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K. Henry 5. Articles of I. Hus. wrasted by papistes. Councell of Constance.

yet followed he the shepherd, but being clothed in a sheeps skinne he lay in wayt for the shepheard.

The eight article: The congregatiō of the predestinate whether they be in the state of grace or no, according vnto present iustice, is the holy vniuersall Church, and therefore it is an article of fayth, and it is the same Churche, whiche hath neither wrinckle neyther spot in it, but is holy & vndefiled, the which the sonne of God doth cal his own. The answere. The wordes of the booke out of the which thys Article was drawne are these: MarginaliaThe Church is taken sometime for the congregation of the elect & faithful, & so is the article taken in the Creede.Thirdly, the Church is vnderstand and taken for the congregation and assembly of þe faythfull, whether they be in the state of grace, according to present iustice or not. And in this sort it is an Article of our fayth, of the whiche S. Paule maketh mention in the fifth chapter to the Ephesians: Christ so loued his Church that he deliuered and offered himself for the same &c. I pray you then, is there any faythful man, the which doth doubt that the Church doth not signifie all the elect and predestinate the which we ought to beleue to be the vniuersall Church the glorious spouse of Iesus christ holy and without spot? Wherfore this Article is an article of fayth, the whiche we ought firmely to beleue according to our Creede. I beleue the holy Catholicke Church, and of this Churche doth S. Augustine, S. Gregory, S. Ierome, and diuers other make mention.

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The ix. article:MarginaliaPeter neuer was head of the whole vniuersal Church. Peter neuer was, neither is the head of the holy vniuersall Church. The aunswere. This Article was drawne out of these wordes of my booke: All men do agree in this poynt, that Peter had receiued of the rocke of the church (which is Christ) humilitie, pouertie, stedfastnes of fayth, and consequently blessednes. MarginaliaThe Church builded vpon Peter, how.Not as though the meaning of our Lord Iesus Christ was, when he said vpon this rocke I will build my Churche, that he woulde build euery Militant Church vppon the person of Peter, for Christ should buyld hys Church vpon the rocke which is Christ himselfe, from whence Peter receiued hys steadfastnes of fayth, for somuche as Iesus Christ is the onely head and foundation of euery Church, and not Peter.

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Marginalia10.The tenth Article: If he that is called the vicar of Iesus Christ, do followe Christ in his life, then he is his true vicare. MarginaliaThe vicare of Christ how he is to be taken.But if so be it, he do walke in contrary pathes and wayes, then is he the messenger of Antichrist, & the enemy and aduersary of S. Peter, & of our Lorde Iesus Christe, and also the vicare of Iudas Iscarioth. I aunswere the wordes of my book are these: If he which is called the vicare of S. Peter walke in the wayes of Christian vertues aforesayd, we do beleue verely that he is the true vicar and true Byshop of the Church whiche ruleth: but if he walke in contrary pathes and wayes, then is he the messenger of Antechrist, cōtrary both to S. Peter, and our Lord Iesus Christ. And therfore MarginaliaBernard, ad Eugenium. lib. 4.S. Bernard in hys 4. book did write in this sort vnto pope Eugenie: Thou delitest & walkest in great pride and arrogancie, being gorgeously and sumptuously arayd, what fruit or profite do thy flocke or sheepe receiue by thee? If I durst say it, these be rather the pastures and feedinges of deuils, then of sheepe. S. Peter & S. Paul did not so, wherfore thou seemest by these thy doings to succeede Constantine, & not S. Peter. These be the very wordes of S. Bernard. It followeth after in my booke that if the maner and fashion of his life and liuing, be contrary to that which S. Peter vsed, or that he be gcuen to auarice and couetousnes, then is he the vicar of Iudas Iscarioth, which loued and chose the reward of iniquitie, & dyd set out to sale the Lord Iesus Christ. As soone as they had read the same, those which ruled and gouerned the coūcell, beheld one an other, making mockes and moes, they nodded theyr heades at hym.

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Marginalia11.The xi. article: Al such as doe vse Symmony, & priests liuing dissolutely and wantonly, do hold an vntrue opinion of þe 7. Sacramentes, as vnbeleuing bastardes, and not as Children, not knowing what is the office & duety of the keyes or censures, rites, and ceremonies, neither of the diuine seruice of the Church, or of veneration or worshipping or reliques, neither of þe orders constituted and ordeined in the Church, neither yet of indulgences or pardons. I answere, þt it is placed in this maner in my book. Thys abuse of authoritie or power is committed by such as doe sell & make marchandise of holy orders,MarginaliaPrelates making marchandise of holy orders. and get and gather together riches by Symonie, making fayres and markets of the holy Sacramentes, and liuing in all kynd of voluptuousnes and dissolute maners, or in any other filthy or vilanous kind of liuing. They do polute and defile the holye ecclesiasticall state. And albeit that they professe in wordes that they do know God, yet doe they deny it again by their deeds, and consequently beleue not in God: But as vnbeleeuing bastardes they holde a contrarye and vntrue opinion of the 7. Sacramentes of the Church. And this ap-peareth most euidently, for somuch as all suche doe vtterly contemne and despise the name of God, according to the saying of Malachy, the first chapter: Vnto you O Priestes be it spoken, which doe despise and contemne my name.

