daily clothes (noun) hvardagsklæþi (OSw)

dairy produce (noun) mielkmatr (OGu)

dairy shed (noun) sætrbúð (ON)

dairy stock (noun) málnyta (ON)

dam (noun) garþer (OSw) stífla (ON) þvergarðr (ON)

dam up (verb) stæmma (OSw)

damage (verb) bryta (OSw) granda (ON) læsta (OSw) meiða (ON) skaþa (OSw) skeðja (ON) spilla (OSw) vana (ON)

damage (noun) afærþ (OSw) afrækt (OSw) aftækt (OSw) andmarki (OSw) aværkan (OSw) brut (OSw) laster (OSw) lyti (OSw) men (OSw) skaþi (OSw) spellvirki (ON) spiæll (OSw)

damage compensation (noun) spiællabot (OSw)

damage equivalent to the price of a cow (noun) kúgildisskaði (ON)

damage for crop (noun) korngiald (OSw)

damage for which full compensation is to be paid (noun) fullréttisskaði (ON)

damage of livestock (noun) fæarlæstir (pl.) (OSw)

damage requiring full personal compensation (noun) fullréttisskaði (ON)

damage to a building (noun) husbrut (OSw)

damage to a field (noun) akerspjal (ODan)

damage to a ship’s rigging (noun) reiðaspell (ON)

damage to weapons (noun) vápnaspell (ON)

damaged (adj.) lytter (OSw)

damages (noun) auvisli (ON) fullrétti (ON) haildir (pl.) (OGu) mangæld (OSw) rætter (OSw) skaþagæld (OSw)