ránbaugr (ON) noun

A ‘robbery-ring’; a fine paid to the king for cases of rán (‘robbery’). The amount of this fine is given as twelve aurar in GuL Krb 9 and half a mark in Jó Llb 62.

fine ONorw FrL Intr 23
fine for robbery ONorw FrL LlbA 11 LlbB 11
fine to the king for unlawful seizure or holding of property ONorw FrL Rgb 24
ONorw GuL Llb

robbery OIce Llb 62
seizure fine OIce Js Lbb 15 Refs:

CV s.v. ránbaugr; Fritzner s.v. ránbaugr; Hertzberg s.v. ránbaugr

  • ‘ránbaugr’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/4247