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[Lions; Lyons]

Rhône-Alpes, France

Coordinates: 45° 46' 1" N, 4° 50' 3" E

Cathedral city

642 [618]

K. Henry. 5. Articles drawen out against M. John Hus and falsely wrasted.

nifestly false should I haue written þt the pope & the Emperour did honour me, when as otherwise I had written before, that as yet we knew not where þe Emperour was? and before the Emperour himselfe came vnto Constance, I was by the space of 3. weekes in pryson. And to wryte that I was honoured by my imprisonment, the people of the kingdome of Boheme would repute the honour as no great renowne and glory vnto me. Howbeit my enemies may in derision say vnto me, that according to their willes & pleasures, I am exalted and honored. Wherfore this article is wholy throughout false and vntrue.

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Vnto these articles aboue prefixed, were other articles also to be annexed, which the Parisians had drawne out agaynst M. Iohn Hus, to the number of 19.MarginaliaArticles 19. drawen out by the Parisians against I. Hus. The chiefe author wherof, was Iohn Gerson Chauncellour of the vniuersity of Paris,MarginaliaIohn Gerson Chauncelour of Paris. a great setter on of the Pope against good men. Of these articles Iohn Hus doth often complayne in his Epistles that he had no time nor space to make answere vnto them. Which articles being falsly collected and wrongfully depraued although Iohn Hus had no time to aunswere vnto, yet I thought not vnfit here to set downe for the reader to see and iudge.

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¶ Articles formally contayned or picked out of the Treatise of Iohn Hus of Prage, which he intituled of the Church, folowing in this part or behalfe the errours they terme them of Iohn Wickelyffe

Marginalia1.THe first article. No reprobate is true Pope, Lorde or Prelate. The errour is in the fayth and behauiour and manners, being both of late and many times before condemned, as well agaynst the poore men of Lions, as also agaynst the Waldenses and Pikardes. The affirmation of which error is temerarious, seditious, offensiue and pernitious, and tending to the subuersion of all humaine policy and gouernance, forasmuch as no man knoweth whether he be worthy of loue or hatred, for that all men doe offend in many poyntes, and therby shoulde all rule and dominion be made vncertayne and vnstable, if it shoulde be founded vpon predestination and charity: neither shoulde the commaundement of Peter haue bene good, which willeth all seruauntes to be obedient vnto their maisters and Lordes although they be wicked.

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Marginalia2.The 2. article. That no man being in deadly sinne, whereby he is no member of Christ, but of the Deuill, is true Pope, Prelate or Lord. The error of this is like vnto the first.

Marginalia3.The 3. article. No reprobate or otherwise being in deadly sinne, sitteth in the Apostolicke seate of Peter, neither hath any Apostolical power ouer þe christian people This error is also like vnto the first.

Marginalia4.The 4. Article. No reprobrate are of the Church neither likewise any which doe not followe the life of Christ. This error is agaynst the common vnderstanding of the doctors, concerning the church.

Marginalia5.The 5. Article. They onely are of the church, and sit in Peters seat, and haue Apostolicke power whiche followe Christ and his Apostles in their life and liuing. The error hereof is in fayth and maners, as in the first article, but contayning more arrogancy and rashnes.

Marginalia6.The 6. article. That euery man which liueth vprightly according to the rule of Christ may and ought openlye to preach and teach, although he be not sent, yea although he be forbidden or excommunicate by any Prelate or Bishop euen as he might and ought to geue almes: for his good life in liuing together with his learning doth sufficientlye send him.

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This is a rash and temerarious errour offensiue and tending to the confusion of the whole ecclesiastical hierarchy.

Marginalia7.The 7. article. That the Pope of Rome being contrary vnto Christ, is not the vniuersall Bishop, neither hath the church of Rome any supremacy ouer other Churches, except peraduenture it be geuen him of Cesar, and not of Christ. An error lately and playnely reproued.

Marginalia8.The 8. article. That the Pope ought not to be called most holy, neither that his feet are holy and blessed, or that they ought to be kissed. This error is temerarius vnreuerently and offensiuely published.

