skuldarmaðr (ON) noun

A ‘man of debt’. Can refer either to a creditor or a debtor. In the latter case the term seems to be synonymous with lögskuldarmaðr (q.v.). Skuldarmenn were required to repay their debts within a specified time or they could be summoned for robbery (ON rán, see ran). In a broader sense a skuldarmaðr is a person with obligations and can therefore refer to a kinsman (cf. OSw skyldarman).

bounden debtor OIce Grg Klþ 9, 14 Þsþ 44
OIce KRA 13

creditor OIce Kge 12
OIce Js Ert 18
ONorw GuL Arb

debtor ONorw GuL Løb
ONorw MLL Ert 12

CV s.v. skuldarmaðr; F s.v. skuldarmaðr; Hertzberg s.v. skuldarmaðr; KLNM s.v. gæld; RGA s.v. Gesellschaft, Norwegen

  • ‘skuldarmaðr’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.
