1583, pp. 101-03.

Constantine wrote to Anulinus, his proconsul in Africa, instructing him to restore goods to the Christian churches and to ensure that Christian ministers were freed from public duties. 1570, p. 141, 1576, p. 104, 1583, p. 103.

Constantine wrote to Pope Miltiades, instructing him to set up a synod to examine the cause of Cæcilian of Carthage, and sent letters to other bishops, issuing instructions and encouraging the ending of schisms. 1570, p. 141, 1576, p. 104, 1583, p. 103.

Initially Constantine and Licinius were on good terms, and Constantine gave Lucinius his sister in marriage. 1570, p. 122; 1576, p. 88; 1583, p. 87.

Licinius and Constantine issued a joint edict authorising freedom of worship for Christians. But Licinius began to turn against Constantine and the Christians, instigating a new, more surreptitious persecution. 1570, pp. 120-21, 122; 1576, pp. 86-87, 88; 1583, p. 86, 87.

Constantine defeated Licinius. 1570, p. 39; 1576, p. 31; 1583, p. 31.

He wrote to Alexander of Alexandria and Arius, urging them to end their disagreement. 1570, p. 142, 1576, p. 104, 1583, p. 103.

Constantine built churches and schools and provided books of scripture. 1570, pp. 142-43, 1576, p. 105, 1583, pp. 103-04.

Constantine wrote a letter to Shapur II, asking him to treat the Christians in Persia well. 1570, p. 137; 1576, p. 100; 1583, p. 99.

Constantine renounced the Roman gods and was baptised. 1563, p. 8.

Constantine fulfilled St Cyprian's vision of a time of peace for the church. 1570, p. 144; 1576, p. 106; 1583, p. 105.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Eusebius of Caesarea

(263 - 339) [Catholic Encyclopedia]

Christian scholar, presbyter at the church at Caesarea; wrote History of the Church

Eusebius said that he himself had known the martyrs in Palestine who died during Diocletian's persecution. 1570, p. 110; 1576, p. 78; 1583, p. 77.

He personally witnessed the persecutions in the Thebiade. 1570, p. 113; 1576, p. 80; 1583, p. 80.

He was present at the martyrdom of Philoromus at Alexandria. 1570, p. 128; 1576, p. 93; 1583, p. 92.

Eusebius received a letter from Constantine, instructing him to build and repair churches in Caesarea. 1570, p. 141; 1576, p. 104; 1583, p. 103.

Foxe uses Eusebius extensively as a source throughout Book 1.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Flavius Josephus

(c. 37 CE - 101 CE) [Catholic Encyclopedia]

Jewish historian; joined insurgents in 67; imprisoned 67-69; recorded the Jewish war of independence and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70; wrote a history of the Jews

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 41; 1576, p. 34; 1583, p. 34.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Hegesippus (St Hegesippus)

C2 writer [Catholic Encyclopedia]

Christian chronicler; wrote to refute Gnostic and other heresies

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, pp. 41, 66, 78; 1576, pp. 33, 40, 78; 1583, pp. 33, 40, 78.

Person and Place Index   *   Close

(fl. late C4); bishop of Altinum; friend of St Jerome

He received a letter from Jerome 1570, p. 42; 1576, p. 34; 1583, p. 34.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Jerome (Eusebius Hieronomous) (St Jerome)

(c. 340/2 - 420) [Catholic Encyclopedia]

Scholar; translator of the bible from Greek and Hebrew into Latin; studied at Rome and Trier. Lived as an ascetic (374 -79); lived in Constantinople (380 - 81), Rome (382 - 85) and Bethlehem (386)

Jerome was called 'papas' or 'father' by Boniface I and others. 1570, p. 11; 1576, p. 8; 1583, p. 8.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Lucceius Albinus

Procurator of Judea (c. 62 - 64 CE); governor of Mauretania Caesariensis

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 42; 1576, p. 34; 1583, p. 34.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Maurus Magnentius Rabanus

