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Trento (Tridentum) [Trident]


Coordinates: 46° 4' 0" N, 11° 7' 0" E

618 [594]

K. Henry. 5. The councell of Constance, with the decrees therein established.

Iohn Wickliffe, and his 45. Articles was recited, MarginaliaSentence geuen for the burning of Wickliffes bones.and sentence geuē against his memory & bones to be burned. The tenor wherof is rehearsed in the history of Iohn Wickliffe before passed. fol. 449.

Marginalia9.In the 9. Session, The matter & cause of Pope Iohn was agayn intreated, and commissioners appoynted to enquire vpon his cause, and iudges for the same.

Marginalia10.In the 10. Session, Suspension was geuen out & reade agaynst the sayd Pope.

Marginalia11. 12.In the 11. and 12. Sessions, Notaries were assigned & definitiue sentence geuen agaynst the said Pope, where also was decreed that none of them that contended before for the Papacy, should be chosen Pope.

Marginalia13.In the 13. Session was decreed, Quod nullus præsbiter sub pena excommunicationis comunicet populo sub vtraque specie panis & vini. MarginaliaThe people of Christ excommunicated from the communion of the holy cup.That is, that no Priest vnder payne of excommunication shall communicate vnto the people vnder both kindes of bread and wine.

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Marginalia14.In the 14. Session, came in þe resignation of pope Gregory the 12. which was one of the 3. before mentioned, striuing for the Papacy, with certayne other Articles concerning the election of the Bishop of Rome, and the ratification of their resigning, which gaue ouer the Papacy.

Marginalia15.Then ensueth the 15. Session, in the which silence was commanded on all partes vnder pain of excommunicatiō, and the great curse that no persō or persons high or low of what estate or degree so euer he were, Emperour, Kyng, Cardinall, or other should disturbe the sayd Session wyth any maner of noise, either by hand, foot, or voyce. MarginaliaThe solemne publishing of the sentence of condemnation against I. Hus.This being done, the sentence & condemnation against Iohn Hus was read and published, whiche after in the story of Iohn Hus, foloweth to be sene more at large.

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Marginalia16.In the 16. Session, Ambassadors were assigned by the Councell to go into Arragon to Benedictus the 13. to entreat with him for the resignation of his Papacy, as the other two had done before.

Item, power was geuen to iudges, to cite vnder pain of depriuation, all such as priuily departed away from the Councell, in the whiche Session also the sentence agaynst Iohn Hus was confirmed and ratified.

Marginalia17.In the 17. Session, the Emperour tooke vpon him a iourney to the king of Arragon,MarginaliaThe Emperours iourney into Arragon. to entreat with pope Benedictus. An excommunication denounced agaynst al such as should go about to empeche the Emperours iourney about that matter. &c.

Item, prayers and processions were determined to be made by the Councell, euery Sonday for the same cause, with an hundred dayes of pardon geuen to thē that would be present thereat, and that all Prelats should be present at euery of these sayd Masses and processions in theyr Pontificalibus. MarginaliaPardons were here dogge cheape.Graunting besides to euery Priest that sayd one Masse, for the same a 100. dayes of pardon. And to all other that once a day should say one Pater noster, and one Aue, for the safety of the Emperour xl. dayes of pardon.

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Marginalia18.In the 18. Session, certayne iudges were assigned for the hearing of matters, which the Councell had no leasure to heare.

It was there also decreed that suche letters and Buls as were written in the name of that councell, should be receiued with no lesse credite and authority, then the Bulles proceeding from the Sea Apostolicall, and that the falsifyers of the same should incurre no lesse penalty then the falsifyers of the other. Legates also and Ambassadours were sent into Italy.

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Marginalia19.In the 19. Session which was þe same yeare in the moneth of September, Ierome of Prage who was cited as is before sayd, was accused of heresy & cast in prison by the sayd councell, & constrayned to abiure. the which his abiuration hereafter foloweth to be seene in his history.

Item, it was decreed: Quod non obstantibus saluis cōductibus Imperatoris Regum. &c. possit per iudicem competentem de hæretica prauitate inquiri. &c. MarginaliaConcilium Foedifragum.That is, notwithstanding þe safe conduct geuen by the Emperour and kinges. &c. Inquiry may be made agaynst a man for heresy by a sufficient iudge and processe, to be made according to the law.

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The causes of heresies were committed to certain iudges and deputyes.

MarginaliaAnd how chaūceth it that the charte of Constantines donation is not here mentioned.Item, the Chart called Carolina, and diuers other Chartes and constitutions concerning the libertyes of the Church of Rome, being brought forth were approued and confirmed,



Prouide that the churchmen loose nothing in no case.

In the 20. Session, letters & instrumentes were made and set vpon Church dores to require and admonish duke Fredericke to restore agayne vnto George Bishop of Austriche, such landes, rentes, and reuenues as he deteyned & withheld, vnder payne of interditement, suspending and excommunication.

