
Browse Types

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31 March 1720
Chester, Cheshire, England
Caernarfon, Wales
7 Crate Accessory | Tobacco Pipes
29 June 1720
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
127 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco | Cut
27 May 1720
Anne & Catherine of -
Holyhead, Anglesey, Wales
Chester, Cheshire, England
40 Hobbit Alcohol | Barley
13 January 1720
Betty of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales
1 Hogshead Nicotine | Tobacco | Cut
16 January 1720
Blessing of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales
2 Crate Accessory | Tobacco Pipes
29 March 1720
Blessing of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales
1 Parcel Accessory | Earthenware
24 March 1720
Clifton of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
2 Barrel Nicotine | Tobacco | Leaf
17 May 1720
Desire of -
Bideford, Devon, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
50 Ton Accessory | Tobacco Pipe Clay
4 April 1720
Earl of -
London, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
484 Gallon Alcohol | Spirits
1 April 1720
Elizabeth of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
London, England
1 Cask Alcohol | Ale | Bottled
29 April 1720
Elizabeth of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
9 Pocket Alcohol | Hops
22 February 1720
Elizabeth of -
London, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
530 Gallon Alcohol | Spirits
29 February 1720
Elizabeth of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
3 Puncheon Alcohol | Spirits
18 April 1720
Elizabeth of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
2 Hogshead Alcohol | Spirits
7 June 1720
Elizabeth of -
London, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
1910 Gallon Alcohol | Spirits
25 January 1720
Flint of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
150 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
25 January 1720
Friendship of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Warrington, Lancashire, England
1000 Measure Alcohol | Barley
22 March 1720
George of -
Conwy, Wales
Chester, Cheshire, England
40 Hobbit Alcohol | Barley
1 April 1720
Hopewell of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
1 Hogshead Nicotine | Tobacco
14 April 1720
John & Catherine of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
6307 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco
18 February 1720
John & Joshua of -
London, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
1 Box Nicotine | Tobacco
7 May 1720
John & Thomas of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales
1 Box Nicotine | Tobacco
7 May 1720
John & Thomas of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales
1 Box Nicotine | Tobacco
1 March 1720
John of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
6822 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco
8 January 1720
King George of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
1000 Bushel Alcohol | Barley
26 February 1720
Love's Increase of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
17 Hogshead Alcohol | Spirits
30 March 1720
Margaret of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Greenock, Scotland
2 Basket Accessory | Earthenware
15 June 1720
Mary of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
1 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | Vinegar
20 January 1720
Mayflower of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
1 Bag Nicotine | Tobacco
9 March 1720
Mermaid of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
1 Box Nicotine | Tobacco
7 June 1720
Peter & Francis of -
London, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
1 Cask Alcohol | Wine | Rhenish
29 April 1720
Primrose of -
Caernarfon, Wales
Chester, Cheshire, England
2 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
3 June 1720
Primrose of -
Caernarfon, Wales
Chester, Cheshire, England
400 Bushel Alcohol | Barley
5 January 1720
Retrieve of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
150 Measure Alcohol | Barley
21 March 1720
Retrieve of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
50 Measure Alcohol | Barley
3 June 1720
Retrieve of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
2 Cart Load Accessory | Earthenware
2 May 1720
Robert of -
London, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
24 May 1720
Skinner & Jenkins of -
London, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
8 Rundlet Alcohol | Spirits
7 May 1720
Speedwell of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Caernarfon, Wales
1 Crate Accessory | Tobacco Pipes
19 May 1720
Speedwell of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Porthdinllaen, Wales
1 Parcel Accessory | Earthenware
20 June 1720
Speedwell of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Caernarfon, Wales
50 Bushel Alcohol | Barley
31 May 1720
Speedwell of -
Conwy, Wales
Chester, Cheshire, England
30 Hobbit Alcohol | Barley
28 April 1720
Success of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales
1 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | Bottled
31 December 1719
Supply of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
62 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco
8 April 1720
Swan of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
40 Pocket Alcohol | Hops
27 January 1720
Swan of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
3604 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco
26 March 1720
Swan of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
741 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco
11 May 1720
Swan of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
9 Hogshead Nicotine | Tobacco
8 March 1720
Thomas & John of -
Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales
Chester, Cheshire, England
60 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
1 June 1720
Thomas of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
330 Gallon Alcohol | Spirits
5 March 1720
Trial of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
5 Half Hogshead Alcohol | Spirits
29 February 1720
Trial of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
1 Hogshead Nicotine | Tobacco
16 May 1720
Two Sisters of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
2 Hogshead Nicotine | Tobacco
18 April 1720
William & John of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
2 Cart Load Accessory | Earthenware
4 January 1720
William of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Dumfries, Scotland
1 Bag Accessory | Corks
16 February 1720
William of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
1 Pipe Alcohol | Wine | Portuguese
23 February 1720
William of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
2 Pipe Alcohol | Wine
17 March 1720
William of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
1 Hogshead Alcohol | Spirits
4 April 1720
William of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
200 Measure Alcohol | Barley
31 May 1720
William of -
Chester, Cheshire, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
4 Pipe Alcohol | Wine | Portuguese
16 January 1720
William of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
60 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco
12 February 1720
William of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
5092 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco
26 March 1720
William of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
1 Hogshead Nicotine | Tobacco
10 May 1720
William of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
1 Box Nicotine | Tobacco
7 June 1720
William of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
1894 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco

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