(d. 856) [Catholic Encyclopedia]

Theological and pedagogical writer; studied theology and liberal arts at Tours under Alcuin

Abbot of Fulda 822; archbishop of Mainz 847

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, pp. 42, 1300; 1576, pp. 34, 1112; 1583, pp. 34, 1138.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Nero (Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus)

(d. 68) [D. J. Coffta]

Roman emperor (54 - 68); deposed, committed suicide

Nero was lecherous, murderous and cruel. He burned Rome and blamed the Christians, and was forced to commit suicide. 1570, p. 38; 1576, p. 31; 1583, p. 31

The first persecution of the Christians began under Nero. 1570, p. 42-44; 1576, pp. 34-35; 1583, pp. 34-35.

Melito of Sardis, in his Apology, refers to him, along with Domitian, as the worst persecutors of Christians. 1570, p. 75; 1576, p. 51; 1583, p. 51.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Paul Orosius

(c. 385 - c. 420) [Catholic Encyclopedia]

Historian, theologian; disciple of Augustine at Hippo; assisted Jerome against Pelagius in Palestine. Wrote a history of the world.

Orosius attended the Council of Carthage in 420, along with Augustine and Prosper. 1570, p. 12; 1576, p. 10; 1583, p. 10.

He is mentioned by Foxe: 1563, p. , 1570, pp. 19, 54 -, 86, 94, 107, 113; 1576, pp. 15, 34 - , 60, 66, 76, 81; 1583, pp. 15, 34 - , 60, 66, 75, 80, 452.

Person and Place Index   *   Close
Simon Magus (Simon the Sorcerer)

Name used by the ancient Christians to refer to a Samaritan (Proto-)Gnostic [Catholic Encyclopedia]

In Acts, trying to buy from the Apostles the power of working miracles (simony)

Simon Magus is mentioned by Foxe: 1570, p. 42; 1576, p. 34; 1583, p. 34.

57 [34]

The first Booke conteyning the X. first persecutions, of the Primitiue Churche.

his Martyrdome did impute the cause of the besieging of Ierusalem and other calamities which happened vnto thē to no other cause, but vnto the violence and iniurie done to this man. Also IosephusMarginaliaIosephus lib. 20.hath not left this out of his historie, where he speaketh of him after this maner: These things so chanced vnto the Iewes for a vengeance because of that iust man Iames which was the brother of Iesu, whō they called Christ, for the Iewes killed him although he was a righteous man.

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The same Iosephus declareth his death in the same booke and chapter, saying: Cæsar hearing of the death of Festus, sent Albinus the Lieuetenant into Iewrie, but Ananius the yonger, being bishop, and of the sect of the Saduces, trusting that he had obtained a conuenient tyme, seing that Festus was dead, and Albinus entred on his iourney, he called a Councell, and calling many vnto him, among whom was Iames by name the brother of Iesu which is called Christ, he stoned them, accusing them as breakers of the law.

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Whereby it appeareth, that many other besides Iames also the same tyme were Martyred and put to death amōg the Iewes, for the faith of Christ.MarginaliaMartyrs.

A description of the X. first persecutions in the Primitiue Church.  
Commentary   *   Close
The first ten persecutions

The section on the first 300 years of the church was, however, just the preface to the 'First Ten Persecutions', a structured 'decade' of martyrdoms in the early church that mirrored the 'centuries' into which the Magdeburg Centuries had chosen to organize its history of the Christian church. For our examination of Foxe's (extensive) borrowings from the Magdeburg Centuries, we have made use of the online edition of this text at: and, for the bibliographical complexities surrounding its publication, Ronald E. Diener, 'The Magdeburg Centuries. A Bibliothecal and Historiographical Study'. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Divinity School 1978/79). For these sections, we have undertaken a very preliminary analysis, concentrating on the following textual divisions: Introduction to first 10 persecutions (1583, p. 34; 1576, p. 34; 1570, pp. 53-4); First persecution (1583, pp. 34-5; 1576, p. 34; 1570, pp. 54-6); Second persecution (1583, pp. 35-9; 1576, pp. 35-9; 1570, pp. 56-7); Third persecution (1583, pp. 39-42; 1576, pp. 39-42; 1570, pp. 57-9); Fourth persecution (1583, pp. 42-46; 1576, pp. 42-46; 1570, pp. 59-69); Martyrs of Lyons (1583, pp. 46-50; 1576, pp. 46-50; 1570, pp. 69-74); Remainder of fourth persecution (1583, pp. 50-4; 1576, pp. 50-4; 1570, pp. 74-9); Fifth persecution (1583, pp. 54-9; 1576, pp. 54-9; 1570, pp. 79-85); Sixth persecution (1583, p. 59; 1576, pp. 59-60; 1570, pp. 85-6).

