Lodge Hope (413)

Lodge Details
Serial Number: 1832
Date of Warrant or Constitution: 1833
Warrant of Constitution: 28 May 1833
1894 onwards: 413
Lodge Number (1832): 596
Lodge Number (1863): 413
Erased: 24th November 1961
Notes (1): United with Zetland Lodge No. 792 (the latter warranted 7 August 1847) in August 1851
Notes (2): Joined the Grand Lodge of India on its formation 24th November 1961 to become Lodge Hope No. 4 under the District Grand Lodge of Bengal
Meeting Places
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Meerut, Meerut, India, N.W. Provinces1833
Freemasons' Hall, Hill Street, Meerut, India, N.W. Provinces1881