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K. Hen. 4. The examination of the good Lord Cobham. His christen beliefe

MarginaliaConciliū malignantiū.Anone the Archbishop called for a masse booke, & caused all those Prelates and Doctors to sweare there vpon, that euery man should faythfully doe his office and duety that day. And that neyther for fauour nor feare, loue nor hate of the one party nor the other: any thing should there be witnessed, spoken or done, but according to the truth, as they wold answer before God & all the world at the day of dome.MarginaliaFor a false coulor sweare they Then were the two foresayd Notaryes sworne also, to wryte and to witnesse the processe that there shoulde be vttered on both parties, and to say their mindes (if they otherwise knew) before they should register it. MarginaliaAll done to deceiue the ignoraunt.And al this dissimulation was but to colour their mischiefes, before the ignoraunt multitude.

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Consider herein (gentle reader) what this wicked generation is, and how far wide from the iust feare of God for as they were then, so are they yet to this day.

After that, came forth before them Syr Robert Morley Knight and lieftenant of the Tower, MarginaliaLord Cobham commeth againe before them.and he brought with him þe good Lorde Cobhā, there leauing him among them as a Lambe among Wolues, to his examination and aunswere.

An other examination of the Lorde Cobham.

MarginaliaEx vetusto exemplari Londinēsiū.THen saide the archbishop vnto him: Lord Cobham ye be aduised (I am sure) of the wordes & processe which we had vnto you vpon Saterday last past in the chapterhouse of Paules: which processe were nowe to long to be rehearsed agayne? MarginaliaThe curse of Antichrist.I said vnto you then, that ye were accursed for your contumacie & disobedience to holy Church thinking that ye should with meekenes haue desired your absolution.

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Then spake the Lord Cobham with a chearful countenaunce, and sayde, God sayde by his holy Prophet,MarginaliaMalachi. 2. Maledicam benedictionibus vestris, whiche is as much to say as I shall cursse where you blesse.

The archbishop made then as though he had continued forth his tale and not hearde him, saying: Sir, at that tyme I gently profered to haue assoyled you if ye woulde haue asked it. MarginaliaA woluishe offer of gentlenesse.And yet I doe the same if ye will humbly desire it in due forme and maner, as holy church hath ordayned.

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Then said the Lord Cobham. Nay forsooth will I not for I neuer yet trespassed agaynst you, and therfore I will not do it. And with that he kneeled downe on the pauement, holding vp his handes towardes heauen, and sayd, MarginaliaL. Cobham confesseth himselfe vnto God.I shriue me here vnto thee my eternall liuing God, that in my frayle youth I offended thee (Lord) most greuously in pride, wrath, and gluttony: in couetousnes, and in lechery. Many men haue I hurt in mine anger, and done many other horrible sinnes, good Lorde I aske thee mercye. And therewith weepingly he stoode vp agayne and sayde with a mighty voyce. Loe, good people, loe. MarginaliaMans law before Gods law preferred.For the breaking of Gods law and his great commaundementes, they neuer yet cursed me. But for their owne lawes and traditions, most cruelly doe they handle both me and other mē. And therfore, both they and theyr lawes, MarginaliaHiere. the promise of God, shall vtterly be destroyed.

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At this the archbishop and his companye were not a litle blemished. Nothwithstanding, he tooke stomack vnto him agayne after certayne words, had in excuse of their tyranny, and examined the Lord Cobham of his Christen beleue.

Whereunto the Lord Cobham made this godly aunswere. MarginaliaThe Christen beliefe of the Lord Cobham.I beleue (sayth he) fully and faithfully the vniuersall lawes of God. I beleue that all is true whiche is conteyned in the holy sacred scriptures of the Bible. Finally I beleue, all that my Lord God would I shoulde beleue. Then demaunded the Archbishop an answere of that Bill whiche he and the Clergie had sent him into the Tower the day afore, in maner of a determination of the Churche concerning the foure Articles whereof he was accused, specially for the Sacrament of the aulter, howe he beleeued therein.

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Whereunto the Lord Cobham sayd, that with that bill he had nothing to doe. But this was his beliefe (he sayd) concerning the sacrament. That his Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, sitting at his last supper with his most deare disciples, the night before he should suffer, tooke bread in his hand. And geuing thanks to his eternall father, blessed it, brake it, and so gaue it vnto them, saying: Take it vnto you, and eat therof all, this is my body whiche shall be betrayed for you: Doe this hereafter in my remembraunce. This doe I throughly beleue (sayth he) Marginalia

Math. 26.

Mark. 14.

Luke. 22.

1. Cor. 11.

for this fayth am I taught of the Gospell in Mathewe, in Marke, and in Luke, and also in the first Epistle of S. Paule to the Corinthians. chap. 11.

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Then asked the Archbishop, if he beleeued that it wcre bread after the consecration MarginaliaAntichrist alloweth not this faith.or sacramentall words spoken ouer it.