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In the block on the first persecutions, prepared for the 1570 edition and repeated in the later ones, Foxe cites as his source Eusebius, book 3, ch. 30. Although it is probably the case that he consulted the source, it is much more likely that, for this (as for the succeeding sections of this part of the narrative) that he drew on the published volumes of the Magdeburg Centuries, in this case, vol. 1, book 2, cols 561-4.

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For the second persecution, Foxe continued to use Eusebius, supplementing it (apparently) with Irenaeus' Against Heresies and the Historiae adversum paganos of Orosius. Again, although it is difficult to be certain of this at present, his direct source was likely to have been the Magdeburg Centuries. For the fourth persecution, concerned especially with the martyrdom of Polycarp, we can be clearer. Although some of the sections of Foxe's narrative (such as the Epistle to Pontus and the sayings of Polycarp to Martin the heretic, are direct translations from Eusebius, the section on the life and works of Polycarpus, which indirectly comes from Eusebius, book 5, ch. 20, is clearly lifted from the Magdeburg Centuries, II, cols 173 and 176. For the contradictory views of various authors on who were the popes at the time, Foxe clearly used the Magdeburg Centuries, I, book 2, cols 626-8 but he also consulted at least some of the other sources he mentions in order to construct an independent view. The section on the order of the popes to Eleutherius certainly is taken from the Magdeburg Centuries, II, cols 117 and 209-210.

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For the fourth persecution, it is evident that the Magdeburg Centuries formed the direct source for the following sections of it:- the Epistle of Pliny to Trajan and its response (p. 53 of the 1570 edition) - (II, cols 13-4); the martyrdoms under Emperor Hadrian (p. 54 of the 1570 edition) - (II, cols 15-6 and cols 231-33); the final rising of the Jews under Hadrian and subsequent slaughter, the succession of Antoninus Pius, and resumption of the fourth persecution (p. 55 of the 1570 edition) - (II, col 17); the disputed claims concerning Hyginus (p. 66 of the 1570 edition) - (II, cols 111; 141; 212-3); Eleutherius' mission to convert the British (II, cols 8-9); and the contention over the date of Easter at the time of Commodus (p. 67 of the 1570 edition) - (II, col. 118).

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For the fifth persecution, Foxe drew directly on the Magdeburg Centuries for the following passages:- the fifth persecution by Septimus Severus (p. 67 of the 1570 edition) - (III, cols 9-10); the martyrdom of Origen and his father - (III, cols 9-10; 150-1; 253-259); for the list of martyrs under Septimus Severus (p. 68 of the 1570 edition) - (III, cols 10; 251; 305); for Basilides and the miracles of Potomiena - (III, col. 305); for Alexander as bishop of Jerusalem - (III, col. 209); for the persecutions in the time of Septimus Severus - (III, cols 295-6; 211); for Tertullian as an ecclesiastical writer (p. 69 of the 1570 edition - (III, cols 236; 241; 242); for the controversy over Easter in the time of Victor (p. 70 of the 157- edition) - (II, cols 152-58); for the epistles of Zephirus - (III, cols 275-6); for the invasion of Britain - (III, col. 315); for the epistles of Calixtus (p. 72 of the 1570 edition) - (III, cols 276-77). Foxe clearly used other sources for this account as well, but only further research will confirm more precisely the extent to which he worked outwards from the Magdeburg Centuries to write a more independently based narrative of this section.

