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K. Hen. 6. The bloudie inquisitioin of Pope Martine.

consented together with liuely voyce according to the custome of men vpon the person of any, therfore, that person is lawfully elect,MarginaliaElection maketh not the successor of Pet. but immitation. or therfore is the true and manifest successors & vicar of Peter the Apostle, or of any other þe Apostles in þe ecclesiastical office. Wherfore, whether þe electors haue either wel or euil made their election, it behoueth vs to beleue the same, by the workes of him that is elected. For in that that euery one that worketh more meritoriously to the profite of the Church, he hath so much the more greater authoritie from God.

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25. MarginaliaOne head of the vniuersall church beside Chirist hath no foundation in all scripture.There is not so muche as one sparke of appearaunce that there ought to be one head, ruling and gouerning the church in spirituall causes, which should alwayes be conuersaunt in the church millitant: For Christ without anye such monstrous heds, by his true disciples sparsed through the whole world could better a great deale rule his church.

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26. The Apostles and faythfull priests of God, haue right worthily in al thinges necessary to saluation gouerned the church before the popes office tooke place, and so might they doe agayne, by like possibilitie vntill Christ came to iudgement, if the popes office should fayle.

Let euery one that is suspected in the foresayd articles, or els otherwise found with assertion of them, Be examined in maner and forme as followeth.

MarginaliaThe forme and maner of the popes inquisition.IN primis, whether he knew Iohn Wicleffe of Englande, Iohn Hus of Bohemia, and Hierome of Prage, or anye of them, and how he came by the knowledge of them, whither that during the liues of them or any of them, they had eyther bene conuersant with them, or found any frendship at their handes.

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2. Item, whether he knowing them or any of them to be excommunicate, did willingly participate with them: esteming & affirming the same their participaciō to be no sin.

3. MarginaliaHeresie to pray for I. Wickliffe or I. Hus. &c.Item, whither that after their deathes, he euer prayed for them or any of them, openly or priuily, doing any work of mercy for them, affirming them to be either saintes, or els to be saued.

4. Item, whether he thought them or anye of them to be Saintes, or whether that euer he spake such wordes, and whether euer he did exhibite any worshippe vnto them as vnto saintes.

5. Item, whether he beleue, hold, and affirme, that euery generall councell, as also the Councell of Constance, doth represent the vniuersall Church.

6. MarginaliaHeresie not to beleeue the councell of Constāce.Item, whether he doth beleue that that which the holy Councell of Constance: representing the vniuersall church hath and doth alow in the fauour of the fayth, and saluatiō of soules, is to be approued and allowed of all the faythfull Christians: and that whatsoeuer the same Councell hath condemned, and doth condemne to be contrary both to the fayth and to all good men, is to be beleued, holden, and affirmed for condemned or not.

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7. Item, whether he beleueth that the condemnations of Iohn Hus, Iohn Wickleffe, and Hierome of Prage, made as well vpon their persons, as their bookes and doctrine by the holy generall Councelll of Constance, be rightly & iustly made, and of euery good Catholicke man, are so to be holden and affirmed, or not.

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8. Item, whether he beleue, hold, and affirme, that Iohn Wickleffe of England, Iohn Hus of Bohemia, and Hierome of Prage, were heretickes or not, and for heretickes to be nominated & preached, yea or not, and whether theyr bookes and doctrines were and be peruerse or not, for the which together with their pertinacie, they were condemned by the holye sacred Councell of Constaunce for heretiques.

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9. Itē, whether he haue in his custody any treatises, smal workes, Epistles, or other writinges in what language or tongue soeuer, set forth and translated by any of these heretickes Iohn Wickleffe, Iohn Hus, and Hierome or any other of their false Disciples and followers, that he may deliuer them to the ordinaries of that place, or his commissary, or to the inquisitours, vpon hys othe. And if he say that he hath no suche writing about him, but þt they are in some other place: that then you sweare him to bring the same before his Ordinary or other aforenamed, within a certayne time to him prefixed.

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10. Item, whether he knoweth any that hath þe treatises, works, Epistles, or anye other writinges of the aforesayd Iohn Wickleffe, Iohn Hus, and Hierome, in whatsoeuer tong they are made or translated, and that he detect & manifest the same, for the purgation of their fayth and execution of iustice.

