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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 7th-14th February 1649 E.543[2]

Tuesday Feb. 13.
LEtters from Paris say, that the 4.of this instant, the Parl. forces
made another salley forth upon the Kings forces (which endeavoured
to block op the city) at a place called Shallington five miles
from Paris; and after a sharp encounter, the Kings forces were forced
to quit the place with great losse, the Duke Marshal of France,
and many other Officers of quality being slaine upon the place at
their marching away; when they saw they could not execute any
more rage at present upon the persons of men, they shewed their
malice by setting fire on the Protestant church there, and cardinall
Mazerine is gone to Brussels.
The Trustees in the Agreement of the people, for sending commissioners
into the several counties and Burroughs of this kingdom
for prosecution of the said affairs, meet at Alderman Freeman
house neer Cornwal, every Munday, Wednesday, and Friday in the afternoones.
This morning the L.of Cambridge, the L. Goarg the L. capel, and
Sir J.Owen were brought from St. Jameses, to Sir Rab. cottons house
neer Westmin. Hall, and the commissioners for trying of them met
in the painted chamber. About two of the clock this afternoone the
High court of Justice sate; the first which was brought to the Bar
was the E.of Cambridge, who insisted upon his former pleading as
before: whereupon the L Goring, and the L. capel were also brought
to the Bar and the several Articles before mentioned, which the said
prisoners pleaded were read; but the matter holding debate untill
the day drew to a period, unto which this sheets intelligence is confined,
I am necessitated to conclude here, with a promise, to give
further satisfaction herein the next Week.
That which is most remarkable therefore is.
The true Copy of the Proclamation published, declaring Prince Charles
King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland. The Queenes words at
the names of the Kings Death, The Inscription written upon the Kings
Corps. Prince Rupetts proceedings at Sea. Letters from Scotland and
Ireland. And another great fight in France between the Kings forces
and the Parliaments, with the successe thereof. As also the daily proceedings
of the High court of Justice, upon the tryall of the Earl of Cambridge,
the Lord Goring, and others.
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