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For the sixth persecution, we have undertaken a similar analysis of the extent of Foxe's dependence on the Magdeburg Centuries. The results are less complete. It is certainly the case that he drew somewhat on that source for the beginning of the sixth persecution under Emperor Maximus (pp. 73-4 of the 1570 edition) - (III, col. 13). He also borrowed to some degree for the description of the rule of Pontianus, bishop of Rome (p. 74 of the 1570 edition) - (III, cols 177; 278); for the story of Natalius he also fairly clearly derived his material from the Centuries - (IIII, cols 287-288); for Emperor Philip the same is true (III, cols 8; 254; 279).

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We have not continued our analysis beyond this stage at present. It will require a more extensive and detailed examination of the full range of the sources cited by Foxe in his marginalia, and a comparison of them with what was contained in the extant volumes of the Magdeburg Centuries, which had become available to him in between the publication of the 1563 and 1570 editions, to arrive at a proper assessment of Book One.

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Mark Greengrass and Matthew Phillpott
University of Sheffield

MarginaliaThe first x. persecutions in the primitiue Church.THese thinges being thus declared for the Martyrdome of the Apostles, and the persecutiō of the Iewes. Now let vs (by þe grace of Christ our Lord) comprehend with like breuitie, the persecutions raised by the Romaines, against the Christians in the Primitiue age of the Church, during the space of 300. yeares, till the comming of godly Constantine, which persecutions are reckoned of Eusebius, and by the most part of writers, to the number of x. most speciall.

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Wherin meruailous it is, to see and read the nubers incredible of Christian innocents that were slaine and tormeuted, some one way, some an other. As Rabanus saith, & saith truly.MarginaliaThe sondry tormentes of the holy Martyrs in the Primitiue Church.Alij ferro perempti. Alij flammis exusti: Alij flagris verberati. Alij vectibus perforati. Alij cruciati patibulo. Alij demersi pelagi periculo. Alij viui decoriati. Alij vinculis mancipati. Alij linguis priuati. Alij lapidibus obruti. Alij frigore afflicti. Alij fame cruciati. Alij truncatis manibus, aliísue cæsis membris spectaculum contumeliæ, nudi propter nomen Domini portantes, &c. That is, Some slaine with sword. Some burnt with fire. Some with whips scourged. Some stabbed in with forkes of iron. Some fastned to the crosse or gibbet. Some drowned in the sea. Some their skinnes pluckt of. Some their tongues cut off. Some stoned to death. Some killed with cold. Some starued with hunger. Some their hands cut off or otherwise dismembred, haue bene so left naked to the open shame of the world, &c. Whereof Augustine also in his booke De Ciuit. 22. cap. 6. thus saith:MarginaliaAug. de Ciuit. Lib. 22. cap. 6.Ligabantur, includebantur, cædebantur, torquebantur, vrebantur, laniabantur, trucidabantur, multiplicabantur, non pugnantes pro salute, sed salutem contemnentes pro seruatore.  

Latin/Greek Translations   *   Close
Introduction to first 10 persecutions: citation from St. Augustine, de Civit. Dei. xxii. 6.
Foxe text Latin

Ligabantur, includebantur, cædebantur, torquebantur, vrebantur, laniabantur, trucidabantur, multiplicabantur, non pugnantes pro salute, sed salutem contemnentes pro seruatore.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.


"bound, imprisoned, scourged, tortured, burned, torn to pieces, slaughtered – and they multiplied! It was not given to them to fight for their salvation other than by despising earthly safety for their Saviour's sake."

