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10 January 1632
Fortune of Neston
Chester, Cheshire, England
4 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
11 January 1632
Fortune of Neston
Chester, Cheshire, England
3 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
13 January 1632
Fortune of Neston
Chester, Cheshire, England
13 Pound Nicotine | Tobacco
13 January 1632
Fortune of Neston
Chester, Cheshire, England
3 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
26 January 1632
Fortune of Neston
Chester, Cheshire, England
3 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
16 November 1632
Fortune of Neston
Chester, Cheshire, England
4 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
17 November 1632
Fortune of Neston
Chester, Cheshire, England
11 Hundredweight [cwt] Nicotine | Tobacco | Barbados
18 May 1641
Fortune of Neston
Chester, Cheshire, England
5 Hundredweight [cwt] Nicotine | Tobacco | St Christopher's

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