St. John's Lodge (486)

Lodge Details
Named in: 1842
Serial Number: 1940
Date of Warrant or Constitution: 1842
Warrant of Constitution: 8 Sept. 1842
Warrant of Confirmation: January 1874
Year of Confirmation: 1874
2nd Warrant of Confirmation: 14th April 1887
2nd Year of Confirmation: 1887
1894 onwards: 486
Lodge Number (1832): 715
Lodge Number (1863): 486
Notes (1): A third Warrant of Confirmation was issued on 11th January 1911
Meeting Places
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Calcutta, Calcutta, Bengal, India1842
Scotch Masonic Hall, 10 Sudder Street, Calcutta, Bengal, India1862
Freemasons' Hall, 48 Cossitollah, Calcutta, Bengal, India1865
Plassy Gate, Fort William, Calcutta, Bengal, India1873