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K. Henry. 5. A defence of the L. Cobham against Ala. Copus. Popishe saints.

of my booke againe, might eyther haue taken the best, and left the worst: or els gently take the paines to haue aduertised me of suche notes as you had, wythout further exclamation, or at least might haue deferred your dialogues for a time, till the comming out of my booke, to see first what would in the latter edition be altered. But belike your gal was full, your hast could not tary, your venim must nedes brust out.

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Et si non aliqua nocuisses mortuus esses.  

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Et si non aliqua nocuisses, mortuus esses


J. Barrie Hall

And if you had not done harm in some way you would have died.

Seeing therfore the order of your doings to be such, and disposition of your nature so farre from al humanity, dealing with me so extremely, if I thus prouoked wyth your extremity againe, should now after thys your currish nature shape you a name accordingly, and in steade of Cope godfather you to be a perpetual sycophāt,MarginaliaCopus Sycophanta. could you much blame me? and doth not your sycophanticall booke wel deserue it? or thinke you I could not repay you againe wyth like extremitie as you bryng, and dresse your drousie or rather lousie Dialogues in their right colours, if I were so disposed? But my purpose is wyth pacience to spare you, and rather to pray for you, God make you a good manne. Peraduenture he may hereafter call you. And rather had I to win you, then to sting you. Leauing therefore the consideratian of your ingrateful doings, I will nowe consider onely the poyntes wherein you charge me in your booke, answering briefly vnto the same. Briefly I say, because the greatnesse of thys volume, and aboundance of other more frutefull matter, geueth me little laisure at thys present to stand about brawling wordes.

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MarginaliaThe Calendare of the Actes and Mon. defended.First he seemeth highly to be greued with mee, for my Calendare prefixed before the boke of monuments. Wherin hee hath no cause eyther to be offended wt me, or to chafe with himself. As touching which Calendare I haue sufficiently and expressely declared before so muche, as myghte quickly satisfy this scruple of M. Cope if he eyther woulde haue taken the paines, or els had had þe laisure to reade the wordes contained in the Latine preface before the Booke prefixed, whych are thus: MarginaliaEx proœmio ad lectorem.Quanquam a me quidem non aliter Calendarium hoc institutum est, nisi vt pro Indice duntaxat suum cuiusque Martyris mensem & annum designante, ad priuatum lectoris seruiret vsum &c. In whych woordes preuenting before the cauilling obiection of the aduersary, I forewarned the Reader afore hand, touching the Calendare, wherfore it was ordained and prefixed, for no other purpose, but to serue the vse only of the reader, in stead of a table, shewing the yere and moneth of euery Martyr, what time he suffered &c. What hurt I pray you is in this Calendar prefixed before the booke of Monumentes, more then in the Table of M. Copes booke, set after his Dialogues? But mayster Cope had no laisure to peruse thys place: it made not for hys humonr.

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But this greeueth him in the Calendare, and that very sore. MarginaliaObiection for Martyrs in the Calendare.For that I place in this Calendar, sir Iohn Oldcastle sir Roger Acton, Browne, Beuerley and other for Martyrs, and displace for them, other holy auncient Martyrs and Saints, as Antholius, Sother, Dorothe, Clarus, Lucianus, Seuerinus. &c. MarginaliaAunswere.Answer: If M. Cope can not abide the Lord Cobham, sir Roger Acton, Browne, and Beuerley, which were hanged (as he sayeth for treason) to haue the name of martyrs, then let them beare the name of witnes bearers, or testes of the truth, because they were also burned for the testimony of their faith. Seing there is no difference in the sayd names, all is one to me by which they are called.

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And where hee chargeth me for thrusting & shouldring out the olde and auncient holy Saintes aforenamed out of this Calendare, and placing other new come Sayntes in their rowmes: MarginaliaVntruth noted in Ala. Copus.this is not the first vntruth that M. Cope hath made in his dialogues, nor yet the least, vnto whome I might therefore fitly answere againe with his owne familiar phrase,MarginaliaCopus pag. 130. lin. 18. or rather the phrase of Cicero, which he doth so muche affectate: Quod nimirum hic ipse Alanus Copus Anglus, vnde me mendacij coarguit, inde sibi ipsi sempiternam ac ineluibilem turpissimi mendacij, ac singularis impudentiæ notam inurat. For why haue not I as iust cause to say this to him, as he to me? For somuch as in the first beginning and preface of the sayde booke of Actes and Monuments, I so diligently and expressely do warne all men before, first that I make here no Calendare purposely of any Saintes, but a Table of good and godly men that suffered for the truth, to shew the day and moneth of their suffering. My words be extant and euident, whych are these: MarginaliaIn præfatione ad dict. lectorem. li. Actes and Mon.Neque vero ideo inter diuos a me referuntur isti, quòd inseruntur in Calendarium. &c. And declaring afterward how the sayde Calendare dothe stand but in stede of a table, my words do folow this: Haud aliter Clandarium hoc institutum est, nisi vt pro Indice duntaxat suum cuiusque Martyris mensem & annum designante, Lectori ad vsum atque ad manum seruiat. &c.

