Cambridge, Trinity College, 376

| Shelfmark | Date and Language | Contents |
| Physical Description | History | Record History | Bibliography |

Repository: Trinity College
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Date and Language
Date:s. xv2
Language: English
Dialect:Scribal Dialect: Warwickshire. Linguistic Atlas Grid Reference: not mapped. McIntosh, Samuels, and Benskin note that for the Speculum Christiani the language is 'possibly of S. Warwicks' (1986, p. 246).
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A fifteenth-century manuscript containing Rolle's Perfectio Vite, and various religious texts regarding Christ and the Virgin, the sacraments, and commandments etc. in Latin and English. A note on f. 110 is dated 1468.

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Physical Description
Support: Parchment
Extent:285 x 195 mm
Collation: 18 (wants 1-5); 2-38; 44; 58; 68; 74 (wants 4); 8-98; 10? (three left); 11-158; 16? (four left); 1712? (wants 3, 4, 9-12). Catchwords.
Layout:Pricking not visible. Writing space of 210 x 60 mm with double columns and 44 lines. Frame ruled in drypoint.
Writing: One scribe writing in black/brown ink in an Anglicana script. Characteristics: reversed circular e; dotted y; 8-shaped g; v-shaped r in middle position; double compartment a in initial position; sigma s in final position; long s in middle position; hooked ascender on h. Body height: 1-2 mm. Item 13 is in another hand.
Decoration: Item 2 - rubric and colophon in red. Item 2 - in the margin are five rough pictures of bleeding wounds. Item 3 - two-line blue lombards, some letters tinted red, red paraphs. Item 4 - Prologue, first column and a half, in red.
Binding: Not medieval. Size: 300 x 210 mm with cover of tan leather.
Foliation:ff. 110.
Additions:F. 61 originally blank, has a sixteenth- and a seventeenth-century table of Sunday letters etc. One runs from 1539 to 2017, the other from 1616 to 2074. On the flyleaf is a seventeenth-century pen and ink drawing of the bust of an old man in a cap. Under it is written 'GRVNSON. 1196 floruit'.
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Provenance:Various owners/inscribed names: on folio 1r: 'Ex dono Ant. Scattergood, S.T.D., huiis Collegii quondam sacellani 1662'. written on the leaf after f. 103 - a stub, 'Oh Lord thuwghe j be sometyme afrayd yet do j put my trust in thee. Tho. Leventhorp 1581'. and written on the end flyleaves in a fifteenth-century hand (dated 1468), 'ffiat litere versus Ricm Palgrav de Ad(?)raske in Com. Deuon. de sub pena ad sect (?) Walter Glower (?) pro...'. , a further inscription on the flyleaf: 'Anno dni mo cccco seruiuit fr. Wills Caston sub egidio carn pro matre sua qui obiit viijo idus octobris litera dominicalis g.'
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Record History
Catalogued and encoded: Rebecca Farnham, University of Birmingham, June 2004.
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