Marginalia9.The 9. article. That according vnto the doctrine of Christ, heretickes, be they neuer so obstinate or stubburne, ought not to be put to death, neither to be accursed or excōmunicated. This is the error of the Donatistes, temerariously, and not without great offence affirmed agaynst the lawes of the ecclesiasticall discipline as S, Augustine doth proue.

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Marginalia10.The 10. Article. That subiectes and the common people may and ought publickly and openly to detect and reproue the vices of their superiours and rulers, as hauing power geuen them of Christ, and example of Saynt Paul so to doe: this error is pernitious, full of offence, inducing all rebellion, disobedience and sedition, and the curse and malediction of Cham.

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Marginalia11.The 11. article. That Christ onely is head of the church and not the Pope. It is an errour accordyng vnto the cōmon vnderstanding of the Doctors, if all the reason of the supremacy, and of being head be secluded and taken away from the Pope.

Marginalia12.The 12. article. That the onely church which comprehendeth the predestinate and good liuers, is the vniuersall Church, whereunto subiectes do owe obedience. And this is consequent vnto the former article. The error is conteined as in the former articles.

Marginalia13.The 13. article. That tithes and oblations geuen vnto the Church are publicke and common almes. This error is offenciue, and contrary to the determination of the Apostle. 1.Cor. 9. chapter.

Marginalia14.The 14. article. That the clergy liuing wickedly, ought to be reproued and corrected by the lay people by the taking away of theyr tithes and other temporall profites. A most pernicious errour and offenciue, inducing the secular people to perpetrate sacriledge subuerting the ecclesiasticall liberty.

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Marginalia15.The 15. article. That the blessinges of such as are reprobate or euill liuers of the clergye are maledictions and cursinges before God according to the saying. I will curse your blessinges. This error was lately reproued of Saynt Augustine, agaynst Saynct Cyprian and his followers, neither is the maister of the sentences allowed of the maysters in that poynt that he semeth to fauor this article.

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Marginalia16.The 16. article. That in these dayes and in long tyme before, there hath bene no true Pope, no true Church, or fayth, which is called the Romishe Churche, whereunto a man ought to obey, but that it both was and is the sinagogue of Antichrist and Sathan. The errour in this article is in this poynt that it is deriued, and taketh his foundation vpon the former articles.

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Marginalia17.The 17. article. That all gift of money geuen vnto the ministers of the Church, for the ministration of any spirituall matter, it doth make such ministers in that case vsers of Simony. This errour is seditious and temerarius, for so much as some thing may be geuen vnto the clergy, vnder the title of sustentation or mayntaynyng the minister, without the selling or buying of any spirituall thing.

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Marginalia18.The 18. article. That whosoeuer is excommunicate of the pope if he appeale vnto Christ, he is preserued that he need not feare the excommunication, but vtterlye to contemne and despise the same. This errour is temerarious and full of arrogancy.

Marginalia19.The 19. article. That euery deed done with out charitie is sinne. This errour was reproued and reuoked before this time at Paris, specially if it be vnderstand of deadlye sinne, for it is not necessarye that he whiche lacketh grace should continually sinne and offend a new Albeit he be cōtinually in sinne.

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¶ This following, the Maisters of Paris by theyr whole voyce and consent did adde and adioyne vnto these ninetene articles, for theyr reason and determination.

WE affirme that these articles aforesayd are notoriously hereticall, and that they are iudicially to be condemned for such, and diligently to be rooted out with theyr most seditious doctrines, least they do infect other. For albeit they seeme to haue a zeale against the vices of the Prelates and the clergy, the which (the more is the pittye and griefe) do but to much abound, yet is it not according vnto learning, for a sober and discreete zeale, suffereth and lamenteth those sinnes and offences, whiche he seeth in the house of God, that he cannot amend or take away, for vyces cannot be rooted out, and taken away by other vices and errours, for so much as Deuilles are not cast out thorowe Belsabub, but by the power of God whiche is the holy Ghost, who willeth that in correction the measure and meane of prudence be alwayes kept, according to the saying. Marke, who, what, where and why, by what meanes and when, Prelates and Byshoppes are bound vnder greeuous and expresse penaltyes of the lawe diligently and vigilantly to beare themselues agaynst the foresayd errours and such other like, and the mayntayners of them, for let it alwayes be well vnderstand

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