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K. Henry. 5. The Story of the Bohemians. Articles concerrning I. Hus, with his replication.

appealed to the high bishop, they had other iudges appointed vnto them, as cardinal Aquileianus and cardinal Ventus with certayne others. The which iudges after they had prolonged and differred the matter by the space of one yere and a halfe, at the last they returned to the sentēce and iudgement of cardinal de Columna, and confirming þe same, commaunded Iohn Hus his Procurators that they should leaue of to defend him any more, for they would suffer it no longer. Wherupon when his Procurators would not cease theyr instant sute, certayne of them were cast into prisō, and greuously punished, the other leauing theyr busines vndone, returned into Boheme.

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The Bohemians against the Pope & his doings.

Ex Cochlæo in Hist. Hussit. lib. 1.

The Bohemians notwithstandinge little cared for all this, but continuing stil as they grew more in knowledge, so the lesse they regarded the Pope, complayning dayly agaynst him and the Archb. for stopping the word of God, and the gospel of Christ to be preached, saying that by their indulgences and other practises of the court of Rome, and of the bishops Consistory, they sought their owne profit, & not of Iesus Christ: that they pluckt from the sheepe of Christ the wool and milke, and did not feed them, neyther with the word of God nor with good examples. Teaching moreouer and affirming, that the commaūdements of the Pope and Prelates are not to be obeyed, but so far as they follow the doctrine and life of Christ and of his Apostles, and that lay men ought to iudge the workes of the prelates as Paule iudged the workes of Peter in correcting him. Gal. 2. Furthermore, they had amongst thē certayne notes and obseruations, whereby they might discerne how far & wherin they might obey theyr prelates: they derided also & scorned the Popes iurisdiction, because of the schisme that was then in the church, whē there were 3. popes together one striuing agaynst another for the papacy.

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Marginalia3. Doubtes of Iohn Hus propoundedOuer and besides this, at the same time Iohn Hus did propoūd publickly, and by the Notaries caused to be written. 3. doubtfull questions, the tenor wherof foloweth here word for word & is this: Forasmuch sayth he as it is good for men being in doubt to aske counsell, whereby all dubitatiō remoued, they may be able the more firmly to adhere the truth. 3. doubtes here arise to be solued. The first doubt is whither we ought to beleeue in the Pope. The second, whither it be possible for any man to be saued, which confesseth not with his mouth vnto a mortal priest. The third doubte is, whither any of the doctors doe holde or say that some of Pharaos host being drowned in the red sea, and of the Sodomites being subuerted, be saued.

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As concerning the first, he did hold negatiuely, alleadging the saying of Bede vpon this place of the Apostle: To him that beleeueth upon him which iustifieth the wicked, his fayth is imputed to righteousnes. Rom. 4. Vpon thys place sayth Bede: MarginaliaCredere in Deum. Credere Deo. Credere Deum.Aliud est credere in deum, aliud credere deo, aliud credere deum. &c. The second doubt sayth he, the maister of the sentence doth answere. lib. 4. dist. 17. cap. 11.MarginaliaPet. Lomb. lib. 4. dist. 17. cap. 11. Against Auarice confession. in these wordes: What is then to be holden or sayd herein? Certes, that without the confession of the mouth, and assoyling of the outward payne, sinnes be forgeuen through contrition and humility of the hart. &c. For the third doubt he brought in the wordes of S. Ierome vpon the Prophet Nahum, speaking of the Egiptians destroyed in the sea, and of the Sodomites destroyed with fire, & of the Israelites destroyed in the desert. Know you (sayth Ierome) that God therfore punished them for their sinnes here temporally, because they should not be punished hereafter perpetually, & therfore because they were here punished, they shall not be punished hereafter for els the scripture should lie, which is not to be graunted. These 3. questiōs belike Iohn Hus did bring in to declare howe the doctors doe not agree in all things neither with the church of Rome, neither are to be followed in all poyntes of all men.

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MarginaliaCouncell of the prelates of Prage against the Gospellers.It foloweth moreouer after the death of the Archbish. Swinco aboue mentioned, that one named Cōradus was placed by þe pope there to be chief general, which Cōradus conferring with the diuines and doctors of the vniuersity of Prage, required their aduises and counselles, what way they might best take to asswage the dissentions & discordes betwene the clergy and the people. Whereupon a certayne councell was deuised to be holden after this sort and maner as foloweth.

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1. First, that all doctors and masiters of the vniuersity of Prage should be assēbled in the court of the Archb. and in his presence that euery doctor and maister shoulde sweare, not to holde or maytayne any of the 45. articles of Iohn Wickliffe before condemned.

