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K. Henry. 5. Articles of John Hus falsly wrasted. The councell of Constance.

Marginalia4.The 4. Article. An euill Pope or Prelate, or reprobate is no true pastour, but a theefe and a robber. The answere. The text of my booke is thus. If he be euill or wicked, thē is he an hireling, of whom Christ speaketh, he is no sheepe heard, neither are the sheepe his owne. Therefore when he seeth the Wolfe comming he runneth away, and forsaketh the sheepe, and so finally doth euery wicked and reprobate man. Therefore euery such reprobate or wicked Pope or Prelate is no true Pastour. But a very theefe and a robber, as is more at large proued in my booke. Thē sayd Iohn Hus, I doe so limitte all thinges, that such as touching theyr desert, are not truely and worthely Popes and shepheardes before God, but as touching their office and reputation of men, they are Popes, Pastors, and Priestes.

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Then a certayne man rising vp behinde Iohn Husse clothed all in silke, sayd: my Lordes take heede least that Iohn Hus deceiue both you, and himselfe with these hys gloses, and looke whether these thinges be in his booke or not, for of late I had disputation with him, vpon these Articles, in the which I sayd, that a wicked Pope. &c. was no Pope, as touching merite and desert, but as touchyng his office, he was truely Pope. Whereupon he vsed these gloses which he had heard of me, and did not take them out of his booke. Then Iohn Hus turning himselfe vnto him, sayd: did you not heare that it was so readde out of my booke, and this did easily appeare in Iohn xxiij. Whether he were true Pope or a very theefe and robber. Then the Bishoppes and Cardinals looking one vpon another, sayd: that he was true Pope, and laughed Iohn Hus to scorne.

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Marginalia5.The 5. The Pope is not, neither ought to be called according vnto his office most holy. For then the king ought also to be called most holy, according to his office. Also the tormentors, lictors and deuilles, ought also to bee called holy. The aunswere: My wordes are otherwise place in this maner, so ought a fayner say, that if any man be a most holy Father, then he doth most holyly obserue and keepe hys Fatherlynesse. And if he be a naughty and wicked Father, then doth he most wickedly keepe the same. Likewise if the Byshoppe be most holyest, then is he also most good, and when as he sayth that he is Pope, it is the name of his office.

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Wherupon it foloweth that the man which is Pope being an euill and reprobate man, is a most holy man. And consequently by that hys office, he is most good. Andfor so much as no man can be good by hys office, except hedo excercise & vse the same, his office very well, it followeth that if the Pope be an euill & reprobate man, he cannot exercise or vse his office wel. Forsomuch as he cannot vse the office wel, except he be morally good. Mat. 12. How cā you speak good things, when you your selues are euil, & immediatly after it foloweth. If þe Pope by reasō of his office be called most holy, wherefore should not the King of Romaynes be called most holy by reason of his office and dignitye? When as the Kyng, according vnto Saynt Augustines minde, representeth the Deitye and Godhead of Christ, and the Priest representeth onely hys humanity. Wherefore also should not iudges: yea, euen tormentours be called holy, forsomnth as they haue theyr office by ministring vnto the Church of Christ. These thinges are more at large discoursed in my booke, but I cannot finde or knowe sayth Iohn Husse any foundation whereby I shoulde call the Pope most holy, when as thys is onely spoken of Christ. Thou onely are most holy. Thou onely art the Lord. &c. Shoulde I then truely call the Pope moste holy?

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Marginalia6.The 6. Article. If the Pope liue contrary vnto Christ. Albeit he be lawfully and Canonically elect and chosen, according to humayne election, yet doth he ascende and come in another way then by Christ. The aunswere. The text is thus, if the Pope liue contrary vnto Christ in pride and auarice, how then doth he not ascend and come another way into the sheepe folde, then by the lowlye and meeke doore our Lord Iesus Christ? But admitte as you say, that he dyd ascend by lawfull election, the which I call an election principally made of God, and not according vnto the common and vulgare constitution and ordinaunce of men, yet for all that, it is affirmed and proued that he shoulde ascende and come in another way, for Iudas Iscariot was truely and lawfully chosen of the Lorde Iesus Christ vnto his Bishopricke, as Christe sayth in the sixt of Iohn, and yet he came in an other way into the sheepe folde, and was a thefe and a Deuill, and the sonne of perdition. Did he not come in another waye? when as our Sauiour spake thus of him, he that eateth breade with me, shalllift vp his heele agaynst me.