Augustine, The city of God against the pagans, ed. and trs. R.W. Dyson (London: Cambridge University Press, 1998), p.1117


"bound, imprisoned, beaten, racked, burned, torn, butchered and yet multiplied. Their fight for life was the contempt of life for their Saviour"

Augustine, The City of God, trs. J. Healey (London: Dent, 1945), vol.2, p.364

Actual text of Augustine

Ligabantur, includebantur, caedebantur, torquebantur, urebantur, laniabantur, trucidabantur et multiplicabantur. Non erat eis pro salute pugnare nisi salutem pro Salvatore contemnere.

Whose kindes of punishments although they were diuers, yet the maner of constancie in all these Martyrs was one. And yet notwithstanding the sharpenes of these so many and sundry tormēts, and like cruelnes of the tormentors: yet such was the nūber of these constant Saintes that suffered, or rather such was the power of the Lord in his Saints, that as Hierome in his Epistle to Chromatius, and Heliodorus saith: Nullus esset dies qui non vltra quinq; millium numerum Martyrum resperiri posset ascriptus excepto die Kalendarum Ianuarij.MarginaliaThe number of holy Martyrs in the primitiue Church.That is, There is no day in the whole yeare, vnto which the nūber of fiue thousand Martyrs cannot be ascribed, except onely the first day of Ianuary.

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The first Persecution.

THe first of these x. persecutions, was stirred vp by Nero Domitius, the vj. Emperour before mentioned, about the yeare of our Lord, 67.Marginalia1. The first persecution. Anno. 67.The tyrannous rage of which Emperour, was so fierce against the Christians (as Eusebius recordeth) Vsq; adeò vt videres repletas humanis corporibus ciuitates, iacentes mortuos simul cum paruulis senes: fœminarúmq; absq; vlla sexus reuerentia nudata in publico, reiectáq; starent cadauera.  

Latin/Greek Translations   *   Close
First persecution: citation from Eusebius. Ecc. Hist. II. 26.
Foxe text Latin

Vsq; adeò vt videres repletas humanis corporibus ciuitates, iacentes mortuos simul cum paruulis senes: fœminarúmq; absq; vlla sexus reuerentia nudata in publico, reiectáq; starent cadauera.

Foxe text translation

In so much that a man might then see cities lye full of mens bodies, the old there lying together with the yong, and the dead bodies of women cast out naked, without all reuerence of that sexe in the opē streets. &c.


"so that the cities could be seen full of unburied bodies, thrown out dead, old men and children, and women without covering for their nakedness"

Eusebius, The ecclesiastical history, bk. II, ch. 26, trs. K. Lake (London : Heinemann, 1926), 2 vols., vol. 1, p.185

MarginaliaHistor. Ecclesi. Lib. 2. Cap. 24. 25. 26.That is, In so much that a man might then see cities lye full of mens bodies, the old there lying together with the yong, and the dead bodies of women cast outnaked, without all reuerence of that sexe in the opē streets. &c. Likewise OrosiusMarginaliaOrosius. Lib. 7.writing of the said Nero, saith, that he was the first which in Rome did raise vp persecution against the Christians, and not onely in Rome, but also through all the prouinces therof, thinking to abolish and to destroy the whole name of Christians in all places, &c. Whereunto accordeth moreouer the testimonie of Hierome vpon Daniel, saying: that many there were of the Christians in those dayes, which seyng the filthy abominations, and intollerable crueltie of Nero, thought that he should be Antichrist, &c.MarginaliaNero thought to be Antichrist.