The Lord Cobham said. I beleue that in the sacramēt of the aulter is Christes very body in forme of bread, the same that was borne of þe virgin Mary, done on the crosse, dead, and buryed: and that the third day arose from death to life, which now is glorified in heauen.

Then sayd one of the Doctors of the law. MarginaliaThe sacrament of the aultar.After the sacramentall wordes be vttered: there remayneth no bread, but onely the body of Christ.

The Lorde Cobham sayd then to one Maister Iohn Whitehead: MarginaliaIohn Whithead, gone from his opinion.You sayd once vnto me in the castell of Couling, that the sacred host was not Christes body. But I held then against you, and proued that therin was his body, though the seculars and Friers could not therein agree but held ech one against other in that opinion.MarginaliaAll this would not helpe. These wer my wordes then, if ye remember it.

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Then shouted a sorte of them together and cryed wyth great noyse.MarginaliaA blasphemous broode. We say all that it is Gods body.

And diuers of them asked him in great anger,MarginaliaQuarell pickers. whether it were materiall bread after the consecration or not?

Then looked the L. Cobham, earnestly vpon the archbishop, and said: MarginaliaThe sacramēt of Christes body is both the body and bread.I beleue surely that it is Christes body in forme of bread. Syr beleue not you thus?

And the archbishop sayd, yes mary do I?

Then asked him the Doctors, whether it were onely Christes bodye after the consecration of a Priest, and no body or not?

And he sayd vnto them, it is both Christes body and bread I shall proue it as thus. MarginaliaNeither will scripture nor reason serue.For like as Christ dwelling here vpon þe earth, had in him both Godhead & manhood, and had the inuisible Godhead couered vnder that manhode, which was onely visible and seene in him: MarginaliaThis opiniō hath S. Augustine.So in the sacrament of the aultar, is Christes very bodye and bread also, as I beleue the bread is the thinge, that we see wyth our eies, the body of Christ (which is his flesh & his bloud) is there vnder hyd and not seene, but in fayth.

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And moreouer, to proue that it is both Christes bodie and also bread after the consecration, it is by playne wordes expressed by one of your owne Doctours writing agayne Eutiches,MarginaliaGelasius contra Eutichen. whiche saith: Like as the selfe same Sacraments, do passe by the operation of the holy Ghost, into a Diuine nature: and yet notwithstanding keepe the propertie still of their former nature: so, that principall mistery declareth to remayne, one true, and perfect Christ. &c.

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MarginaliaThe popes diuinitie.Then smiled they eache one vpon other, that the people shoulde iudge him taken in a great heresie. And with a great brag diuers of them sayd. It is a foule heresie.

Then asked the Archbishop what bread it was? And the Doctors also inquired of him whether it were materiall or not?

The Lorde Cobham said vnto thē. The scriptures maketh no mention of this worde materiall,MarginaliaMateriall. and therfore my faith hath nothing to doe therwith. But this I say and beleue, that it is Christes body and bread. For Christ sayd in the vi. of Iohns Gospell. MarginaliaIohn. 6.Ego sum panis viuus, qui de cœlo descendi. I which came downe from heauen, am the liuing and not the dead bread. Therfore I say now agayne as I sayd afore, as our Lord Iesus Christ is very God and very man: so in the most blessed sacrament of the aulter, is Christes very body and bread.

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Then sayd they all with one voyce. It is an heresie.

MarginaliaAn heresie after the papistes making.One of the Byshops stoode vp by and by, and sayd. What? it is an heresie manifest, to say that it is bread after the Sacramentall wordes be once spoken, but Christes body onely.

The Lord Cobham sayd: S. Paule the Apostle was (I am sure) as wise as you be now, and more gladly learned. And he called it bread, writing to the Corinthians.Marginalia1. Cor. 10. The bread that we breake, sayth he, is it not the partakyng of the body of Christ? Lo, he called it breadMarginaliaThe sacrament is called bread. and not Christes body, but a meane whereby we receaue Christs body.

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Then sayd they agayne. MarginaliaThe determination of the church must stand, whatsoeuer Paule saithPaule must be otherwise vnderstand. For it is sure on heresie to say that it is bread after the consecration, but onely Christes body.

The Lord Cobham asked, how they could make good that sentence of theirs?

They aunswered him thus. For it is agaynst the determination of holy Church.

Then sayd the archbishop vnto him. Syr Iohn, we sēt you a writing concerning the fayth of this blessed Sacrament, clearely determined by the church of Rome our mother, and by the holy Doctors.

Then he sayd agayne vnto him. MarginaliaA most christen aunswere.I know none holyer then is Christ and his Apostles. MarginaliaThe iudgement of L. Cobham concerning the determinatiō of the Church.And as for that determination I wote, it is none of theyrs: for it standeth not with the
