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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 7th-14th February 1649 E.543[2]

lately reigned, is contraty to the dissent and protestation of the
kingdom now removed by a violent death, and that by the Lords
blessing there is lest unto us a righteous Heir and lawful Successor,
Charles Prince of Scotland and Wales, now King of Great Brittain
France and Ireland.
We the estates of Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland, do
therefore most unanimously and cheerfully in recogniscance and
acknowledgement of his just Right. Title, and Succession to the
crown of these Kingdomes, hereby proclaime and declare to al
the World that the said Lord and Prince Charles is by the Providence
of God, and by the lawfull right of undoubted Succession and
dissent King of great Britain, France, and Ireland, whom all the
Subjects of this Kingdom, are bound humbly and faithfully to obey
maintain, and defend according to the Nationall Covenant, and
the Solemne League and Covenant betwixt the Kingdomes, with
their lives, and goods against all deadly, as their only Righteous Soveraign
Lord and King; and because his Majesty is bound by the
Law of God, and fundamentall Lawes of this Kingdom. to rule in
righteousnesse and equity for the honour of God, the good of Religion,
and the Wealth of his people. It is hereby declared, that before
he be admitted to the exercise of his Royall power, he shall
give satisfaction to this kingdom in these things that concerne the
security of Religion, the Vnion betwixt theKingdoms, and the good
and peace of this Kingdom, according to the National Covenant,
and the solemn League and Covenant, for the which end, we are
resolved with all possible expedition make our humble and earnest
addresses unto his Majesty.
For the restification of all which, We the parl. of the kingdom of
Scotland, publish this our acknowledgment of his just Right, title,
and succession to the crown of these kingdoms at the Market cross,
of Edenburgh, with all usuall Solemnities in the like cases, and ordain
his Royal Name, protract and Seale, to be used in the publike
Writings and Judicatories of the kingdom, and in the Mint house,
as was usually done to his Royal predecessours, and command this
Act to be proclaimed at all the Market crosses of the Royall Burghs
within this kingdom, and to be printed, that none may pretend ignorance.
God save King Charles the second.
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