2. Item, concerning the 7. sacraments of the Church, the keyes & censures of the church, the maners, rites, ceremonies, customes, and liberties of the church, concerning also the worshipping of reliques and indulgēses, the orders &religions of the church, that euery one shall sweare that he doth hold, beleue & mayntayn, and will maintayn as doth the church of Rome and no otherwise, of the which church of Rome the Pope is the head, & the colledge of Cardinals is the body: who are the true and manifest successours of blessed S. Peter prince of the Apostles, and of the colledge of the other Apostles of Christ.

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3. Item, that euery one shall sweare, that in euery catholicke matter belonging to the Church, that he will stand to the determination of the Apostolicall sea, and that he wyll obey the prelates in all maner of thinges wheresoeuer, the thing which is pure good is not forbidden: or that which is mere ill, is not commaunded: but is meane or indifferēt betwene both. MarginaliaPurum bonum. Purum malum, Medium.Which mean or indifferent thing, yet notwithstanding by circumstances of time, place or person, may be either good or euill.

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4, Item, that euery one shall sweare & confesse by his oth, that the opinions of Wickliffe and others, touching the 7. sacraments of the church and other things aboue notified, being contrary to the sayd church of Rome, be false.

5. Item, that an othe be required of them all, that none of them shall hold, defend or maintaine any of the 45. articles of Iohn Wickliffe aforesayd, or in any other matter catholick, and especially of the 7. Sacraments and other articles aboue specified, but only as doth the Church of Rome, and no otherwise.

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6. Item, that euery ordinary in his dioces shall cause the sayd premisses contained in the 1. 2. 3. 4. articles aforesayde to be published in his Sinodes, and by his preachers to be declared to the people in the kingdome of Boheme.

7. Item, that if any Clerke, student, or lay man shal with stād any of the premisses, that the ordinary haue authority if he be conuicted therof to correct him, according to the old lawes and Canons, and that no man shal defend such one by any meanes: for none but the ordinary hath power to correct such a man, because the Archbishop is chauncellour both of the kingdome and vniuersity of Prage.

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8. Item, that the songes lately forbidden, being odious, slaūderous, and offensiue to others fame, be not song neyther in streetes, tauernes, nor any other place.

9. Item, that maister Iohn Hus shall not preach so long as he shall haue no absolution of the court, neither shal hinder the preaching in Prage by his presence, that by this, his obedience to the Apostolicall sea may be knowne.

10. Item, that this Councell doth appeare to be good and reasonable for the putting away of ill report and dissentiō that is in the kingdome of Boheme.

11. Item, if maister Iohn Hus, with his complices will performe this, which is conteined in the 4. former Articles, then we will be ready to say as they woulde wishe vs and haue vs, whensoeuer need shall require, that we do agree with them in matter of fayth, otherwise if they wyll not so doe, we in geuing this testimony should lye greatly vnto our Lord the King & to the whole world. And moreouer, we will be content to write for them to the Court of Rome, and do the best we can for them, our honors saued. This counsell and deuise being considered amongest the head of the vniuersity of Prage, the foresayd administrator named Conradus, presented to the king and to the barons of the realme, and also to the Senate of Prage. Whereof as soone as word came to Iohn Hus and his adherents, they likewise drew out other Articles in maner and former of a councell as foloweth.

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For the honor of God & the true preaching of hys gospell, for the health of the people, and to auoyd the sinister & false infamy of the kingdome of Boheme, and of the Marquiship of Morauia, & of the city and vniuersity of Prage, and for the reforming of peace & vnity betweene the clergy and the scholers of the vniuersity.

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1. First, let the right and iust decrement of the princes and of the kinges councell, be holden and stand in force, which betwene the L. Archbi. Suinco on the one party, and betwene the rector & maister Iohn Hus on the other party, was made, proclaimed, sealed, and solemnly on both parts receiued and allowed in the court of our soueraigne Lord the king.

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2. Item, that the kingdome of Boheme remain in his former rites, liberties & common customes, so as other kingdomes & landes do enioy, that is, in all approbations, condemnations, and other actes concerning the holy mother vniuersall church.

3. Item, that maister I. Hus, agaynst whom the foresayd Lord Suinco, could obiect no crime before the coūcell, that the sayd Iohn Hus may be present in the congregation of the Clergy and there whosoeuer will obiect to him either heresy or error, let him obiect, binding himself to suffer the like payne, if he do not proue it.

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4. Item