Zetland Lodge

Lodge Details
Serial Number: 1958
Date of Warrant or Constitution: 1844
Warrant of Constitution: 20 April 1844
Warrant of Confirmation: Warrant of Confirmation, 12 December 1854.
Year of Confirmation: 1854
Lodge Number (1832): 731
Erased: Erased 4 June 1862.
Notes (1): Now No. 12 on Reg.of G.L. of Quebec.
Meeting Places
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Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada East1844
Tetu's Hotel, Great St. James and St. Peter Streets, Montreal, Quebec, Canada East1845
Freemasons' Hall, Notre Dame Street and Dalhousie Square, Montreal, Quebec, Canada East1850
Murphy's Hotel, Notre Dame and Gosford Streets, Montreal, Quebec, Canada East1852