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24 March 1662 (Entered as 24, but from order in volume clearly a )
Love's Increase of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Hamburg, Germany
4 Tun Alcohol | Beer
9 March 1697
Love's Increase of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
195.5 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
10 March 1697
Love's Increase of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
71 Quarter Alcohol | Barley & Malt
10 March 1697
Love's Increase of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
279.5 Quarter Alcohol | Barley & Malt
17 July 1697
Love's Increase of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
264.5 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
17 July 1697
Love's Increase of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
212 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
20 July 1697
Love's Increase of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
73 Quarter Alcohol | Malt

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