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K. Hen. 5. The forced abiuration of M. Hier. of Prage. New articles forged against M. Hier.

and euery one of them as S. Ambrose, Hierom, Augustin do affirme, and likewise others. For the teaching hereof by a playne example I described as it were a certayne triangle, forme or figure, the which I cald the shield of fayth.

Therfore vtterly to exclude and take away the erroneous and wicked vnderstanding therof, the which peraduēture some men may gather thereby: I do say, affirme: & declare, that I neuer made the sayd figure, neither named it the shield of faith to þe intent or purpose, þt I woulde extoll or preferre the opinion of vniuersalities aboue or before þe contrary opinion, in such sort as though that were þe shield of faith, & þt without the affirmation therof, the Catholicke faith coulde not be defended or maintained, when as I my selfe would not obstinately sticke thereunto. But this I said, because I had put example in the description of the Triangle or form, that one diuine essence consisted in three subiectes or persons in themselues distinct: that is to saye, the father, the sonne, and the holy Ghost. The article of the which Trinitie, is the chiefe shield of fayth, and foundation of the Catholicke truth.

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Furthermore that it may be euident vnto all mē what the causes were for þe which I was reputed & thought to stick to, and fauour some time I. Hus. I signifie vnto all men by these presentes, that when as I heard him oftentimes both in his sermons and also in the schooles: I beleleued that he was a very good man, neither that he dyd in any poynt gaynsay the traditions of our holy mother the Church or holy doctors: in somnch as when I was lately in this Citty, and the articles, which I affirmed were shewed vnto me, whiche were also condemned by the sacred Councell, at the first sight of them I did not beleeue that they were hys, at the least not in that forme. But when as I had further vnderstood by certayn famous Doctours & maysters of Diuinitie, that they were hys articles: required for my further information and satisfaction, to haue þe booke of hys own hand writing shewed vnto me, wherin it was sayd, those articles were contayned. MarginaliaHierom is made here to say not his own minde, but what pleased them.The which books, when they were shewed vnto me written with his owne hand, which I did know as well as mine owne, I found all, and euery one of those articles therein written in like forme as they are condemned. Wherfore I do worthely iudge and thinke him and his doctrine with his adherents to be condemned and reproued by this sacred coūcell, as hereticall and without reason. Al which þe premisses with a pure minde and conscience I do heare pronounce & speake, being now fully and sufficiently informed of þe foresaid sentences and iudgementes geuen by the sacred councell agaynst the doctrines of the ayd Iohn Wickleffe and Iohn Hus, and agaynst their own persons: vnto þe which iudgement, as a deuout Catholike in all thinges, I doe most humbly consent and agree.

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Also I the foresayd Hierom, which before the reuerend fathers the Lordes Cardinals, and other worshipful persons of this sacred Councell in this same place, did heretofore frely and willingly declare and expound myne intent, and purpose amongest other thinges speaking of the Churche, did deuide the same into three partes. And as I did perceaue afterward, it was vnderstanded by some þt I would affirme that in the triumphant Church, there was fayth. Whereas I do firmly beleue that there is the blessed sight and beholding of God, excluding all darke vnderstanding & knowledge: And now also I do say, affirm & declare, that it was neuer my intent and purpose, to proue that there sholde be fayth, speaking of fayth as fayth is commonly defined, but knowledge farre exceeding fayth. And generally whatsoeuer I sayd, eyther there, or at any time before, I do referre and most humbly submit my selfe vnto the determination of this sacred Councell of Constance.

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Moreouer, I do sweare both by the holy Trinitie, and also by the most holy Gospell, that I will for euermore remayne and perseuere without all doubt, in the truth of the Catholicke Churche. And all such as by their doctrine and teaching, shall impugne this fayth, I iudge them worthy together with their doctrines, of eternall curse. And if I my selfe at any time (which God forbid I should) doe presume to preach or teach, contrary thereunto, I will submit my self vnto the seueritie of the Canons, and be bound vnto eternall payn and punishment. Wherupon I do deliuer vp this my cōfession and tenour of my profession willingly before this sacred generall councell, and haue subscribed and written all these thinges with myne owne hand.

