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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 7th-14th February 1649 E.543[2]

Saturday Feb. 10.
The high Court of Justice sate again this day, and first called to
the Bar the E. of Cambridge; of whom the Court demanded answer,
but he desired time to put it into form, as also to send to Maj.
Gen. Lambert, by whom he laid he had Articles given him, and humbly
moved that Councell might be assigned him; the Court gave
him leave to nominate Councel, but he said he could not do it presently,
for that he was not acquainted with one Councel in England.
The L. capel insisted on the Articles of colchester, for fair quarter
given him, carrying himself very loftily, and seemed not to mind
the Court, Then came Sir John Owen, who pleaded not guilty of any
part of the charge. The prisoners were all withdrawn, and the
Court adjourned till Tuesday next.
The Lord Gen. Fairfax is elected a member of Parliament by
the town of Citincester. Col. Rich is likewise elected for the same
Munday Feb. 12.
YEsterday preacht before the Lord Major at Mercers Chappell,
Mr. Bolton of Andrews Holborn; and immediatly after Sermon
was ended, there was one stood up and said the Lord Major & Aldermen
d d not do Justice. This man it seems had freely parted with
more monies heretofore, out of hopes to receive 8.1. per cent. then
he could well spare, and thought the Lord Major and Aldermen
might at least be instrumental in getting of it again, and thereupon
grew discontented; whereas, intruth, they are likewise out much
monies themselves, upon the same disbursement.
There is a committee appointed to draw up an Oath for such as
are made free in the city of Lodaon, the former Oath having these
words, That if they knew of any gatherings together, or conspiracy against
our Soveraign Lord the King, his Heires and Successours, they
should discover it, which words are to be altered.
I had almost forgotten one passage concerning the interring of
the Kings body, viz That he was laid by Edw. the 3. and had this inscription
upon the Coffin, King Charles, 1648.
By letters out of Scotland it is advertized, that Prince Charles is
proclaimed King, he Act followeth.
THe Estates of parl. conveened in this second Sessions of the second
triennal parl. by vertue of an Act of the committee of Estates
who had power and authority from the last parl, for conveening
the parl. considering, that forasmuch as the Kings Maj. who
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