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In this persecution, among many other Saintes the blessed Apostle Peter was condemned to death, and crucified as some doe write, at Rome,MarginaliaS. Peter the Apostle, crucified at Rome.albeit othersome, and not without cause doe doubt thereof, concerning whose lyfe and hystory, because it is sufficiently described in the text of the Gospell, and in the Actes of S. Luke. chap. 4. 5. 12. I neede not heere to make any great repetytion therof. As touching the cause and maner of hys death, diuers ther be, which make relation, as Hierome,MarginaliaHieron. lib. De uiris illustris.Egesippus, Eusebius, Abdias, and other: although they doe not all precisely agree in the tyme. The wordes of Hierome be these: Simon Peter the sonne of Iona, of the prouince of Galile, and of the Towne of Bethsaida, the brother of Andrew: &c. After hee had bene Byshop of the Church of Antioch, and had preached to the dispersion of them that beleued, of the Circumcision in Pontus, Galacia, Capadocia, Asi, and Bithinia in the second yeare of Claudius, the Emperour, (whiche was about the yeare of our Lord. 44.) came to Rome, to withstand Simon Magus, and there kept the priestly chayre, the space of * 25. yeares, vntill the last yeare of the foresayd Nero, which was the 14. yeare of hys raygne, of whome he was crucified, hys head being downe, and his feete vpward, himselfe so requiring, because he was (he sayd) vnworthy to be crucified after the same forme and maner, as the Lord was. &c. Egesippus, prosecuting this matter something more at large,MarginaliaThis report seemeth neyther to come of Ierome nor to be true in Peter. Egesippus. Lib. 3. De excidio Hieroso. cap. 2.and Abdias, also, (if any authoritie is to be geuen to hys booke, who following not onely the sense, but also the very forme of wordes of Egesippus in this Hystory, seemeth to be extracted out of him, and of other authors) sayth, that Simon Magus being then a great man with Nero, and his president and keeper, of hys life, was required vppon a tyme to be present at the raysing vp of a certayne noble young man in Rome, of Neros kindred, lately departed. Wheras Peter also was desired to come to the reuiuing of the sayd personage.MarginaliaAbdias. lib. 1. De vita Patri.But when Magus in the presence of Peter could not doe it: Then Peter calling vpon the name of the Lord Iesus, dyd rayse him vp, and restored him to hys mother, wherby the estimation of Simon Magus, began greatly to decay, and to be detested in Rome. Not long after the sayd Magus threatned the Romaynes, that he would leaue the Citie and in their sight flye away from them into heauen. So the day being appoynted Magus taking hys winges in the Moutne Capitolinus, began to flye in the ayre. But Peter by the power of the Lord Iesus brought him downe with his winges headlong to the ground, by the whiche fall hys legges and ioyntes were broken, and he thereupon dyed. Then Nero sorrowing for the death of him, sought matter agaynst Peter to put hym to death. Which when the people perceiued, they entreated Peter with much a doe, that he would flye the Citie. Peter through their importunitie at length perswaded, prepared himselfe to auoyd. But comming to the gate he sawe the Lord Christ come to meete him, to whom he worshipping sayd: Lord whether doest thou goe? To whome he aunswered and sayd, I come agayne to be crucified. By this Peter perceauing hys suffering to be vnderstanded, returned backe into the Citty agayne. And so was he crucified, in maner as is before declared. And this out of Egesippus.

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Eusebius moreouer,MarginaliaEuseb. lib. 3. hist. eccles. c. 30.writing of the death not onely of Peter, but also of his wife, affirmeth, that Peter seeing his wife goyng to her Martyrdom (belike as he was yet hanging vpon the crosse) was greatly ioyous and glad thereof, who crying vnto her with a loud voyce, and calling her by her name, bade her remember the Lord Iesus. Such was then (saith Eusebius) the blessed bonde of Mariage among the Saintes of God. And thus much of Peter.MarginaliaPeters wife put to death for Christ. The wordes of Peter to hys wife, goyng to death.

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Paule the Apostle,MarginaliaPaule the Apostle.which before was called Saule, after his great trauail and vnspeakable labours in promooting the Gospell of Christ, suffred also in this first persecution vnder Nero, and was beheaded. Of whom thus writeth Hierome in his Booke De viris illustr.MarginaliaEx Hieronimo. Lib. de viris illust.Paule, otherwise called Saule, one of the Apostles, yet out of the number of xij. was of the tribe of Beniamin, and of a towne of Iewrie called Giscalis: which towne beyng taken out of the Romains, he with his parents fled to Tharsus a town of Celcia. Afterward was sent vp by his parents to Hierusalē,

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