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The same also is proued by Saynte Bernarde vnto Pope Eugemus. Then sayde Paletz: beholde the furor and maddenesse of this man, for what more furious or madde thing canne there be then to say, Iudas is chosen by Christ, and notwithstanding he did ascende an other way, and not by Christ. Iohn Husse aunswered, verely both partes are true, that he was electe and chosen by Christ, and also that he did ascende, and come in another way, for he was a Theefe, a Deuill, and the sonne of perdition. Then sayde Palettez, cannot a manne be truely and lawefully chosen Pope or Byshoppe, and afterwarde liue contrarye vnto Christe? and that notwithstanding he doth not ascende any other wayes. But I, sayde Iohn Husse doe saye, that whosoeuer doth enter into anye Bishoppricke or like office by Simonye, not to the intent to labour and trauell in the Church of God, but rather to liue delicately, voluptuouslye and vnrighteously, and to the intent to aduaunce hymselfe with all kinde of pride, euery suche man ascendeth and commeth vppe by an other way, and according vnto the Gospell, he is a theefe and a robber.

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Marginalia7.The 7. Article. The condemnation of the forty fyue Articles of Wickliffe made by the Doctours is vnreasonable and wicked, and the cause by them alleadged is fayned and vntrue: That is to say, that none of those Articles are Catholicke, but that euery of them be either hereticall, erronious or offenciue. The aunswere: I haue wrytten it thus in my treatise. the forty fyue Articles are condemned for this cause, that none of those forty fyue, is a Catholicke Article, but eache of them is either hereticall, erronious or offenciue.

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O Mayster Doctour, where is your proofe, you fayne a cause which you doe not proue, &c. As it appeareth more at large in my Treatise. Then sayd the Cardinall of Cambraye,MarginaliaThe Cardinal of Cambray. Iohn Husse, thou diddest saye that thou wouldest not defend any errour of Iohn Wickliffes. And now it appeareth in your bookes, that you haue openly defended his Articles. Iohn Hus aunswered. Reuerend Father, euen as I sayde before, so doe I now say agayne, that I will not defende any errours of Iohn Wickliffes, neyther of anye other mannes, but for so muche as it seemed vnto me to be agaynst conscience, simply to consent vnto the condemnation of them, no Scripture beyng alledged or brought contrary and agaynst them, thereupon I woulde not consent or agree vnto the condemnation of them, And for so much as the reason whiche is copulatiue can not be verifyed in euery poynt, according to euery part thereof.

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Nowe there remayneth sixe Articles of 39. MarginaliaArticles drawen out of his treatise written against Stanislaus de Znoyma.These are sayd to be drawen out of an other treatise which he wrote agaynst Stanislaus de Znoyma.

Marginalia1.The first Article. No man is lawfully elect or chosen, in that the Electours or the greater part of them haue consented with a liuely voyce according to the custome of men to elect and choose any person, or that he is thereby the manifest and true Successour of Christ, or Vicare of Peter in the Ecclesiasticall office, but in that that any man doth most aboundantlye worke meritoriouslye to the profitte of the Churche, he hath thereby more aboundant power geuen him of God thereunto. The answere. These things which follow are also written in my booke. It standeth in the power and handes of wicked Electours to choose a woman into the Ecclesiasticall office, as it appeareth by the election of Agnes, whiche was called Iohn, who held and occupyed the Popes place & dignitye by the space of two yeares and more.

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It may also be that they doe choose a Theefe, a Murderer, or a Deuil, and consequently they may also elect and choose Antichrist.

It may also be, that for loue, couetousnesse, or hatred, they doe choose some person whom God doth not allowe. And it appeareth that that person is not lawfully elect and and chosen: In so much as the Electours or the greater part of them haue consented and agreed together, according to the custome of men vpon any person, or that he is thereby the manifest Successour or Vicare of Peter, the Apostle or any other in the Ecclesiasticall office.

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Therefore they which most accordingly vnto the scripture doe elect and choose, reuelation being sette a parte, doe onelye pronounce and determine by some probable reason vppon hym they doe electe and choose, whereuppon whether the Electours doe so choose good or euill, we ought to geue creditte vnto the workes of hym that is chosen, for in that poynt that any manne doth moste

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