Virgin Lodge again

Lodge Details
Named in: 1800
Serial Number: 1029
SN Notes: 1029B
Date of Warrant or Constitution: 1784
Warrant of Constitution: 29 Sept. 1784 Prov. Warrant
2nd Warrant of Constitution: 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant
2nd Year of Constitution: 18290310
Earlier Lodge Name (1): Virgin Lodge
Earlier Lodge Name (2): No. 2 Athol Provincial
Earlier Lodge Name (3): Artillery Lodge
Date of Name (3): 1786
Lodge Number (1814): 829
Lodge Number (1832): 558
Lodge Number (1863): 396
Erased: Erased 1 September 1869.
Notes (1): Appears to have worked from 18 Feb. 1782.
Notes (2): Now No. 3 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia.
Meeting Places
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Halifax, Halifax, Nova Scotia, North America1784
Grafton Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, North America1787
Masonic Hall, Halifax, Nova Scotia, North America1801