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During the time of this Session, the Ambassadors returned out of Arragon from the Pope Benedict and were heard with great audience, wheras certayne Articles and conditions betwene the Pope & the councell were brought forth and agreed vpon to the number of 12.



Ann. 1416.

In the yeare of our Lord 1416. was the 21. Session beginning after theyr maner with a Masse of the holy ghost with processions and such other rites, in the time of which Masse, Iames Bishop of Londy made a Sermon, taking for his Theame these wordes. Ex probrauit Deus incredulitatem eorum & duritiam: That is, the Lord rebuked theyr misbeliefe and hardnes. &c. This sermon being ended, Ierome of Prage which had abiured, as is sayd the yeare before, being present thereat, stoode vp vpon a certayne bench or fourme. MarginaliaIerome of Prage replied agaynst the sermon of the Byshop of Lōdy.Replying agaynst the foresayd Iames and hys Sermon, alleadging and preaching diuers and sundrye thinges, whereupon the Patriarch of Constantinople, one of the commissioners procceded agaynst him, pronouncing the sentence definitiue, which he had in writing agaynst the sayd Ierome, which sentence being red and approued by the councell (the tenor whereof insueth in his historye) the sayd Ierome was deliuered vnto the secular power, & burned.

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Marginalia22. 23.The 22. and 23. Sessions contayne no worthy matter, but onely the placing of the Ambassadours of Alphansus K. of Arragon, & graunting them voyces in the Councell.

Marginalia24.In the 24. Session, citatiō was geuen out agaynst Benedict, keeping with Alphonsus, king of Arragon.

Marginalia25.The 25. Session conteineth nothing but a certayne Comendam geuen to the Church of Olemucensis.

Marginalia26.The 26. Sessiō, there was nothing els handled, but the vniting and incorporating of the Ambassadors of the king of Nauarre into the Councell, and also concerning the derogation of the priority of voyces.


27. 28.

Anno. 1417.

After this folowed the 27. and 28. sessions, which were in the yeare 1417. Wherein was intreated the relation and declaratiō, concerning the cause betwixt Duke Frederick, and the bishop of Trident, and processe geuen out agaynst the sayd Duke, accusing him of sacriledge, and also excommunicating him, for not obeying the admonitiō of the coūcell concerning the vsurpation and deteyning of the city of Tridēt and other possessions from Bishop George, as is afore specified.

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Marginalia29. 30.In the 29. and 30. Sessions, Proctors and Notaryes were geuen out in the cause agaynst Pope Benedict, and order decreed vpon his obstinacye, wherein also the withdrawing of the king of Arragon from the same Pope, was recited and approued by the Councell.

Marginalia31.In the 31. Session, certayne instrumentes, and speciall letters monitory were directed from the Councell to a certaine Earle of Italy named Comes virtutum, for laying violent handes vpon Albert, Bishop of Asce, and for bringing him to prison, requiring the sayd Earle vnder paine of interdiction, and excommunication to set the sayd Byshop at liberty. Also an other decree was set forth for the restoring agayne the liberties of the Church of Baron.

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32. 33.

Pope Benedict accused.

In the 32. and 33. Sessions, the accusation of pope Benedict was renued, and his obstinacy accused, and witnes brought in, at which thing doing, the Emperour Sigismund was present.

Marginalia34.In the 34. Session, the cause of the foresayd pope was heard, and processe geuen out agaynst him.

Marginalia35.In the 35. Session, the Ambassadours of the king of Castle were brought in, and vnited to the Councel, and instrumentes thereof made and read. Also that notwithstanding the othes made to the foresayd Pope, mē might lawfully forsake his obedience.



The Pope curseth the councell.

In the 36. Session, a certayne citation was made and read against the Pope, conteining his depriuation and the sentence agaynst him, & instruments made vpon the same. And whereas this Pope had thundred out his curses, depriuations and excommunicatiōs agaynst them: The sayd Sinode did adnihilate all his doinges.

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Marginalia37.The 37. Session did renue agayne the accusation of the foresaid pope, and the sentence definitiue agaynst him was published.

Marginalia38.In the 38. Sessiō certaine decrees were made touching the adnihilating of the penalties of the Ambassadours of king Henry sonne of Alphonsus king of Arragon. Also an other decree was made touching the reuocatiō of þe voyces graunted to the Ambassadors of the king of Arragon.

Marginalia39.Thus Pope Benedict being deposed and excommunicated as is aforesayd, in the next Sessions following, they addressed themselues to the election of a new Pope, beginning first in the 39. Session to geue out decrees concerning generall Councels, & prouision, for the auoyding of suche like schismes hereafter. MarginaliaDecrees for generall counsels.Decreeing euery x. yeare to haue a

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