Menturia Lodge

Lodge Details
Serial Number: 1840
Date of Warrant or Constitution: 1834
Warrant of Constitution: 18 July 1834 Cons. 22 Oct. 1834
Lodge Number (1832): 606
Lodge Number (1863): 418
Meeting Places
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Albion Inn, Albion Street, Hanley, Staffordshire1834
Shakespeare Inn, Stafford Street, Hanley, Staffordshire1841
Albion Inn, Albion Street, Hanley, Staffordshire1846
Sea Lion, High Street, Hanley, Staffordshire1850
Albion Inn, Albion Street, Hanley, Staffordshire1853
Masonic Hall, High Street, Hanley, Staffordshire1853
Saracen's Head Inn, Stafford Street, Hanley, Staffordshire1855
Masons' Arms, North Street, Hanley, Staffordshire1856
Saracen's Head Hotel, Stafford Street, Hanley, Staffordshire1860
Mechanics' Institute, Pall Mall, Hanley, Staffordshire1862
Masonic Hall, Cheapside, Hanley, Staffordshire1880