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Againe, neither did I receiue these men into that Kalendare, that holy Anatholius, Sother, Dorothæa, wyth other ancient holy Saintes shoulde be remoued out, as you doe falsly & vntruly affirme, but because the course of that story reaching but 500. yeares, did not comprehende those former times of suche auncient Martyres, but onely of suche as suffered in these latter dayes: therfore requisite it was that in the table such should be placed chiefly, of whom þe whole booke did then principally and onely entreat, to demōstrate thereby the time and day of their Martyrdome. Neither yet were the other excluded out of thys newe Kalendare, whyche were neuer inserted in the same before, but onely because both together coulde not there haue standing, necessity so required these in no case to be omitted, and yet no iniury meant to the other to be excluded out of theyr owne Kalēdars, wherto properly they did perteine. As for thys Kalendare or this table, because they were not pertinent vnto it, they could not therin, nether was it necessary, they should be included. And yet neither did I (M. Cope) wtout due & solemne protestation omit the same in my foresayde Catalogue, to preuent and stop all cauilling mouthes: As by speciall words in the sayd proeme of my booke vnto the Reader doth appeare, folowing in this wise: Interim nullius ego boni sanctique viri (modo qui verè sanctus sit) causam læ do, nec memoriam extinguo, nec gloriam minuo. Et si cui hoc displiceat Calendarium, meminerit, non in templis à me collocari, sed domesticæ tantum lectioni præparari. &c. And wher is now (M. Cope) thys your reiecting, expelling, remoouing, expulsing, exempting, deturbating and thrusting out of Anatholius, Sanct. Dorothæ and other holye Saintes out of Catalogues, fastes, and Calenders?MarginaliaCopus pag. 861. lin penultima. Or what man is that, or where dwelleth he, Qui veros Christi Martyres è Cœlo ad Tartara deturbat? That is. Which tumbleth downe true Martyrs from heauen, into hell? Which if ye meane by me: In one worde I aunswere, ye falsely belie me maister Copus, I had almost called you maister Capus,MarginaliaCopus almost called Capus. so lyke a Capon ye speake. Neyther haue you nor any other euer heard me so say. Neither haue I euer heard of any so madde to play so the giants with their mountains to clime the heauens, MarginaliaThe papistes would thrust downe Gods true saints out of heuē to tumble downe Gods true & holy martyrs out of heauen, downe into hell, vnlesse it were your selfe (as yet ye are, ye may be better) and such other of your gilde and popish fraternity, which make of Gods true saintes, stinking dunghils, (for so yee terme them in your bookes) and not onely thrust into heauen your Pseudosanctos, saintes of your own making, whom God by his word doth not allow: but also depulse downe from heauen, and make dunghils of Gods welbeloued seruants, his faithful people, and blessed martyrs, which haue died for the word of god. And what maruel then, if in your blasphemous bokes, ye cast down from heauen to hell, the poore Saintes of Christ, when in effecte you deiecte also the bloude and crosse of the sonne of God Christ Iesus himselfe, setting vp in his office and place, MarginaliaBeckets bloud set vp, to the iniury of Christes bloud.tu per Thomæ sanguinem, quem pro te impendit, fac nos Christe scandere, quò Thomas ascendit. Say, master Cope, your conscience indifferently, set al Popish parcialitie a part, where as the Scripture teacheth vs simplely. Quòd citra sanguinem nulla sit remissio. i. Wythout blud there is no remission: whether ye thinke, by this bloud of the new Testament is meant the bloud of Christ alone, or the bloud of other moe besides? If the bloud of one must stand alone, why doe yee then with the giants build vp your mountains, and make a ladder of Beckets popish bloud, for men to scale the heauens? Or in so doing, howe can you, but eyther wyth the Protestauntes wipe out of your Kalendare, Thomæ sanguinem, or els demolish from heauen Sāguinem Christi with the papists?

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MarginaliaPapistes deuout to set vp Christ crosse in earth: but enemies to Christes crosse in heauen.And heere by the way, I cannot but muse, why you are so deuout in setting vp the crosse of Christ in your church, which are such enemies to the true crosse of Christ to stand in heauen. Looke vpon thys (master Cope) and tel me, vtra pars verius veros Christi Martyres è cœlo in tartara detrudat? And therfore as you falsely belie me in thys, for detruding and tombling out of heauen Anatholius, Iulianus, Clarus, Lucianus, Agatha, Dorothea and other, against whome I neuer yet spake any reproching woord, but rather in this my volume haue set forth their commendatiō: MarginaliaA double vntruth in Copusso is it vntrue like wise, where you affirm that in thys my Kalendar I make an xxx, or Canonisation of false Martyrs. I tolde you before, when yee were in Englande, I tell you again, being nowe in your transmigration, in woordes as plaine as I coulde, Hanc ego Apotheosin mihi nunquam sumpsi, quam sibi tam confidenter sumpsit Gregorius nonus. Were not these woordes of my Protestation manifest ynough? were they not sufficient to satisfie a reasonable Momus? And to make the matter more playne, dyd I not adde moreouer as followeth: Porrò neque eò spectat hoc Calendarium, vt

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