laghegarth (ODan) löggarðr (ON) noun

A wall built to legal specifications. Defined in Grg Lbþ 181 and Js Lbb 22 as being the height of an average-sized man’s shoulder and five feet thick at the base and three at the top. According to the Icelandic laws, legal walls could only be built between work seasons during the summer. In ODan referring to a fence able to keep domestic animals out, otherwise not defined. Probably synonymous with OSw lagha garth(er) (see garþer).

lawful fence ODan JyL 3
legal wall OIce Grg Lbþ 181, 188
OIce Llb 22, 23
OIce Js Lbb 22
ONorw MLL Llb 29

CV s.v. löggarðr; Hertzberg s.v. löggarðr; KLNM s.v. hegn

  • ‘laghegarth’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.