11. Item, especially let the learned be examined, whetherhe beleueth that the sentence of the holy Councell of Constance vpon the 45. articles of Iohn Wickleffe, and the 30. Articles of Iohn Hus be not Catholicke: which sayth that some of them are notorious hereticall, some erroneous, other some blasphemous, some slaunderous, some rash and seditious, some offensiue to godly eares.

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12. Item, whether he beleeueth and affirmeth, that in no case it is lawfull for a man to sweare.

13. Item, whether he beleueth, that at the commaundement of a iudge or any other, it is lawfull to take an oth to tell the truth in anye conuenient cause, although it be but purging of an infamy or not.

14. Item, whether he beleueth that periury wittingly cōmitted, vppon what cause soeuer, whether it be for þe safegard of hys owne life, or of any other mans lyfe, (yea, although it be in the cause and defence of the fayth) be a sinne or not.

14. Item, whether a man contemning purposedly the rites of the Churche, and the ceremonies of exorcisme of Cathechisme, and the consecration of the water of Baptisme, be deadly sinne or not.

16, Item, whether he beleue, that after the consecration of the priest in the sacrament of the aultar vnder the figure of bread and wyne, be no materiall bread and wyne: but in al poyntes, the same very Christ which was crucified vppon the Crosse, and sitteth vpon the right hand of the father.

17. Item, whether he beleeue, that after the consecration made by the priest vnder the onely forme of bread and besides the forme of wyne, be the very flesh of Christ and hys bloud, hys soule and hys deitie, and so whole Christ as he is, and in likewise, vnder the forme of wine without the forme of bread, bee the very fleshe of Christ and hys very bloud, his soule, and deitie, and so whole Christ, & the same body absolutely vnder euery one of those kinds singularly.

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18. MarginaliaHeresie to minister in both kindes.Item, whether he doth beleue, that the custome of houseling of the lay people vnder the forme of bread onely, obserued of the vniuersall Church, and allowed by the onely Councell of Constance, be to be vsed, and not without the authoritie of the Churche, at mens pleasures to be altered, and that they that obstinately affirme the contrary to this, are to be punished as heretickes, or not.

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19. Item, whether he beleue that those whiche contemne the receiuing of the sacramentes of confirmation, or extreme vnction, or els the solemnisation of matrimony, cōmit deadly sinne or not.

20. Item, whether he beleeue, that a Christian man, ouer and besides the contrition of hart, being licensed of a conuenient priest, is bound to confesse himselfe only to a priest and not to any lay man, be he neuer so deuout or good, vpon the necessitie of saluation.

21. Item, whether he beleue, that in the cases before put, a priest may absolue a sinner confessing himself, and being contrite, from all sinnes and enioyne him penaunce for the same.

22. Item, whether he beleueth, that an euill Priest, with due maner and forme, and with the intentiō of doing, doth verily consecrate, doth verily absolue, doth verily baptise and doth verily dispose all other sacramentes euen as the Church doth.

23. Item, whether he beleeue that Saint Peter was the Vicar of Christ, hauing power to bynde and to lose vppon the earth.

24. Item, whether he beleue that the Pope being canonically elect, whiche for the tyme shall be, by that name expresly be the successor of Peter or not, hauing supreme authoritie in the Church of God.

25. Item, whether he beleue that the authoritie of iurisdiction of the Pope, an archbishop or a Bishop in binding & loosing, be more then the authorititie of a simple priest or not although he haue charge of soules.

26. MarginaliaHeresie to deny the Popes indulgences.Item, whether he beleue, that the pope may vpon a iust and good cause, geue indulgēces and remission of sins to all Christian men, being verily contrite and confessed, especially to those that go on pilgrimage to holy places and good deedes.

27, Item, whether he beleue, that by such graunt the pilgrimes that visite those Churches, and geue thē any thing may obtayne remission of sinnes or not.

28. Item, whether he beleue that all Bishops may graūt vnto their subiectes according as the holy Canons doe limit, such indulgences or not.

29. MarginaliaHeresie not to worship imagesItem, whether he beleue and affirme, that it is lawfull for faythfull Christians to worship Images and the reliques of sayntes or not.

30. Item, whether, he beleue that those religions, whiche the Churche hath allowed, were lawfully and reasonably brought in of the holy fathers or not.

31. Item,