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AFter all this, MarginaliaHierome after his abiuration returned into prison.they caused hym to be caryed agayn vnto the same prison, but not so straightly chayned & bound as he was before: notwithstanding kept euery day wyth souldiors and armed men. And when as afterward, his e-nemies which were appoynted agaynst him, as Michaell de causis, & wicked Palletz, with other their companions in these affayres, vnderstood & knew by the words & talke of M. Hierome and by other certayn tokens, that he made the same abiuration & recantation, not of a sincere & pure minde, but onely to the intent thereby to scape their hands they together with certayne Friers of Prage, of the order of Carmelites,MarginaliaHierom accused a new by Causis, Palletz, and the Carmelites. then comming in, put vp new accusations agaynst the sayd M. Hierome, and drew the same into Articles, being very isntant and earnest that he shoulde answere thereunto. And forsomuch as his iudges & certaine Cardinals, as the Cardinall of Cambray, the Cardinal de Vrsinis, the Cardinall of Aquilegia, and of Florence, considering the malice of the enemies of M. Hierome, dyd see the great iniurie that was done vnto him, MarginaliaThe Cardinal of Cambray with certaine other Cardinalles labour for the deliuery of Hierome.they laboured before the whole Councell for hys deliuery.

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It happened vpon a certayn day, as they were labouring in the Councell for the deliuery of the sayd M. Hierome: that the Germaynes and Bohemians his enemies, with al force and power resisted against it, crying out, that he should in no case be dismissed. Then start vp one called Doctor Naso, which said vnto the Cardinalles, we maruaile much of you most reuerend fathers, that your reuerences will make intercession for such a wicked hereticke,MarginaliaSi dimittis hunc non es amicus Cæsaris. for whose sake we in Boheme with the whole clergy, haue suffered much trouble & mischiefe, and peraduenture your fatherhoodes shall suffer: and I greatly feare least that you haue receiued some rewardes, eyther of þe king of Boheme or of these heretickes. When as the Cardinalles were thus rebuked, they discharged themselues of mayster Hieromes cause and matter.

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MarginaliaThe Patriarke of Cōstantinople gaue sentēce of death both against M. Hus, and M. Hierome of Prage.Then his enemies aforesaid, obtayned to haue other iudges appointed, as the Patriarcke of Constantinople, & a Germayne doctour, forsomuch as they did knowe that the Patriarch was a greeuous enemy vnto M. Hierome, because he being before appoynted iudge by the Councell, had condemned Iohn Hus vnto death.

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But M. Hierome would not aunswere them in prison requiring to haue open audience, because he woulde there finally declare vnto them hys minde, neyther would he by any meanes consent vnto those priuate iudges. Whereupon the Presidents of þe Councell thinking þt the sayd M. Hierome woulde renue hys recantation, before the sayd audience and confirme the same: did graunt him open audiēce.

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MarginaliaAnn. 1416.In the yeare of our Lord. 1416. the 25. day of May, which was the Saterday before the Ascention of our Lord the say M. Hierom was brought vnto open audience before the whole Councell,MarginaliaHierome brought againe before the councell to the great Cathedrall church of Constance, whereas by the Commissioners of the Councell, in the behalfe of hys foresayd enemies, there was laid agaynst him of new. C. and vii. Articles, to the intent that he should not scape the snare of death, which they prouided and layd for him: in so much as the iudges had before declared that by the saying of the witnesses it was already concluded in the same audience. The day aforesayd, from morning vntill noone, he aunswered vnto more then 40. Articles, most subtletie obiected agaynst him: denying that he held or mayntayned any such articles as were either hurtfull or false, MarginaliaFalse witnesse against Hierome.& affirming þt those witnesses had deposed thē agaynst him falsly and slaunderously as his most cruel and mortall enemies. In the same Session they had not yet proceeded vnto death, becauses that the noone time drew so fast on, that he could not answere vnto the Articles. Wherfore for lacke of time sufficient to aunswere vnto the residue of the Articles, there was an other time appoynted, which was the third day after the foresaid Saterday, before the Ascension of our Lord, at whiche time againe early in the morning, hee was brought vnto the sayde Cathedrall Church to answere vnto all the residue the Articles.

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In all which articles, as well those which he had aunswered vnto the Saterday before: as in the residue, MarginaliaThe dexteritie of Hierom in confuting his aduersaries.he cleared himselfe very learnedly, refelling his aduersaries (who had no cause) but onely of malice & displeasure were set agaynst him, & did him great wrong) in suche sort that they were themselues astonyed at his oration, and refutation of their testimonies brought agaynst him, and with shame enough were put to silence: As when one of them had demanded of him, what he thought by þe sacrament of the aultar: He answered, before consecration (sayd he) it is bread & wine: after the consecration it is the true body and bloud of Christ, adding withall moe wordes according to theyr catholicke fayth. Then an other rising vp, Hierome, sayde he: there goeth a great rumor of thee, that thou shouldest hold, bread to remain vpon the aultar. To whom he pleasantly answered, saying: that he beleued bread to be at the Bakers. At which wordes being spoken, one of the Dominicke Friers fumishly tooke on and sayd, What? doest þm

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