
The John Foxe Project gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance of the following in the preparation of this Edition:

The British Academy
The Humanities Research Board
The Arts and Humanities Research Council
The Aurelius Trust
The University of Sheffield
The Newton Trust, University of Cambridge
The Pilgrim Trust

The Project also gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following libraries and archives in the preparation of this edition:

The Library of York Minster, York
Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Trinity College, Cambridge
The University Library, Cambridge
The Project is notably grateful to the staff of the Munby Rare Books Room
of the University Library, Cambridge for their assistance over a number of
years in the preparation of the edition and, in particular, Brian Jenkins Esq,
former Keeper of Rare Books, and also Dr Jill Whelan, who is the current
The University Library, Sheffield
The British Library
The Bodleian Library, Oxford
The Library, Magdalen College, Oxford
The Guildhall Library, London
The National Archives, Kew

The Project gratefully acknowledges the assistance of all the staff in the Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield, and especially its director from 2004-2009, Professor David Shepherd; and its Digital Humanities Manager (2009-2011), Michael Pidd.