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Marginalia12.The xii. Article: The papall dignitie hath hys original from the Emperours of Rome.MarginaliaThe Pope taketh his originall frō the Emperours. I answere, and mark wel what my wordes are. The preeminence and institution of the Pope is sprong and come of the Emperours power & authoritie. And this is proued by the 96. distinction,Marginalia96. dist. for Constantine graunted thys priuiledge vnto the Bishop of Rome, and other after hym confirmed the same: That like as Augustus for the outward and temporal goodes bestowed vpon the Churche, is counted alwayes the most high king aboue al others: so the bysh. of Rome shold be called þe principal father aboue all other bishops. This notwithstanding the papall dignitie hath hys original immediately from Christ, as touching hys spirituall administration and office, to rule the Church. Then the Cardinall of Cābray sayd: in the tyme of Constantine there was a generall Councell holden at Nice, in the whiche, albeit the highest rowme and place in the Church was geuen to the Bishop of Rome, for honours cause, it is ascribed vnto the Emperour: Wherefore then do you not aswell affirme and saye þt the Papall dignitie tooke hys originall rather from that councel, then by the Emperours authoritie and power?

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Marginalia13.The 13. article: No man would reasonably affirme (wtout reuelation) neyther of hymselfe nor of any other, that hee is the heade of any particular Churche.MarginaliaThe pope is not the head of any particuler church. I aunswere I confesse it to be written in my booke, and it followeth straight after: Albeit that through hys good liuing he oght to hope and trust that he is a member of the holy vniuersal Church, the spouse of Iesus Christ, according to the saying of the Preacher: No man knoweth whether he be worthy and haue deserued grace and fauour, or hatred. And Luke the 17. When ye haue done all that ye can, say that you are vnprofitable seruauntes.

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Marginalia14.The 14. Article: It ought not to be beleeued that the pope, whatsoeuer he be, may be the head of any particular Churche, vnles he be predestinate or ordayned of God. I aunswere, that I doe acknowledge thys preposition to be myne, and thys is easie to proue, forsomuche as it is necessary that the Christian faith shuld be depraued, for somuch as the Churche was deceiued by N. as it appeareth by S. Augustine.

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Marginalia15.The 15. article. The popes power as Vicare, is but vayne and nothing worth,MarginaliaThe popes power vaine if he do not confirme & addresse hys lyfe accordyng to Iesus Christ, and not followe the maners of S. Peter. I answere that it is thus in my book that it is meet and expedient that he which is ordayned vicar should addresse and frame himselfe in maners and conditions, to þe authoritie of hym, which did put him in place. And Iohn Hus sayd. MarginaliaDistinction of merite, and of officeMoreouer before the whole councell I vnderstand that the power and authoritie in such a pope as doth not represent the maners of Christ, is frustrate and voyd as touching the merite and rewarde, which he shold obtayne and get therby, and doth not get the same: but not as concerning hys office. Then certayne others standing by asked of hym saying, where is that glose in your book? I. Hus answered, you shall finde it in my treatise agaynst M. Palletz, wherat all the assistaunce (looking one vppon another) began for to smile and laugh.

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Marginalia16.The 16. Article. The pope is most holy, not because hee doth supply and hold the rowme and place of S. Peter, but because he hath great reuenues. I answere that my words are mutilate, for thus it is written: He is not most holy because he is called the vicar of S. Peter, or because he hathe great and large possessions: MarginaliaHolynes cōmeth not by sitting, but by folowing.But if he be the follower of Iesus Christ in humilitie, gentlenes, paciēce, labour and trauayle, and in perfect loue and charitie.

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Marginalia17.The 17. Article. The Cardinals are not the manifest and true scucessours of the other Apostles of Iesus Christ if they liue not according to the fashion of the Apostles keping the commaundementes and ordinaunces of the Lord Iesus,MarginaliaThe Cardinalles do count it heresie that they should be compelled to be followers of the Apostles I answere, that it is thus written in my booke, and it proueth it selfe sufficiently. For if they enter in by an other way then by the dore whiche is the Lord Iesus, they be murtheres and theeues.

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Then sayde the Cardinall of Cambray, beholde both this and all other articles before rehearsed, he hath written much more detestable thinges in his booke, then is presented in hys articles. Truely Iohn Hus þm hast kept no order in thy sermons and writings. Had it not ben your part to haue applyed your sermons according to your audiēce? For to what purpose was it, or what did it profite you before the people to preach agaynst the Cardinals, when as none of them were present? It had bene meeter for you to haue told them theyr faults before them all, then before the

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